Finally, Weber's half price sale dates!

Fate, TX(Zone 8a)

hart that lifetime warranty on the shovel made me think of my greatest deal. 8 or so years ago i bought a lifetime warranty heavy duty commercial grade pitchfork from home depot. i use a pitchfork here as my dirt is concrete. anyway about every year i break that sonofagun. and every year i take it back to home depot for a new one. i am on about shovel #7 now...all for my original 30.00. i don't really think home depot saw me coming. lol.

Chevy Chase, MD(Zone 7a)

If you guys finalize plans to go to Webers, let me know. I don't think I can manage it, but I'd at least like to try, and I'd love to go when you go!

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

happy, Aspen and Jill - when were ya'll thinking of going? Sadly I won't be up there until Sunday afternoon.

Shenandoah Valley, VA

That is a deal, Mamajack. LOL

Happy, I hope you can go. Come on girl, just tell everyone, "I'm taking a Happy day on Saturday."

BTW, if any of you coming up from this end need a good, reasonably priced place to eat, the Butcher Block in Stephens City is not your usual buffet. The food is fabulous, real homemade food and make sure when she says, "Do you want rolls?" You say, "Darn tootin'!" They're about the best homemade bread you're going to find outside your mama's house.

If a buffet doesn't suit you, the same family owns the Roma restaurant right around the corner in the little shopping center. Doesn't look like much from the outside but it's fabulous. It's a regular restaurant and I don't know of anything on the menu that isn't out of this world good. They have good homemade rolls too. In fact, I keep saying I'm going to go up one of these days and just order the bread and their homemade french fries and pig out on starch. LOL Get to Roma's kind of early if you can. There will be a line later on Saturday evening because people flock there from all over the valley.

Here's a map to Butcher Block. You just take the Stephens City exit off of 81 and it's right there. Stephens City is about 5 miles south of Winchester. block stephens city va

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

Oh mercy....rolls....

Shenandoah Valley, VA

Yeasty homemade rolls. mmmmmmmmm It's quick too, Chantell, if you're in a hurry. BB is, at any rate. My favorites at the buffet are their fried chicken and their barbecued ribs. The ribs are melt in your mouth. They have lots of other stuff, though. Meatloaf, liver and onions, steak sometimes and it's not bad for buffet steak, pork chops, fish, grilled chicken, baked ham or roast beef. Lots of vegetables and the mashed potatoes are real. Salads, desserts - the chocolate chess pie and bread pudding are my favorites. I'm not remembering everything.

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Sunday afternoon would work for me, I think, and that buffet sure does sound good!... but I probably need to see how much progress I've made on various organization projects by then. (I guess y'all know we're "nesting" LOL)

We will be at the farmer's market on Baughman Lane tomorrow... Terri, Dmail me if you're heading into Frederick for that!

Lucketts, VA(Zone 7a)

Sunday afternoon would work for me. It would be great if it works out for everybody! I'm flexible on time, so Chantell, Happy, and Critter I'll wait to hear how your schedules play out. Critter, it would be great if you could swing by my house - you could see my new vegetable garden and the progress I've been making on the hillside shade garden. From Lucketts, we could head over to Rt 7 the short cut back way thru Waterford - pretty drive too. Terri

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

I'd definitely swing by if riding along with you, Terri... and I definitely want to see your gardens! Let me know what time you'd be leaving by, and I'll head out from here in time to get there with some time to spare. I don't think it'll take me much more than about half an hour to get to your place.

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

I will be there..definitely as I said I have my side job taking me up that way (plus taking me by my mom and dads - so DD #3 and I will be visiting with them prior to heading up)...guessing around 3ish at Webers - let me know what ya'lls schedules are, please. Jill I believe you have my cell number.

Chevy Chase, MD(Zone 7a)

I doubt I can make it, but please keep me in the loop. I'm working on a major memo that should have gone out Friday, but you know how that is! The new drop dead deadline is Monday. I still have a big section to write, and the person I am working with on it just flew to Italy for vacation last night (why not me?) so there is no telling when he'll give me comments or how extensive they'll be. So it isn't looking good, but if I can do it, I'll be there!

Lucketts, VA(Zone 7a)

OK - 3:00 at Weber's it is! I'm guessing the retail nursery vs farm? Jill, from Lucketts it is about 45 minutes - 1 hour to Weber's, so we should probably leave here around 2ish. Come any time before that to hang out and see my gardens! You've got my phone numbers, and if you need a refresh on directions let me know. Happy, I hope it works out so that you can join us, but I know how deadlines are... Terri

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Sounds good! Terri, I'll let you know if I can't find those directions in my old Dmail.

I was greebling about going to Jim, not sure that I shouldn't stay home and keep working on baby preparations, but he pointed out that I probably wouldn't be taking many road trips like that in the very near future, and he thought I should go... as long as I didn't come back wanting him to dig a dozen holes for trees. LOL

Shenandoah Valley, VA

Tell him he's going to need to build up those muscles for nighttime fussy baby walking and 2 am feedings. LOL

Just a suggestion, but you all might want to get there before 3 so you have time to prowl around or maybe hit the farm before you go to the store.

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Does the farm close earlier than the store? The site just posts hours in general, on Sunday from 8 until 5.

Terri, I'm thinking I'll get home from church a little after noon, I'll do a quick change & should be back in the car by 1 if not a little sooner... I'll call you when I'm heading out the door. :-)

Shenandoah Valley, VA

I would imagine the hours are the same. The farm isn't normally open at all, only during the sale. I'll be glad next year when there's just one location.

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

Makes sense Diane...but I wont' be able to ... I have stores to hit (side job) then taking DD #3 to visit my dad...THEN heading up there to hit 3 more stores...

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Terri, if you want to get there earlier than 3, don't wait for me, just head down... you and I can get together later in the week to go pick blueberries, or something. :-)

Lucketts, VA(Zone 7a)

I was there last week, so I don't need much time to browse. I have in mind just to pick up a hydrangea or two. Later in the day is fine, especially if it gives me a chance to see you :-) Terri

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

Sadly...getting there late in the sale is not a good idea...they only had the BIG citrus fruit trees....1/2 price is still $45 - too steep for me. And I was clueless with the walked out empty handed BUT....the Butcher Block YUM-MEEE was that?!?!?!

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Aw, nuts, don't know how I missed those trees... if you tell me they had an improved Meyer or a Miewa kumquat, I'll cry.


I can't believe you didn't find a sweet smelling rose in bloom! Sorry to hear you left empty handed. And sorry we missed the buffet!

We'll have to plan better next year...

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

I don't recall seeing the Miewa kumquat exactly - can't remember what kumquat it was - w/Monvovia I said though...1/2 off still would've put it at just above $45 - ugh!!! No can do. But that buffet is amazing....just good ole home style food but oh so yummy

Shenandoah Valley, VA

Chantell, the hang tags would tell you anything you need to know about the roses - height, whether they're scented or not, size of flower, whether they rebloom, etc.

I think most of Webers trees are pretty expensive, even at half price. You all should try Schreckhise Shrubbery down in Weyers Cave for those fruit trees. They have lots and lots of trees and shrubs and pretty decent prices.

I'm glad you enjoyed Butcher Block. I love that place and Romas too.

Critter, what did you all find? Inquiring minds want to know. LOL

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Critter didn't get there. :-(

It was a lovely, breezy day, and Terri & I decided to focus on planting out what we already had. We're planning to get together this week to pick blueberries & go nursery hopping to find some sale hydrangeas, so we'll still get our visit in... but we're sorry we missed Chantell!

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