CLOSED: Not Just free seed for newbies anymore!! The Scramble is on!

Washington, IN(Zone 6a)

Oh mekos she was talking about the Orchid, silly :))))))))))))))))

I would take one of the hemlocks as mine didn't make it through the winter.

Phoenix, AZ(Zone 9a)

Happy 4th everyone!! Congratulations Margaret - good job. Robin makes it touch with her misspellings - lol.

Off to a BBQ. Will be back later to check on my twin's scramble.

Be safe y'all!!


Palm Coast, FL(Zone 9a)

hello, ladies!

mekos... uh hellooo Im a writer.. of course all the letters will be included.. sheesh.. who do ya think you are talking too, Robin??? For Pete's Sake (ever wondered just who the heck Pete is?) ROTFL... just kidding. I been working the last two days scrambling these words and accounting for all the letters. I think you will be pleased.

As for hints.. you get one... a day.. until solved.. thats it. its called a PUZZLE people.. it aint supposed to be easy!

Cocoa Beach, FL(Zone 10a)

Pam got lost on an old thread so here is her copied message:
Her garden name is Miz Lollipop.
Hello All,
While most people are busy BRBQing, I would like to sneak in here and make an introduction of myself. I joined back a few weeks ago but have been so busy trying to get a garden in this year that I haven't had chance to stick my head in here and say hello and please to meet you all.
I am an herbalist primarily and used to write professionally about the folk and medicinal uses of plants for Sage Woman magazine. That was awhile back, since six years ago I had gastric bypass surgery and lost a whole me. I have kept the weight off but many complications such as a bilateral knee replacement has kept me out of my garden.
So this year, six years after my last big garden I have returned to gardening with new eyes, and a new mind and new knees and I have had to learn new ways to do old jobs. This site has already proved to be a haven and a balm for my tired muscles and my weary hands. Thank you all for that.
So many of my plants continued on in my absence but so many did not. And with the heat of this summer I am finding it hard to get some started. So here I am struggling along with the rest of you learning something new every day.
Thanks for the wonderful welcome.

This message was edited Jul 4, 2009 3:34 PM

Palm Coast, FL(Zone 9a)

I hope someone gave her a link!

Cocoa Beach, FL(Zone 10a)

I did. Doing my best to be a good samaritan while Robin is away.

Palm Coast, FL(Zone 9a)

LOL.. aint we all??? lol

Prospect, TN(Zone 7a)

I did find my way here as Mittsy was kind enough to show me the way. I am still learning how to put my pages together.As well as my wants and my trades. I have spread the words around about finding this site with a number of people already.
I can see that it is easily becomes an obsession.

Cocoa Beach, FL(Zone 10a)

As a patriotic american , trying to stimulate the economy, I did my part by buying a new plant today. Darling , a bautiful pink Japanese Iris. Out of four dozen or so, I picked one that had two buds yet to open. I'll post a picture when it blooms.

My favorite Mittsy. Can't wait to see your bloom.

Monticello, KY(Zone 6b)

HI Pam Welcome. Hope you join us in the scramble.


Washington, IN(Zone 6a)

Miz, You want to watch out for these gals will get you in trouble.:)))))))))))

Palm Coast, FL(Zone 9a)

darn Skippy we will!!! And thats why you love us sooo much!

Tulsa, OK(Zone 7a)

hello everyone sorry this is so late in the day.. blessings..

Thumbnail by hope43

Hello Pam and WELCOME to our little part of heaven. This is where you can come and have fun and forget all about your problems and get help if you need it, Lend help when you can and just be yourself. We're one big happy family with all that comes with it.LOL Watch out for cue though, With Robin away no telling what she will get us into. But the main thing is to have fun, and keep coming back. HOPE everyone had a good day today and safe one as well. Well, I'm home and LETS HAVE FUN TONIGHT!!!!!! OH Margaret, DID you hear my scream??? I JUST REALIZED WHAT YOU MENT!!!!!

Hi, Hope. Right back at you girl. Hope you had a good one.

Tulsa, OK(Zone 7a)

siting inlr all day. thats my day..

Welcome Pam..

The way my feet feel, I wish that's where I had been. Bet I will be tomorrow.

Palm Coast, FL(Zone 9a)

and the official holiday scramble begins.....

have fun!

Washington, IN(Zone 6a)

Do we have a new thread or are we still using this one?

Phoenix, AZ(Zone 9a)

I'm not sure where everyone is, flower. Pretty quiet here today - lol......

Palm Coast, FL(Zone 9a)

well, I guess we are using this one. Good as any I suppose!

Washington, IN(Zone 6a)

It is like everybody dropped off the map when that scramble was over. LOL How did you all do with it? I never got anywhere with it.

Orlando, FL

hi all got to go to work but thought i would say good mornign

Phoenix, AZ(Zone 9a)

Good morning everyone!!

I think everyone is giving their brain a break - LOL.

Washington, IN(Zone 6a)

Well, When arejay gets back we probably will start all over again. You know how she can keep things rolling :)))))))))))))

Phoenix, AZ(Zone 9a)

That's for sure!! When is she due back?

Palm Coast, FL(Zone 9a)

just so everyone is aware, the plan when Robin returns is to keep the official scramble at one per week... every Saturday. Anyone can host their own scramble/plant game, but the official newbie plant scramble will be limited to Saturdays, with possibly the last Saturday of every month being the 'Birthday Scramble"...

... Thats the plan anyway. :)

Washington, IN(Zone 6a)

As far as I know she was only going to be gone a week. I am really surprised that she hasn't popped in here cause when she went to Fl she took her laptop with her and was in and out a couple of times checking on everyone or I assume she has a laptop cause she would d-mail me about every other day, and let me know how much she was enjoying herself.

Phoenix, AZ(Zone 9a)

Hi, cue. What's the "Birthday Scramble" all about??

Palm Coast, FL(Zone 9a)

You'll have to get with Robin. Im not sure I will continue to participate int he scrambles.

Im not sure if its for sure (the Bday scrambles) it was just mentioned as an idea.

HI Everyone

Back to work for me. Hope everyone is having a good day. We're having a nice much needed rain. Wish I could send one of these to everyone!

Thumbnail by
Cocoa Beach, FL(Zone 10a)

Beautiful daylily.

Thanks Mittsy,

Everyone seems to be scattered around. Arejay will have to regather her chicks I guess. Hope you're having a good week. Looks like you're a night owl too. LOL


Washington, IN(Zone 6a)

seray ,
I am so proud of the rose. It had one beautiful bloom to open on it yesterday and was absolutely gorgeous.

Palm Coast, FL(Zone 9a)

Ok all you seed addicts... I wanna pick your brains!

I am gathering some info for a book I am writing and I'd like a little input from any who are willing to share! I'm looking at this as a 'mass' interview...LOL, so I am going to start off with a few questions that each of you can copy and paste along with your answers in this thread.

1) What are some of the advantages you find in starting plants from seed versus purchasing starts or mature plants?

2) What would you say were your best resources for seed and why do you prefer this resource to others?

3) What would you say is your best resource for information concerning gardening?

4) In your experience, what are some of the easiest seeds to start for the beginner gardener?

5) If you were looking for plants and seeds that grow best in your zone, where do you think would be the best place to find such information?

6) Do you grow things other than flowers, like herbs and vegetables?

Ok, I think that is enough for the moment. I'll see how many replies I get before I move onto more questions...LOL

Thanks Bunches

**edited to reword question # 5

This message was edited Jul 8, 2009 11:05 PM

Washington, IN(Zone 6a)

1) What are some of the advantages you find in starting plants from seed versus purchasing starts or mature plants?

I don't find seed to any advantage over mature plants. The only reason I do use seed at times is I can't afford the plant and it is usually something yoou don't normally find in retail.

2) What would you say were your best resources for seed and why do you prefer this resource to others?

I have no particular resource. I buy from any one who has what I want and is trustworthy.

3) What would you say is your best resource for information concerning gardening?

I find I have the best luck finding what I need to know here on DG.

4) In your experience, what are some of the easiest seeds to start for the beginner gardener?

I don't believe there is any one seed that is easy for everybody. Some people have beter luck with different things. The easiest for me was 4o'clocks

5) If you were looking for plants and seeds specific to your zone, where do you think would be the best place to find such information?

Most places have that information right on the plant or seed packet. All you have to do is look.

6) Do you grow things other than flowers, like herbs and vegetables?

I grow veggies also.

HI Flower

Glad your rose is happy. I think they'll really be flashy when they get big. :)

HI Cue

Happy to help.

1) What are some of the advantages you find in starting plants from seed versus purchasing starts or mature plants?

More varieties. More fun. Can garden in the winter. Seeds are more convenient. Can start them anytime. Cheaper

2) What would you say were your best resources for seed and why do you prefer this resource to others?

Internet and seed catalogs. If I want something I google. Quick, easy and can shop prices. Dave's is a new resource that I'm finding useful.

3) What would you say is your best resource for information concerning gardening?

Internet. YouTube for how to's , Gardening books. Dave's forums. In that order.

4) In your experience, what are some of the easiest seeds to start for the beginner gardener?

Moon vine, vegetable seeds, Zinnias, Nicotiana

5) If you were looking for plants and seeds specific to your zone, where do you think would be the best place to find such information?

Plant catalogs, Internet, Daves' plant files

6) Do you grow things other than flowers, like herbs and vegetables?

I grow herbs, veggies, daylilies, roses, plumerias, tropical foliage and vines, cacti and succulents, orchids, bromeliads, lotus, clematis, tropical fruit, sugar cane, hostas, ferns and anything else that strikes my fancy. :)

Hope this is helpful.

Monticello, KY(Zone 6b)

1) What are some of the advantages you find in starting plants from seed versus purchasing starts or mature plants?

Fun to do, keeps me from pulling plants for weeds as I forget what they look like when babies. More variety.

2) What would you say were your best resources for seed and why do you prefer this resource to others?

Seed catalogs and trading on DG. I like the catalogs for the pictures and DG because I can trade for stuff that's not offered in my area but will grow here.

3) What would you say is your best resource for information concerning gardening?

Internet googling how to grow x and well written garden books

4) In your experience, what are some of the easiest seeds to start for the beginner gardener?

Any seed is easy to start if you know how to do it according to the seed type.

5) If you were looking for plants and seeds that grow best in your zone, where do you think would be the best place to find such information?

The state Extension office is a great resource along with the state agriculture website but any seed catalog, the internet and gardening books have all the information you need.

6) Do you grow things other than flowers, like herbs and vegetables?

I grow vegetables and starting on herbs now


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