Photo by Melody

Wildlife: Heidi Chronicles - Make Room For Baby, 0 by DreamOfSpring

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Photo of Heidi Chronicles - Make Room For Baby
DreamOfSpring wrote:
Last night as I mentioned, Heidi gave up her melon for Cissy's daughter. (Ok, time out. That girl needs a name. Aphrodite. There. Done. Now we can call her Freida.) So, apparently Freida is pregnant right now, her 1st, and she is starving, just cannot get enough to eat. She's a bottomless pit. When I have anything to spare I give it to her. I gave her 2 eggs one night - and that didn't even begin to make a dent in her hunger.

Lately, by the time I give Heidi her food and Bast her food and hold back a small amount for Dennis there isn't much left for that huge, hungry crowd. I figure the others most of whom are very young can find enough food to supplement their diets while Bast really needs the food and Heidi and Dennis, well, they're my pets.

When Frieda runs out of food, she sits down near Heidi, not to do the Steal or anything. She just sits there looking very put upon - with that whoa is me look. So last night Heidi gave her the melon. Tonight, much to my surprise, about 1/2 way through her meal (no melon tonight), Heidi just walked away from her meal and turned it over to Frieda. The only concentrated food in one spot was Heidi's 'dish' and what Bast had. The others were hunting through the grass on the slope for bits of kibble. Frieda was hungry and tired and didn't want to go back there and scrounge around for food, so Heidi turned her pile of food over to Frieda and then [Heidi] went back to the slope to search for food with the others. There was no arguing or anything like that. She just gave her food to Frieda. I was amazed.

After Heidi searched for kibble on the slope for a while, I called her name and she came to me. I put some food beside me where Dennis usually sits, and Heidi ate there for a while. Here is a picture of her sitting down beside me. Because she was so close, the angle is looking down on her. If you look closely you can see her foot sticking out to verify that she is sitting down.

That Heidi had compassion for Frieda, her granddaughter who is now pregnant and constantly hungry, is just incredible. It is also amazing that she realized that she had a lot of food while the others did not and so she decided to share with Frieda.