Possible Move To Colorado

Los Alamos, NM(Zone 5a)

Welcome to the Rockies, SunnyAZ. You will find Pueblo pretty sunny, too, but no where near as hot.


(Judith) Denver, CO(Zone 5b)

Ditto what everybody said. I'm in Denver, like DenverJude, and we're excited that you've decided to join us Coloradoans!

Merry Christmas! And happy unpacking... Having just moved twice in the last three months I can sympathize :-(


Los Alamos, NM(Zone 5a)

Oh, no, revclaus! Did you move all of your plants? You had so many.

(Judith) Denver, CO(Zone 5b)

Hi paja! Yes, I had to move out of our very large apartment with a 9 x 12 balcony. Too big and too expensive. I'm now in a senior community with huge gardening limitations. I gave away almost everything . But my DG friends are helping with that. Feel free to join us at http://davesgarden.com/community/forums/t/1060779/.

Pueblo West, CO

Thanks for the welcomes. : )
This pic was from our home office window this morning.

Thumbnail by SUNNYAZ
Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

That would be Wiley and Mrs Wiley methinks.

(Judith) Denver, CO(Zone 5b)

Yup. Sunny, you'll have to change your handle to sunnyco. Did you get much snow down there? I woke up to about 8 inches. Quite a change from AZ.

Pueblo West, CO

We got just enough to blanket the ground. All is pretty much gone now. My teenage daughter had a blast playing in it. : )

Los Alamos, NM(Zone 5a)

Snow is a wonderful blessing unless it comes with massive wind or other disasters.

Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

O hello Ms Bearer of Good Cheer Paj. Snorkel.

Dolores, CO(Zone 5b)

Merry First Christmas in Colorado, Nancy!

Santa Fe, NM

And Best Wishes for a Happy New Year!

Pueblo West, CO

Thanks Brenda and Roybird.
Things are going good. I have to say though I'm looking forward to summer.

Dolores, CO(Zone 5b)

I understand, LOL! You will LOVE summer up here!

Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

Spring is very prettiful too!

Santa Fe, NM

Summer and fall are my favs.

Glenwood Springs, CO(Zone 5b)


SunnyAZ come out, come out, wherever you are?

Did you get everthing settled into the new home?

When will you send pictures of your new garden?

Did'ya have to go shopping for the cold weather clothes yet?

Hope all is well!

Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

YA what Pewjumper said.

Dolores, CO(Zone 5b)

Nancy, come share with us! Everyone in the RM forum wants to see your recent pictures too!

Pueblo West, CO

I'm sorry......here I am! : )
We are getting settled in. We decided to rent first until we get to know the area. The house we rented there is not a single tree, bush or plant. The front is rock the back dirt. : (
I brought alot of my potted plants with me and surprisingly they have done well in the house. We had an extra room that we have designated the plant room.
I sure miss not having any trees though.
This is my Iochroma that seems to be very happy indoors.

Thumbnail by SUNNYAZ
Pueblo West, CO

Yes, we did have to shop for some cold weather clothes.
Although, we have been out on several occasions and I seen quite a few people wearing flip flops. Brrrrrr. I miss wearing my flip flops but, I couldn't deal with cold feet. LOL
This is one of my favorite Oxalis that is blooming. I'm so glad I brought several of my potted plants with me.

Thumbnail by SUNNYAZ
Centennial, CO(Zone 5a)

What a cute little oxalis - very pretty!

Glenwood Springs, CO(Zone 5b)

You & your DH probably did a very smart thing by renting a place until you got to know the area better. It will give you a chance to check out the fine details and let yor DH get settled into his new job.

There are several federal incentives if you buy a house, some of these incentives will be going away very soon. I would talk with a realtor and confirm the deadlines for these programs. If the realtor can't explain these programs, you are talking to a dummy. Find another realtor.

The writing on the wall? When you look for a house, keep your eyes peeled for grafitti on street signs, buildings, trash cans and even plants. This is a tip off that there are less than desirable individuals in the area.

Call the police? Call the police on their business line and ask them which areas get the least crimminal calls. Any policeman with a few years under his belt can tell you about areas that are good & bad.

Also, I wrote about "island neighborhoods" when I was in college. In a nutshell it deals with the lack of crime in areas that are "isolated". These neighborhoods are usually small, they are located along roads that do not connect major destinations, (Like shopping centers, recreational areas, airports, government centers, interstate highways.) and there is only one way in and out of your location that is hedged in by natural or man made barriers.

Good luck with what the future brings.

Praise God that Spring is almost here!


I was just wondering about SunnyAZ as well, Pewjumper!

Sunny - renting is good. You'll be able to explore the area and find the kind of place you'll like best.

Pueblo West, CO

We have enjoyed getting out on the weekends and exploring Colorado. I love old barns and buildings. Here is a pic from an outing a couple of weeks ago.

Thumbnail by SUNNYAZ
Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

Sounds like you're settling in quite nicely SunnyAZ. How exciting to have a 'plant room'! ^_^

Centennial, CO(Zone 5b)

You are not too far away from the Serenity Springs Big Cat Refuge (http://www.serenityspringswildlife.org/index.htm)

I have been there, every spring they try to have a volunteer day for local gardeners to come and plant stuff around the enclosures. It is absolutely incredible.

Pueblo West, CO

That is awesome. Thanks for the website greenjay. : ^ )
Yes, I'm loving my plant room. It is really has helped me get through the cold days in CO.

Albuquerque, NM(Zone 7b)

Nice place greenjay.

Centennial, CO(Zone 5b)

that is an EXTREMELY cool place to visit, as a volunteer or a "tourist".

The farmer across the road apparently has a sense of humor. There are several dozen Big Cats in the refuge, including siberian tigers and a barbary lion. They make loud noises all the time, roaring and chuffing and whatever. The farmer across the road has peacocks. So when you are sitting in your car waiting for the gate to open, you hear ROAR ROAR Heeeeelp! ROAR CHUFF Heeeelp!

Centennial, CO(Zone 5a)

Oh, that's FUNNY about the peacocks!

Albuquerque, NM(Zone 7b)

I'll bet he has freaked out a few people! LoL. And they say its quiet in the country.

Denver, CO

Welcome to sunny Colorado, and the gardening community.

I hope you like spring in the rockies! It's our snowiest season.

Pueblo West, CO

Boy, one day the weather is beautiful and the next snowing and cold. Very unpredictable!

Thumbnail by SUNNYAZ
Albuquerque, NM(Zone 7b)

That is Spring in the Rockies.

Welcome to the spring roller coaster! We'll have another ride in the fall.

Pueblo, CO(Zone 5b)

I was checking for signs of life besides the lawn getting a little green. My tulips and daffodils are coming up and so are the ice plants, daylilies and clemitis(?). Its such a beautiful day, Its days like this that make me happy to live in Colorado.

Pueblo West, CO

It was a beautiful day today! We ate dinner out on our deck. (=

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