Hackberry Trees, etc, #5

Calvert City, KY(Zone 7a)

Hello Zuzu,

It's very nice to hear you again. Debbie is a delightful young woman, and I truly enjoyed her visit. Her eyes twinkle when she smiles.

Thank you from my house, too. Surprisingly enough, I am thinking seriously about downsizing. There is not enough of me to fill a 4 bedroom house. But I am only in the thinking stages, so only time will tell.

Christi, it's good to have friends, isn't it?
Oh, the pj's are my daughter's idea. She also keeps me supplied in jeans that fit, and are appropriate for little old ladies who spend much of their time on bended knee in the dirt. The ones she supplies seem not to need suspenders to remain in place.

I hope your day is lovely, wherever you may be.

Aurora, ON(Zone 5b)

Sharon, love the look of the arches. Know what you mean about Mediterranean-ish. Think those are Roman-style arches.

My eyes were also draw to the red car. Christi said the rest!

Thanks for the info re Debbie.

Thinking of eventually downsizing ourselves. Want a smaller house and a bigger lot (garden), in area with a longer growing season, e.g. the Niagara Peninsula. Could do without the responsibility of maintaining other people's perennial gardens. Also, I'd like to lay out a new perennial garden and avoid all the mistakes (this time!).

Today, after obtaining plants, worked a few hours in the humidity (luckily, at least not as hot as Christi's location) on renovating a conspicuous chunk of a conspicuous bed in the largest garden. The wet weather and I had let the yellow loosestrife cover too large an area and caterpillars had made the leaves look awful.

Back there to continue tomorrow.

Calvert City, KY(Zone 7a)

Hello Charlie,
When we finish up her tonight I'll start a new thread, just because we are over 200 posts with lots of pictures. Might hinder somebody who is on dial up, though most of us aren't.

Downsizing. Well, as I said, i am thinking seriously about it. I think about it everytime I have to clean this place. Not that it gets messed up, it does get dusty, though.

How's Buddy after his yesterday's adventure?

Daisy is hot after a frog on the outside of the window again. And the frog is just sitting there teasing her.

Aurora, ON(Zone 5b)

Buddy's great! It's all behind him now. Mind you, we're still keeping our fingers crossed that he wont have to go back on insulin. In the past, he never even noticed when we gave him his shots while he was eating. The real problem would be going to Florida.

I'm glad Daisy, like our cats, is an indoor type. One tends to forget that a cute little kitty cat is likely to be a natural born killer.

Appreciate what you're saying about maintaining a larger house.

I was saying that Carol was so tired after preparing for the six guests that she fell on a step. Went for X-rays today and she may need a caste (left wrist). Again keeping our fingers crossed!

Calvert City, KY(Zone 7a)

Oh goodness, and I failed to ask how she was. Sorry. I've had so much writing to do this week I hardly know my name! I do hope she is feeling better. What a terrible way to end the summer.

Aurora, ON(Zone 5b)

Dont worry Sharon.
Keep on writing track.
Carol's quite concerned about her aerobics and joga and also things like cooking (we can handle that) with family staying here in a week or so.
Hopefully she wont require a cast.
As said, she got herself overtired, when she fell.
The doctor actually said, "I bet you were tired".
Think the moral is, dont try to do too much.
Good advice for all of us.

Calvert City, KY(Zone 7a)

Sure is good advice!
Think now I'll change this thread to a new one.

Back shortly with a link.

Calvert City, KY(Zone 7a)

Let's pack our bags and move over to here:


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