What's blooming in your garden #4

Houghton Lake, MI(Zone 4b)

Oh, love Whispering.

Glad to see Drinks at Sunset picture! I really love that iris. A few years ago I bought Aardvard Lark, took it 2 years to bloom, and it was a mislabeled one. Yours is very pretty.

Oro Valley, AZ(Zone 9a)


Your NOID on Post #6692004 is WILD JASMINE. http://davesgarden.com/guides/pf/go/36963/
It can look different from year to year in depth of color depending on temperature, sunlight, and the amount of iron in the ground.

I love all those iris photos! How I wish they were still blooming here!

Oro Valley, AZ(Zone 9a)


Your Noid 39-TB looks to be CHIEF HEMATITE. http://davesgarden.com/guides/pf/go/34458/
It's a rebloomer for here for me. (and has given me a couple of reblooming seedlings) Can't say I recognize your other noids.

I have a question for those who grow "Drinks at Sunset"........ is it a good increaser? Fast grower? and....how tall is it getting for you?

Lebanon, OR

DAS is about 32" or a little more depending if we are really wet or not, fair increaser here Margie

Blanchard, MI(Zone 5a)

Looks like you may have nail #39 down Margie~thank's I'll have to get one now to grow against it.

"Act Of Kindness"

Thumbnail by DaLoveRat
Blanchard, MI(Zone 5a)

"Afternoon Delight"

Thumbnail by DaLoveRat
Blanchard, MI(Zone 5a)

"American Sweetheart"~ Thank's Margie

Thumbnail by DaLoveRat
Blanchard, MI(Zone 5a)

"Awesome Blossom"

Thumbnail by DaLoveRat
Blanchard, MI(Zone 5a)

"Battle Star"

edit~ to put up correct spelling of the name

This message was edited Jun 16, 2009 4:25 PM

Thumbnail by DaLoveRat
Blanchard, MI(Zone 5a)

Another of "Battle Star"

This message was edited Jun 16, 2009 4:26 PM

Thumbnail by DaLoveRat
Blanchard, MI(Zone 5a)

"Beverly Sills"

Thumbnail by DaLoveRat
Blanchard, MI(Zone 5a)

A better pic of "Brazilian Holiday"

Thumbnail by DaLoveRat
Blanchard, MI(Zone 5a)

"Claret Mahogany"

Thumbnail by DaLoveRat
Blanchard, MI(Zone 5a)


Thumbnail by DaLoveRat
Blanchard, MI(Zone 5a)

"Dark Passion"

Thumbnail by DaLoveRat
Blanchard, MI(Zone 5a)

"Tempting Fate"

Thumbnail by DaLoveRat
Blanchard, MI(Zone 5a)


Thumbnail by DaLoveRat
Blanchard, MI(Zone 5a)

Hope that the last pic of "Lip Service" doesn't show up I tried to put it in three times.

Santa Ynez, CA

Rat those are some awesome flowers!!!!!!! now to get outside and pack your box:)

Blanchard, MI(Zone 5a)

"Two-Sided Coin"

Thumbnail by DaLoveRat
Blanchard, MI(Zone 5a)

Now until the end of July, their not ready yet.
"Red At Night"

Thumbnail by DaLoveRat
Santa Ynez, CA

I meant me, I have your iris ready, just need to pack them today and send them your way......I know you aren't ready, no problem.... I meant I need to get off the couch and get to work:) LOL

Blanchard, MI(Zone 5a)

"Rustic Royalty"

Thumbnail by DaLoveRat
Blanchard, MI(Zone 5a)

I'm ready, looks like that's all the photo's for now I have to resize some more. Have a bloom day!

Santa Ynez, CA

Rustic is gorgeous!!!!!!

Oro Valley, AZ(Zone 9a)

Very, very nice iris pics.................so wonderful......it's like seeing them in person! 'Temple of Time' catches my eye.

D, thanks for your feedback on 'DRINKS AT SUNSET'. It's so appreciated! ^_^

Does anyone else who grow "Drinks at Sunset" have any comments? ... is it a good increaser? Fast slow/fair grower? And...how tall is it getting for you? Thanks.

Happy Jack, AZ(Zone 5a)

Margie, thank you so much for the ID on WILD JASMINE! I had no way to look for it in PlantFiles, as you can't search by color, only by name. So my question is, how did you know? Do you have one?

Houghton Lake, MI(Zone 4b)

Margie, Drinks at Sunset bloomed like crazy in 2007, didn't bloom in 2008, and this year 5 big increases and 4 small ones, but only one of the increases bloomed. Looks like next year will be another big bloom. The one that bloomed this year is 24 inches tall.

Another picture that didn't load right.


This message was edited Jun 17, 2009 11:10 AM

Thumbnail by Mshadow
South Hamilton, MA

If you are crossing--might I suggest a cross of DAS with Lady Friend?

Houghton Lake, MI(Zone 4b)


Thumbnail by Mshadow
South Hamilton, MA

Someone ate one of the siberians (flower) hope it didn't like the taste as they finish up the season here.

Los Alamos, NM(Zone 5a)

My condolences. I seem to be feeding bearded iris to wild creatures in droves,

South Hamilton, MA

I posted on plant files that foreign Storm is a dark purple, almost black here. very smooth though--color might be the soil.

Lakes of the Four Se, IN(Zone 5a)

Speaking of irises being eaten, there's a rabbit munching on my Sonoran Sands. I chased him out of the yard yesterday morning -- and he hopped over to the neighbor's yard with the iris blade in his mouth! I thought iris were poisonous to critters.

Los Alamos, NM(Zone 5a)

So we are told, but frankly, my gophers pass up many garden plants like chard and mint and borage to much on my iris. I find it hard to believe they are harming them in any way. It's more like iris are a gopher treat -- and if at all possible, they prefer to eat bloom stalks.

Beatrice, NE(Zone 5b)

All plants are poisonous to some degree. Herbivorous animals have developed, for the most part, mechanisms for dealing with that fact. It's just part of the never ending arms race between plants and the animals that eat them.

Lakes of the Four Se, IN(Zone 5a)

I know rabbits love gladioli -- perhaps the iris blades taste like glads to them. I must say though, my main iris bed is in the front yard, in an unprotected open area, and I've only had this one instance of a rabbit munching the fans -- and only the one clump of IB. (So far!)

KS - You're so right about the "never ending arms race." If it's not one pest, it's another!

Los Alamos, NM(Zone 5a)

Yes and there is much truth in what KS says. As soon as humans invent one weapon, the animal it is supposed to work on evolves defense mechanisms to it. And if it has a high birth rate -- as do rabbits and gophers and insects, they can adapt to the new weapon very quickly.

Gainesville, TX

grated or shaved bars of Ivory soap in your iris beds will keep critters away

Huron, OH(Zone 5b)

Good to know! I'll have to try it.

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