Spinning, Sox and local Flox of Sheepses (and sparkles)

Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

Do you have a cow you aren't telling us about, Catscan?

My sheep don't smell either. :-)

Portland, OR(Zone 8b)

We live in the city and I would prefer to smell farm smells over city any day! I'd rather help clean a cow barn on hot summer day than have to smell some of the street people who haven't even done a sponge bath since who knows when.....PEEYOO!!!!!

Lodi, CA(Zone 9b)

Well.. we live in an area where you can drive by a dairy several times in an hour... that smell gives cows everywhere a bad rap.

Rankin, IL(Zone 5a)

So funny ya'll be talking about this.. we went to a cover dish super the other night, when we were leaving and got back into the car, I opened the car door.. for the first time ever, I could smell the goats.. or was it a hay.. or just a farm smell, coming from the car... I sure hope we didn't smell too..

Do farm people, even clean carry a farm odor??

Lodi, CA(Zone 9b)

LOL Fran... I told Catscan.... You know you are a chicken head when.... your vacuum smells like chicken poo... LOL

Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

LOL, or lamb poo! LOL!

Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

I think all animals and birds have smells but they are nice smells. I like the woolly smell of sheeps and horses smell a little like beer to me and sometimes leather from the tack. Cows smell grassy. Chickens and ducks smell like pillows. Now bears are very stinky in a non-nice way. No one should raise bears methinks. Of course the poop factor changes everything of course. Sometimes I think some people who say animals are stinky are very snooty cuz they have flush toilets and TP and animals don't. Those are just my wee thoughts on the 'Stinkyness of Beasts and Winged Things'.

Lumberton, TX(Zone 8b)

Maybe "unfamiliar" just means "offensive" to some people.

Pardon me for barging in! I've been enjoying this thread, though it's the first I've seen of it. I've been extremely distracted by a new grandson and all the attendant bruhaha. He is Isaac and was in Texas Children's Hospital for about a month, and the stress really got to my daughter (well, duh -- she likes him just the way we like our chickens) and things have been rough. But all is well and life goes on and thank all that is holy that her other kids are great kids.

So, anyway, having skimmed the above -- Claire, did you learn to purl OR IS THERE SOMETHING I CAN DO THAT YOU CAN'T!???!!! I LOVE that yarn you spun and WHEN I get my pygoras I plan to do some myself (if I haven't hit 100 by then...)

I love the smells of a barn.

Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

Dahlianut - I am so glad that you like the woolly smell of sheepses because if Marshmallow wants to come for a visit then you will not mind. She learned how to actually jump onto the bed today. It was a rib-cracking kind of experience. I think I shall have little hoofle bruises on me! I have zero experience with the stinky factor of bears and I think I shall leave it that way. Sometimes Marshmallow is stinky when her diaper needs to be changed. That is OK though, she is allowed.

Brigidlily - so very pleased to see you and glad to hear that all is well with your grandson. Sounds like it has been a very trying time. I do hope that things will continue well for him and his sibs and their mother of course!

No, I have not yet learned to purl. Snivel. Catscan is sending me a tutorial. I am so pathetic...

Rankin, IL(Zone 5a)

Ahh a barger we LOVE bargers... lol Prayers with Isaac, hopeing all is an improving & easing journey.

And yes.. we haven't heard.. how are those purls??
Speaking of purls.. my dd says my new garden hat makes me look like the clams in Alice and Wonderland.. Do I dare wear it now?

Jacksonville, FL(Zone 8b)

Claire do not feel bad I can not knit at all-can crochet or could before the accident. Love your yarn.

Brigidlily glad to hear that your grandson is doing better.

Lumberton, TX(Zone 8b)

Thanks for all the good thoughts! I found a pattern for ducky slippers that I'm going to KNIT for him for Christmas.


Can't swear that will come through, but www.knittingdaily.com is good. I love ravelry.com, too -- I had made a very complex celtic pattern sweater -- fronts, back, and sleeves, and ran out of yarn at the collar! Woe!!! My knitting buddy got on and found the exact same yarn (which was of course not being produced anymore!) including the exact same dye lot! Yay, ravelry! I cried over that sweater.

Jacksonville, FL(Zone 8b)

Claire I was catching up on the blogs I read and was looking at the picture of the crochet an it looks very very good. Also loved the flowers.

Back to reading.

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