CLOSED: Not Just free seed for newbies anymore!! The Scramble is on!

Well, I'm going to bed. See you guys tomorrow. Cue, you stay in bed tomorrow until we figure it out. Good night john boy. Nite all.

FBI DAY ???????something? Florida something? Something? Daffodil something something? Good night.

Orlando, FL

YAWN well what have we got going on here, can we please have a little help i got
florida birthday something

Hey is some newbie from florida, having a birthday?

Washington, IN(Zone 6a)

HEY !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ANY BODY HERE BESIDES ME !!!!!!!!!!!!!

Orlando, FL

yes i am here not to happy to have a headache again going to bed soon will dream these letters if i sleep
we need a clue

Washington, IN(Zone 6a)

Making my head hurt thinking that much . Nite all.

Orlando, FL

nite all

Phoenix, AZ(Zone 9a)

I'm stumped. Think I need to sleep on this one . . .

Nite everyone.

Phoenix, AZ(Zone 9a)

Daffodil Charity Trouble


Charity Daffodil Trouble

...and that's my final answer!

I need sleep!

Tulsa, OK(Zone 7a)

drat i missed this did not know about.. Cue you did great.. this one no clue have brain fog.. drat..

Litchfield, ME(Zone 5a)

nope oh look someone new!! Come back !! There is more and new ones tonight!!

Litchfield, ME(Zone 5a)

Youll never guess where I found KT3...she out slumping up help from the whole her close she will be reasy for tonights contest....

Litchfield, ME(Zone 5a)

what is this?

Litchfield, ME(Zone 5a)

Hey look what they are doing in Maine!! I found it on Daves garden!! Imagine it!!

Litchfield, ME(Zone 5a)

Your a writer how come you dont write and article for Daves..we would get all kinds of attention here....write cue write...

Litchfield, ME(Zone 5a)

Fringe Flower

Small fragile
as if a piece of
bone china with a
creamy sheen landed
on cobblestones of
a Dublin street

she walked there those
uneven stones
beneath her feet
pasty hand clasped
secure in his grip
her eyes protruded
to try to touch
lifeless buildings
carriages horses
cobblestones below
life seemed slow

but then that grip
was not meant to be
as he boarded the ship
that carried him over a sea

today a purple bract
displays in its usual way
one might ask whether its
a maiden or a Quean
as pollinators stream
under the cover of sun
toward the purple one

Walter Durk

Palm Coast, FL(Zone 9a)

I already applied to become a writer for DG, but all the slots are currently taken (apparently, there are only so many openings for DG writers), however, I was told that when an opening was available, they would let me know

Litchfield, ME(Zone 5a)

Yeah....yeah...see how quick she is???

Litchfield, ME(Zone 5a)

Write us a story KT1 we will find room to post it...

Palm Coast, FL(Zone 9a)

LOL, when I can get some spare time, I will certainly write something

Palm Coast, FL(Zone 9a)

OK ladies, I am off to work soon! yeah , I know.. i should have the day off to celebrate our nation's birthday, but heck, they dont even give me my OWN birthday off...LOL.

Tonight.. 6 p.m...tell everyone... and bring a friend, but just BE THERE. I will post tonights scramble in a new thread. I do, however ask one favor. During the duration of this scramble, please do not post any other 'off side' scrambles in the thread. If you wish to hold a scramble, do so in another thread:), this makes it easier for everyone participating, Thanks.

See ya later!!! everyone have a safe and happy Independence day!!!!!!

Monticello, KY(Zone 6b)

OK here's my guess


Only there's not enough R's


Litchfield, ME(Zone 5a)

Mindy you win!! Meko where are you Mindy won!!! Congrats Mindy...Margaret...

Washington, IN(Zone 6a)

Mindy, you came up with the same thing I did and I didn't put it in just becasue it didn't have enough R's and you forgor to put your D in Florida

Washington, IN(Zone 6a)

arejay You don't have enough R's in there and I had it last night and didn't put it up cause there weren't enough !!!!!!!!!!!!

Monticello, KY(Zone 6b)

Oh goody
Well excuse me for mistyping my answer Flower you're just pouting cause you didn't take a chance it was that even without the R's I just figured Robin forgot to put all the letters in again LOL

Washington, IN(Zone 6a)

Well I figured that is what she had done, but I am a freak on correct spelling if I know the word. Sorry no insult meant.

Orlando, FL

i too had it but the letters i had left were ODACHI so i went elsewhere with it

Marietta, MS(Zone 7b)

I am sorry, but I agree. It is hard enough to try to figure out WITH the right letters. I am taking my crayons and going home.


Orlando, FL

i am going to see ya

Tulsa, OK(Zone 7a)

oh dear. things happen my riting typing i know is terrible i would of left out probably 1/2 letters. guess i just can't see or think them out any way. but for brugs or iris's or dayl. i would try.. lol.

great day all. blessings

Washington, IN(Zone 6a)

blonde, you did the same thing I did. I had those left over too and like to have drove myself nuts trying to figure out that one word and I just couldn't make one out of it with out all the letters. LOL I think I am going to send arejay to school for spelling :)))))))))))

Just kidding arejay

Orlando, FL

i think we need to scramble a word for her lol
here you golol

Orlando, FL

i give up

lern to spelll

lol only kidding arejay i love playing even with mispelled words i am going back to the garden for now i recieved a laarrrgggee box of plants yesterday that i need to finish planting thanks mekos
see yall
have a safe fourth

Monticello, KY(Zone 6b)

Flower no insult taken I was just teasing you. I was going nuts trying to figure out all the words but kept coming up one letter short somewhere so finally just said heck with it and gave my guess. With Robin it's best to take a chance you are right when it comes to the scrambles.
We'll see how Cue Chik does this weekend.


Washington, IN(Zone 6a)

Well I am glad it wasn't an insult to you. LOL I just have this thing about words. I don't spell good any more my self but I will go to the dictionary when I am not sure of a word. Spelling was my favorite subject in school and it is just a hang up with me.

Oh well I am glad you won it cause I just don't have the room to keep one through the winter anyway.

Just checking in,going back to Chatooga river for the day. Picnicing with family. So cool and nice up there. Congratulations Margaret.! I even got a headache trying to make something out of that. ROBIN- That is my favorite flower and not enough letters to unscramble it. SHISH!! OK--- NOTICE TO CUE_CHIK TONIGHT. PUT THE CORRECT LETTERS IN. I just have a country brain, no latin learning and not a lot of imagination figuring this stuff out. SOME of us need all the help we can get. Give some clues. Will send out the eastern hemlock monday with your plants, Margaret. Everyone have a safe and happy day. Be back early tonight for the next scramble. See you then.

Monticello, KY(Zone 6b)

I used to be picky about spelling (after all I was a quality control associate where I worked in data entry) but nowadays I can't seem to type without misspelling something.

I haven't a clue what I'm going to do with it because I not only don't have the room in my house for overwintering, my house isn't set up for plants inside thanks to dumb DH and my greenhouse is still a dream yet to be realized.

It's an eastern hemlock, doesn't have to be took in. They live outside even covered in feet of snow are beautiful. The cooler the better for these babies. Put in large pot and keep moist for the summer in a shady place, this fall plant in the ground where you want an evergreen beauty. By spring it will be growing great.These trees live in the mountains. Love shade and cold temps.

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