CLOSED: Free Seed For Newbies! 7/27/09. Come Join Us!

Palm Coast, FL(Zone 9a)

ok, its Jalepeno Burrito time here in Palm Coast! must g get one...LOL... will be back shortly...

Litchfield, ME(Zone 5a)

whoo that will wake a body up!! Ouch Careful Cue or youll burn the insides ....

Hey Robin, the auction ends tonight for these seeds that are up now, but if you would like, tonight when I announce the new seed up for bid, I can ask for bids of veggies this time. Then who I pick as the winner can send them directly to you for the newbie packs. Let me know if you think that would be good.

Litchfield, ME(Zone 5a)

Jan what a woman...what can I do to help? Where is the auction I cant find it.......

Cue set it up for me so it's got her name on it. But it's the seed tradeing forum and it says Auction, what would you give for it?

Litchfield, ME(Zone 5a)

ok Im going to look...

Monticello, KY(Zone 6b)

HI Everyone
LOL Robin I see you are mixing me up with Sherri again. It's ok on the navy beans Mekos says she's sending me some. And no I'm not looking for any particular seeds in the tomatoes, sunflowers or beans. I like trying new ones that I can't get around here. Though I should comment DH likes big tomatoes better than little ones LOL he can make a meal out of them. But that doesn't keep me from trying the little ones never know when he will fall in love with one of those.
Hey Cue I found the perfect doily pattern for you today LOL Now I have to decide if I'm going to make it or not.

Robin, that Ella you are looking for IS starlight. She's on my seed auction thread. She is a sweet heart. I just love her,she keeps Cue on her toes.

Palm Coast, FL(Zone 9a)

here is the link Robin

Palm Coast, FL(Zone 9a)

lol, Mindy.. what pattern did ya find...?

Is everyone ready for the auction tonight? Get your seeds ready.
Thanks Cue for putting up the link for Robin, I didn't know how to do that.

Palm Coast, FL(Zone 9a)

mekos.. very simple.. all you have to do is go to the page, look at the address bar at the top, right click on it, click 'copy' then go to a thread, and int he message you are sending right click anywhere int he box and click 'paste' and you have just copied and pasted a link..LOL. very easy.. go on.. try it...

You don't know me. I'd destroy something and not be on at 8:00pm to make the announcement of winning bid. I'll wipe something out. If I didn't have this set up on "favorites" over here, I'd never find DG again. I'm totally computer illiterate. It's a miracle I can just turn it on and it work.

Monticello, KY(Zone 6b)

Cue it has those flowers I don't care for that you are so nuts about all around the edge of it stands up so pretty. It's in white but I thought maybe black would look good too and you'd have something to remind you of that flower I sent you LOL What do you think?

Litchfield, ME(Zone 5a)

Thank You Cue...I see no one has offered Florida Orchids....hmmm

They sure didn't but if they do, there goes your veggies! You know I couldn't resist florida butterfly orchid. That is my weakness.

Here is my other weakness And here is the picture of my newest baby coming to me. My very own Air Plant. From my bestest friend.

Thumbnail by mekos

Hi Everyone

Robin I asked you about seeds because I thought you might be running out. My seed stash has multiplied from a small bubble envie to a picnic basket full. Coming from somewhere!! :) I'll send you some veggie seeds for the newbies. I think we have bunches of left overs.

Good work Cue. I looked at my site and decided I didn't have enough papers. I did get coffee grounds at Starbucks though.

I went to a Biker rally once. :) No I was not one of those naked people. LOL

Litchfield, ME(Zone 5a)

Thank You Sherri...I might of gone to one....

Palm Coast, FL(Zone 9a)

lol.. mekos.. you cant crash you PC by copying and pasting...LOL

mindy... which flower...LOL.. I like alot of them.. but a black lacey thing sounds puuuurfect!!!! you know me,. love

Robin, if ya need veggie seed, i can surely get ya some!

Monticello, KY(Zone 6b)

Cue the pattern title says Calla Lily Doily what else would make me think of you instantly LOL?

Robin I would send you veggie seeds but DH loves planting seeds and the dratted man planted every single one of the ones he likes LOL. So now I have cucumbers coming out my ears. Oh wait he didn't plant all the pumpkin seeds which is good because 12 plants have took over the space.

Litchfield, ME(Zone 5a)

See how fast that happens you guys are great....

Litchfield, ME(Zone 5a)

Where has Mittsy gone?? Has anyone seen her? Nad Mama where is she? Still no lacefairy and then there is of course the triplet...Cue just how big are those carnivorous plants of yours?

Palm Coast, FL(Zone 9a)

mwahahahaha.. they are getting bigger by the day! he he he

Litchfield, ME(Zone 5a)

Jan will get better at the computer just trying to keep up with both of these threads!!

How true. It's a rat race with a slow computer. (or internet company)

Palm Coast, FL(Zone 9a)

link for tonights seed auction.... Robin, if ya bid and win, you gotta contribute veggie seeds to your own stash...LOL. as this is a 'benefit auction' for the FSFN program...

This message was edited Jul 29, 2009 8:13 PM

Yea, Robin. This auction is for a newbie cause.The winner will send the seed bid for the running postman seed to you for the newbies. NOW everyone go bid and have fun. Be generous this week. It's for a good cause.

Orlando, FL

hey robin and all
well mekos is chasing the postman for some crazy reason, he is running, must be for veggie seeds or something crazy woman
de blond

Palm Coast, FL(Zone 9a)

lol, he's runnin cuz all the darn envy's passing back and forth int he darn mail!!!

Phoenix, AZ(Zone 9a)

did blondie climb a tree for that air plant mekos?

Orlando, FL

lol i just thought mekos was chasing him for some veggie seeds hmmm

Orlando, FL

no my son did, this blond would fall out lol

Phoenix, AZ(Zone 9a)

yeah for sons, huh?

Orlando, FL

actually the truth is it is so close to the water i can push the boat up to it, and get it he did climb for mine and thank god for him you should see what he got for me, a bunch of waterlogged cypress logs kinda cool looking to add to the garden one is hollow so i will plant something in it

Isn't my bestest friend great?!? She pushed that boat over there to get MY plant. WOW. Awsome buddy pal. That is the most beautiful plant. Besides a Florida Butterfly orchid, those 2 have to be the most facinating(sp) flowers I've ever seen. To live in the air like that. It's awsome. If I ever get to Florida, I'm going to find Blondie and push her up that tree and we're gonna get one.

Palm Coast, FL(Zone 9a)

ok girls.. my bid is in...

Palm Coast, FL(Zone 9a)

I musta scared everyone off!

My bid's in.

Orlando, FL

well i dont have veggie seeds so i will be quiet, next year i may start a veggie garden,
well off to the shower i got sweaty helping mekos chase down the postman
have a good night all
de blond

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