Does anyone know if there's a houseplant called Angel Lily?

Monticello, KY(Zone 6b)

HI I have someone wanting this plant but I can't find it anywhere by that name. If you know what it might be please let me know. I'm waiting for a description of the plant but wont' hear the answer until late tonight. I tried a Google search and only came up with Angel Lily perfume. The lady is 71 that is wanting it so maybe it's a name specfic to her generation. Any help would be appreciated.

Dublin, CA(Zone 9a)

I'm not familiar with anything by that name--there is Peace Lily (Spathiphyllum) which is a very popular houseplant so I wonder if it might be that? Or angel wing begonias...although I don't think it's likely anyone would call that one a lily.

Delray Beach, FL(Zone 10a)

Google has not heard of a plant called Angel Lily. That should give you a good clue right there.

Until next time,

SW, WI(Zone 4b)

There's that common name problem again....and the most difficult thing about common names is that they often vary regionally!

Did the lady indicate what any characteristics of the plant were?
Was it called Angel Lily because it had a lily-like bloom?

(Oh...just read that you're waiting for that info, sorry!)
I'm guessing that her plant has a white bloom, anyway.

I have a book on houseplants that often indicates, in their descriptions, that they are 'old-fashioned' houseplants, from 'back in the day', when homes weren't air conditioned and were heated mostly with radiant heat from wood stoves.

Eucharis is described as an 'old-fashioned' houseplant...could that be it?

Getting ahead of myself here, though...will wait for your description.

Monticello, KY(Zone 6b)

Thanks everyone for your input. Finally caught up with my sister and those of you who guessed a Peace LIly are correct that's what she's wanting. So I'm off to find one for her. Thanks for all help Margaret

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