Does ANYONE have Japanese water Iris

Booneville, AR

i donot know kathy_ann but would like to,do you know how to contact her, id love to stay on the puter longer but i have had shingles on my face and head between them and the meds i cant stay anywhere very long. they are going to make me crazy. got to go lay down be back later thanks.

Hannibal, NY(Zone 6a)

Oh you poor girl! I bet that would make you crazy.

Just hit where it says send kathy_Ann a dmail on this page. She's a sweetie. I bet she would be glad to talk to you about growing Japanese irises. I know she grows great LAs too.

Tell her I sent you to her.

Booneville, AR

im back pollyk , kathy_ann said i should have no problem growing japanese here in the river valley, dont know why they call this the river valley tonight they could change that to the north pole, rain all day snow all night. think im going to drag out some seed catalogs, start my seed list, anything to save my sanity.

Hannibal, NY(Zone 6a)


I hate when it changes from rain to snow, as you can get freezing rain or sleet. So seed catalogues would be wonderful.

Merry Christmas, and stay say and warm. And I hope those shingles go away soon!

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