Photo by Melody
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Specialty Gardening: Mitriostigma Axillare "African Gardenia", 0 by JBerger

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Image Copyright JBerger

Subject: Mitriostigma Axillare "African Gardenia"

Forum: Specialty Gardening

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Photo of Mitriostigma Axillare "African Gardenia"
JBerger wrote:
When I awoke this morning and looked out the bedroom window, I saw another 12 inches of snow. I was really feeling pretty discouraged because this winter has been brutal here in NJ.

Then I realized I was smelling a very soft, sweet odor and I looked around and saw the African Gardenia in full bloom. The small flowers have pale pink petals with the tiny yellow stamen in the center. They are in clusters and just so dainty and charming. I just had to share them with you all.
Enjoy. The first picture is one of the entire plant. JB