17th September - Monday Blues ?

Well, the sun's decided to hide behind slate grey clouds, the northerly wind's keening outside the door, the last of the swallows are shivering on the telephone wires and leaves are starting to fall from some of the trees in my garden.

This weekend was fruitful for us - we harvested apples by the basket load (3 wheelbarrow loads!) and I have a dining room full of boxes of plums and pears too. I decided to treat myself to a juicer from Morrison's so we've all gorged on fresh fruit juice for breakfast - hope that doesn't come back to haunt us !!

But now the house is quiet I have started thinking about the onset of Autumn and how it always makes me feel sad. Of course we need the seasons and each has it's own beauty and worth, but the annual demise of summer always feels like a full stop to each year for me, much more than any other season. When I lived in mainland Europe at least there was the wine harvest to look forward to and then the first snows for the ski season, but back home in England it feels so.......... empty, somehow.

I was being introspective earlier and wondering if the accumulative sadness of the last week was a factor in this train of tghought. Perhaps so, but I recall that I get a moment each year where similar thoughts occur to me. Earlier this year I treated myself to a sunbed (very cheap, from a good friend who needs the room for her new baby) because I decided that I would try to avoid the winter blues. With all the health warnings about over-use of sunbeds I'll be wary about how often I use it, but it'll be interesting to see if it keeps me (and therefore the boys) happier this long miserable winter ahead, than in previous years.

Anyone else feeling the onset of Autumn ? Or Monday blues ? Or am I just a miserable cow ?


Jo (((((hugs))))).
Everyone deserves a hug in the morning.I think Autumn is a wonderful time of year. A time to see the leaves change color, to smell that crispness in the air and a time to sit back and to enjoy all the true wonders of nature. A time to plan and to start gathering seeds for the next year. A time to draw out a new garden bed, a time to play in all the fallen leaves. What would it be like if we just had summer all year around. Some people wouldn't get things done that need to be done cause we would be in the garden all the time. Why do you think we have the different seasone?A chance to rest and take a break. We would not have autumn if we didn't have summer,and we wouldn't have summer without spring, and we wouldn't have spring, without winter. Autumn...what a wonderful time of year, a chance to sit back and relax,put your feet up and thank the Good Lord
for having such a wonderful and bountiful garden we had during the summer. I think all the seasons are great, for you can do different things at different times of the year.
Autumn is a wonderful time of year to take a nice picnic lunch and go to a nice park and just enjoy nature.
So smile Jo, and enjoy the great beauty that God has given us.

All My Best

Bay City, MI(Zone 6a)

Ive been feeling the same way for the past 2weeks, the temps have dropped lots and the birds are leaving. The geese have been grouping and heading south, the leaves are doing cartwheels to the ground. Last night as I walked through my garden, I could see my breath. Fall to me is very depressing-everything is going to sleep. The rains and cold will be setting in-deep into my poor old bones!=] The leaves fall and the flowers wilt, the birds even leave! My state bird even leaves us...lol(maybe they are smart)
Soon the snow will be flying, and I will sit on my heater vent with a "western warrior" blanket over me-looking outside and counting the days till spring returns!! Growing whatever I can in the house and in the basement and hopefully will have heat in the greenhouse by febuary! =]
*Im just another tropical in the wrong zone!im cold unless its above 75(long sleeves at 73)
I luv spring and summer though!!!!!

Mount Prospect, IL(Zone 5a)

To me, fall is my favorite time of the year, though I must say I'm really not ready for it yet. (I'm still trying to plant my seeds!) I love it when the winds start blowing all the leaves, the brisk mornings, the cold rains, etc! This surely was a shorter summer than usual! Now I better start thinking of what to do with potted agapanthus, that never got in the ground, a large mandevilla in a big pot that I'm going to have to bring it and it's shepherds hook into the house, because it won't let go. and all the summer bulbs that haven't had a chance to bloom yet, (if they ever intended to.) Plus Christmas catalogs are starting to come! That's going to come fast enough!! Doris

Weymouth, Dorset, United Kingdom(Zone 9a)

Hi Jo
I,m with you too, I,m normally a happy go lucky type of person, but autumn always gets me down.I love spring and summer, the heat, sunshine, blue skies (being optomistic of course :-} ) but as soon as autumn arrives I feel sad.I know there,s lots to enjoy, but my heart just isn,t in it. When winter proper arrives I,m fine ( I,m a big kid for Christmas )and after, the wait for new life to spring from the earth. I,d love to be able to hibernate until winter.
It seems too that most people that I,ve lost have gone at that time of year ,so that doesn,t help, but it,s not the reason for the sadness.Must be a bio-rhythm type of thing.I try to keep busy going through jobs to do next year, seed lists etc.Chatting on here helps too.
At the moment I,m poorly with a severe relapse of my M.E. so I,m limited in what physical jobs I can do (poor hubby has had to learn a bit more about gardening LOL )and at the clinic I attend they suggested getting a light box, so maybe it has to do with lack of sunshine ?Your sun-bed might not be so daft after all !
I say roll on Christmas, bon-fire night, halloween, anything to get past this inbetween stage.
There, got that off my chest !We,ll just have to keep chatting to each other to cheer each other up .


I'm glad to see not all the UK people have migrated.

Toadsuck, TX(Zone 7a)

The Blues are the Blues. When they hit, you just got to get up and do something different....something you've always wanted to try.


Troy, VA(Zone 7a)

It's the short days and dark nights that I don't like. But there is a lot of catching up for me in the Autumn and Winter. I can knit for my little Ben, arriving in about three weeks (grandson...lol!!) - I can arrange my pressed flowers into pictures and frame them and I love making wreaths, so will be busy with the autumn leaves wreath and then the wreaths and garlands for Christmas, especially now that I am blessed with all the greenery I ever wanted. I will pour over my ideas for the rest of the garden and look through the catalogues and dream of Spring - which is my most favourite time of the year. At my age time flies, and six months is nothing :-)

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