Photo by Melody

Trading Lists: Items available from deergriffin

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Plant NameCultivarTypeThumbnail

Please request any of the listed plants below without feeling obligated to trade. Mail me to confirm availability. If I get the message I will reply and give you address to send your SASE or inquire about your plant genetics to trade. Please don’t send me your plant genetics unless I request them.
Seeds, Plants, Roots, Tubers and Bulbs, Cuttings



Attention grabbing two meter flower cluster on almost four meter plant. Flower color varies.

Seeds are from spring 2009, fifty percent germination was observed after removal of seeds from seed cover and soaked in ninety degrees Fahrenheit water for twelve hours in winter 2011.
Apium Species
Apium graveolens

I am observing two or more distinct varieties growing from this lot of seed.
Carum carvi

Cucumis melo
Juan Canary

Seeds have starchy/nutty taste better than slightly sweet flesh. Melon was obtained at food bank farmers market. Sticker reads -Latin American in origin, this melon has a sweet white flesh with a pin blush around the seed cavity-.
'Juan Canary' Seeds

Cucumis melo

Lemon Drop

Taste's generic Kiwi fruit, label reads -Lemondrop Melon sweet melon flavor with a lemon twist-, obtained at food bank farmers market.
'Lemon Drop' Seeds
Cuminum cyminum

Datura stramonium
The flower is longer than other Stramonium. The stem and petiole are red or purple. I am thankfull its without hallucinogenic effects after ingestion as the well watered leaves have fine silk texture and "green nothing" flavor. Reported by other sources to be a poison.
'species- Meteloides? Wrightii?' Seeds, Plants
Foeniculum Species
Foeniculum vulgare
Koeberlinia Species
Koeberlinia spinosa

Despite the written reports of this plant being very green, a prolific bloomer and bearer of fruit I am observing low to zero blooms and yellowing stems, a result of it being without irrigation. The seeds set in a "star anise" like pattern. I have never seen the fruit. I will take cuttings from this wild plant upon request. Please be patient as I have never propagated this plant.
Lycium Species
Lycium fremontii

Bees and humming birds love this plant relative the other desert bloomers at the same time of year. The berry is huckleberry/salmon berry in flavor and rare unless irrigated.
Plants, Cuttings
Nicotiana Species

Two types of seeds available.

Plant one is a semi-naturalized desert tobacco that I believe to be Genus Nicotiana. Plant one is an extremely poor small leaf producer with little or complete absence of nicotine. I call it bunny ears because leafs are the size and shape of a small rabbits ears and the plant is more fit for vermin than man. However on several occasions I rolled quality cigarettes from plant one, some had the taste of rose. The rose flavor it posses seems to be brought out when the leaf fades from green to brown to yellow to white (drought conditions). Plant one can reach a height of over 2 meters with several leads, however the leaf is small. Flowers are white. Crystal production is concentrated on the stems. Leaf spacing is 2 cm. – 6 cm. Largest harvests may be obtained by keeping the plant to several leads.

Plant two is much shorter than plant one with thicker leaves forming a sepal instead of rounded. Plant two has greater quantities of nicotine on leaf surface in form of yellow crystals, so it can be rubbed or sieved however its fumes are flavored like roasted hot peppers. Harvest is very low.

Olneya tesota
I selected this cultivar from 30 different plants based on the flavor of the nuts but flavor isn't good. Juicy fruit is the second most palatable cultivar I found, it has a hint of tropical fruit. If nuts are roasted taste is un-popped pop corn kernel flavor. If the nuts are aged for six to twelve months they will lose their bad flavor and gain the taste of a fresh mung bean sprout. The nuts are interesting as an ornament because of their purple and dark grey speckling. They look very different from the photos at the link below.
'Juicy fruit' Plants, Cuttings

Panicum miliaceum
Planted mid April finishes ~60 days, under one foot tall, six to eight leaves, yield ~100 seeds per plant (less than a tea spoon of seed by volume) at 90-100 daytime temperature highs.
'Pennington' Seeds

The white seed and blue seed are from a spice shop, the giant is from a flower shop. The white variety grows more vertical, elongated and with a lighter green color relative the blue seed variety. The giant is a larger plant relative the others. The white seed tastes better than the other seeds. Don't cultivate them with steal that rusts, fresh cut aluminum or any positive metals accepting of oxygen and/or hydrogen.
'White seed, blue seed, giant pod' Seeds
Cercidium Species
Seeds, Cuttings
Cercidium Species
Parkinsonia florida

The beans are good as raw sprouts or cooked.

Parkinsonia microphylla
The two cultivars I recommend (corn and sweet) are chosen from several hundred potential candidates. The two flavors are in reference to the green beans striped from the pods. The green beans can be eaten raw and are good. The dry black beans must be scarified to cook or sprout the bean. If the bean is left to soak in water for several weeks without scarification the water will first take on a "Grolsch" beer aroma then progress to an "oyster mushroom" fragrance and flavor with a type of mother of vinegar "jellyfish" suspended in the broth, the broth is good to cook with and may be substituted anywhere mushroom broth is called for. If the bean is first scarified then soaked the bean will be fully hydrated in twenty-four hours, if left to continue soaking another week a good BBQ aroma becomes distinct.
'Sweet flavor and corn flavor' Seeds, Plants, Cuttings
Petroselinum Species
Petroselinum crispum
Pimpinella anisum

Pisum sativum
'Oregon sugar pod' Seeds
Prosopis Species
Prosopis pubescens
Senna Species
Senna covesii

The seeds of this species (.3 cm) look as if a falcons head is embossed on them if the seed tip is held horizontally and like a man with a large empty pipe and stomach when the seed is held vertically. The raw immature green pods give a unique textural sensation when eaten. There is a string which needs to be bred out. It is a good inner-planter with Palo Verde trees as the senna’s beans look like the trimmings of a prepared Palo Verde black bean. This may be a good non-invasive dry land plant as scarification is a must for germination.
Seeds, Plants
Scarlet Eggplant
Solanum aethiopicum
'Turkish Orange' Seeds
Garden Tomato
Solanum lycopersicum

As of 3/8/2010 I have two garden worthy varieties, one has slight vanilla flavor, the second is sweet.
Seeds, Plants

Solanum melongena
'Imperial black beauty' Seeds

tricotyledonous vulgaris
'White half runer' Seeds
Trigonella Species
Trigonella foenum-graecum

Triticum aestivum
The wheat seeds are from bags of 'Pennington Wild Bird Feed'. The grain is ~one half centimeter long and ~one eighth centimeter wide/high (very tiny as if tiny long grain rice). I am uncertain of the viability as of Oct./20/2010 as I am delaying planting the grain until spring as I then can determine if they need to be vernalized (period of cold) to produce grain heads. If you have experience with this tiny variety please share it with me. I am seeking improved wheat. If you have such wheat please send me a message describing it.
'Pennington' Seeds

Zea mays


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