Hackberry Trees, etc, #5

Desoto, TX(Zone 8a)

Now that's a pretty picture....hahahaha.

Whooops! Mike is turning all the lights off. Guess that's a hint.

Calvert City, KY(Zone 7a)

G'nite Christi..
Sleep well.

Calvert City, KY(Zone 7a)

Hey Charlie,
How does Tim like his new place?

Aurora, ON(Zone 5b)


Think Christi and I think you are a very decent person.
I don't like to be negative, but I've not found everyone on Dave's as kindly as you.

Run with the thought (the words).
One thing that would make me feel bad (and Christi, I'm sure) is to distract you when you're doing a job you feel you must (and do so well).
In other words, please don't feel you must always respond, or always repond promptly, to messages (latter, only when you have time). It's fun to send you pictures or a few words.

One of my weaknesses is that I'm a perfectionist. Have to remind myself it's illogical to expect, or aim for, perfection in things. Hope you don't mind me saying it, but you do hold yourself to a very high standard in dealing with people. Look after yourself too.


Calvert City, KY(Zone 7a)

Point taken, Charlie, and thank you.
The fact is, sometimes I have to take a break, and it is good for me to do so at the end of a long day right here where I can just talk for a few minutes.

I have all day to organize and write. At the end of the day, this is relaxing.
But thank you for such consideration.

I find Dave's Garden to be a learning place, too. Not only about plants, but also about people. There are lots of people who are unhappy within themselves, and in turn they are unkind to others. We have to always like our own selves before we can enjoy the company of others. And there are those who want only to be with people who are exactly like themselves, or people who look up to them with regard, for whatever reason. I tend to see them, and to accept those kinds of shortcomings, but I don't often respond to them.

I am sorry that not all experiences on Dave's Garden are pleasant, but in such a vast community, isn't that always the case? We just have to back away from that which bothers us, and find kindness available in other corners.

And the thing about the internet, well, we don't really know who lurks behind those words that appear on our screens. Perhaps the words are just a cover and not real.

See, I just can't stop. I get full of words and can't stop. Good grief.
Anyway, sorry if there have been some unpleasantries here. I hope the good has outweighed the bad. Even as comfortable as I am on DG, there are places I do not visit.

Aurora, ON(Zone 5b)

Don't like to admit it, but I had more than chocolate (beer!) today. Think I needed it. Probably, you with the chocolate too.
Tim loves his first apartment and Carol and I were quite impressed with his furniture, accessories, etc. He has some family furniture from Carol's family and also some purchased retro kitchen chairs, etc.. He was quite close to Carol's mother and has a number of her earlier (oil) paintings around the apartment.
Not happy to see him move out, but very happy he's getting on his own feet
economically. Think the kids like to run their own show and it's good for them.

Calvert City, KY(Zone 7a)

I can't remember how old he is?

Aurora, ON(Zone 5b)

Again your thoughtfulness, Sharon.
You are a very pleasant person to read.
As to unfriendliness, I can be combat-ready, but I wouldn't fight fools!
There's also some lovely people on Dave's and guess who I would vote for!
(She's related to Jazz and Daisy.)
One thing that really just impressed me, on Dave's; at David's request, somebody identified an unknown plant from Merlin's Hollow (the label had been lost and he didn't know where the seeds had been sent from).

Calvert City, KY(Zone 7a)

Same thing happened for me today. A friend sent a couple of photos of a vine I could not identify. It took only about 5 minutes and I had my answer.

I have no doubt the good outweighs the bad here.
I am just glad to be a part of it.
And very glad to count you as friend.
I unwind with my friends, you know.

Aurora, ON(Zone 5b)

Had to work Tim's precise age out! 28.

Tim has been working hard on various jobs (photography sales, bilingual office and driving) for last six years (after university).

He has always wanted to drive public transportation (buses, streetcars and subways). He's just getting into TTC (Toronto Transit Commission), biggest in Canada. Feel pretty confident that he'll continue to pass his current written and driving tests (two weeks left). Were 20,000 applicants for the process he's undergoing and only 1,000 got in. Tim seems to be a natural with the knowledge of, and driving, buses and is devotion to transportation systems.

Carol and I are not very confident drivers. We're amazed at Tim's complete confidence with huge vehicles. He can feel the space around him.

Calvert City, KY(Zone 7a)

That is a great gift, to know Tim is where he should be in the work force.

My son is that way with a boat. Doesn't matter the size, he is a natural with a boat. And it doesn't matter the weather either. One time in a 50' houseboat, son was about 15, and we hit something underwater that tore the shaft and one of the propellers out from the hull. We had about 15 nautical miles to go in the dark rainy night. My husband bailed the water that poured in, and son drove the boat right to the lift that was waiting for us at the marina. I honestly thought we were going to have to head for shore, but no, son took us right in, past barges and other boats and through a canal. It was scary, but we really had no problems, except very slow speed with only one prop and engine, and we nearly lost all generator power, so our lights and ship to shore radio were fading. But we were safem and he was a hero. Took about 3 hours to make the 15 mile trip up the lake.

Aurora, ON(Zone 5b)

Amazing the calm common sense the kids can show in such circumstances.
It always strikes me that it is particularly clever to be able to handle and benefit from academic things, but also be able to learn and handle practical situations.
Carol's middle brother (who everybody liked: died 15 years ago) was a lawyer, but was also very good at home renovations. Think he could learn to do anything.
Had better get to bed,
Nite my friend,

Calvert City, KY(Zone 7a)

Nite Charlie.
Take care, and sleep well.

Desoto, TX(Zone 8a)

Wish I were the night owl that you two are. When I am up at that time it is because "insomnia" has hit again. I love both of you and pray that I never, ever cause anyone to regret their membership on Dave's, or anywhere else. I will do most anything to avoid a confrontation.

Went out to water the potted plants and in five minutes was wringing wet myself. Another day inside as I just can't manage this extreme heat. Time to write some notes today. Sadly, Sharon, I am still counting the days, 4 months on the 14th. While I am usually very prompt with Thank You's I haven't had the heart to put my words down on paper. Still too painful. It is time, and today's the day.

Hope both of you have a very pleasant day.


Aurora, ON(Zone 5b)

Hi Christi and Sharon,

When I complain about our weather, I need to think of Christi's.

My mother was a real tough guy! She was the nicest person you'd ever meet,
but she had a hare-brain side to her. She and her father were motor cycle racers in the 1930's. Of course, like a good mother she's never let me do anything as dangerous as that! She'd always fight the good fight, but was always generous and magnaminous. I guess that's personality! Bigger than life!
Think I need a quieter time. Think Christi's a bit more sane about avoiding confrontation.


Desoto, TX(Zone 8a)

What a great mother. I have always been way too careful. My sister is 53 and she and her DH are Harley freaks. Last weekend was their 34th anniversary and they rode the Harley to Austin (180 miles from here) and spent the night. I wouldn't even ride one around the block. Now the bikes of the 30's were little more than bicycles with motors and no protection of any kind. And racing at that. Do you have any pictures, Charlie?

Aurora, ON(Zone 5b)

Fun sister and husband, Christi.
Way to spend the anniversary.
Carol and I had 40th anniversary on Sunday last. Not as adventuresome as your relatives!
Mum and Grandad Butler were a bike, side-car team. Think Mum's job, in the side-car, was to keep the bike from tipping over at turns. Have seen old film footage of racers hanging out of the side-car to keep the bike stable. Her Dad was a country boy, who came to London and started a car body shop. As you say about the bikes, they didn't pay much attention to safety then. I know Mum was injured twice and her Dad, seven times. As a kid, I heard stories about leaving the bike and flying through the air. Only wish I had pictures of them in action, though I think I would have stopped them if I'd been around!

Aurora, ON(Zone 5b)

A few pictures of today.
Lots of purple cone flowers. (Magnus, Gdn #3)

Thumbnail by SunnyBorders
Aurora, ON(Zone 5b)

hybrid: Sundown (ours)
Small Monarda is Petite Delight.

Thumbnail by SunnyBorders
Aurora, ON(Zone 5b)

Tomato Soup (ours).
What a name for a plant!

Thumbnail by SunnyBorders
Aurora, ON(Zone 5b)

More Lucifer, with Persicaria behind (ours).

Thumbnail by SunnyBorders
Aurora, ON(Zone 5b)

Lots of Goldsturm (gdn #3).
They say it's overused. Don't think so.

Thumbnail by SunnyBorders
Aurora, ON(Zone 5b)

Lots of phlox and now the perennial lobelias are blooming (ours).

Thumbnail by SunnyBorders
Aurora, ON(Zone 5b)

Carol really wanted a hydrangea in the new front garden.

Thumbnail by SunnyBorders
Desoto, TX(Zone 8a)

I have the purple cone flower and the white hydrangea is working itself to death blooming. Have 12 in the back garden that don't seem to produce like the white one. It was a rescue from Lowe's. Wouldn't you know it. Paid big money for the others and they struggle.

Don't what is wrong with the camera/pc hookup. Can't seem to download any of the pictures I took yesterday. Frustration big time.

Calvert City, KY(Zone 7a)

Oh, I like Tomato Soup, Charlie....great pictures all. Nice hydrangea too.

Christi, when you get it to work, you'll find it is probably something very simple.

Hate to leave you, but I have a thing I need to get written tonight. If I don't fall asleep at the keyboard, I'll maybe stop by before morning, if not, you all have a good evening, and I should be back to normal tomorrow.

Whatever normal is....

Aurora, ON(Zone 5b)

Purple coneflower is a real workhorse of the August garden here and the bees and the Monarch butterfies love it. Great plant.

I don't know much about hydrangeas, but that's an Annabelle hydrangea.

You've got a lot of hydrageas yourself, Christi.

Funny about perennials, some varieties are so hardy and robust, and some of what you'd think are the same thing, as you say, "struggle". Find free or cheap plants are often good plants, because it means they are probably easy or cheap to grow. The only problem is you need to know whether they're too easy to grow, viz. invasive.

Sure you'll get the picture thing worked out. Must admit we rely on Tim in such matter.

Aurora, ON(Zone 5b)

Hi Sharon,
Stick with it!
Going to get an early night myself.
Feel such a shirker, compared to you!

Aurora, ON(Zone 5b)

Buddy's off to vet's today for routine wellness check up.
Now is the uneasy calm before the storm.
Buddy is always loud and always sick in the car, latter, there and back.
He's also well known for trying to kill the vet during a check-up.
And it's not so safe for Carol and I, also.
Last year, the vet explained he was unable to check Buddy's heart because he was growling so much.

Calvert City, KY(Zone 7a)

Oh dear.
Please let us know when you return, and if I don't hear from you, I'll know that Buddy won.

Whatta cat!!!

The poor vet.

Aurora, ON(Zone 5b)

Silence - No only kidding.
Actually, it was a miracle.
For the first time we can remember, Buddy did not take a swing at the vet.
Not sure why, but we worked hard at buttering Buddy up to distract him.
Mind you there was the vomit in the cat carrying case when we arrived. After we'd cleaned him up, we noticed a crack in the bottom of the case. Oh well, what's a few more bucks after the $270 we just paid out.

Calvert City, KY(Zone 7a)

Whew!!! You survived.
Yay for Buddy.

A new cat carrier is in order, I think.

I almost dreaded to hear what had happened.
Nothing like an angry cat, except maybe 2 angry cats.

Aurora, ON(Zone 5b)

We were thinking of you, Sharon.
One of you and two cats and we think we have it tough!

Calvert City, KY(Zone 7a)

And now there are three.
Well, Cupcake is not officially mine, but her family has moved out and Cupcake is still here living in my garage and in my garden.
This was the morning my company left, Cupcake and me in the early morning hour of their departure. It was the morning after the stormy night, so lots of moisture in the air...

Oh...well...I forgot about the Eeyore pajamas....

Thumbnail by Sharran
Calvert City, KY(Zone 7a)

Here's the sort of front of my house with the brick arches....wet from the much needed rain.

Both these photos were taken by Debbie's Daisy, she is a great photographer.

Thumbnail by Sharran
Calvert City, KY(Zone 7a)

OK, I know, it was 7 a.m. and I was barely awake, but still, I like my brick arches in front.
Cupcake's pretty cute, too.
And the jammies.

Aurora, ON(Zone 5b)

Nice pictures.
Cupcake looks like she has adopted you!
Debbie's Daisy can't be a cat?
Like your arch.
We tend to think, rightly or wrongly, that houses up here are brick,
while a lot of equivalent house in the States are wood.

Calvert City, KY(Zone 7a)

Debbie, whose name on DG is Debbie'sdaisy, was my guest from New York. I think she has a cat named Daisy, or maybe a dog.

Cupcake loves me, yes.

I have 4 arches in front, and 3 identical ones inside, looks a little Mediterranean-ish. My house is brick, but does have some Western cedar in front. Makes for some nice contrast. I think this is a picture of the entire front, though there are limbs piled from the storm beside the driveway. The half of the house to your left is brick, as is the rest of it, but to the right is the cedar.

Thumbnail by Sharran
Sebastopol, CA(Zone 9a)

I love your house, Sharon. Those brick archways give it such a majestic look.

How exciting that Debbie visited you. I love that girl. I think she's one of the nicest people in Dave's Garden.

Desoto, TX(Zone 8a)

Why wouldn't I just KNOW you had a red car. Snazzy. Love the long front porch too.
Lots to do here today. Sheila and Herman coming by tonight. DG friend from Ft. Worth. She organized a "put the garden to bed" last November and several angels came and worked all one Saturday after I had back surgery. I owe a lot to a lot of people. For uplifting, you two can't be beat.

The pj's are just right.

Supposed to be only 97 here today so may get a little done in the garden.

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