Cannas in South Florida, anyone?

Fort Pierce, FL(Zone 10a)

WOW Sugar, I hadn't seen those pictures either. I can't believe you don't grow Cannas! Everything you grow is so spectacular, they would make a great show at your place.

SOOZER, I think they would be great as a screen along your street. I'm going to plant mine along a chain link fence for the same reason. In the summer it's covered with wild Florida grape vines which make it very private, but they die back in the winter. My dream is to plant Plumerias and Cannas along about fifty feet of the fence.

If you want to drool and sigh, check out this site!


Oviedo, FL(Zone 9b)

I have so many cannas that I'm AGAIN going out today to separate them. You'd be amazed at the hybrids you can accidently come up with! I bought one...very pretty. I now have around 75, and those are the one's that the yard guy didn't murder (along with 5 fully blooming mandevilla:(

Make sure they get all the water y ou can give them, the more sun the bigger the bloom and you can pick them up at any local nursery. I try to purchase plants that are outdoor grown in my general local, so that I know that there will be no climate changes.

I had a Tropicanna, blood red, that grew into an unknown yellow canna (other side of the fence) and now I have red flowers with yellow leopard spots, and yellow flowers with deep red streaks.

Have fun! (oh, and cut off the dead foliage, it's snake time!


Fort Pierce, FL(Zone 10a)

O.K. Deanna, I just GOOGLED Oviedo and have a MapQuest map to your house! If you hear a noise in the night it will be me "sharing" your Cannas! LOL

I now have a new passion to add to my Coleus, Cane and Angel Wing Begonias.....CANNAS! I love the flowers, but it's all about the remarkable foliage with me. I really love the way they come in different heights. I can just picture masses of them that can show off individually.

Lakeland, FL

Hi, My cannas got rust this year but easy to get rid of. I too had leafrollers for the first time. I do reccomend that you have space between them so air can pass thru and ya won't get rust. Bye, Corky

(Zone 9a)

I don't have anything to trade, but I would like to buy a canna.

Tampa, FL(Zone 9a)

"Hi, My cannas got rust this year but easy to get rid of. I too had leafrollers for the first time. I do reccomend that you have space between them so air can pass thru and ya won't get rust. Bye, Corky"

What is the easy way to get rid of the rust please?

Orlando, FL

Gee Jeremy that is a beautiful Canna. Would like to have one. Another lady sent me a bunch of Cannas for postage recently but not sure she send one that color. I live in Orlando, Fl and anyone in this area I would like to trade plants with. I got leaf rollers last yr but have not seen any this yr i just squeeze the leaves and that get rid of the problem. Snails like to feast on the leaves also. I have had grasshoppers in the yard this yr and how in the world do I get rid of them??? Fran

Safety Harbor, FL(Zone 9b)

Sendone -- Are your grasshoppers the Lubber (extra huge) types?

Longboat Key, FL

I think they're not grasshoppers -- but tree hoppers. they start out as tiny specks of green movement, then, VOILA.

They infested our plants this summer, especially the hibiscus. Insecticide is like ambrosia to them when they're grown..

My activity when I get down there is to take out the BB pistol and shoot them. It's the only way.


(Zone 9a)

Maybe that's what happened to my hibiscus. I couldn't figure out what I did to it, but now, thankfully, it has leaves all over it again. My department head at work squishes them with her bare hands, but I am not keen on that method.

Taylor Creek, FL(Zone 10a)

Cut em in half with pruners. This is one of Jeremy's pets. LOL

Thumbnail by sugarweed
(Zone 9a)

Now that's a good idea. I have too many of these creatures in my yard. I had a yard service, but cancelled it because they weren't getting rid of these pests or the sand spurs.

Pinellas Park, FL(Zone 9b)

It's definitely a lubber. Every spring, I get out the music and do the "lubber stomp" in my garden while the nymphs (black) are still small.

Longboat Key, FL

It'd be great if someone figured out how to cook'em and eat'em. Maybe deep fried?

Soozer, my guy said he sprayed them and kept them off of the figs. My neighbor's got decimated. Here's his figs in July.

Thumbnail by flyboyFL
Longboat Key, FL

And another

Thumbnail by flyboyFL
Fort Pierce, FL(Zone 10a)

My Cannas have their first blooms!!!!! A lovely unnamed tall light green leaved one with yellow blooms and a Bengal Tiger with lucious pinky blooms.

And.....they are all putting out new growth...I'm so happy!!!

Safety Harbor, FL(Zone 9b)

flyboy -- That looks like disaster for the figs! I haven't noticed them going after my blooming salmon cannas. (Not when they can eat my amaryllis bulbs. lol) But those are green grasshoppers, not lubbers. Good appetites, though. :(

budgie -- Yeah, when the lubbers are in the small, black easy. Now when I grab the adult to 'dispose' of it, that tobacco juice it emits is hard to wash off. Spose lemon would work.

So lubbers and other grasshoppers don't go for cannas? Or are my cannas having a lucky season (their first!)?

Longboat Key, FL


That was my Greek neighbor's tree. The fruit sutvived. Mine were spared.

Pinellas Park, FL(Zone 9b)

I've seen the lubbers of my cannas lots of time but I don't know if they are eating them or not.
I know they devour my amaryllis all the time.

Safety Harbor, FL(Zone 9b)

Yes, flyboy, I had to reread several to realize I had lost Have seen the lone green type of grasshopper. Seem to have more lubbers around here. Have a batch every year.

budgie - so the amaryllis are more vulnerable than cannas in your yard, too--to the lubbers, anyway.

Have not had leaf-rollers this first season with cannas.

Raining yet again.

Pinellas Park, FL(Zone 9b)

Not sure. I have seen them eating the amaryllis and although I have seen them on the canna, I have also had the leaf rollers so I'm not sure who is doing the damage.

Taylor Creek, FL(Zone 10a)

Pati, can you take pictures of your new blooms? I would love to see them.

Archer/Bronson, FL(Zone 8b)

I would too Pati!


Fort Pierce, FL(Zone 10a)

Good Mornin'....I can't manage the picture right now, but when the latest Bengal Tiger blooms open I'll get my DD to take a pix.

Molly, the light green leaf with the yellow blooms is one you sent me. Does it have a name?

Archer/Bronson, FL(Zone 8b)


It might be "Richard Wallace". Does it look like this one?


Fort Pierce, FL(Zone 10a)

Yes!! It only had two blooms this time, but I'm sure it will have more later. The Bengal Tiger only had about three the first time it bloomed, but this time it has a BUNCH of buds.

Fort Pierce, FL(Zone 10a)

P.S. I missed you...glad you're home!

Archer/Bronson, FL(Zone 8b)

Thank you Pati, and I missed you too. It's really hard to catch up after being gone for a few days.


Wesley Chapel, FL(Zone 9a)


I've been looking for varieties of Cannas too; I love them. What would you like in trade? My Trade List isn't very complete.


Tampa, FL(Zone 9a)

Can anyone give suggestions on how to keep the orange rust (fungus) off the Canna's please? It's an epidemic on mine. I tried razing them all to the ground and once new growth poppped up it was all good but after about a month, just when they started looking nice again yep, more rust. I tried insecticidal soap which I had on hand but that's been completely ineffective. Thanks all.

Archer/Bronson, FL(Zone 8b)


Corky59 posted above on Aug 10 about rust on the cannas. She found it easy to get rid of and had a solution to avoid the rust.

I can't remember what she used to get it off, but if you click on her name, send her a d-mail and I'm sure she will tell you the secret.


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