Merino, Australia

Here we are moving again. I was going to wait a while longer but the walk is tiring. It's raining here this morning. Oh Joy !!!
I just hope it keeps up and doesn't disappear off somewhere else. It has been lovely steady rain with no wind. So far we have had 40 points. Yesterday was quite warm even though windy. The rain will perk up everything especially the weeds. As soon as one pulls them out, they grow again. I wish scientists could get that gene and put it into our favored plants.
I am watchng a couple of large seed pods on my Zantedeschias at the moment. I didn't fertilise them so it must have been insects in the fernery. I have my lovely near black arum coming up to as well as the Green Goddess.
Poor old Green Goddess has been pining away down under the willow so I dug quite a few bits and spread them around where she can be seen.
I see that Wayne has been mentioning fuschias over on the other thread. I love them and planted heaps a few years ago. They died in the summer with the hot winds. I saved a few and put them behind a fence and this year they did well with lots of flowers. I may have to take more cuttings from my neighbour. The previous owner there had lots of them and they are still there. I love them in hanging baskets but not here in the summer.
Better go over and put up the signpost so people know where we are.
Have a great day even if you are getting wet. Hope all in the north are staying safe . Gardens can be redone, people can't.
Think I'll go down by the river behind the Tea Room for a nice stroll

Thumbnail by 77sunset
Magnetic Island, Australia(Zone 11)

Morning Jean

Just popping in quickly to show you this online nursery that has a great selection of Fuchsias that are suited to baskets.


We may get a spit of that rain from down south,very unusal for this time of year but very welcome.

Merino, Australia

Thanks Mya. I have seen that nursery. They sometimes sell on eBay. I won't buy fuschias for here now as I do lose them in the heat. It's the dry hot wind we get in summer that just sucks the moisture right out of the leaves. I make do with cuttings from friends and keep them in pots behind a fence .
There is a lady down in town that grows them in baskets. Her hubby made her a special area well protected for them. Absolutely gorgeous to see them all in flower.
Still raining here.

Oh those lovely fuschias ...as a child I used to play ballarinas and twirl them around to make them dance ...they are "fairy flowers aren't they ...I remember my mother throwing the dregs of the tea pot over hers(you know in the days before tea bags ...) it seemed to work ! they were almost always full of ballerinas ^_^ I grew up ten minutes from Botany Bay so the soil was very well drained as it was sand. So that says to me that fushias need moist acidic soil with great drainage.
Every cutting was just shoved into the sandy soil in the shade and off they went. No such thing as frost at Rockdale ...I never did see frost until I was a young adult . So I am thinking they may not like frost.
I hope everyone has survived the weekend ...
joy oh joy it's raining in your garden jean ...I am thrilled for you ...please take ours too won't you. I am a frustrated gardener at the moment ...too wet to work outside! I am so happy I have planted things into almost pure sand because it will save their lives through all the big wet.
The scenes from up North are heartbreaking ...is it just me or are we having the Big Wet ...usually this will be followed by years of drought I guess, oh if only we could have harvested all this water ...it would carry us through the drought times ...but no such a thing! it makes my blood boil.Australia could be a food basket if those that be could just get their act together .
Sorry but I just have to rant about that ...I need to get outside!!!!
cabin fever makes me irritable.
...talking about weeds, OMG ...up to my waist here ...can't go do anything about it because I sink into clay (it's like quicksand)
sammut great to see you at it again ...you are so clever!
sue whew glad all is well ...we saw all those people being shipped into Coffs on the news.
I have to go catch up a bit on reading the threads because I had people over most of the weekend so see everyone later ...

Brisbane, Australia

Hello to everyone on the new thread. i was getting used to hitting Fn + End to quickly get to the bottom, then scroll up from there. But no doubt this thread will grow in no time ;-)
I just been out doing some errands for my elderly mother. Whatever you do don't get old!! She's 84 & to the point now that she gets confused about things but is determined to stay in her own home. So it's a real struggle as she often manages to undo the processes I put in place to help manage. But I won't say anymore.
The weather here has been grey & windy all morning, but it sunny now - at least for a while. I might manage to get my final few things dry in the sun.

Does anyone here use gixen for eBay bidding? (it places bids at the last minute.)
I used it to bid on some things yesterday with not much success. There's a plant I've been after for over 12 months & just can't seem to get it at the right price. Yesterday I missed out on it again as my bid was less than 50c over the highest current bid, then on another item, gixen simply failed to place my bid altogether, & finally the one other item I was only bidding on as it was from the same seller as the other 2 & thought I may as well get it to save on postage, I actually managed to win!! Maybe I won't buy on eBay for a while.
Anyway enough of me whinging!

townsville, Australia

Good afternoon all, it is overcast here and we have had a couple of showers, but the temps are still mild, so not so bad.
I had a great weekend got all my weeding done so my gardens look pretty good at the moment.
I went fishing on sunday and got a little sunburnt, it is smarting today but will heal soon I hope, missed an area with the sunscreen so no one to blame but my self. Bryan I will need more wine please (medicinal purposes only) to kill the pain lol.
I have Wednesday off work, Yipeeeeeeeeee, my sister is coming up from Mackay for the day so we are having a girly day together, going to the hairdresser (thats ok) and going to lunch (thats ok to) and then going shopping (yuk!) she unfortunately loves shopping, hopefully it will not be to painful, but at least I do not have to go to work, so that is a good thing.
What is AFL ugh!, NRL is the only football to watch lol, well when my team wins anyway, I am off to the football tonight so GO THE COWBOYS!
I hope everyone had a great weekend, oh and by the way I loved crosstich (great book)
I have to get some work done its the end of the month, and I am one day short this week, it is good for me but bad for me, to much work to do for a 4 day week blah!
Smile and stay safe

western sydney nsw, Australia

Hi ,
Great to have a no rain again to day this morning playing with plants and looked up the side of the house I am so dumb all thate space clear did not take me long to start to green the area this ia where I will be for the rest of the week ------Sammut

Thumbnail by sammut
western sydney nsw, Australia

Most of these will go into my new space

Thumbnail by sammut
Coffs Harbour, Australia

Hi Sammut, lovely pics. You have been busy in the garden and much more work to come by the looks! Enjoy the fine weather won't you?
Leisa, at the top of the thread there is some blue writing, and one of the headings says 'skip to new' if you click on it, it will take you to the next post after the last time you visited, so you can pick up where you left off. It took me awhile to work that out! I've never heard of Gixen, but if I want to win something, I just watch till near the end, and in the last minute I enter my maximum bid. If I don't get it, it wasn't meant to be. Sometimes I win and that is always nice! I can sympathise with you and your mother. One of my garden clients is 85 and still at home. She's not too dithery, but is getting unsteady on her pegs and tires easily. She has been doing less and less in the last 6 months. I don't know how long she will be able to stay on her own.
Shelly, SUNBURN! ouch. Go and buy yourself a good facial moisturiser with sunscreen and a sunscreen with insect repellent, and make it a morning ritual to apply it! It save you ever being burnt and keeps the mossies, ticks, leeches and flies away! I've learned the hard way! So did you catch anything? Enjoy the visit with your sister, maybe you can go plant shopping?
I only have one job on tomorrow so am going to chop up the peppercorn tree! I might try to do a bit more prep on some walls, then I can also do a spot of painting tomorrow too, if the weather holds. It was threatening all day, but stayed dry. My jobs today were both clearing sticks and leaves from paths and gardens. Just when I finished one, a man came to clean the gutters and blew more rubbish onto the paths than when i had started! MEN!

Thumbnail by weed_woman
Sunshine Coast, Australia

Good evening everyone!

I have been doing some searching to see if there are any Epiphyllum Nurseries around.
No!...not many at all.
I have the Epi Bug at the moment and just found out it's hard to get hybrid cuttings or plants.
Some Ebay cuttings go for very high prices.
If anyone knows of a seller please let me know.

The weather has turned cool, especially towards evening when I have finished gardening and I head inside.

The Queens Birthday weekend is just around the corner and I have my son and his wife from Oakey staying a night or two.

Summut ...looks like you have a busy time ahead of you.

Leisa... I sometimes wonder about Ebay too.

western sydney nsw, Australia

Hi Sue long time since I spoke to you your brom palace is looking soo good now thinking about it I sould but my broms in the new area the side of the house they might like there I will sit there in the morning with coffee and plan it all.-----Sammut.

Thumbnail by sammut
Christchurch, New Zealand

well it has rained every day for 11 days in a row here...
at least there haven't been any frosts but I have plants that need mulching & the leaves are too soggy to rake...
not to mention I am not quite loony enough to rake in the rain.
I told my hubby somebody at work was driving me crazy.
He said "short trip"
It is supposed to clear a bit today, I have been waiting for when the rain stops to walk the dogs.
they hate the rain, nothing worse than soggy doggy.

Thumbnail by dalfyre
Merino, Australia

Good morning everyone.
The sun has just come out from the fog. We ended up with just on 1" of rain yesterday. The plants were slurping madly. Today is a bit colder but fine. I am waiting on a visitor. My granddaughter from Perth is arriving for a quick visit with her partner . She has an ultrasound pic so I can see my first gt grandchild. who will be born later this year. I haven't seen her for a few years and she is now 20 . Doesn't time seem to fly as we age ?
Her brother is 21 next month.
I'm having an old moment. Only seems like yesterday that her mother was that age.
Hey. It only seems like yesterday that I was that age..
Better get back to gardening before i get lost in the past.
Hello Chrissy, the second flower on Frosty came out. I am hoping the other Frosty plant will hang on and open too. It is getting colder though. My seed pod on the apricot angel is hanging on ..
Don't worry about having a bit of a rant Chrissy, I get so sick of the 'powers that be' too. All talk and committees but nothing real ever done.
Our Vic pollies are building a desalination plant to 'save us' from water restrictions. Ha, they are building it on a flood plain so I guess there will be lots of water to desalinate Ha ha.
They also like taking water from somewhere that needs it and piping it elsewhere. Never change pollies . As long as they all get they wages and perks.
Hello Mya. good luck with your fuschias.
Leisa, I looked after my mum for years before she died. It can be hard sometimes but I always tried to keep my frustrations for when I was away from her. We only have one mother so keep your sense of humour going with her.
Shelly, sunburn. ??? Best thing to take the heat out of it is brown vinegar. Not to drink either , splash it on . Drink the wine. while relaxing in a cool bath first.
Sammut, you are a bundle of energy. You will soon have that space filled. .
Hello Sue, how is the damage around you ? Not too bad for you I hope. That tree will take a bit of chopping up.
Hello Marleneann , Cody, Helen and Colleen. Kat are you still with us or did you wash down the hill ?
Brian and Steve, hope your gardens are doing well.
Have to go and get things ready for my visitor now.
Have a great day all and stay safe and dry those still in the wet areas.
Try some Blueberry Muffins, one of my favorites.

Thumbnail by 77sunset

Good morning jean and everyone ...so far cool foggy and cold here but I think it will be a nice day ...it is a bit upsetting to find almost all the Autumn leaves washed or blown away. I look foward to them each year and tend to feel ripped off when they are gone in 5 mins (as we do in Spring when the Spring blossoms are blown away) The one tree that clings to it's leaves and waits a bit before colouring is the Ginko ...I love mine and soon it will have bright butter coloured leaves, it has had some wind damage but still has enough to turn on a great performance ...I can't wait.
The colours in the persimmon trees are the prettiest here but as they are in front of the house facing the winds off the Blue Mountains they copped it big time and were gone almost overnight ...it was the kind of wind that rips off branches from trees, coupled with extreme rain ...well ok next Autumn then.
Since most of we gardeners seem to be suffering one way or the other, I had better cease my grumbling ...besides we can always find something to love can't we?
Here is my Ginko getting ready for it's Autumn performance.

Thumbnail by

Some colour always here and there

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But of course after all the rain everything is mostly green ...
sammut back in great form ...^_^
About older folk in our lives ...I too have nursed elderly people and it can be frustrating (heartbreaking too) ...old age is something that comes (hopefully) to all of us and we don't want to give up our dignity and independance ...I think it must be most painful to know that finally you need help and can no longer cope alone, I dread that time and will fight for my "freedom" to the bitter end.Bless all the helpers and all who need help.
Well jean (great gran ^_^) congratulations! how wonderful.
That is yet before me ...my grand daughter says another 3/4 years away yet ...I envy you.
Have a wonderful morning everyone.

back later

Coushatta, LA

Hi Jean,hope you have a good day.It was a very nice day today.I worked out in the yard today.Weeded some beds and planted some Amaryllis that someone have given me.Well enjoy your day and take care.


Thumbnail by TheAngelGirl
Coffs Harbour, Australia

Sammut, your broms are looking happy and healthy, I'm sure if you enjoy being down the side of the house, so will they! I'm not spending much time in brom palace lately, but do go in to check for scale and pull off old/damaged leaves. Its a nice place to hang when I get the time.
Dalfyre, its not called 'The Land Of The Long White Cloud' for nothing! he he. Your border garden looks lovely. Is that a current picture? Not bad for days of rain! Soggy Doggies, I know what you mean. I'll up your anti and say, soggy smelly doggies!
Hello Jean, I guess you'll be busy with the GD and not get into the tearoom for a bit. I'm glad you finally had some rain! For the money being spent on these silly desalination plants, they could pipe all this storm water down to VIC and SA. They'll reach the same conclusion eventually, but by then the money will already have been spent. Thanks for the muffins. Needing comfort food now its cooling down.
Chrissy, did you lie on the ground to take those shots, or are they really that tall? Lovely that you have so much colour at home. I'm enjoying watching the birds on the red hot pokers and the Agave flowers. It does funny things to the pokers though, and they get all bent and twisted.
Hello Cody. Is that a dyalily in your picture? I saw all your ducklings earlier. What a menagerie you have. They must keep you busy.
The rain has held off all day, so things are drying out, and while weeding today, I found the onion weed and oxalis dug out easily in the moist earth. Nice, such a feeling of satisfaction when you get the whole lot out! The customer is pleased with the reduction of weeds over the last few years, so it's nice to know I'm having some effect.
Well, goodnite all, talk again tomorrow

Thumbnail by weed_woman
Sunshine Coast, Australia

Jean... I became a step great-grandmother a month ago. My own married grand-daughter is 24 but no children yet.
Here let me help you along and you can do the same for me.*G*

Chrissy...I'm with you ...the staff that look after my mother in the Nursing Home are so special.

To all others have a great week!

Brisbane, Australia

hello all. That is amazing that you have so many generations in your families. My grandparents died when I was little so I didn't have that intergenerational relationship. My parents died when I was still having kids, hubby's died before we were married so we have been the older generation for ages! I guess that's what comes from being the youngest in the generation. My cousins are in their 70's..

se qld, Australia

Morning all, a nice sunny day today by the looks of it, so I'll be out playing in the patch. A bit of planting to do, as always, and probably a bit of painting. I have a gazebo half painted, so would like to see it finished.

Sue, what is the plant in your picture? It's a great shot.

se qld, Australia

Ohh, almost forgot. I finally managed to get hold of a Jazzy Bellz and a Sassy Bellz Pandorea. A wee bit small, but half of retail price so I'm not complaining. I'll have to find a special spot for them. The Aussie Bellz series finally seems to be making an appearance here in Qld, so those who were interested might like to keep an eye out. The supplier for the B shop apparently has the Sassy version, at least, ready for sale now.

Sunshine Coast, Australia

Good morning ...good morning!

Still overcast here at Buderim but I am going to do a bit of gardening today.

Kat...waiting for you to turn up so we can row our way to New Zealand to get those Epiphyllum plants.

Gardengal...good feeling to get those plants we are searching for.

Jean...I left some tea bags in the kitchen.

Merino, Australia

Good morning everyone. More rain here. Lovely.
My grand daughter and her partner came yesterday but could only stay for the day as they have other rellies to visit and then back to WA for work. I thought it was so nice of her to take the time to drive all the way here from the aitport in Melbourne just for the day. They were so happy with the little tummy bump which should arrive in October.
It's marvellous what technology does these days. Lecia Lee brought her ultrasound to show me. She has a CD of the ultra sound which also shows 3D pictures . . I was able to see my darling first grand child . The little face and the fists up to the mouth. I said I would rather not know what the sex was until the birth. I like surprises.The name will be either James David or Ella Rose. Knowing young people that might change between now and the birth.
She also showed me how to access facebook so I can keep up with the latest photos of herself and her brother and sisiter.
Her brother is moving to Qld in a few months so I will have a grandchild on this side of the country..
How is everyone today. All keeping dry I hope. We had misty rain all yesterday and the same this morning. It is getting quite cold in the early mornings here as my arthritis is quick to tell me. Thank goodness for electric blankets.
Hello Chrissy, my Angels are still hanging on. Glasshouse Angel has another lot of buds coming. The third flush. She certainly is prolific. Frosty has opened again and there is a third Frosty cutting that thinks it should try and flower. All the seedlings are growing well. Noone has told them it's winter yet.
Hello Sue, that vriesa you so kindly sent still has it's flower.
The little frogs love the broms.
I think that here this morning would nearly rival Dalfyres 'land of the Long White Cloud.' There is a large low lying misty cloud laying right across the valley . Very pretty but cold. Brrrrrr
Kat, my grandparents all died when I was young too. Only my nana Smith lived long enough to see 3 of my children, because I had them at a young age. My parents saw their grandchildren but died before any of them grew up. .
Hello Marleneann. My 96 year old aunt is very well cared for too in her nursing home. She would have to be the oldest surviving member of my family.
If you are going to NZ, pick me up as i definitely need more epis.
Gardengal congrats on getting thoses pandoreas. I hope they do well for you.
Hello Cody. lovey orange in that daylily. Have a great day.
Hello to Mya, Helen, Colleen and Sammut. I do hope Lesley is going well.out there.
Brian, I think someone has been in the wine again. Was it you ?
Steve, how is your beach place ? Not washed into the sea I hope.
Did you see those stupid boys in the water the other day ? Had to be rescued but going to go back in again.
Have to go and feed the children . They are getting a bit more insistent now as they spend more time carrying on with the opposite sex instead of food hunting. They know the cafe is always open here. It will be nest building time soon and hubby has the wire ready for Mrs Bird. She likes it supplied each year. Just the one sort and it has to be white and a certain length. Luckily a lot falls from the old nests once the babies are out so hubby picks it up for the next time. Talk about well trained. They call, we jump. Ha ha.
Of course I am talking about our magpies. I see there is another mouse in the trap, so breakfast for one of them. Whoever catches it first.
Better go and get something done. Enjoy your day . Keep warm and safe.
Enjoy some Blackberry Cake.

Thumbnail by 77sunset
Barmera, Australia

Not me Jean probably Budgieman or Shelley61.
I was given some "White Port" a while ago and didn't think much of it. So what's left can go in the Tea Room, if no one drinks it we can use it as a fire lighter. Anyone else tried White Port, if so was the reaction the same as mine?

se qld, Australia

Yes Brain, we found the white port to be somewhat ho-hum also. Certainly nothing to rave about.

Jean, I hope that mouse didn't find its way into the blackberry cake?

The ladies can tend to live to a ripe old age in my mothers side of the family. We missed out by only about 8 or 10 years on having 6 generations on the go when my older daughter was born - all female.

My puter is acting very strange today it keeps throwing me off and the margins have gone missing ...as to the writing ...I can hardly see it because everything has shrunk down ...steve said daves does something every tuesday with security and this is their tuesday. Is anyone else having these difficulties? ...I have a headache trying to fix things ...tried to fix the text but it does not change ...so I will go away and hope it sorts itself out.
I too have living parents and adult grandchildren ...that's 4 generations ...pretty good.

Sunshine Coast, Australia

Just took this pic but it is so dull here today and it shows in the photo

Thumbnail by Marleneann
Sunshine Coast, Australia

and one more...

Thumbnail by Marleneann
Christchurch, New Zealand

we tried white port at the Waipara Wine & Food fest a few years ago- loved it.
Also picked up a bottle of the first wine we tried - a Canterbury House pinot gris.
Carried it carefully all day & then as I took my back pack off at the railway station it slid out & smashed.
The winery has been through a few owners over the years currently it is Mud House wines.
Worth a try if you see any on the shelf over there.
I am pleased with how well the gardens are holding up under the constant rain.
I ran out during a momentary lull on Sunday to get the pic of the nemesias still flowering away.
I even have a couple of mini roses flowering.
I am on holiday for a week , my sister is coming down from Auckland with her two boys.
I am looking forward to seeing them again.
Our house goes to auction tomorrow, fingers crossed that we get a decent price.
Not expecting what it is worth... the economy & property market are against us there.

Thumbnail by dalfyre
Wonthaggi, Australia

Hello everyone,
I have no hope of catching up on all the threads at the moment, so will just post some pics of my neglected Parrots enjoying the rain!!LOL!!
Sammut I wish I had your energy? You are always doing something out there, good on you!!
Please try reading Crosstitch, it really is a great book...
Take Care all,

Thumbnail by helens5162
Wonthaggi, Australia

And another..

Thumbnail by helens5162
Coffs Harbour, Australia

Hi Pam, the flowering plant is an Agave, but I haven't been able to find out the species. The flower spikes are about 14' or more tall! The bird is a blue faced honey eater, but that one is female. This one is male. I'm trying for the perfect shot, but after an hour this morning and many, many pictures, i still haven't got it. I'll try again tomorrow.
My grandparents were all gone by the time I was 18, but we never had anything much to do with them. My Mum is not interested in her grandchildren, and my daughter has moved away, and has no inclination to have kids, so I get my elderly granny/pops time from my customers, who are all lovely, and I'm sure I have many volunteer grannies here on DG? I prefer elderly people to young people.
Hi Jacq, Marlene, Jean, Chrissy and helen. It sounds like everyone is having a good time one way or another.
Brian and Dalfyre, we went on a wine tasting in the Hunter valley a few years ago, and the White port was all the rave, We bought a bottle, but I didn't go much on it, and prefer the darker port on cold nights. I've found a new wine I'm liking at the moment. Its Mc Williams inheritance 'Fruitwood red'. Not too hard on the pocket either!
I've begun to paint the computer room today, so am squeezed in the middle of the room, with lots of stuff piled high around me. Its not very pleasant, but at least it will keep me motivated to get the job done!
Anyhoo, off to see what else is going on around here

Thumbnail by weed_woman
Brisbane, Australia

Just a quick drop in for me, my tummy is rumbling for dinner, but just wanted to report the dams around Bris being 74% full - woo hoo! I just hope we keep at those kinds of levels in the future & don't get down to <20% like a few years back!

I've been watching the ABC Around the World in 80 Gardens (taped from yesterday). SOme fo the old gardens around the world (India, South America) are amazing. It's a great show,
Any way gotta run, Leisa.

This message was edited May 28, 2009 12:18 AM

Brisbane, Australia

Hmmm my previous post has the back end missing - I tried to edit it, but can't seem to fix it! Sorry about that folks! Leisa.

se qld, Australia

That's great news about the dams Leisa. It will at least put on holds the plans to put recycled water into your system. After the stuff ups with the fluoride, it doesn't bear thinking about what might happen if they had a 'mishap' in the recycling process.

Sue, that Agave flower pic is amazing. Well done! :)

This message was edited May 27, 2009 4:35 PM

Merino, Australia

Hello everyone. As usual , on shopping day, I am in a hurry to get things done before hubby can start telling me to hurry up. I hope I can find an orphan today as the shelf has been a bit bare the last few times I have looked.
It is a cold morning here and a few showers are forecast.
Chrissy, Frosty is right open now and gorgeous. The Angels are all doing well so far in the cold and we have had quite a few nights down in the low numbers. We still have months of cold to look forward to so they may start looking sad later.
Hello to everyone and I hope you are not being rained on still . Unless you need it of course.
Enjoy your day and this Chocolate Caramel Cake.

Thumbnail by 77sunset
Coushatta, LA

Hi Sue,yea that is a Daylily.The animals are really not that bad.It is fun to get in the pen with them and watch them run around or get in the pool and watch them swim.I can't wait until tomorrow,i should have to duck eggs hatching and then a few days after that 7 geese eggs hatching.Well enjoy youe day and take care.

Hi Jean thanks,hope you are having a great day.Well enjoy and take care.


Thumbnail by TheAngelGirl
Christchurch, New Zealand

Cody - I knew someone who raised chickens & turkeys, he much preferred the turkey chicks - he said that the chooks would run away when you entered the pen but the turkeys would run over & sit on his feet...

Sue I will be a volunteer gran ...(((cuddles)))
just look at those parrot plants go ...wow!
great news about your dam ...I thought for sure they should be overflowing by now.Like most of the place.
teresa good luck with the auction.Fingers crossed for you.
cody do you feed your new babies with milk soaked bread? as we used to.
Pretty plants marleneanne.
kat wow you have had some loss in your family ...I am the eldest of seven ...my hubby is youngest of 8 our family and extended family is huge and riotous ...but we are now entering a zone where hubby has now lost three siblings and it is harsh. I feel for you.
a big wave to everyone ...it's hard to find anything not destroyed by rain.
Enjoy your day

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