Late August blooms

Denville, NJ(Zone 6b)

thank you Stormy!

Shenandoah Valley, VA

I'll dig up the new ones, Stormy. The old ones in the kitchen bed just stay there and come back up every year. It's pretty protected by the house in that bed.

Roses, that's a pretty dahlia. Onewish, love your hummer photos and the begonia is beautiful.

I haven't gotten much done in any of the garden beds this year. The weeds are ridiculous. It's kind of amazing the dahlias have done as well as they have with so much neglect. I have managed to keep most of the weeds at bay in that bed, though.

Denville, NJ(Zone 6b)

thank you hart

Thumbnail by onewish1
Denville, NJ(Zone 6b)

Randy is going to be so proud when he gets home

Thumbnail by onewish1
Denville, NJ(Zone 6b)


Thumbnail by onewish1
Denville, NJ(Zone 6b)


Thumbnail by onewish1
Denville, NJ(Zone 6b)

seed grown from last year

Thumbnail by onewish1
Denville, NJ(Zone 6b)

one of my favs

Thumbnail by onewish1
Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)


That pink Hibiscus is beautiful! Is it an annual--or a perennial one? Have any seeds?

Did you say you grew the Balloon Flower from seed? I have a white one that is full of seed-pods. None are ripe yet--at least I don't think so. When will they be ripe enough for the picking? I had a blue one too. It bloomed earlier--then the white one grew and bloomed. White is much taller than the blue...

I have been collecting seeds like crazy--from everything. Pretty time-consuming to pick them out and get down to the (almost) clean seed--with all the chaff that I have to blow away....

Got lots of "Goldstrum" seed-heads from a table-full of these at work. Now that is labor intensive.....Try to work on those while I watch something on TV.

Have already a cup and a half of seeds from my 4"s "Broken Colors". They are big as peas--then dry up and get a bit smaller. Starting to pick off seed-pods also from my Tall, Red, perennial Hibiscus. It sure had a short bloom time this year! Weird!

Have gathered lots of seed from the "dwarf" (ha!) Red Coreopsis. Such a velvety, dark red! 18"+ tall.
More to be had--just too hot to go out and cut them all back.

What are YOU gathering???? Gita

Picture--the Red Coreopsis.

Thumbnail by Gitagal
Near Lake Erie, NW, PA(Zone 5a)

I have been gathering seeds too, I am in a seed round robin that has been ongoing, this will be it's 3 time around. Then I joined up with a seed swap that is from Netherlands.
I have been printing out custom seed packs from my computer too.
I know MA has their seed swap in Feb, but is hard for me to get too. Maybe I could get a box together and send to someone that is going, would have to arrange return postage, but am sure it would be more cost effective then a tank of gas and a motel room LOL. But the friendship is priceless.
I have been gathering Nicotiana, toad flax, foxgloves, just to name a few. I go out with paper lunch bags and a marker. Neighbors must think I'm loosing it, they are all non-gardeners, but enjoy seeing my flowers.
Picture of the toad flax

Thumbnail by ladygardener1
Denville, NJ(Zone 6b)

Gita it's perennial ... I can save some seeds from it if you want.. I tried to grow them in the past but didn't have any luck

the balloon flowers I leave the pods on until they are totally brown and when you shake them they sound like a rattle... there are tons in one little seed pod... and they are easy to clean... usually the tops are open... make the crack a bit bigger... there little chambers they are in... and I shake the seeds on to a paper plate... the seeds are black and easy to pick out.. just keep in mind most of mine did not bloom 1st year

the lunch bags are the easiest LG... I either use them or paper mailing envelopes .. depending on seed size... but I have much better luck not dumping the seeds out of a lunch bag... learn from experience

every year I collect what I see... monkey flowers, petunias, balloons, nicotiana, viola, etc .. up until now I was deadheading so not much to collect.. usually I start collecting big time next month

Denville, NJ(Zone 6b)

got this one today

Thumbnail by onewish1
Near Lake Erie, NW, PA(Zone 5a)

Allison, you are outdoing yourself! That one should be framed.

Denville, NJ(Zone 6b)

LOL.. thanks... I usually blow up a few every year

central, NJ(Zone 6b)

Allison you should submit that pic in this years photo contest. Came out great.

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

Yup, hummer heaven there. I *wish* I could find the time to sit and capture one of the few I get here, now that Cardinal climber is blooming should be some.
This is my Plumie and a good example of my place on the learning curve of photography. I try these shots in the evening, and get the white overexposed due to the overall dimness (I think). But with those buds I should have a chance to redeem myself. I make the same mistake by placing things on a light background and trying to take close ups for detail. The light background makes the sample too dark.

Thumbnail by sallyg
Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

Ohhhhh Sally....what's she smell like/???

Agree with jen - Allison very nice shot!!

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

Sigh--maybe I'm smell-disabled !!! I'm not getting much out of it! We honeymooned in Hawaii so I came home from that saying I love Plumeria/ frangipani. Maybe I need to go out now (night) and smell'er...Or wait for more to open at once. I think I will go do a smell check, it's so warm and humid. Maybe I'll get knocked in the head by a luna moth--couldn't be so lucky !

Denville, NJ(Zone 6b)

thanks Jen for the reminder to stick that one in my possible entry folder

and LOL Sally you are a pip

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

^_^ I'm all happy I finally finished an article for August --Been hard to focus with kid stuff around, massive weeds, and tomatos to pick..
No lunas--fortunately no big orb web spiders either, although I brushed a silk line...Plumie still didn't bowl me over, Yellow Datura also kind of wimpy, single Brug Maya bloom was nice and Nicotiana is sweet /spicy. Was surprised by the big Hosta, those flowers have been kind of-sort-of- open in the mornings but they are Wide Open now! I guess the new ones open in the evening and are starting to close in the daytime. But I know from last year, when more Datura flowers are open every night it'll be very nice. It was right by the window where I'd be on the computer at night...mmm.

Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)

Sally--My Daturas are about 1/4 the size they should be, but one of the purples and now one of the yellows have bloomed. Funny to see them blooming when they are only 16"-18" tall.....Even weirder is that the purple one has ONE fat seed pod it made from it's first bloom.

My Maya did amazingly!!! Totally! You have now seen my pictures--but you also have to realize that it is, by now, in a "small tree" category. Getting a bit too massive for me! I will take end cuttings again--g=but I have to keep it all above the "Y"'s--or they will take forever to bloom.

So--on with some of my August blooms:

Here is my Brazilian Plume flower. I thought it was a gonner this Spring....Had two measly side-branches alive....They did grow nicely and bloomed.

Thumbnail by Gitagal
Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)

A bit fuzzy--have to take another picture.....

This is my Butterfly Weed I grew from seed this year. So happy to see it blooming.....One of the later "residents" of my YUK bed.....

Thumbnail by Gitagal
Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)

Love my Mandevilla! it has more blooms on it by now than here....
I pick all the fallen ones and dry them for my pot-potpourri. They keep their color!

Thumbnail by Gitagal
Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)

My Cannas are finally blooming. I have them tucked here and there---This one is by my shed....
Such a bright color!

Thumbnail by Gitagal
Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)

This was the second mega-flush on my Maya.....Now all gone...

Thumbnail by Gitagal
Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)

Blooms on my Garlic Chives....

Thumbnail by Gitagal
Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)

Still LOVE this Coleus!!! So bright and colorful.

Thumbnail by Gitagal
Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)

Forgot who gave me the seeds for this one---It is something..."sparkler"..Gomphrena?????

They are VERY tall on thin stems and not as dry as the Globe Amaranth....

Thumbnail by Gitagal
Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)

Last one--gotta run!

This is a ripe seed on a 4 O'Clock. I need to go out every day and pick them--or they will roll right off and fall to the ground....
Have about a cup and a half already......

Thumbnail by Gitagal
Denville, NJ(Zone 6b)

love that coleus as well... I think the cutting I have of it has less pink in it... but I think it's the same one.. and yes the 4 o'clocks have tons of seed.. I had one self seed this year for the first time

Sterling, VA(Zone 7a)

hart, your dalias are spectacular! Also, love the colelus--beautiful vibrant color.
Here's one of my recent blooms: Yarrow, "Strawberry Seduction."

Snug, :o)

Thumbnail by Snug_As_Bug_Rug
Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)

I just got this e-mail from the Horticultural Society of Maryland. (www.
I could not copy their link nor their colorful insignia. Have you ever heard of it? Not sure where they got MY e-mail??? Anyway--here is the announcements they sent me.....

Hello Gita

Welcome to the new year at HSM. We have a fresh look with updated graphics and the use of Contstant Contact. This innovative communication tool will allow us to easily send the "What's Sprouting" news and get feedback on your areas of interest. We invite you to share this email with a friend who might enjoy our many programs and activities. I look forward to seeing you at the September meeting!

Mary Jo Sherrod, President

Tuesday, September 8th - 7:30 p.m.
Karl Gercens "Desperate Landscapes"
Explore the tragedy and drama of landscapes both good and evil on Wisteria Lane. read more

*This program will be held at the Conference Center at Sheppard Pratt - 6501 N. Charles St. Towson, MD.

Begins at 6:30 p.m. before the Sept. 8th program.
This event provides a place to share your extra
plants with other gardeners. Start dividing and
potting up for this very successful yearly event. Please take the same amount you brought.

Saturday, February 27th, 2010
Paulette Kirkpatrick Memorial Seminar
World traveler and plantsman extraordinaire
Dan Hinkley will present this year's
all-day garden design seminar. read more


Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

Snug That Yarrow looks great! What makes Yarrow so happy for you? I have pieces of Paprika that I've been moving around for years and it never seems happy. Or maybe I'm pestering it to death.

Gita--Hmm...I wonder if the Conservatory thought you (all on the volunteers list) might be interested.

Denville, NJ(Zone 6b)

here are some more hummer shots from yesterday... too many to upload.. they are on my picasa

Thumbnail by onewish1
Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)


ALL e-mails from the Conservatory are "blast" type..
ALL volunteers (active or not) receive them at he same time.

I have not set foot there in almost 2 years. I feel bad....I want to visit my "Ric Rac" and see it blooming--I want to be there and see and smell all those Greenhouses......look at their beauty,,,,,,,Yet--I do not go.
I often use the distance (about 40mi. round trip) as a reason--but I know it is not. I just do not wish to take the time--not all that committed....
I have always wanted to go to their Herb festival and buy some bulbs from their Spring Show--however, that is even further, and I work on Saturdays. If I ask off--I simply lose a day's pay. Don't want to do that....


Lexington, VA(Zone 6a)

Allison, I thought you had outdone yourself with the one posted on 08/26 but they just keep getting better, this one is absolutely beautiful, the colors, the clarity - wow! I see several shots which should be included in your "possible entry folder" :)

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

I love the 'retractable landing gear' on the hummers--their little feet all tucked up

Gita--add to that the less than savory neighborhood around the Conservatory...not an area I really enjoy driving through. I'm not thinking it came FROM the COnservatory specifically, but maybe they shared a list of emails with this other group.

Denville, NJ(Zone 6b)

thanks!... ok you guys tell me which you like the best.. I am not a good judge... I always find something I don't like


Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

Thanks Gita, I copied and pasted those instructions also. The Brug you gave me is just wonderful and hopefully I can keep it going for next year.
That Mandevilla is looking great, I saved mine from last year but it only now has a few blooms. I finally gave up on the Brazilian Plume flower that I had gotten from Rawlings several years ago. I never could get rid of all the scale and finally tossed it.
Onewish, Beautiful Hummer pics. Love the Begonias, I have a few begonias tucked in everywhere. The ones that are making the big statement are in the deck boxes, they are very pretty but getting just a touch to much sun.

Near Lake Erie, NW, PA(Zone 5a)

Allison, I like the pic in post #6991757 the hummer's positioning and tail add interest, more so then the last picture. The background blur in the last picture is a bid of a distraction. I vote for the first one.
I do like the red canna flowers in the last one.

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