Where's Catscan?

Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

Greenhouse Gal - thanks, I was worried for a minute. I'm glad to hear that Grownut will be wearing a caterpillar hat.

Catscan - we have tornadoes in Iowa. Big ones.

Grownut...are you getting excited about your new hat?

Lodi, United States

One does not bar the door for tornadoes--silly Canadian.

{{{Ravelry search has revealed that the secret of the Hat is not revealed by its creator...must improvise--annulated green and pink still an option...too ghastly not to make the effort.}}}

This message was edited Aug 3, 2009 11:39 AM

Clarkson, KY

Claire-y-poo.....dear....I was exempted by virtue of having located Catsy in my first guess-post...

might damage yourself chortling during construction though...of said tuque

Southern NJ, United States(Zone 7a)

Grownut, you hedged your bets in that post - you get a hat. Nice try though!

See, Claire, we're talking about hats in THAT context; no one is talking about a hat for you {at least not out loud and out of brackets....}

Clarkson, KY

You skipped a bit g_g!! This all started with how that hat and Claire were MADE for each other!!!


to which I responded "Amen"

Lodi, United States

{{{"Brackets", dear grow. "Brackets".}}}

Clarkson, KY

{{{oh dear.....}}}

Kingman, AZ(Zone 7a)

LOL Cat....

Porkpal said it....
The HATS go marching one by one, hurrah...hurrah...
The HATS go marching one by one, hurrah...hurrah...
The HATS go marching one by one,
But the little one just looks too a-li-un...
And they all go marching round, making the rounds!
They'll say we're all clearly insane! BOOM! BOOM! BOOM!

Lovely colors Claire, glad you had fun...

Lodi, United States

Oh look what the Vanna Acrylic Fairy has left me!

And the colours are even more vibrant in person. It is not enough to make a sweater--maybe just enough for a fancy hat?

Thumbnail by Catscan
Southern NJ, United States(Zone 7a)

No, no, Grow! I meant you hedged your bets quite deftly in your very first efforts to identify our esteemed Catsy; you spake thusly:

Dang. Gut instinct says front and center with the necklace. In black. Or failing that, back center in white

Therefore I think you are slated for behattedness. Just my opinion of course; I am NOT the one bestowing said headgear based on a specific criterion.

Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

Catscan.....you are playing with fire my dear. Vanna the Acrylic Fairy should be burned at the stake. The Barnyard Council sayeth so. And I am the head of the Barnyard Council, being the Barnyard Fairy and all.

Lodi, United States

Run, Vanna, Run.....!

Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

I magic-linked you in Ravelry. ;-) I am bringing you into the fold.

Lodi, United States

Nooooooooo! Am I not dysfunctional enough?

Lodi, United States

A word of warning to ALL--this "Ravelry Cult" Moxon is seeking initiates for---it is bad....really bad....I think they link to your computer and practice mind control. No matter how multitudinous the patterns or gracious the welcome...if you have seen or read "Coraline," you will understand the peril of trading in your eyes for a pair of buttons.....

Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

Well, no, you are not at all dysfunctional enough, and stop spreading such vicious rumours about Ravelry....it's a delight, and you know you love it....every minute of it....even if it is horribly addictive...

Lodi, United States

Of course I love it...even if I am a little lost lamb in a big yarny pasture. And the caterpillar loved his hookah....

This message was edited Aug 3, 2009 11:04 PM

Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

You still have to fill your queue....

Lodi, United States

Fill! Fill! Here I am at the hub of all things demi-divine...risking health, employment and marital harmony to complete The Mission and now I have to fill something else...How?

Might I also remind you of your harsh assessment of my BZZZ Hat {{{she seems a little suspicious of anything resembling The Hat}}}....all that I have so far.

Is this the place to again admit that I am a bit lost at Ravelry? It is vast--everyone knows each other and you, Moxon, are flitting about like the proverbial Barnyard Fairy, pointing "Lo there!"and then again "See hither!"....perhaps if some other kind DGer came and held my hand?

Is Marshmallow prospering?--we will need her.....

The chickens say "hi!"

Clarkson, KY

That, my friends is a 'missive'.........Catsy's wild and off running!! Woot!

{{{figured out the brim yet?}}}

Lodi, United States

Well, I am feeling better now.....deep breath....

It is just a little side effect of my "problem"....far too many wonderful things to do in life and far too little time to do them in...

Seriously, has any one else looked at Ravelry? Amazing distaff mojo going on there.

Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

Oh poor Catsy....it's OK, I will hold your hand in Ravelry. Everyone doesn't really know each other, and I've only been on there for about a month. I do flit a bit....it's my nature. I will try to slow down and lead you gently...

Marshmallow is prospering like a weed in compost. She is working hard on her fleece. All day she sits and chews cud and looks at me (and Kelly) with adoring eyes. We do our best to live up to her expectations. Sadly, I have yet to devise a way to make milk come out of my toes. This disappoints her deeply.

Oh, Catsy, and any other sock knitters....what do you think of this product: http://www.knitzi.com/

Lodi, United States

Hmmm. Do you insert the sock and then roll it up? Not quite clear...will take another look.

Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

It holds your DPNs and the end of the sock that you are working on. The DPNs go inside the tube. The screw caps keep them in there. The sock is just held in place because the DPNs (or circular) are in the knitzi.

Clarkson, KY

Well...I have to admit I peeked at Ravelry. Got intimidated by all the sign up page nonsense, checked back here, and high-tailed it outta there...

Portland, OR(Zone 8b)

That looks like something I need. After having stitches get dropped off my DPs while in a tote bag I started gathering the needles together with a rubber band at each end.

I think I subscribed to Ravelry some time ago. I will have to check my saved emails. It sounded familiar when Claire mentioned it.

My DH got me a tote bag that says 'Yarn Ho' on it. LOL!!!!!

Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

Catsy - I sent you a nice long email within Rav with nice easy instructions. I am so nice. :-)

LoreenH - I am WhisperingAcres on Ravelry.

Grownut. Deep breaths....

Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

WHOA! I got endlessly stuck back on the purling instructions. I didn't have any knitting needles so I used 2 crotchet hooks. THAT SO DOES NOT WORK!

Lodi, United States

Hmmm...is this a Canadian thing....everything in garter stitch? Possibly adding an extra layer of warmth?

Or are some people just born knitters and other crocheters? (Yes, yes, I know, grownut and others do both--but do they do both equally well--or badly?) Like being right or left handed?

Clarkson, KY

Catsy....I did confess...I START anything beautifully....FINISHING is what I have trouble with. I start both equally well. And am left handed.

Lodi, United States

I too am a starter--and not a finisher, grow--but right handed....

Still, do you find knitting and crocheting equally enjoyable? I sorta can crochet--but I am never sure, looking at what I have done, that it is actually what the diagram is describing...where with knitting, if it is wrong, it is so absolutely wrong that there is no disputing it. This comforts me and prevents the creation of monstrous baby bonnets.

Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

I think somethings are easier left handed. Driving is one.

Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

I like the 'close enough' theory of crotchet ^_^

Portland, OR(Zone 8b)

I too am a starter, and can do pretty much anything either handed. I used to knit & crochet but had to give up crochet after my shoulder got messed up in a minor car accident. I tried & tried to figure it out left-handed but my brain just doesn't get it.

Clarkson, KY

It depends largely on my mood. I actually enjoy mixing them...for hats and things like that. The crochet is much easier for small bits like the top of the head so I can crochet up a snowflakey-circley thing and then knit from there. I find sizing much easier that way as well. But the instructions for crochet are HIGHLY annoying. That's why I try not to follow them too much...;p

Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

Dahlianut.....2 crochet hooks for purling....giggling like a fiend here....cannot help it....oh goodness me...sides hurt....

For what it's worth, my mother also prefers crochet over knitting. Perhaps it's all genetic. But at least I DO keep trying. I haven't had time to practice purling again. It makes me cross. I will attempt it soon. Be patient with me.

Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

Well it felt good at the time dear Claire. Catscan had such good instructions I figured it was worth a wurly purl. I have perfected knots now though so all is not lost. If a receipe calls for snarly knots or whatknots I'm all over it ^_^

Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

Oooh Dahlia! We are sort of partners! I am also very good at snarly knots! Yay!

Clarkson, KY

(I keep doing mental gymnastics trying to make that one work, lol. head hurts!!!)

Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

Cousin Nut it's easy/peasy. Just try whurly purls with 2 crochet hooks (not the same size BTW). I think we may have invented a whole new genre: Purlet. It's how you make snarly knots and whatknots. Quick like a bunny dear Claire patent Putlet!!!! I'm sure this is an important discovery! Very OT I just wanted to share that I have not one but two skunks living under my garden shed. Peppy Le Peu and Peppermint. I think I haven't seen Peppermint lately cuz she has BABIEZ!!! I already have names picked out. Just wanted to share this so you all know that I have a flock so I can actually now smingle on the serious threads. Look out! I am sooooo going to smingle on the serious threads from now on cuz I will have important tips about my skunk flock. Can you stand it Cousin Nut?!? ^_^ WHOOO HOOO!!!!

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