CLOSED: Free Seed For Newbies! 7/27/09. Come Join Us!

Night Blondie. Love ya girl.

Nite Blond. Sweet dreams.

Litchfield, ME(Zone 5a)

Good Morning Everyone...just wanted to say I am sorry for the quick disappearing computer is,,,well acting up. We will see how it goes today. How is everyone? Did I tell you I am overrun with slugs...yuck

Palm Coast, FL(Zone 9a)

Morning Robin! yes, you did mention the occupation of the Slug army! Here's my suggestion:

1. grab your boom box or portable radio. grab a beer

2. put on your favorite dance music.

3. pic off slugs and place on patio,sidewalk, or nearest flat surface.

4. Drink beer and put on your dancin' shoes and do the 'Slug Bug Boogie' !

it's a great way to get rid of slugs, pass an otherwise boring morning/afternoon/day AND you get the added benefits of a cardiovascular workout!

he he he... am i a genius or WHAT!!!

Palm Coast, FL(Zone 9a)

ok... leaving for work soon.. then I'm taking a 3 day weekend for my birthday WOOT!!!! hope you all have a great day and will see you this evening when i get home!

Litchfield, ME(Zone 5a)

Leave it to Cue Right??? Slug dance. Happy Birthday KT1 have a wonderful weekend.

Hornell, NY(Zone 5a)

Okay Gang - I'm off to see the wizard, back in a couple weeks. Car's packed and rollin'.

Happy Birthday Cue, have a great one!


Orlando, FL


Litchfield, ME(Zone 5a)

Where is Al off to?

Monticello, KY(Zone 6b)

Here's what Al posted on his trip Robini.

South to Washington and Delaware. Wifey has a music conference next week, later on we're bummin' around the Fenwick Island Atlantic coast area on the way home. Leaving early Thursday, gone about 10 days or so.

Good morning everyone

Litchfield, ME(Zone 5a)

That sounds like a fun week!!

Good Morning All

Happy Birthday Cue!!!

Phoenix, AZ(Zone 9a)

Mornin' everyone!

Litchfield, ME(Zone 5a)

I just got the Magnolia seed thank you...

Monticello, KY(Zone 6b)

HI Everyone
Happy Birthday Cue though I know it's not until tomorrow
Mekos I'm busy gathering up lots of vegetable seeds to auction off I want that coir.
Tha afghan is done except for washing. It's a small lap size one but was fun to make.
Eye dr appt this afternoon so I'm on and off this morning.

Hi everyone, I was the last hour answering d-mails, but that was good. LOTS wanting info on the auction. I asked Robin to pick the winner this time because she knows what the newbies need in the stash bin, so I hope that is ok with all. DON'T GO KISSING UP TO ROBIN, JUST GO MAKE THOSE BIDS AND FILL THOSE NEWBIE PACKS. She needs SEEDS. HI Robin, (I guess you got to do it now. HUMMMMMM ?? Hehehehe) We had an anonymous donation of a 5 gallon bocabob grow bag to go with the seed up there and already got some fish on the line. So I promised them if they come on over, we won't bite. Hear that CUE?
HI AL, have a safe fun trip and LOTS of pictures.
Hope you feel better Blondie
Hi Mindy
HI Ella
Hi Nicole
Hellow Loca
Hi Cue
Hi Lazlo
Hello Seray
Ya here yet Flower? Hello
Where did Mitsy go off to. I haven't heard from her in a while. Hi Mittsy.
HI cousin Dutchlady- come join us sometimes. (hope I didn't forget anyone,so)

Phoenix, AZ(Zone 9a)

Hiya mekos! Is Dutchlady really your cousin?

Litchfield, ME(Zone 5a)

She is a busy girl!!

YUP. And no one knew until she told me hey that day. Isn't she so sweet?

Washington, IN(Zone 6a)

GAN to all I been busy this morning. I have had a bedroom full of vintage and depression glassware for about 6 years and decided to rent a storage building and get it out so I can clean up the bedroom and use it for something besides storage. LOL

Litchfield, ME(Zone 5a)

Wow Flower you are going to feel like you have a new room...

Washington, IN(Zone 6a)

Oh tell me please that I will LOL. I have just collected it all these years and never done anything with it but wouldn't take a million dollars for it but I just needed room so away it goes into storage.
We're also going to tear out the shower in there (never use it) and build some shelves so I can have a little storage for things I don't want in the actual building. Gotta do something we got started on the patio and can't seem to get it done because of the rain. When it rains we have to let the ground dry out b4 working again and as soon as it gets dry it rains again :(((((((((((( Bummer.

Palm Coast, FL(Zone 9a)

heyyyy. i dont bite!.. i nibble.. LUCY does all the biting 'round here hehehe

Hey , we got people looking for the seed tradeing forum so they can bid and want a link so they can find it, can anyone help me to get it set up for them? I don't know how. Cue? Loca? Blondie ? Arejay? Anyone???? (Container gardening and box-container gardening I think.) Something to that effect. Seray?? HELP.

Phoenix, AZ(Zone 9a)

anyone do it for you yet, mekos?

Litchfield, ME(Zone 5a)

The Auction Forum

Palm Coast, FL(Zone 9a)

ok ladies ( and gentleman).. got my 3rd and 4th layers on my lasagna garden down today... some yard clippings and a layer of partially decomposed leaves. chased escapee cat around yard till rain chased him back inside.. cleaned up seed tray he decided to knock from the windowsill in his insolent mood, one that head been there 3 weeks until today, and then sat down to shred a trash bag full of newspaper that will go on the pile tomorrow along with some coffee grounds.... so I'd say Ive had a rather eventful day.

so where is everyone this evening???

Happy Birthday-up comming, Cue. How is that book movie thing coming? Have you heard any more about it? Give updates. Poor kitty probably got bored. Congrats on the lasagna garden. I'm not there yet. Still working on the site to get it ready to start. BUT I already have a bin full of stuff to go on when the site is ready. I had auto problems this week. Haven't done much out side this week.

Happy Birthday-up comming, Cue. How is that book movie thing coming? Have you heard any more about it? Give updates. Poor kitty probably got bored. Congrats on the lasagna garden. I'm not there yet. Still working on the site to get it ready to start. BUT I already have a bin full of stuff to go on when the site is ready. I had auto problems this week. Haven't done much out side this week. How is the back porch thing coming? Did you forget about it?

Palm Coast, FL(Zone 9a)

bord.. hrmmmm. the seed tray he knocked over was the one with the 4 Dragons Heart hibiscus seedlings you sent me mekos... 2 of them have kinked stems now, so i hope they make it!

have not yet heard anything, and really, it is too soon. may not hear anything for several weeks yet, if not months.. it is the norm. besides, had to print hard copy of script and send off... cuz thast the way its done...LOl... they want paper in hand. Some things never change.

Wow Cue You've been working. How deep do you plan on making your bed? I haven't started still need more papers and time.

Hope you have a great B'day tomorrow!!!!

Litchfield, ME(Zone 5a)

Are you doing something fun for your birthday Cue?

Palm Coast, FL(Zone 9a)

nope... not doing anything special.. just putzing around the garden is all..

Seray- im working on making it at least 12 inches deep... it will shrink of coarse, but i wanna make sure its not too shallow when i plant.. tomorrow will add a layer of shredded newspaper and a few coffee grounds, should bring it to about 6 inches... gettign some compost this weekend for another inch or two.. then grass clippings will be added when i mow this weekend...

Sounds really good. I'm saving newspaper for a few more days. Unless I make it to the dump for the recycle bin. I guess I'll be raking the yard after mowing for the green.
My site is 4x20. Mostly shady next to the woods. Nice for hostas. Send us your pics.

So we'll party here tomorrow night to celebrate your 29th B'day? :)

I'm a "True Blood" fan but I'm recording this season to watch later. Working sometimes at night so can't be consistent. Did you ever watch "Dead like Me"?

Palm Coast, FL(Zone 9a)

nope. never seen it

Washington, IN(Zone 6a)

HAPPY BIRTHDAY !!!!! cue. Hope you have many more and just enjoy your day !!!!!

Monticello, KY(Zone 6b)

Happy Birthday Cue
May you have many more to see your garden evolve into what you want it to be, to see your son grow up, to get many more surprises from people you haven't met in person
May your day be filled with special moments
Happy Birhtday

Palm Coast, FL(Zone 9a)

Thank You!!!

For those of you that live in the South and are in an area with a Winn-Dixie grocery store:

They have a walk-in greenhouse, with shelves and doors for $50 if you have a customer rewards card ( can sign up for one, takes 2 minutes).

now, its not very big, but if you are short on space like i am... could be a good thing! here is the link if any of you wanna look - and those that live up north, Im sure they can ship to you.

Monticello, KY(Zone 6b)

Thanks for the heads up Cue but Winn Dixie left our area years ago. It was the biggest grocery store around when I was growing up spent alot of time sitting in the truck with my dad while mom shopped. She took forever LOL what with 14 kids and two adults to feed. My plan is to get DH to build me one since he owes me big time right now

Washington, IN(Zone 6a)

That would be great to have but I am like Mindy, the Winn Dixies left our area years ago too. I can remember shopping in one when I got married the first time.

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