Does ANYONE have Japanese water Iris

Lebanon, OR

The longer order from them too many errors


Cut Bank, MT(Zone 3a)

OMG What have I done!

(Arlene) Southold, NY(Zone 7a)

RBN - you've created a lot of laughs for all of us. Thanks!

Cut Bank, MT(Zone 3a)

Ain't Life Sweet. Your Welcome!

Cocoa Beach, FL(Zone 10a)

Maybe we could get a lawyer (iris gardener also of course) to represent us in a class action lawsuit. We could take our winnings and have a round up.

Lebanon, OR

Good idea!


As there are quite a few JI that they sell that are not registered with AIS...

Cut Bank, MT(Zone 3a)

Oh I love Trouble. I'm in.

Hannibal, NY(Zone 6a)

I now have a Shogun sitting on my kitchen island, waiting to be planted tomorrow.

Thank you so much Steph! You crazy girl!

I will keep it well labeled, and take excellent care of it, and as soon as it blooms you all will be rewarded with pictures.

(Arlene) Southold, NY(Zone 7a)

Can't wait.

Winnsboro, TX

Ok Polly take a photo and share it with us so we can see how big of plant it is and how long it will take us to see that beautiful RED JI. LOL We may all have to order a handful of them!!! But only if it's as bright red as they have in the photo. I don't think it's going to be red either (grin) but I'm crossing my fingers that it will be.

Happy Gardening, Marian

P.S. I'd be happy with some Jap. Irises or La. Irises no matter what the colors!!!!

Hannibal, NY(Zone 6a)

OK, here you go.

Front of bag.

Thumbnail by pollyk
Hannibal, NY(Zone 6a)

Back of bag showing iris.

Thumbnail by pollyk
Hannibal, NY(Zone 6a)

Iris out of bag. The top part was slimy, but I peeled it back, and it seems to be solid underneath. Oddly they cut about 2/3 of the rhizome off.

But I think it's viable. I sure hope so, since we will all be rich if it turns out red.

Thumbnail by pollyk
Cut Bank, MT(Zone 3a)

I try to follow up on things like this and am so glad I did on this one. You were so good to send me all those nice JI and Sib's and I just know you will love the huge healthy red beauty LOL. Now get it planted.

Cocoa Beach, FL(Zone 10a)

I believe it will be lilac or lavender and be a single vigorous bloomer. What are your predictions? It might even look like this.

Thumbnail by mittsy
South Hamilton, MA

I agree that the flower will not be red. The 3 falls on JI can have a very nice form for the garden. Certainly it will probably not match the picture. 'Water iris', I don't think so.

(Arlene) Southold, NY(Zone 7a)

I'll be on purple, not even an interesting violet.

Cut Bank, MT(Zone 3a)

I am going to say a washed out Lavender. We are going to have to keep a close eye on this next year.

Lebanon, OR

I vote for lavender, but mine was a pseudacorus. I ordered mine from spring garden about the same as rebloom ordered hers, and was notified within this last two weeks that they had run out and could not fill my order and sent me something else...

South Hamilton, MA

Right Do you think that they have been reading this thread?

Lebanon, OR

who knows, but we all knew that it could not would not be red like they show it


Cut Bank, MT(Zone 3a)

Your right there. We were just very very curious what they are selling as such. You know a bunch of Iris nuts would have to take it to the limit LOL

Raleigh, NC

mekos - before I read anything else, I read your first post and went to your trade list - there's nothing on there in your want list about JIs.

editted to add - now I've read, and ROTHL - y'all are having too much fun! I didn't even pay attention to the red in the photo first posted, just presumed someone's camera colors were off, very very off.

how much was it, Dee, two million that Ernst spent trying to come up with a true red iris? and failed. all that $$, gene splitting, the whole nine yards. for naught. didn't realize Schreiner was doing it too! thought the blues were their "thing".

This message was edited Oct 2, 2009 2:11 PM

Winnsboro, TX

Can you imagine how rich we would all be if we could come up with a true bright Christmas Red Iris????

I'll be anxiously awaiting the photos of "THE" plant blooming in the spring. LOL

This brings back memories of someone offering a beautiful bright Blue and a bright Purple Brugmansia last year or year before last on Ebay. Of course we all knew that they had photo shopped the picture changing the color. LOL
But a bunch of people fell for it and purchased what ended up being pink Noids probably Frosty Pink.

Anything they can do to sell the plants and they don't care that you don't get what you think your bidding on. Of course as humans we want the plant that no one else has and is on the cutting edge. The only thing about it that's cutting is our pocket books that they hit and hit hard for this unusual plant. Go figure.


Hannibal, NY(Zone 6a)

OK you guys, I said i'll share my millions if it's red. Especially with Steph, but I'll let some trickle down to the rest of you too.

But if you honestly think I can get that rhizome to bloom next year, you guys must think I'm a miracle worker.

Spring 2011 is my estimated date, and I'm going with a violet.

(Arlene) Southold, NY(Zone 7a)

So I shouldn't order the sporty Jaguar just yet?

Hannibal, NY(Zone 6a)

Nope, we can all get one by 6/2011 for sure.

Cut Bank, MT(Zone 3a)

When you do order the Jaguar Pirl you have to drive here and pick me up. I am the one with the new greenhouse and wearing the HUGE diamond/Ruby ring.

Hannibal, NY(Zone 6a)

LOL, Steph.

Well. pick me too, then. I'll be the one with every named sib and JI there are and a gardener to weed for me.

Winnsboro, TX

ok ladies, we had Hooker Nichols as our guest speaker last night. He has an La. Iris seedling that is RED. Not reddish, not pinkish red, but RED.... so we may all be eatting our words before this is all over. He also talked about Ernst spending several million dollars trying to get a true Red iris without any luck.

I got a couple of seeds from a seed pod he had off his red La. Iris He is completely sold out of them for this year so I'm going to try to grow the seeds for myself and see what happens. He also told us how to get more plants out of one. We all have a wonderful time and he brought some L. Irises for door prizes. I received "Sweet Miriam" which is pretty close to my name. LOL I wrote the name of the Red L I down but now I'll have to find where I stuck that piece of paper. He did a slide show with all his new seedlings and the red one had several sibblings that looked nothing at all like it. (grin)
I'm going to see if he has a photo on a website of the red iris. I'll tell you what I find so you can look it up too!

Happy RED Iris and gardening,

Hey ya'll swing by Texas and Pick me Up Too! I'll be the one in the old worn out p.j.'s leaning over from a boat pulling weeds and so forth. There's a good chance I'll have curlers in my hair and those big ugly bi-focals on too.
If I don't have my teeth in I'll have that snaggle tooth smile you'd know anywhere. LOL

Hannibal, NY(Zone 6a)

Louisianas have always had irises close to red, Marian. It's the Japanese that doesn't. So, if they have bred a true red Louisiana I wouldn't be very surprised. They're not really even close to a true red Japanese at this point. And they are getting closer on siberians that are true red, but not yet.

Hannibal, NY(Zone 6a)

Here's some info from Zydeco, a leading supplier of Louisiana irises.

Louisiana iris enthusiasts are fond of asserting that Louisianas have the widest color range of all types of irises. If so, it is I. fulva and I. nelsonii that deserve the the preponderance of credit, adding both red and yellow to the palate. While hybridizers of other types of irises have strained and labored to produce red cultivars, Louisiana iris hybridizers had them available and growing in the ditches and swamps.

Winnsboro, TX

Well I didn't know there was a true red in any of the irises. I've been asleep at the wheel I guess with all this going on. I'm just excited about having a red iris of any kind. It will still be exciting to see EXACTLY what you come up with Polly on that one that Rebloom sent you. (grin)
Happy gardening, Marian

Cut Bank, MT(Zone 3a)

LA Iris are beautiful things and if you have a red we must see it when it blooms. I looked on the Site you had there Polly and they do have nice reds. Is it possible to cross a JI with an LA??? I am no expert there.

Booneville, AR

hi people just droped in im new to dg, you are haveing way to much fun,the man who did the red la iris lives in searcy ar. his name is m.d. faith,it name is my friend dick oh so pretty. his web add. you need to go check it out. it has won .a top award. i think im going to order one just can,t help myself.with my luck it will bloom orange.

Raleigh, NC

that's an LA bloom?

South Hamilton, MA

Not LA Someone must have retouched a Japanese. 'My Friend Dick' is a LA.

Hannibal, NY(Zone 6a)

Hi again, littlenettie. My Friend Dick is really a pinkish red. I have an aquaintance who grows LAs and she says they now have some fire engine true red ones. Can't wait to see them.

Yup, we do have fun. Stick around and have fun with us.

Booneville, AR

do you think i could grow the japanese iris with my la.iris, the la. are in a moist area down the side and end of my veg garden. i had my husband run the drain from my laundry room down to that area,i can get by with this because we have 10 acrs about 5mi. from town. out here no one me the moist area i need plus saves on water.lots of rocks,red clay not much dirt. oh im gona keep looking for a red iris.

Hannibal, NY(Zone 6a)

I'm not sure littlenettie, you're right on the border of being able to grow them. I would give one a try and see how it does.

Do you know who Kathy_Ann is on here? She's from Arkansas and grows them.

Louisianas have closest to red you're going to get.

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