my hoya is dropping flower buds

Madison, WI

I have a 2 year old hoya plant that has been doing really well.
A few weeks back I noticed that it was putting out flower buds.
I was really looking forward to seeming my first blooms but
today I see that two of the clusters are dropping the buds :(
What is wrong with my plant? It's actively growing and putting out
new buds, but the clusters reach about an inch in diameter they
dry out and are dropped.

North Augusta, ON

Hoyas are famous for doing that :(
It doesn't mean there is something wrong with the plant though it is just their nature to drive us insane like that ^_^

SW, WI(Zone 4b)

Do you know which Hoya it is, enya?
There are a few that are, as threegardeners stated, famous for that!

My best guess is that it has something to do with the watering.

Madison, WI

I think, it is hoya carnosa (marked as hoya rubra).

I am watering it twice a week generously but my office which I keep all year round at 78F. I am not quite sure if that's too much or too little.

North Augusta, ON

Carnosa's like it on the dry side. I water my carnosa "rubra" maybe twice a month.

Madison, WI

Oh, that's quite a difference. Maybe that's why it grows like crazy.

Anchorage, AK

I agree with threegardeners on the drier side. How often depends on light & how your house is (my plants stay wet much longer than you would expect) so go with your finger! :) I would def. say you are too wet from your description. Once a week or every two weeks at the most, once again depends on your home. Remember not to dead head! It will bloom again from the same spot.

Madison, WI

Thank you for the info. I will cut down on water :) Does any one know about a nice read on hoyas?

SW, WI(Zone 4b)

Have you checked out the DG Hoya forum?

Lots of old threads there about dropping buds!

Madison, WI

I just realized that I misspoke about the the type of Hoya that I am having difficulty wtih, it is not Hoya carnosa, it is Hoya obscura.

Medford, NJ

I find that all hoyas like to dry out a little before watering, so that might be something you would want to do, as others have also mentioned.

As for the buds, I have found that quite a few of my hoyas go thru a practice run before blooming for the first time. They will set buds, the buds will make it almost to the point of opening, then blast. It can be very discouraging, but don't worry - your plant is going to bloom.

Try a little less water, and be patient!!

Madison, WI

After two sets of flowers dropped I finally saw the blossoms open :)
I did cut down on watering but added a dish of water to keep air a bit
less dry.

Medford, NJ

that's great - the flowers are so beautiful, aren't they? I am always thrilled to see them, even if it is a plant that I have seen bloom many times.

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