What is your best source for gardening advice?

There are a total of 377 votes:

Dave's Garden of course!
(304 votes, 80%)
Red dot

My county extension office.
(7 votes, 1%)
Red dot

Friends and relatives give me the best advice. (Why?)
(12 votes, 3%)
Red dot

Garden magazines and books. (Which ones?)
(33 votes, 8%)
Red dot

None of the above (What is your source?)
(21 votes, 5%)
Red dot

Previous Polls

Denville, NJ(Zone 6b)

early bird again!!!... there is only one answer!!

I am behind you!!!

Palm Coast, FL(Zone 9a)

This is the only place I know of (unlike magazines and other websites) where i can get actual feedback from gardeners who are growing or have grown the same particular plants. The information I have acquired here on DG is invaluable!

Dave's supplies me with LOTS of great info, but recently I have started working at the Botanical Gardens here and there is a group of very knowledgeable people there, so I voted 'other'.

Mid-Cape, MA(Zone 7a)

Discovering Dave's Garden two years ago as a newly relocated gardener into a whole different part of the country has been invaluable. I do use all the other sources, but DG is my first resort! And the "Beginning" forums are so helpful for newbies like me.

Kannapolis, NC

Love, love, love DG!! It's been like a college education in horticulture and I've made great friends to boot. What more can I say?

Central, LA(Zone 8b)

My knowledge began with my Grandmother, then magazines(Southern Living & Garden Gate) & books(Dan Gill's series & A-Z Encyclopedia of Garden Plants), then Victory Garden & HGTV(until there was no G in it), then I became a MG and work at Burden Plantation and the Botanical Gardens. But surpassing all that when I found DG!!!!! I have never had anything like it in my life and am an active member here now. The info I have gathered is invaluable in my garden but the friendship and new family I found was an extra bonus!!!! HOORAY for Dave's!!!!!!!!!!

Jasper Co., MO(Zone 6b)

I have all the AHS books is easy to know and how to take care of it...

Magazines sources is Better Home and Garden, and some others vintage garden books...

Milton, MA(Zone 6a)

The great thing about Dave's, I think, is the contrasting opinions. In a book or a magazine or even a course, you have one person or source who is the "expert" explaining the "correct" way to do something. Here, we are all collectively empowered as experts about what we know. Even if all I know is that my impatiens did better in the shade than in the sun, to someone who is wondering about a colorful annual for a shady spot, I am an expert. In fact, for the purposes of this poll, I am an expert about what sources of garden info I use ... which btw include other online sources. Always, of course, cross-referenced against DG.

This message was edited Jun 8, 2009 9:12 AM


When I moved to Calgary (almost desert!) I figured I could get away with the same gardening as when I lived in Winnipeg! no, no, no! Even though they are the same zone 3 (3a), the chinook winds are killers on tender plants!
I get invaluable info on plant ID as well as care & feeding! Who knew that ordinary wood chips would take the nitrogen out of soil and therefore one of the nutrients needed desperately by plants? Only by talking to a DG'er would I have found this out, AND gotten a Calgary Hort membership!
Thank you, Dave!!! :-)


Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

I have books but more and more I like to go online, and for garden facts and opinions I start with DG, and usually end here too. It beats the books for a variety of new and old plant material and for pictures of plants, landscaping, etc.

Charleston, SC(Zone 9a)

DG is not only my #1 source of gardening information, it is my #1 source of information on a whole range of topics. It seems like lately any time I have a problem, I think DG. It doesn't matter if it involves my car, my house, animals, you name it, with such a vast and diverse audience, there is bound to be someone on DG who knows the answer. It is quite incredible really.

Hornick, IA(Zone 4b)

Not quite true but I put none of the above. That is only because, I have been gardening long before I knew of DG. However Dave's is a great source of information. I also do learn new things on DG. and I enjoy my many new friends on DG and " talking over the fence, so to speak".

Lincoln, NE(Zone 5a)

Down here in a "non-traditional" gardening environment, you can't beat DG for advice that works in our specific local conditions. What a relief to find advice and information from local gardeners who understand the local challenges!

Gilroy (Sunset Z14), CA(Zone 9a)

I voted "none of the above" because I use multiple sources. DG is a heavy favorite, but I also use Sunset Western Garden book because it's specific to CA. I've learned not to plant anything until I look it up in both sources. Now if I could just learn not to BUY anything before I research it thoroughly, I'd save myself a lot of money...LOL!

Fern Park, FL(Zone 9b)

I heart DG


This message was edited Jun 8, 2009 3:05 PM

Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

We're Number One YA! We're Number One YA! A little over a year ago when I joined I would never have thought I would vote DG due to our geographical and climatic diversity. However, I have found many, many folks with similar challenges to share with and many who also do the same dances of joy. So (all together now) We're Number One YA! We're Number One YA!

Carrollton, OH(Zone 6a)

I have learned Sooooooooooo very much since I've been on here!!!!!!! There is alway someone or a Plantfile that is a big help.I do wish the Plantfiles gave a little more details but,someday.....LOL.

Thumbnail by synda
Albuquerque, NM(Zone 7b)

The best source is multiple sources. No one source has all the information I have needed. A more complete picture results from considering several.

Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

dparsons I agree with you but I interpreted it as 'best source overall' not 'the be all and end all source'. Come on, you can do it. You know you wanna vote 'We're Number One YA'! ^_^

Carrollton, OH(Zone 6a)

Even if Dave's doesn't have all the info needed,it can direct me in the right direction,even if it to google.....it has let me know that there are plants out there that I never knew existed and that I can grow them.Plus I have met and come to care every much for so many people I would never had know in this lifetime.So I have to say Dave's has broadened my knowledge,WANTS,heart and soul.

Thumbnail by synda
Albuquerque, NM(Zone 7b)

LoL, dahlianut. Just by asking the question on DG, you know what answer they are going to get (of course!). DG is certainly a great source. I would still stick to getting better information by having more than one source and want to encourage others to do that too. Its helped me to even know when a piece of info on DG is wrong :O and that a particular plant really will grow in zone 7. I guess I'm just weird this way ...

Northwest, MO(Zone 5a)

I have stopped several magazine subscriptions as I get so much good information from Dave's Garden. When I have a question, I just go to Dave's and find the answer or ask the question and before long the answer arrives.

It's the first thing I read each morning.


South Hamilton, MA

Specializing in bearded irises, print sources have been most helpful. I have met other gardening nuts on DG & find the comradship as helpful as the information.

Cincinnati (Anderson, OH(Zone 6a)

Yes, of course, it's DG!! I log on to DG first when I need to know something. If it's not on there, they will tell me where to find it.

I was just talking with another DG gardener at the ORV round-up last Saturday about how supremely useful it was to have all the folks on DG as instant Gardening 'Mentors'!

Whenever you have a question you can run inside and post it on the right forum and get lots of expert advice instantly. Or do a search in the middle of the night for an esoteric question and have the info right at hand. Very very useful site.

Books are fine, but the information in them is often outdated even before the books are printed and they are expensive, to boot.

And I think magazine writers cop a lot of the posts and ideas from DG for their columns and articles.

Santa Fe, NM

I put Dave's Garden, of course! I also love my Rodale books and one particular local nursery owner. I also base a lot on personal observation.

Fate, TX(Zone 8a)

carrielamont.......i like it too that there are diverse opinions on daves. i like it that folks don't agree all the time. keeps me coming back.

Acton, CA(Zone 8b)

friends are best advice as most of the plants I really care about are either not on Davesgarden, or I put them there, and I am not good at giving myself advice of any kind (and if I were, I wouldn't listen anyway).

When I started gardening in the 70's, I read all the books from my library I could get my hands on. Started growing annuals, graduated to perennials and from there to seeding my own.

I guess you can say I learned from reading and personal experience from years of gardening. I also owned and operated a commercial greenhouse during the 80's and that taught me a lot about plants and the business of growing.

Learned some things on Daves also, regarding specific plants I was not too familiar with. No one ever stops learning no matter how long you garden. I am still learning and will until my life is ended.

Waukesha, WI(Zone 5a)

Whatever happened to the answer "all of the above"?

Actually when I first started "serious" gardening about 6 years ago I went with our Plant Doctor Melinda Meyers....started watching gardening shows, then buying magazines that wound up being subscribed to, I found Dave's Garden in a magazine then I went to the Master Gardeners classes. I guess you can see when it comes to something of interest I hit most avenues. The longer I garden the more I realize there is something to learn most everyday and so I continue with the gardening shows, going where Ms Meyers is where ever she is, keeping my subscriptions and checking the county extension where ever I get a chance.

New York, NY(Zone 6b)

I was totally clueless about certain plants before joining DG. Now if I can't find the few photos I need for my epi's, I sometimes go to yahoo epi groups. DG is my favorite source though.

Nauvoo, AL(Zone 7a)

All of the above, mostly books , then Daves Garden.
There is no One Best source for gardening advice.

This message was edited Jun 9, 2009 7:17 AM

Tulsa, OK(Zone 6b)

I use a combination of sources. I use the communities to discuss things the plant files to look up different plants. I use my books for reference on things I can't find here as well as magazines for ideas and inspiration. I am always inspired by the member's gardens and enjoy the discussions about what works for some and not for others.

mid central, FL(Zone 9a)

i learned most of what i know from books. for this area, Southern Living Garden Book has been my number one source of knowledge but i answered DG because without PF, the ID Forum and a couple of other key forums, i couldn't have put to use the info i gleaned from books. nothing beats good pictures and good advice from people who have experience with the plant.

Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

Too funny palmbob ^_^

Lutz, FL(Zone 9b)

I joined DG because of the plant files - I get so much good info from them! And like others have mentioned, you can't beat DG for being able to connect with others who share your own geographical concerns. How many times have I explained that "full sun" means something different in Florida, LOL? Also, as a regular on the Butterfly forum, the other members have been so helpful when it comes to rearing caterpillars. I get a lot of info from books, but there are so many things books claim as a rule and then other members will tell me how they've bent those rules time and time again. Now that I've been raising butterflies for two years, I'm able to give advice to newbies. I love teaching others all about host plants and my cute little caterpillars!


Scottsdale, AZ(Zone 9b)

You should be QUITE proud, Dave. I don't know what I'd do without DG. I have dozens of books but even after referring to them, DG is where I always find the answer that makes sense for my region, my problem, my questions.

The countless resources, advice both near and far, your articles, videos and all that you provide here is priceless to us gardeners. Your Admin and UBER staff are outstanding. "I once was lost, but now I'm found...as a REAL gardener thanks to DG!" Thank you, Dave.

Oh and Bob...I totally relate to your remark! :-)


Taft, TX(Zone 9a)

I have been introduced to plants I had never even thought of growing until I joined DG. Not only have I met lifetime friends but everyday I can't get started without a 'dose' of DG. Although I rarely go to the plant files, there are so many knowledgeable people on each forum who are ready to help answer questions.

In Dave's short life, he has accomplished building a phenomenal gardening site which will continue to grow. Kudos are in order for sure to all the staff.............and Dave himself!

Wesley Chapel, FL(Zone 9a)

It was a toss-up between DG and my Bible, "The Southern Living Garden Book".

They're both fantastic!!!

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