CLOSED: Not Just free seed for newbies anymore!! The Scramble is on!

Hornell, NY(Zone 5a)

Okay Kelz, here's my input!!

1) What are some of the advantages you find in starting plants from seed versus purchasing starts or mature plants?

It's way cheaper, although I've had good or bad luck depending on what I try. There's also far more varieties available with seeds than purchasing plants.

2) What would you say were your best resources for seed and why do you prefer this resource to others?

I tend to stick with reliable seed vendors and catalogs for my important stuff like tomatoes, but have recently tried a lot of different things from other DG growers lately with great success.

3) What would you say is your best resource for information concerning gardening?

Catalogs are great reference guides for most. I also use the Rodale's and Sunset guides for more info if I need it.

4) In your experience, what are some of the easiest seeds to start for the beginner gardener?

Anyone can make an explosive garden out of Marigolds, Zinnias, and Sunflowers. Three of the easiest seed starters available. I throw in summer squash, onions, lettuce, and tomatoes for my edibles.

5) If you were looking for plants and seeds that grow best in your zone, where do you think would be the best place to find such information?

I'm a member of our local Co-operative extension and 4H group which has unlimited information on just about any gardening subject.

6) Do you grow things other than flowers, like herbs and vegetables?

Yes, of course. Tomatoes are my specialty, can't get enough of them!


Hornell, NY(Zone 5a)

Hi Ladies!! - I'm Back!

Survived eye surgery in good shape....I can see clearly now.....

First time in 50 years I haven't worn glasses, wow what a feeling. I did order a new pair of gray Aviators though so I can find the runway with the little Cessna, there's still a slight correction there for distant vision but it's much better than it was.

Thanks for all your support and prayers.


Washington, IN(Zone 6a)

Hey Al,
What kind of tomatoes do you grow? I look for all the heirlooms to put in my garden.

Hornell, NY(Zone 5a)

My tomatoes are "old reliables" not necessarily "heirlooms"

New Yorker
Bush Beefsteak
McKensey Starfire
Sweet Chelsea (cherry)
Rutgers (Jersey)

I've had good luck with most in the past, but we've had very wet and cool weather this year with blight warnings from Cornell Univ.


This message was edited Jul 9, 2009 11:10 AM

Phoenix, AZ(Zone 9a)

OK - here are my answers . . .

1) What are some of the advantages you find in starting plants from seed versus purchasing starts or mature plants?

With seeds, you have an endless selection of thinks to grow. Even the best nursery or garden center has what I feel is a limited variety. Purchasing seed is also more cost effective than purchasing plants, for the most part.

2) What would you say were your best resources for seed and why do you prefer this resource to others?

I have a few trusted online vendors I purchase from. I have also received seeds from DG members that have been good so far. Can't beat seeds forpostage - lol.

3) What would you say is your best resource for information concerning gardening?

Books, gardening friends and DG.

4) In your experience, what are some of the easiest seeds to start for the beginner gardener?

Zinnias, marigolds and sunflowers - my kids love to grow these. There are also many easy to grow veggies, such as radished and carrots.

5) If you were looking for plants and seeds that grow best in your zone, where do you think would be the best place to find such information?

My local county extension has a wealth of info, as does the Permaculture Guild. I also have a very good friend who is a former Master Gardener for my county. She has a wealth of information and we meet often for dinner so I can pick her brain - lol.

6) Do you grow things other than flowers, like herbs and vegetables?

I grow mainly heirloom vegetables and herbs. I am just now venturing into more ornamentals and native plants.

That's my 2 cents!!


Washington, IN(Zone 6a)

Well I planted Rutgers, Acers, Beefsteaks, Brandywines (both kinds) Wedding and another one that I can't remember the name of. All are doing Great. Just tickled to death as this is really my first year of starting tomatoes from seed.

Welcome back Al

Glad your surgery was successful! I now it's great to see clearly again. The colors are probably brighter.


Monticello, KY(Zone 6b)

Welcom back Al. Glad to hear the surgery was a success.

Hey Cue guess what came in the mail today. Should I toss it since I don't have your address?


Palm Coast, FL(Zone 9a)

LOL>. I'll dmail ya.. hate to see ya toss a poor innocent on the street.

Monticello, KY(Zone 6b)

I keep telling you Cue there's no streets for 12 miles so they would get tossed in the woods which is just out my front door.

Palm Coast, FL(Zone 9a)

THanks everyone for your responses. The answers are coming in very handy. I'll be posting another set of questions for which to pick your brains soon...LOL

Palm Coast, FL(Zone 9a)

New Thread, so we can get the group in one place again lol

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