Spinning, Sox and local Flox of Sheepses (and sparkles)

Portland, OR(Zone 8b)

Love your blog! I have a number of daylilies as well....I just love them. The video of Marshmallow is so cute.

(Zone 7b)

Claire love the Blog as always i have it on my tabs :)

Jacksonville, FL(Zone 8b)

Claire I thought of you today. Had to go out of town and saw three places with goats and one with sheep. One place was a fish farm, they had a large number of dwarf goats to graze the area around the ponds.

Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

What a good idea! Lawn mowing and fertilizing all in one! Goats are quite efficient that way!

Lodi, United States

Hi everyone! I am Iowa Chick. I hid in the box of finely spun yarn that Mistress Moxon sent to the....interesting...woman in CA. The wool was so soft and warm that I felt quite at home the whole way, just like under Mamma's wing. There were a couple books and some rhubarb ginger jam in a jar that were a little worrying...but I made it safely.

The woman was so excited to get the yarn that she kept laughing and smiling like a lunatic. My Aunty Pekoe, who is a very aristocratic old line Nankin, said that this is entirely unlike her. But they are all relieved that she is busy knitting again and will stay out of trouble for the time being.

Here is a picture of Aunty Pekoe and some of my cousins...six of them are Aunty's and their Papa is a Japanese Bantam. Two are adopted, they are Serama, but they look just like their adopted siblings and everyone acts like one big happy family. They are currently house chickens...Aunty is so genteel she hardly seems to fit in a chicken yard. But Aunty says it is time for the little ones to move out to learn about the real world. The tall man who lives here agrees with her.

Thumbnail by Catscan
Lodi, United States

You meet some of the most interesting people while traveling. Here are two that I had heard about--and I must confess I thought the Levitating Ceramic Armadillo and Lodi Gargoyle were mythical creature--but here I am with them and they are swell. Salt of the earth folks--just like in Iowa. Sorry I didn't believe you, Mistress.

Thumbnail by Catscan
Lodi, United States

And lastly, here I am with my cousins at a meet and greet. There was a little hazing at first--Auntie pecked my head a few times and my cousins pretended they couldn't understand a word I peeped because of my Iowa accent.

But really, I think we will all be the best of friends...

Thumbnail by Catscan
Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

Well, well, well. I declare, I don't know how those chickens squirrelled you away into that box without me noticing. And now there you are in Lodi with your dear Aunty Pekoe. What an adventurous girl you are. If I had known, I could have put some scratch seed in the box....but then, if I had known, I'm quite sure I would have forbidden you to go, considering your young age and....perhaps....underdeveloped sense of wisdom. I am very relieved to see that the armadillo and gargoyle are giving you a proper introduction. You be on your best behaviour with Aunty Pekoe!! Otherwise she will peck you and possibly even give you a swift kick. Don't go giving your cousins ideas about trips to Iowa!

I'm so pleased that the yarn was well received and I do hope the knitting lady will give you updates on the progress of her projects with it. Do ask her to tell me if she likes the jam! Which reminds me! Did you get into the jam on your travels?! I shall be very cross.....

Joplin, MO(Zone 6b)

I this is a bit late.. just read the thread.. but if anyone else needs a neighbor in Farmtown.. dmail me. :) could use a few more neighbors.

Lodi, United States

Mistress---I don't like to spread rumours. And maybe I am a little naive and oversensitive...prudish even. But did you notice that the CA chicks are..well naked? I hope that the woman here will have the good sense to put some of your beautiful yarn to use and knit some pinafores and breeches for the pullets and cockerels. Their Mamma has the most beautiful golden plumage--but except for their primaries, the little ones are nothing but down.


Thumbnail by Catscan
Lodi, United States

Moxon! Thank you so much for the really beautiful yarn. It is much nicer than any other handspun I have ever seen. They colours are beautiful--much more subtle and enchanting than the pictures can show. You really have a rare talent.

Did you know that one of your chicks had stowed away in the package? Really a cheeky little monkey. What is her name?

Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

Gasp!!! Well, now, we must be accepting of other cultures, little Iowa Chick. Perhaps due to the excessive heat in California, it is customary for the little ones to be...well....unclothed. Even here in Iowa, in the summer, you know it can be a bit warm. Do be polite and don't stare, dear. You won't make friends that way. Just remember that Iowa can be very traditional and even (gulp) conservative (but not on your farm of course) and sometimes there are different attitudes around the country. Now, you try and fit in....

Of course, it might be a result of that whole California budget crisis and the IOU business. Perhaps they can't *afford* to be dressed right now. What is a mother hen to do?!

I must say, it's very impressive that you have managed to convince the lovely knitting lady to get her camera out!

Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

Oh Catscan, I'm sooo pleased that you like the yarns! I was all nervous about it. Thank you for saying such nice things about them. It's quite possible you made me blush.

I'm very sorry about that stowaway chick. She is quite a precocious little one. Of course, she is Henrietta. Did she not give you her name? So rude...you would think she had been raised in a cave. I must apologize - she hasn't had travel training yet. I hope she doesn't make a mess. She may need some discipline. She is ever so adventurous and believes that she has a destiny to bring the story of Iowa's chickens to the world. I just don't know where she got that idea. Today's youth are quite unpredictable.

Lodi, CA(Zone 9b)

Mother Bird reporting from BASE CAMP!!!

I can't catch up... yet.. but had to come check in... I just got home..

I missed everyone soooooo much!

Love MB

Lodi, United States

Yahooo! Motherbird is back!

Jacksonville, FL(Zone 8b)

Welcome back

Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

Yay Motherbird! We missed ya! How was your wild and crazy trip? You didn't come to Iowa! Boooo!!

Catscan - How is Henrietta today?

It seems that we just adopted 5 new ducks from the local shelter. Kelly says they are mixed breeds. I will see them when I get home.

Lodi, United States

Mistress! I am so clever--I got to go on another trip. We picked tomatoes....well some of us did. And I want to do it again tomorrow. The knitting woman says it depends on the weather in some town called Hades.

Love, Henrietta--THE IOWA CHICK.

PS. Hi ZZ! I think you and I have a lot in common. Don't you love to ride in trucks?

Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

Henrietta!! How DARE you go into the nice knitting woman's truck without asking! Where are your manners little missy?! She will think that Iowa chickens are completely uncontrollable. I'm thinking she told you that you'd go picking again when Hades freezes over....right?! Oh you are so naughty. You must immediately go to her and apologize for your behaviour, and then thank her VERY politely for taking you on a trip, and tell her that you shall not do it again without asking, and that you were just so excited you couldn't bear the thought that she might say no. I declare, she really should send you to bed without dessert.

AND you apologize to your Aunty Pekoe because she was probably worried sick about you.

You missed the great excitement today of the arrival of 5 new ducks. Here they are. I do hope that none of them will take off like you did.

Thumbnail by DrDoolotz
Lodi, CA(Zone 9b)

Thank you for the welcome! I think it's gonna take me a week to catch up.. shoooweee what a mess!

Henrietta is a doll.. LOL I love the pics Catsy!

Claire, I wanted to be able to stop.. but we didn't get close enough.. I hope things will be different if/when I go on the road. (a lil cold feet there)

We were in Joplin, Missouri where Greykyttyn lives.. and I didn't get a chance to go meet her either which made me so sad. I was on their time..(Krystal & Matt) not mine, so I had to go with the flow.
I did get to see many many States.. I now wish to live in Missouri.. I was in absolute awe...

I missed everyone so bad, I was... well.. let's just say I might have been a little tiny bit crabby the last couple of days.. I needed my DG fix!!

My chicks grew up... LOL Out of the 8 lil Modern Game babiez from Mr. Salee, 3 are Roos with combs already! They remembered me.. All I had to do was say.. My Chicken Babiez.. Where's my Chicken Babiez... they came running!

The Serama teens.. or pre teens.. (including Murphy) are all pullets except one!!!! I think there are 5 pullets and one roo.

The tiny Seramas with momma hen are still too small to tell... I lost track of them.. and I haven't had a chance to visit much yet.

Cody called me and said the Lavenders grew 3 pounds overnight.. LOL I don't even recognize them either!

Spent 1/2 the afternoon picking tomatoes, berries and eggplant.. I still have a bunch more to pick... I'm tired...

Joplin, MO(Zone 6b)

I'm soooo happy you love Missouri! Isn't it great? I bet you didnt' even see the best parts bc truck & trailer can't get down those roads very well. :) Glad you're home safe. Hope you had a wonderful time out there. I sure miss it.

My chickens are huge & I was only gone 3 days house sitting. I swear they doubled in size over the weekend. You'd think they'd look super tiny after I spent the weekend babysitting a dog thats a Mastiff lab cross.

Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

I'm glad you like Missouri too because it's not too far from Iowa!!! LOL!!!!

Lodi, CA(Zone 9b)

I didn't need to see much to love it there.. I sat out in the garden and saw Cardinals! Beautiful Cardinals! Blue Birds.. Darling Indigo Blue birds.. Finches that were electric yellow.. humming birds... Doves... the cutest lil light up bugs that glow even in your hand! Big giant scary bugs.. me no like.

Joplin, MO(Zone 6b)

LOL Lightening BUGS! We use to catch them in jars to make night lights. :0) The indigo blue birds are gorgeous this year. So are the lil baby hummingbirds I've got currently on my front porch. Painted buntings are cute too. As well as the Robins, tit mice, Wrens, Orioles, Rose Breasted Grossbeaks (last two we get in the spring) ooo & you can't forget the neighbors Roosters! They are absolutely beautiful. Huge long colorful tails on them. I want one so bad but i have no more space for a roo. o & watch out for the Japanese Beatles if you come back.. no putting your arm out the window of the truck as you drive.. they hurt when they hit you.

CMoxon - How close are you to Pella? I "should" know.. but its been awhile since I've been thru Iowa.

Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

Greykyttyn....about 45 minutes drive from Pella.

Lodi, CA(Zone 9b)

Krystal's puppy bit one of those hideous beetles in the back yard... She opened her mouth so wide and rubbed her tongue on the grass.. it must have tasted terrible. I cracked up.. but got paid back when
EEEEW One of those Cicadas flew by me and made me run in the house with a major case of the heebie jeebiez.. I just don't do bugz.. I can catch a snake, lizard, frog, whatever.. but bugz????? EEEEEEEWWW

Other than that.. I just can't stop thinking about Missouri. We could have a DG Chicken Round Up!! I'm comin back.. just wait and see.. LOL

Joplin, MO(Zone 6b)

Cicadas sound sooo wonderful tho. Them, the frogs & crickets are so loud tonight i can't hear myself think.

Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

So yesterday I went "water walking" at the pool after work and I hurt my back when I got home and had some difficulty getting off my bathing suit top due to straps going this way and that, and that resulted in me coming home early from work today because it was too painful to hold my head up. So I rested a while and then I did my first real crochet project besides a scarf and a little strange basket thing that was sort of off the cuff.

I made a baby bootie. Seriously....are baby feet THAT small? It's like a bootie for a walnut. I cannot believe this is going to fit. My friend in Argentina is having a baby next month and I want to send these to her. I look at it and laugh. Seriously. I'm so glad I don't have children, but I really must know....will this fit?

Thumbnail by DrDoolotz
Portland, OR(Zone 8b)

Yes, babies feet really are that small! The booties will fit albeit for a short time....babies grow fast! Not as fast as chicks and ducklings but still too fast. I don't have children either but am an auntie several times over, as well as a neighborhood auntie. I have made many baby blankets, booties, caps, etc. I've made caps for preemies and I doubt they would fit a good sized orange.

Portland, OR(Zone 8b)

Forgot to add in last post. Have any of you knitters checked out www.knitty.com. They have awesome patterns they put out once a quarter....spring, summer, fall & winter. Lots of interesting sox patterns.

Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

Excellent - thank you Loreen. I am glad that they ought to fit. I try to avoid being around babies so have not had a chance to look at their feet. Sheep feet....I can deal with those! Marshmallow was less than impressed though.

I am on Ravelry (knitting, crochet, spinning community site). I will check out knitty.com!

Thumbnail by DrDoolotz
Portland, OR(Zone 8b)

ROFL!!!!! That is too funny!! Will she have a matching wool sweater?

Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

Ummmm....she already HAS a wool sweater! LOL! (well, not matching though). She was born with it! Clever girl!

Lodi, CA(Zone 9b)

Claire, you better baby your back and neck real good for at least one night... A hot soak in the tub.. ice packs, no straining!! It will haunt you for days if you don't take the time to take care of it now.

Richmond, TX

Marshmallow's Wool sweater doesn't match. Would it be considered inhumane to dye the wool while still on the sheep?

Joplin, MO(Zone 6b)

That baby bootie is absolutely adorable! I love knitting baby booties.. they are so small & cute. (and i can get one done in a day!)

I think it would be cute if Marshmallow had an extra wool sweater to match made in a different pattern than the cute white one she's wearing. Maybe a nice shell pattern.. or cables.. yes that's it! she needs a sweater with cables in it of varying sizes in that pretty yarn to match. :)

Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

See, the thing is, by the time she will need the sweater (winter) she will be a lot bigger, so I think it would be better to wait otherwise the sweater will not get any wear....

You can dye wool with Kool-aid. I could sprinkle Kool-aid on her....that wouldn't be inhumane....would it?!

Portland, OR(Zone 8b)

That's a new one for me, not heard of using Kool-aid a dye, it makes sense though as badly as it can stain. I have several skeins of undyed yarn I was given. I think it's time for a painted yarn experiment. I haven't wanted to spend money on several colors of dye so I will definately give the Kool-aid a try.

Richmond, TX

I don't know about the Kool-aid; what might try to eat her if she were so flavoured? I'm quite partial to lime (the matching colour) but I'm not a carnivore...) - Extra vowels included for your consideration.

Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

Loreen - instructions for dyeing with Kool-Aid here: http://www.knitty.com/ISSUEfall02/FEATdyedwool.html
Easy-peasy and cheap!!

Porkpal....thank you so much for the vowels. My Canadian spelling monster is very much tamed. I wonder if my dog would try to lick her. Usually he is scared of her, unless she tries to nurse on his tail, which she has, and which he dislikes intensely.

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