Finally, Weber's half price sale dates!

Shenandoah Valley, VA

At last, Weber's has dates for the sales. The half price at the farm is June 29-July1. This is much shorter than their usual sales. The farm is just north of the exit ramp on Route 11, on the right. It's where they have all their greenhouses and care for plants before shifting them to the store for sale. The sale there will be just plants but lots and lots of plants. Usually I can find quite a few plants at the farm sale that aren't available at the store sale.

Half price at the store is July 2-5. Everything is half price - plants, supplies, pots, garden art, benches and birdbaths, fountains, that sort of thing. They also have a good selection of water plants and water garden supplies at the store but not at the farm.

Sale at both locations is July 6-15. Last year I went for this one and they still had a pretty good selection at both places but expect things like fertilizers to be gone because they go pretty fast. BTW, they have a great selection of Espoma products if you get there early enough for the store sale.

They have a website now.

If you can't make the sale dates above, everything in both locations is 25% off from tomorrow until June 28.

Landisburg, PA(Zone 6a)

What exit on what road is that.?? I couldn't get their website to load....

Shenandoah Valley, VA

When the popup comes up saying you need Quicktime, just click no and the page will load. I have no idea what the exit number is. It's the Route 11 exit north of town on I-81 (not the Route 11 exit south of town). I've never gone there from the north so I'm not even sure which way to tell you to turn off the exit. Go north from the exit to get to the farm, go south to get to the store, making sure you stay to the left to stay on Route 11 instead of to the right, which takes you to 33.

Chevy Chase, MD(Zone 7a)

Hart: What is the difference in what is offered at the 2 locations? Do I understand from what you wrote above that the farm has mostly plants, and the store mostly supplies and non-living stuff?

Shenandoah Valley, VA

No. The farm has only plants and you'll find things at the farm that you won't find at the store. The farm has mostly perennials although I've seen butterfly bushes there. The store has lots of plants but also supplies, decorative stuff, pots, watering gardening supplies and plants, trees and shrubs.

If you can only make it to one sale, go to the farm if you mostly want plants, go to the store if you want plants and supplies, decorative stuff, etc.

To give you an example, one year they had oodles of huge, blooming lily plants at the farm. I mean huge. I never saw a single one at the store sale. They have some hostas at the store, they have hostas almost as far as the eye can see at the farm.

There will still be a lot of plants and other stuff there when the sale opens at both sites but don't expect to find fertilizers - people come in and buy that by the truckload on the first day. And the tools and other supplies will be pretty picked over. Usually there are still plenty of decorative things, pots, water gardening supplies.

Chevy Chase, MD(Zone 7a)

So the best strategy is come out BOTH the 29th and the 2nd? Why do these sales fall on workdays? It is a manageable drive for me -- 1.5 hours each way.

Shenandoah Valley, VA

No, and you could wait until the weekend. Unless you want the big bags of fertilizer, there will still be plenty of everything else by Saturday. People buy those big bags of fertilizer, mulch, etc. by the car and truckload on the first day. There still will be plenty of the smaller bags of Espoma amendments like superphosphate, bone meal, that type of thing, by the weekend.

I don't go to both sales most years. Last year I went to the store only sale, year before I went to the farm only. If you want mostly perennials, I'd say go to the farm sale. If you want other things as well as perennials - decorative stuff, supplies, pots, water garden things, shrubs - go to the store sale. If you want to be sure to see every single plant they have, go to both. LOL

There are plenty of annuals at both, btw. Some tropicals and houseplants at the farm, but more of those at the store.

It's not a bad drive from the DC area. Just come out 66 , get on 81 north just past Front Royal and take the Route 11 exit just north of Winchester. Or if it's easier, take 7 or 50 west to Winchester and get on 81 north from there. (I think Route 11 exit is the next exist past 7.)

Shenandoah Valley, VA

Reminder - this starts tomorrow. Happy, I sent you a d-mail. I will be going to the sale tomorrow. I hope to see you there.

Shenandoah Valley, VA

Webers sale report. I went to the farm sale today. It was a little different from most years. Still quite a few perennials but they had tons of annuals and some shrubs. I ended up getting more shrubs than perennials.

It appears they're getting planning on having the farm as a regular retail location. In the past, it was only open during the sale. They've expanded the parking substantially and the space that used to be an area for shade plants looks like it's being prepared for some kind of expansion project.

Here's my haul for the day.

Thumbnail by hart
Shenandoah Valley, VA

I've been looking for a bush honeysuckle for awhile. This one was very large and was $6.50 at sale price I think. I was kind of perturbed that a lot of the plants this year had no price tags on them so I had to just grab things and take them to the register and decide there whether to buy them or not.

Anyway, this is bush honeysuckle 'Butterfly' Diervilla sessilifolia.

Thumbnail by hart
Shenandoah Valley, VA

Blooms on it are just starting to open.

Thumbnail by hart
Shenandoah Valley, VA

Abelia Edward Goucher. This is much prettier than the pink abelia I had growing at my old house. The blooms are more of a lavender pink and foliage is prettier.

Thumbnail by hart
Shenandoah Valley, VA

Here's the blooms. This was $12.50 at the sale price. I think that actually may have been a little high but I was too tired to argue.

Thumbnail by hart
Shenandoah Valley, VA

A huge Joe Pye that's nearly as tall as I am. It was $6.50.

Thumbnail by hart
Shenandoah Valley, VA

Hardy hibiscus Fireball, also nearly as tall as me. It has huge red flowers. The foliage color isn't showing well in this photo. It has a lot of burgundy in it. I forget the price. Around $7 I think.

Thumbnail by hart
Shenandoah Valley, VA

These hens and chicks were huge. $2.50 each.

Thumbnail by hart
Shenandoah Valley, VA

I put my hand in the shot to give you an idea of the size of the hens.

Thumbnail by hart
Shenandoah Valley, VA

I went nuts with these ornamental millet Purple Baron at $1.25 a pop and bought four.

Thumbnail by hart
Shenandoah Valley, VA

Ninebark Dart's Gold, I don't remember the price. They also had Coppertina and that one was tempting - the color was glorious - but I thought this lime green one would look better with what I already have in the yard.

Thumbnail by hart
Shenandoah Valley, VA

I think that's everything except for some squash plants. They also had big pots of hellebores for $10, big pots of some of the newer coneflowers for about the same, lots of hostas, monster ornamental grasses, really huge pots of euphorbia cameleon, I didn't get the price but it was under $10 I'm sure, gorgeous and big tree peonies for $25 in lots of colors, big butterfly bushes in several colors, herbs, annuals of every kind imaginable, hanging baskets.

Oh, and really huge pots of geranium Rozanne - they must have been 2 feet across - for around $8 I think. Nice newer heucheras for $3. Beautiful and large St. Johns wort shrubs for $5.50. Lots more but I'm one tired plant fanatic tonight and that's all I can remember.

Fate, TX(Zone 8a)

oh hart oh hart oh hart. was that the only hardy hibiscus they had? did they have other kinds? who else is going to this sale?

hey i never been on this forum before. no one knows me do they? i am sneakin' out quietly and slowly......right after i ask this question. yall are all up there in thomas jefferson country so i wondered if any of you grew pentapetes? i want some seeds if you do.

Shenandoah Valley, VA

No, they had several others in other colors and with other shapes and colors of foliage.

We've already decided that Mid Atlantic includes anywhere we want it to include, so you don't have to sneak out like an interloper, Mamajack. LOL It's official - you're a Mid Atlantean. You just happen to be a little further from dipping your toes in the Atlantic than some of us.

I have no idea what pentapetes are so I guess I don't grow them. Anybody else?

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

Hey Mama - welcome on in...we've dmailed some in the past, I think. Sadly can't help out with what you're looking for though. Maybe post a new post on MA so it doesn't get lost "here." Might get more "air time" that way??????

Lexington, VA(Zone 6a)

hart, you know you're just killing me don't you? I remembered seeing where you had posted the dates of the sale and went back to check when we returned from Maine last week. Trying to figure out how the heck I could coax Rick back into the car for a quick trip after we recovered from the long drive home. Then everything changed when I got sick last Thursday and have been in bed ever since :( Just barely recovering so there's no way I'm going to make it to Weber's :( Looks like you got a great haul! I'm especially envious of your Abelia 'Edward Goucher'. We used to grow that Abelia and I never got one planted in the gardens - it's a beauty, or should that be 'handsome' since it's 'Edward'? LOL I bought one of the Hibiscus 'Fireball' for the new planter my son made for my daughter - not as large as yours but hope it grows as nicely as yours :)

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

(((Debbie))) I'm sorry you're sick!!! :( Gentle hugs!! I will probably be doing my side job this Sat. and thought about dropping by Webers. Is there something I can look and pick up for you? I honestly don't mind.

Shenandoah Valley, VA

Don't abelias root pretty easily? Be glad to see if I can get a cutting or two off of this one rooted. And don't forget the sale continues through the 15th, so you might be able to sneak up there yet.

Some of the plants at the farm sale especially are humongous. The hibiscus were all monsters. I forgot to mention they had huge, looked like cabbage plants and I mean cabbage plants not just a cabbage, bergenia Perfect for $5.50. I was really tempted with those. I wish you could have seen those euphorbia cameleons. They were as big as some of the shrubs I bought. In fact, when I first saw them I thought they were shrubs.

I hope you're feeling better soon. Sending get well hugs your way.

Well, I found pentapetes. They sell the seeds at Monticello. Their shipping is ridiculous, though. Maybe if one of us is in Charlottesville we could pick up a pack of seeds for Mamajack. They are pretty.

This message was edited Jun 30, 2009 2:38 PM

Fate, TX(Zone 8a)

hart if you could see a whole bunch of those you would just be stunned. i want them everywhere so i don't want a "pack" of seeds. i want a bunch. do they sell them in bulk? why does no one grow this? if you did yall would have plenty of seeds for me. i guess it's an "old" annual that no one wants to grow anymore and we forgot about it. huh?

Fate, TX(Zone 8a)

you can't see the plant in that picture. it's a single stalk about 3-4 ft. but they do get to 5 they said. and then those flowers up and down. they are small but the plant still looks good.

Shenandoah Valley, VA

I'll look and see if I can find anyone selling larger quantities. Monticello doesn't. Why don't you contact Hazzards Greenhouse and see if they can get you some? They sell large amounts of seeds at wholesale prices to anyone. In fact, if they have them, they did have free shipping this week. Not sure if that's still on.

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

I'm sorry you've been knocked flat by some crud, Debbie... Take care of yourself and get well soon!

Hart, you got a great haul!

Is that abelia fragrant, or am I thinking of some other shrub?

Fate, TX(Zone 8a)

that's joyce's place. i bet she doesn't have these. monticello may be the only game in town.

Fate, TX(Zone 8a)

i just looked.....shipping is outrageous for seeds. 7.00!!! is anyone close to them?

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

A lot of places are charging $5 to $8 for seed shipping now, including the "big guys" like Burpees.

You might also post in the seed trading forum.

Hart, thanks for sending me the directions to Weber's!

Shenandoah Valley, VA

You're welcome. They're also at their website in the link at the top of this thread along with dates, times, etc.

I think she's talking about Monticello. I told you their shipping is ridiculous. They charge the same shipping for one packet of seeds as anything else in their minimum spending range. You might want to check out the rest of their seed catalog and see if there's enough to make it worth the high shipping. They do have a lot of really cool heirloom seeds.

Or send Ruby a d-mail. I think she goes to C-ville sometimes.

Fate, TX(Zone 8a)

who is ruby? i might just look at other seeds too. what a novel idea. lol.

Shenandoah Valley, VA

One of our MAGpies here. She's around here somewhere. Ruuubbeeeeeee! Don't take your love to town. I mean are you going to town anytime soon? LOL

Fate, TX(Zone 8a)


Lexington, VA(Zone 6a)

Thanks to all for the get well wishes :) I am finally feeling a little better, yesterday was the first day I haven't been in bed since last Thursday! Just plain stinks because I've missed some of the most beautiful cool mornings to work in the gardens before the heat of the day :( Hopefully by the weekend I'll be back at it, plenty of weeding to do to catch up!

Chantell, that's sweet of you to offer, thank you :) I'm good though, there's nothing I really need, just can't resist a good sale! Just killed me when I was in Maine, all plant shopping was dedicated to my daughter's garden and although I didn't have time to shop for myself I did manage to bring home an interesting Sedum and a beautiful Rex Begonia :)

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

Glad you're feeling better Debbie!!! I hear ya re missing a sale...kinda goes against the gardener's holy grail - doesn't it?

Shenandoah Valley, VA

Despite what's going on with my mom (a stroke for those of you who don't know) I decided to go ahead and run up to the Webers sale for a little bit Thursday rather than sit around and fret. The store sale was definitely worth another trip.

They did have a lot of perennials, I just concentrated on shrubs more this year. Check out this rose Cabana for $12.50 at the sale price.

Thumbnail by hart

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