Photo by Melody

Trading Lists: Items wanted by deergriffin

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Plant NameCultivarTypeThumbnail
Polyscias Species


White Corn (Zea) for White Corn Meal and Cabbage (Brassica) are my most needed plants because of large quantities of good tasting food they produce.

Sorghums (Broom Corn, Sudan Grass) that produce seeds exact to ten minute White Rice (Oryza) but have large seeds weight:ground area harvest ratio when planted close are my second most wanted plants because I like Sorghums' looks and good tasting rice dishes.

All annuals especially cereals that produce tender seeds with large quantities of fat and oil with good taste (Cereal Nuts) that separate easily from dull chaff are my third most wanted plants because I like fast growing plants and eating good nuts.

Please understand all plants I want or need must grow good, produce large weight:ground area ratio of good tasting flowers, fruits, leaves, roots, seeds, stems or tubers (where reasonable) with very little water, fertilizer in very warm weather, resists pest damage, also reproduce with seeds that when germinated without a cold period grow identical to parent plants, every seedtime to every harvest.

Also understand all cereals I want or need must be without needles, sharp edges or points in flower/seed area, seeds must separate easily from there enclosures from kneading dry cereal tops in a pillow case.

Please use genus and common name for correct plant match because Latin language lacks exact value. Also current plant name scheme has many incorrect name anatomy matches.
Allium Species

White Onion

Large white onion bulbs, void of heat/spice/pain with taste of sweet boiled egg when raw.
Allium Species

Top Setting Onions/Tree Onions

Possibly proliferum, multiple bulb-lets per plant.
Allium Species

Red Onion

Possibly Allium cepa or ascalonicum. Simmers to taste as if white/caramel color roasted Coffee beans. When raw allium sativum taste, low pungent. Good growing large bulb without divisions. I grow other onion types but I won't let them cross, I'll either cut the first or second flower or skip a year of seed to keep types separate.
Amaranthus Species


Tall/erect with good tasting large leaves for salad, large seeds good for eating, upside-down seed heads for seed collection, leaves without much wax.
Spermolepis Species


Seeds produce large good true tasting Celery plants for stalk harvest for simmering/boiling, must be without ascorbic, citric or other bad tasting acids or dark green flavor.
Arachis Species
Arachis hypogaea

Ground Nut
Arachis hypogaea

I really like good ground nuts. My perfect ground nut is very soft yet cleaves crisp on teeth. After a large yeilding harvest it would have a low weight too high volume ratio. Taste would be distinctly Ground Nut with high fat. Its growth habit would be cubical and the nut maturation focused underneath it self.

I request good ground nuts to consider a trade.
Slender Oat


Common heavy cream taste. Possibly there are additional cereals that make good milk oat substitutes, I am interested in all these, please inform.

Beta vulgaris
White Chard

Large stems. Is there a type with a root like Old/baking/Russet potato?
'cicla' Seeds

Brassica oleracea

Need a Cabbage that doesn't need leaves wiped to grow good heads, likes very warm weather, is without rib fiber, citric acid and vitamin c, and is with high fat and gluten plus below characteristics.
Good cabbage available here in Arizona in September/October has leaves softer than good treated or lotion skin, leaves do not make a squeaking sound when rubbed together, pearl white without Opal is the greatest color quantity of head leaves, other head leaf color traits include subtle Mica type light reflection, leaf veins/ribs are thick without having fiber, less than twenty minutes for a one inch slice to cook in boiling water, finishes cooking to look like fat.
Rooting stem sections in water before transplanting to soil is a successful cultivation practice but seeds may eliminate potential spread of disease.
'Cabbage' Seeds
Chile Pepper


Good tasting when baked or boiled, but taste is slow cooked green Bell pepper when raw.

Capsicum Annuum
Bell Pepper

Green when immature on large plants without bad acids (citric, ascorbic, tannin), with; thick walls, thin skin when immature green, thick skin when mature green, tiny core, least seeds, intense ethereal good Green Bell/Chili type taste without heat/pain when baked, boiled or sauteed. The same large plant has yellow fruit when mature on large plant with (ascorbic acid/vitamin c) and large viable seeds. If the large immature green fruit is cut, too be aged it will be without bad acids, resistant to rot, turn evenly red, be high in sweet sugars with good Red Bell taste, good for roasting. Leaves with Curry taste.
'Bell pepper ' Seeds



Plant produces many five pound or less mature fruits that aren’t sweet but do have intense Watermelon taste.
Wild Winter Squash


Thick skin and flesh for storing, good hickory nut or artificial butter taste. Noodle Squash or bake Potato texture when cooked prefered.
Orlaya Species


Sweet, good for extracting clear juice.
Sison Species


Large Baileys Irish Cream tasting tap root and stalk base. I’m unsure what stalk tastes are available, please inform me. I have had Cassia/Orange stalk, what other Fennel tastes are there? Sweet Anise taste is very good also is Bay/Cassia or Formic acid type/Bay. I’m interested in growing Fennel plants with helix type stalk growth rather than opposite type stalk growth, please inform.
American Cotton


White polyester type with long threads easily removed with hands, tall for hand harvesting.

Helianthus Annuus
Black Oil Sunflower

Black Oil type has good taste as seed, sprout and oil. The seed coats are ebony and the kernels drip oil in mouth. Type 'Black Oil' recommended.
'Black Oil' Seeds
Hordeum Species


Both two and six row kinds are wanted. I will attempt to keep kinds separate. Must have easily removable seeds (kneeding pillow case method) from glumes/chaff without needles or sharp edges or points. I need cerial heads at over one meter level for hand harvesting but low water needs with large weight:ground area seed harvest ratio are more important. Must like very warm weather during seed ripening.
Ipomoea Species

White Sweet Potato/White Potato

White flesh tuber, cooks and tastes like old potato or baking potato or Russet type. Quick to mature tuber and seed.
Linum Species


Modern Linum without old/historic Linum’s void of potable nature. Seed with large amounts of linoleic acid and linolenic acid in oil. Large growth of stem for fire wood.
Solanum Species


Good tomato taste when prepared as tomato only Gaspacho without acid or much sweet. Large quantities of tiny fruits preferred because of climate. If large fruits finish in my climate I prefer very large fruits.
Nicotiana Species


Fast growing plant with very large quantities of good ethereal feeling Nicotine alkaloid complex without Tropine complex contained mainly within large leaves (over one foot wide, many feet long), when burnt leaves release much more hydrate fluid soluble resins than insoluble resins or tars.



Without bran or thin easily removed bran, white endosperm, long grain, ten minutes or less to cook when harvested at correct stage (please inform), nut taste, large seeds weight:ground area harvest ratio.



Succulent, sweet, rich root of Goitenyo reads good to eat. I have enjoyed crisp, starch, slightly sweet Jicama root. I am interested in propagating both and selecting one for generational propagation. If I get both I will keep them apart to prevent cross pollination.


White Cob Millet/White Cob Milo

Plant produces only white seeds.

Poterium Species

Sweet Anise

Large amounts of large sweet anise tasting flowers as they have great good taste relative there seeds, fast growing plant with lemon lime tasting leaf, without star anise taste in any part of plant.


Yellow Field Pea

Low water needs, semi-leafless, determined. Boiling or hydrating (soaking overnight) makes seeds totally al dente without seeds needing to be fried, seeds without green taste, end use is mashed bean dishes without cooking like Hummi. Tender stems/leafs without fiber with good taste for eating.
Salvia Species
Rosmarinus officinalis

A good eating cultivar fresh and dry. Low eucalyptus flavor, white flowers prefered.
Seeds, Plants, Cuttings
Rumex Species


High vitamin C, without oxalic acid, Lemon taste tall/erect.
Ruby Grass

Sugar Cane

Aggregate of sugar is fructose, simple to water extract pure sugar, very long stem on seed head. I am also interested in propagating short season annuals that have high quantities of fructose in stems like Sudan Grass or Sorghum, please inform.



Roasts light to a good taste (without spoiled milk flavor when boiled) roasts dark to unsweetened chocolate (without mold).


Sesame seed

Good true Sesame seed taste without roasting, tall/erect.
Lycianthes Species

baking potato/old potato

Large sexually reproduced seeds of good growing, very warm weather liking large yielding wonderful for frying potatoes that withstands light frost and sexually reproduce in early spring at southern USA latitude with viable seeds that don’t need a period of cold to germinate, are identical to parent plants for growing over winter in zone nine-ten.

For good fried Potatoes first shred potatoes with cheese grater or perforated metal can then squeeze as much fluid from potatoes as possible before placing shreds into oiled pan for frying. Aged potatoes make better fryers.
Thymus Species


White flowers, good for good tasting food preparations fresh or dry, without bitter, lemon or off thyme flavors.
Vicia Species

Fava Bean
Catharanthus Species


Stems/leafs without fiber or hair, good taste for salads, upright growth over one meter, produces large quantities of seeds for sprouts.
Zea Species

Wax Corn/Oil Corn/Yellow Hominy/Gold Hominy

Large wax feeling chicken bean looking seeds when harvested at proper stage (please inform). Seed end use is as a seasoning to many corn dishes, also investigation of home/personal food processing. Good seed ripening during very warm weather.

I will prevent cross pollination of different Zea by planting them apart by day number and distance.

Zea Species

Yellow Corn/Yellow Field Corn

Good growing/yielding, artificial butter tasting corn that maintains good taste when dried. I need dry ripening corn because every drop of rain reduces city water use. I have never grown dry ripening Zea corn please inform me how. End use is Yellow Corn Meal for pan bread or Tostatas for instant breakfast cerial type meals.

I will attempt to prevent cross pollination of different Zea by planting them apart by day number and distance. Must like very warm weather during seed ripening, reproduces with viable seeds when given a little extra water.

Zea Mays

White Corn

For White Corn Meal

Largest Need! White seed color only!

Each seed will be uniform in all traits listed below, medium/tiny size seeds (1/2”x1/3”), thin skin, plump when dry, oil/fat rich, high gluten, sweet, very high in lactose/lactic acid, large neutral tasting germs that are low in cellulose. Can they have a taste of Land of Lakes Baileys’ Irish Cream Coffee Creamer (I wish, yum)?

The plants grow good as light drinkers, grow good over one hundred degrees Fahrenheit as well as cold, grow good with wet roots and stalk in the heat as well as cold, large seed yield, rebound with good growth a day or two after high wind, stalks rejuvenate for multi-annual harvesting, the seeds will store well with a high germination rate, the seeds (progeny [as well as there progeny]) from the plants I grow will be uniform in all the traits there parents have/had.
'Corn' Seeds


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