Finally, Weber's half price sale dates!

Shenandoah Valley, VA

And here's the entire plant. All the roses were that price and they had plenty. They had a striped purple one too that was really pretty if anyone else likes striped roses.

Thumbnail by hart
Shenandoah Valley, VA

Hydrangea Annabelle. I thought I'd try again with hydrangeas in another spot.

Thumbnail by hart
Shenandoah Valley, VA

That one was $11.50. These plants are huge, up past my waist most of them. Here's the bloom from Annabelle.

Thumbnail by hart
Shenandoah Valley, VA

Scotch broom burwoodii. It has red blooms

Thumbnail by hart
Shenandoah Valley, VA

I was kind of sorry I didn't get the Coppertina ninebark at the farm sale. This one was about five times bigger and only $4 more, $14.50. It's not just huge, it's massive - maybe 3.5-4 feet across. I could barely lift the pot.

Thumbnail by hart
Shenandoah Valley, VA

Closeup of the foliage and blooms.

Thumbnail by hart
Shenandoah Valley, VA

This is rudbeckia Henry Eilers. Humongous - as big as the shrubs. It was $12.50, which is a great price considering what is being charged elsewhere for tiny plants.

Thumbnail by hart
Shenandoah Valley, VA

Viburnum Summer Snowflake. I was hoping to find a snowball bush but this will do.

Shenandoah Valley, VA

Duh, here's the photo

Thumbnail by hart
Shenandoah Valley, VA

Witch hazel Diane, how could I resist with that name? Around $12.

Thumbnail by hart
Shenandoah Valley, VA

Gaillardia Amber Wheels, $3. I got a couple of these. I think that's everything.

Thumbnail by hart
Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)


We stopped in today on our way back from NC. I have too many unplanted pots already, so I restrained myself mightily... picked up just a couple, and didn't get any shrubs. The roses were tempting, but I seem to be death to roses (other than a few really super tough ones).

I did get one of those 'Rozanne' geraniums -- huge thing for $7.50, couldn't resist even though I have several growing well out there this summer from last year's starter plants (thanks, Hart!).

I definitely saved on some fertilizer, tree spray, etc. that I needed to buy anyway. Picked up a handful of little bonsai pots that I found on a dusty bottom shelf. And I got a round pond liner (little one, maybe 4 feet across with 3 little ledges in it), looks sturdy enough to use as a water pot if I don't get a hole dug, for $20.

Also picked up a purple lantana in a big pot with enough extra room to fit in some little spiky (tender) plant that I forget the name of, and will probably tuck the little purple shamrock plant into that pot also... looks nice on the front steps!

I'm going to see if I can't plan a separate expedition down there next year. DH kept reminding me that the car was already pretty full from our trip. He was a very patient loving husband... sat in the car for an hour, reading, then helped me check out the selection of pots before we checked out!

Shenandoah Valley, VA

I toldja! LOL Critter, I'm so glad you got a chance to go by. I was eyeballing those Rozannes too, they sure were nice and big. I also found some little groundcover achilleas and was seriously tempted but I don't have a place where I need them right now. I'll definitely look for them next year. There were several perennials I considered and some other roses but I thought I probably need to start planting shrubs for a change.

You got a great buy on that pond liner!

I hope Chantell got by there today. They had a yellow highly scented climbing rose that was right up her alley.

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

I didn't see those achilleas, boo hoo, would probably have picked up a couple since I can always use another ground cover. Speaking of little plants, Hart, I did discover your little veronicas growing out in my bed by the deck landing earlier this summer... I have verbena and pussytoes vying with them for space, but it looks like they're all establishing nicely. The pussytoes really took off this year, and they were so cute when they bloomed!

Shenandoah Valley, VA

The sale is on until July 14. Maybe if someone else is going they could pick some up for you. They were on one of the perennial tables, right next to some regular sized achillea Moonlight.

Aren't the pussytoes cute? I'm glad your veronica is doing well too.

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

That's OK. I have a much bigger project in the works that may *gasp* take time away from my gardening. If things keep moving forward, I'll post details soon. ;-)

Shenandoah Valley, VA

OOooo, is it what I think it is? Pitter patter?

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)


Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

OH Jiiiilllllllll

Shenandoah Valley, VA

Yippeeeeee! We have a seedling!!!

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Seedling has not yet arrived and won't be entirely ours until after Maryland's 30 day waiting period... but the chances of this happening are looking pretty good! :-)

*fingers crossed*

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

Ohhh happy tears, jill!!! Prayers being added to "list"....

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

OK, decided I needed to quit hogging the thread and submit this post I started writing out on our trip home:

Sterling, VA(Zone 7a)

I agree with all above -- it was hard to resist such beautiful plants at 50% off. Here are some of the beauties I purchased:

Thumbnail by Snug_As_Bug_Rug
Sterling, VA(Zone 7a)

Another pic -- a Jackson and Perkins rose "Mardi Gras":

Thumbnail by Snug_As_Bug_Rug
Sterling, VA(Zone 7a)

I couldn't resist this velvety dark red rose Chrysler Imperial -- and just $12.50!

Thumbnail by Snug_As_Bug_Rug
Sterling, VA(Zone 7a)

I lined my pathway with these very bright firey red plumes of Celosia:

That's all folks . . I've run out of space -- at home that is! Snug, :o)

Thumbnail by Snug_As_Bug_Rug
Shenandoah Valley, VA

Critter! I'm so excited!!!!!! And a girl seedling too!!!!! Congratulations, jubilations and I'll be praying everything goes smooth as glass. No, smoother than glass.

That looks like a rudbeckia, Snug. What a pretty one. I think most of those with the unusual colors aren't perennial but maybe you can save seeds and see what you'll get from them. I hope it will come back for you.

Mardi Gras is gorgeous and I've heard so much about what a great rose Chrysler Imperial is. Very fragrant too I believe.

They had so many beautiful roses, I was really torn before deciding on the one I got. There was one with huge dark pink blooms that was very tempting but I already have a dark pink rose and the striped purple one was one of the darkest most truly purple roses I've ever seen.

More photos, Snug, please! Darn, that's all. Love the color of that celosia. I really like that the stems and leaves pick up the color of the blooms.

This message was edited Jul 5, 2009 11:00 AM

Lucketts, VA(Zone 7a)

Hart, thanks so much for posting about the 50% off sale. I was off last week, and drove out to Weber's the first day of the retail store sale. Winchester is not that far for me, but I had never heard about Weber's - what a delight. I got a haul of perennials - solomon's seal, brunnera, japanese iris, baloon flower, and more! Because of my deer issues, this year I started spraying with deer repellant every 5-6 weeks. It really seems to be working, but the stuff is expensive ($50.00 for the average size concentrated bottles). My biggest savings was finding the Liquid Fence brand of Deer Repellant - stocked up my supply by picking up the last three bottles they had - savings of $75 :-) Should last me into next spring/early summer. I may head back for some hydrangeas - couldn't fit anything more in my car on that first trip LOL Terri

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

I could use a big blue hydrangea for my SIL... and you know I'm always up for a road trip, Terri, so LMK if you head back down there!

I'm glad you've found something that works to keep the deer away... less $$ than having them eat up all your plants, to say nothing of all your hard work gardening. I'll have to check the veggie garden thread to see if you've posted any updates... :-)

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

Don't suppose that sale's still going on since I will definitely be up there this weekend???

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

See top post: "Sale at both locations is July 6-15"

when will you be there?

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

Not sure yet...waiting for the emails regarding side jobs this weekend...thought I was going b/c DD #3 wanted to come home for the weekend...just spoke with her and now she's not sure....ugh

Odenton, MD(Zone 7b)

WOW! Congradulations Jill, that is such great news. A girl? did I read?
Hart- that ninebark makes me want, I'll have to go to the sale next year, still have too many things to plant that I picked up at Home Depot on sale. (at least they look good grouped together in the yard)

Shenandoah Valley, VA

Being able to go when the sale is at both locations is ideal. They won't have so much left in the supplies at the store but except for things like fertilizers, they usually have some left. But this way if you can't find a particular plant at one location, you might be able to find they have plenty at the other location.

Terri, back before they stopped selling it and I started just interplanting garlic with the plants the deer wanted to eat, I used to always stock up on the plant tabs that kept deer away during the sale. I also got a huge roll of deer fence for half price last year.

I think they have some really nice pots and garden decor that are at great prices at the sale. This year, I got a new shovel, a very nice one with a lifetime guarantee, for $13 vs $26. I broke my cheapo shovel from Walmart digging up that spirea last week. I really liked the sun hats they had that are guaranteed to block a certain percentage of sun. I wish I had gotten one while they were half price. They were just on a rack up near the smaller cash register closest to the far end of the main building along with some garden shoes and other sun blocking clothing.

Critter, I know I saw blue hydrangeas at the store, back behind the perennial tables almost straight back from the little house. They had quite a few of the smaller Coppertina ninebarks at the farm, not so many at the store but they had plenty of Diablo and another purple one. Summer something I think. They were much bigger plants but not a lot more expensive. If you walk through the perennials, walking between the perennial tables and toward the property fence ( the fence is on the far left as you're facing the main store building) they were almost to the fence in the shady area back there.

Chantell, the roses are at the store, just to the left of the main building as you're facing the building. The climbers are more or less clustered together.

Lucketts, VA(Zone 7a)

Critter, I could definitely be up for another trip to Weber's for hydrangeas sometime this weekend and if we could time it to meet up with Chantell if she is out that way would be great. I'm really, really flexible as to either Sat or Sun and time - send me dmail if you want to go :-)

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Cool! You know, we have to go pick blueberries also... :-)

I think our weekend is pretty flexible also, although after noon is probably better on Saturday or Sunday. We'll see what Chantell's schedule is, as it would be fun to meet up!

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

Are they open on Sundays????

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

On their website (link in first post), they give Sunday hours as 8 to 5.


Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

Yes indeed it certainly IS up there isn't it? I've been trying to google in between patient calls...ugh!!!

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