Sunshine Coast, Australia

Hello everyone...

Still miserable weather here at Buderim.
Just enough showers to prevent me from gardening.
I have a few jobs for Fred ...like putting an brick edge to one of my garden beds and constructing a shelf for some broms.

Jean I will have to scold you for putting out all those "goodies" for me to eat. I would not be a good advertisement for Jenny Craig at the moment.

Have to go make dinner now and hope to get back later.

Barmera, Australia

No icing again Jean! I guess I'll just cut it in half and spread with butter. That makes a cake sandwich.

Merino, Australia

Good morning everyone. Marleneann, I said only one piece of cake each. You will have to run around the Tea House 20 times.
Brian, If you look in the kitchen, I left the icing bowl for you to clean out after todays icing. . I remember doing that whem mum baked cakes .
Hello Cody, It's cold here today , I hope you are getting some nice weather.
Hello Helen, my little parrots are doing well. They have grown to twice their size now and the flowers are so pretty. They seem to be liking it in the fern house even though its cold.
I have to go out soon as the car has to go in for repairs to the alternator. The red light has been coming on for a while and last Friday, it wouldn't start. Luckily we have a friend with a jump starter who came in . Cars always seem to want something done on them. I will take advantage of being back in Hamilton and visit the library again. I have read the books I got last week. I have been reading Heather Graham lately as I could not find any new books by my favorite authors. She is a good writer. her books are a mix of murder, a few ghosts and a touch of romance. Not really mushy romance so quite a good read.
I am waiting on the new Matthew Reilly too.
I have just re read the Rama series and also some of Stephen king again.
I was not overly taken with the Dune series after the first 2 books, It seemed like they lost the thread of the story. I did like the Foundation books by Arthur C Clarke.
Better make a move as the car has to be in early. We will wander around Hamilton for the morning while it gets done. Hello to everyone and I hope you all have a great day.
Enjoy the Chocolate Cake.

Thumbnail by 77sunset

hi everyone ...another wet ...bleak and cold morning but I think this is a seedpod (don't know if they are fertile ...but we will wait and see) of a parrot ...funny because it is on my small cutting rather than the large plants. Look to the right and you can see a small pod ^_^

Thumbnail by

I took that pic of the Parrot seed pod during a 5min break in the weather yesterday, how many of you are frustrated at being housebound? it does make me understand why some gardeners overseas and perhaps here ...like to play with sprouting and growing stuff inside during winter.
I am just not used to all this cold and wet.It seems as though it has gone on forever (about two years shortly.) It is most difficult to wrap your mind around constant rain after years of drought but isn't it the typical australian story ...those poor folks up North my heart really goes out to them. Of course it hasn't been that long since Victoria was a tinder box, so I hope to goodness that they will also get the rain that they need ...we have been warned to expect a deluge on wednesday and no let up on the showers until the weekend at least.
Cars ...hmmm jean aren't they a worry? around these districts a car being off the road is a major drama because there is no transport other than two school buses.Taxi service is just impossible.I hope you can get your "beast "back on the road ok and at a reasonable cost.
I guess I will be dragging out my books too ...if this rain keeps up.
I also have about 60 hours of scary movies recorded but not seen yet, on the IQ ...but the truth is I would rather be in the garden, I love to work out there when it is cold ...no mozzies or wasps ...or any other nasties, no overheating or sunburn.
I am so boring today! fancy yapping about the weather huh? ...you can tell it is early winter here can't you.
Oh well better go do something useful! *smiling*
Enjoy your day everyone!

townsville, Australia

Good morning all I do not have a chance at the moment to read all the forum I have missed, I am flat out my computer died and I lost 2 weeks work at the end of the month this is a nightmare. I am going nuts trying to catch up oh well I will just keep at it.
Helen "what a hottie" you are and I love the shirt.
Thanks for all the advice for sunburn I will have to give them all a go I must admit I do get burnt occasionally, through being lazy mostly. The worst time was when I was pregant and had to spend 3 days in hospital with second and third degree sunburn well that was not fun and I have never been that stupid again.
phones ringing have to go and do some work arghhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. I am never going to see an end in sight sigh!
Have a great day, If know one hears from me in a couple of days it means im in a coma at my desk at work lol.
I will catch up on the forum eventually.
have a great day Shell

Coushatta, LA

Hi Helen and Jean,well i had two geese hatch today.They are both girls.I miss the first girl hatch out but i stayed until the second girl hatched.Well the weather was nice here.Well have a bless day and enjoy and take care.


Thumbnail by TheAngelGirl
western sydney nsw, Australia

Afternoon to all ,
Not been in lately my poor old back has been keeping me on the couch only been reading after 5 minutes its been rest time .Now moving around again .
Whate a joy to see the baby ducks and see every ones garden pics. and see the rain has been visiting every one thate needed it .

Better finish dont want to over do things still have to take things easy every one take care till later

Thumbnail by sammut
Wonthaggi, Australia

Hi Marleneann, Don't worry, I'll jog around the Teahouse with you. It's Ok Jean we'll run the cake off!LOL!!! I'm glad your Parrots are doing well.
Chrissy~ Thanks for the update in yours, please keep me posted???
Shelly, Thanks, but Nooooooooooooo, you must need glasses, but Yes, I do like the shirt !Hahaha! Now if you were commenting on my Sarah's wedding pic, all gussied up,
I might say, Thank you??? You wouldn't even know I was the same person!LOL!!!
I hope your catching up on all your work? What a pain..
Cody, as always, another cute pic, how many bablies do you have now?
Elaine~ Love all your hanging pots, but, Please REST!!!???
Hello to everyone else, Colleen, sorry I forgot to say "Hi" the other day.
Take Care all, wherever you are in this hot/cold/wet/dry, Beautiful Country of ours :)

Christchurch, New Zealand

Oh Sammut take care of that back...
I injured mine at work - the only thing that gave me relief was walking!
We had the most brilliant day today, the sun was shining & we took the dogs to the park.
My sister was here from Auckland & has had cold, wet miserable weather til today.
Naturally she went home this afternoon.
But we mad the most of it while we could & her boys just loved taking turns to walk Chita.
Not to mention being able to play in the playground - finally they could play out doors.

western sydney nsw, Australia

My silly back pain made my legs wobbley I had to have my legs up one 2 pillows to ease the pain then I was getting cramps in my feet old age is not fun in winter.not over doing things a lot of rest and sleeping a lot..85% fit now and very little pain.
My little mate was resting also.-----------Sammut

Thumbnail by sammut
Sydney, Australia

Hi all!
Has winter finished yet? It's WHAT! JUST STARTED? groan!
NOT a winter person! Must stop my complaining and accept the cycle!
Anyway Jean - going to pick up either Reilly or King from the Lions Ladies on the
weekend. Decided I don't have much time for Alistair MacLean anymore. Read another
and kept reading to finish it rather than because it 'Got Me'.
Glad we have a long weekend coming up. It's Freddie Mercury's birthday! (ooops wrong Queen!)
The boss will be going to Milton to see the Scarecrow Festival and I will be ensconced in the garden.
News is that the Possums have given up on trying to get into the lounge chimney and have breached
the kitchen chimney defences! So Sat night on the roof. Should be the last time. I underestimated their determination.

Brisbane, Australia

Evening all, better late than never!
I only got a quick walk around the garden this morning, as I had to work. I was gathering up a few spares to give to my co-workers - some rhoeo & coleus plants I'd grown from cuttings. I've found a willing recipients of all kinds of things as they've just moved into new homes & have bare yards.
It's been raining again - it's not supposed to this time of year hummph!!
Sammut I hope your back is feeling better soon. Having a bad back is no fun - a sore arm or leg you can immobilize, but a back is almost impossible to fully ease unless you can sleep! Glad to see you've at least got some 4 legged company! Your hanging pots are look very healthy! Take it easy!
I think I'm gaining all the virtual calories from Jean's treats !! I certainly need to do many many laps around the teahouse.
Anyway gotta run, Leisa.

Thumbnail by LeisaD
Barmera, Australia

Shelly61! Good Lord girl haven't they taught you to back up regularly. Onto disks or Flash cards something separate altogether from the HDD. You lost a fortnights work if I was your Boss I'd sack you.
As for Sun burn any body can get caught out with that, start growing some Cacti & Succulents then you can rub Aloe vera onto the burn not only does it ease the pain but also helps with the healing. I sympathise with you for the Sun Burn but not for losing a fortnights work.

western sydney nsw, Australia

Good morning to all,
Still raining here and I am back to normal had enought rain but it has been a blessing doing the watering for me all my little weeds have grown so big and strong Jean when you have time you can pop in with your round up and send them to their final resting place .
every one have a great day take care .-----------Sammut.

se qld, Australia

This message was edited Jun 2, 2009 5:50 PM

Merino, Australia

Hello everyone. Another typical dull morning here. Misty rain most of yesterday and looks like the same today. At least there is no cold wind. Its the wind chill that really gets to you outside. We have been lucky so far but I'm sure the wind is waiting somewhere to pounce later.
The car came home from the garage all fixed, I hope anyway. The chap said there was nothing they could find that would have been causing the problem but they put new bits in the alternator and a new regulator so I don't think there will be any more non starts . We are stuck here if there is no car. We are a long way from the nearest taxi, bus or train. A very long way. Maybe I should get a horse and cart to keep in the yard. Ha ha.
Hello Chrissy. I think you will have to get used to the cold. It seems to be moving further north in the winter. I beleive in sharing things so am pleased to share the cold weather.
Hello Shelly, you should live here, no chance of sunburn .
Cody, your little geese are so cute.They make good pets.
Sammut, I hope you are resting still. sore backs are the worst thing. You can't put yourself anywhere comfortable. Take care . I will try and get around with the Roundup on all your weeds.
Hello Helen, hope your garden is not inundated with weeds like mine.
Dalfyre, glad you had a great time with your visitors.
Steve, I think the possums have you worked out. I think they enjoy watching you laying flat out on the roof.
Leisa, I'll see you later running around the Tea Room. I need that run myself.
Hello to everyone else and I hope you are all enjoying some cold weather. If I have to be cold, then you should all share too.
I am going out to talk to the plants and see how they are doing . My Angels are still putting on new growth as are the epis. I have some iris seedlings up and lots of spring bulbs. Yes Steve, it is going to be winter for a while but we do need the cold for some plants. I hope you all enjoy the day and hello to all I have not mentioned. I know you pop in and grab a cake now and then or a nice glass of wine.
Try some of this Grape Cake.
Have a great day. Jean.

Thumbnail by 77sunset
townsville, Australia

Brian, that is not very nice, the server was the one that broke down and according to the computer tech, my system does an automatic back up every night, but I was unaware of the server problems as neither my boss or the computer tech thought I needed to be aware of the problems, if I had known this I WOULD have done my own backups every afternoon. I should "QUIT" being put under all this additional STRESS, not "GET THE SACK".
Sorry if I am a bit harsh but I think you are being very harsh on me, without knowing all the facts, and I am being stretched very thin right now, so I am over emotional and very tired and cranky.
To everyone else good morning and have a wonderful day, I have to get back to it
Smile and stay safe

Barmera, Australia

G'Day Shelly61.
You're a bit tough on me as well. You wish everyone else a wonderful day so I suppose I should have a lousy day. Obviously if you were told the backups were automatic then it's not your fault that a fornights work has to be repeated. Under these circumstances you should be entitled to extra pay for the stress, and tell the boss I said so.
In all seriousness if the backups were automatic why aren't they available to restore the data? Or were they just duplicated onto the same HDD that you were using? A true backup has to be on an independent media or there is no point in having it. IT lessons over for today.
Hey you didn't say anything nice about my helpful advice on sunburn relief.

townsville, Australia

I am sorry if I was a bit tough Brian I was very upset, One of my not so good personality traits I usually say what I think, without actually thinking about it. I should just go get drunk lol. I would like you to have a wonderful day as well and thank you for the advice on sunburn relief it was very helpfull, I planted aloe vera last weekend for future use, I have never used it but I have been told it is very good.
I am not sure why they could not retrieve my data apparently it has been playing up for a couple of weeks, (and the computer tech is a tosser lol) although it would have been nice of them to tell me, so I could do my own backups which I may add I am doing from now on as I do not trust the mongrel server any more.
Again I am sorry I am usually not that mean and rude.
Have a great day

Barmera, Australia

G'Day Shelly61, I was having a bit of fun re the data loss and took it that your response was in the same vane.

Coffs Harbour, Australia

Now, now, break it up, no fisty cuffs in the tea room! he he. Oh, its good to see someone else spit the dummy online, Shelly! I've done it a couple of times, believe me. The recipient is no longer around to share the story, but I felt much better afterwards. Its hard to tell in a post if someone is joking or not, I always add the 'he he' for emphasis when I'm joking, as I seem to do more often these days.
I feel for you being under stress, and computer stress is the WORST!
We're still getting showers, and the yard is spungee (I know thats not spelt right, but does 'spongey' look right to you?) I'm spelling it phonetically, as it looks better. Who designed the written english word, anyway? I digress.
Hello to all, Sammut, take care of your back, stay warm and eat chicken soup! You're little mate looks a right darling!
Steve, Lucky you've got that possum to keep you busy on saturday nights, else what would you have to do?
Pam, thanks for saying nothing? he he
Leisa, I love your Coleus, they grow well here out of doors also. I might Dmail you re a swap, but wonder how well they would cope in the post?
Jean, I'm glad you got your car fixed, and your idea of a horse and cart is quite good. We might all need one one day. Did you have a nice day out? Did you get anything exciting?
Hello Helen of the cat shirt and Cody of the ducklings/geese, Brian (please don't fire me), and of course to anyone else who drops by today.
Must go and do something productive.

townsville, Australia

I feel just awful, I have calmed down considerably, since this morning, I take everything to heart and very personally when I am this exhausted, so I again would like to apologise for my outburst, I would like to say it will never happen again, but in all honesty I know me too well for that lol.
Elaine your baby is so cute and I hope you are feeling better soon.
Steve never under estimate a stubborn possum, it is probably female lol. And NO winter has not started as yet for some of us lol, although I wore a long sleeve t shirt with my shorts 3 nights ago if that is any consolation.
I have to go and start again, I had to stop before I started to pull my hair out. Oh well I will get there eventually. Have a lovely evening all.

Merino, Australia

Children, children.... Go and stand in the corner. Ha ha.
We are allowed to have a gripe but please not at each other unless there is a giggle at the end so we know it's all in fun.
I know the feeling of just saying without thinking Shelly. I have a very savage temper, but my dear departed dad , bless his soul, took great pains when I was very young , to show me the error of my ways and to cultivate self restraint.
The old saying of counting to ten before you speak does work, hard though it is to remember at the time.
Now I need a cuppa because I have been out weeding and planting a couple of nicely grown seedlings. The day has turned out overcast but fine and not too cold.
There are a lot of rosellas out in the trees at the moment but they won't find any fruit to eat now. I think they like to nibble on some of the seeds on the gum trees.
The garden is just full of perfume today. There are carpets of self sown alyssum which has the most heavenly scent when in large drifts. It just wafts all over and is so strong for such a little plant. I let it grow everywhere as a ground cover because it is so easy to pull out if you don't want it somewhere.
Better go and get my cuppa. have a nice day

Thumbnail by 77sunset
Coushatta, LA

Hi Helen thanks,well so far i have 4 babies.I will post a picture of them later.I have 1 goose that is waiting to hatch.Well have a bless day and take care.

Hi Jean,yes they do make great pets.I will have to post a recent picture of them later as well.I hope you are staying warm their.It was nice here today,i worked out in the yard today and planted a few things.Well have a bless day and take care.

Hi Sue,hope your day is going good and you are staying warm.Well have a bless day and take care as well.


Thumbnail by TheAngelGirl
townsville, Australia

Oh egads how could I forget "GO THE MIGHTY BLUES" sorry all the other queenslanders but I was born in ballina nsw, so that is my state of origin lol.
yes it is 6:40 and unfortunately I am still at work I have to catch up somehow lol.
have a great night

Barmera, Australia

Have a Plonk on me Shelly61. Just to keep you going until home time. Only one glass or you might go to sleep at the desk.

Sydney, Australia

Well. One day at work and you kids are at each other!
For the record Stake I don't consider myself a dummy but I have also lost a months data from
not backing up daily. I have had stolen computers and computer death. Learnt my lesson and did not sack myself. If it had been a staff member - people make mistakes, take short cuts so I would have made it my thing as a manager to make sure it was backed up.
Whoops. Just realised I have not backed up my artwork file for two weeks. Takes six hours to do!
Anyway who cares about work! Cab Sav in hand, real footy on tv. (also smells like spag bol is ready)
Have a great night all!
Budgie (possum hunter)

Brisbane, Australia

Hi All,
Well there was plenty of tension in the tearoom today! At least we're lucky Jean's cake was finished otherwise there might been a serious food fight!! Go easy folks - sounds like you both need time out in the garden ;-)

It's the end of work week for me, although I'll probably put in some hours from home tomorrow afternoon, after having a nice morning tea with some friends first up! Have I got my priorities right or what ;-).
I want to know what makes us all try to propagate things via seeds or cutting, when quite often we already have enough plants or not enough room. I see something like that coleus & just have to take a few cuttings & grow a few more of them - even though I don;t have the room. Then I can't stand to just chuck an excess plant out. (so Sue or anyone else, I'm happy to try send some bits in the post - just dmail me.)
It seems to be some kind of human instinct to propagate plants. I almost pity those poor soles who aren't into gardening & who don't find walking around the garden & seeing all kinds of little (& big) job as cathartic! My husband is one of them. He's happy to spend allday in his sunless PC room. I go bonkers if I don't get out for a quick walk about at least every 2nd day.
Anyway I'm off to sleep, so I can get up early enough for a good bit of gardening, before my morning tea!!
Night all, Leisa.

Merino, Australia

Good morning everyone. It's still dark outside. Someone hasn't turned the light on upstairs yet. There is a light fog around but hopefully it will lift early as I want to get out with the Roundup. Look out weeds.
Leisa. my hubby spends all day in his shed playing with radio bits and pieces unless I really need a hand with something. At least it keeps him from underfoot .
I know what you mean about plants. How can one through out that nice piece or that extra bulb. I hate pruning as I always want to keep the bits. I know I have enough but those bits look too good to throw out. I should just keep a few . Ha ha. happens every time. It must be something in the gardening genes in all of us mad gardeners. How many times have you walked past a house and thought , that looks noce , I must get one of those. Looking at pics and wanting one of something you know is not going to grow in your area.
Oh well, I'm not going to look at those few bits I stuck in the ground yesterday.
I have pots all over the place with odd bits in them. Some grow and some know better and die. They know they can't live here.
Hello Steve, how are the possums ? I hope you are looking after that cabinet of 'mine' Ha ha.
Brian, How goes your cacti. I did look at your photos on the other thread earlier. One would not want to stand too close to some of those tall ones. When I lived on a farm years ago , I used to keep well away from the patch of 7' tall cacti. They were always toppling over. Could do one a nasty injury .
Hello Shelly. Keep slogging , it's only 1 more day to the weekend. I'll leave the wine out for you so you can grab a glass on your way home.
Hello Cody, have a lovely day. I sometimes miss having any poultry but I really don't have a good area for any now and there are the foxes and feral cats around too.
Chrissy, my G/H angel is out in flower again. I will have to give all my angels numbers now so I know which ones are which. . My bougainvillea is still flowering . Must be making up for all those years it never flowered while hidden under the trees. i have polyanthus that have decided they want to flower and also the primula is out. I wish the primula would selfseed but it doesn't seem to want to. I saw a house once where it was evrywhere . So pretty.
Hello to Helen, Sue, Lesley, Sammut, Colleen ( your angel pieces are doing well here )
Kat, how are things in turkey land ?
Hello everyone else and have a great day whether in the garden or at work.
Try a piece of this yummy Chocolate Tart.

Thumbnail by 77sunset
Sydney, Australia

Good morning.
Not usually allowed morning time in the tea room so this is a rare treat!
Jean your cabinet is safe and well. The possums have not found it yet but they have
breached the kitchen chimney defences which were not as strong as the lounge chimney (they have given up trying there)
so guess where I'll be on the weekend! You could be right in saying they may be getting a kick out of seeing the idiot
laying on the roof in the dark. I can only do this when I have my nurse around just in case!
Have a good day all

Brisbane, Australia

Morning all!
I'm in early to make sure I get a piece of Jean yummy tart - but I'm gonna keep it for afternoon tea. I always come in so late & seem to miss out, so I hope no one minds!!
I was planning a bit of gardening this morning before I go out, but it's drizzling pretty well outside. I can't believe how much rain we've had!! It just doesn't seem to stop!!! My patio seems to have sprung a leak as there's water on the flooor. I'll have to get hubby out there to see what's going on. I'll have to be careful though. When we first moved in we had a fiberglass patio cover that leaked abit. So he got up to try & plug the leaks & after that it leaked more! So we gave up & got a new roof!
Jean you must have seen me last night as I walked past the local shops on the way home from the train & snitched a piece of white geranium I'v noticed growing there!! I'm a shocker!! Do I need more plants - no - but still I do it!!
Anyway I'm off - maybe pop in later if I get a chance! here's my lastest cuttings on the patio table.

Thumbnail by LeisaD
townsville, Australia

Good morning all, I have come to work today in a much better mood, I got heaps of work done last night without any distractions and the PHONE to slow me down. So in a much better frame of mind today.
The sun is shining the birds are singing and it is nearly the long weekend yay, Jean and Brian thanks for the drinks last night, they went down REALLY WELL, but I had to wait till I got home to drink them, I had to drive lol.
I do not wish to talk about the football as I am 'sulking', mostly due to the wrong team winning lol.
Steve those possums of yours have got your measure, you know you will never win, they are very clever little critters lol.
Leisa you are right I can not recall ever throwing a decent piece of plant out, it is very sad I have more than enough of one particular plant in my yard and I still persist in putting in cuttings when ever I do a clean up. But I normally give them away to friends and rely's when they are establised, but I do love to see them grow and I think that is why I do it in the first place.
Cody your babies are as cute as, are you selling them or keeping them.
Well I have to get back to it.
have a great day all
Smile and stay safe

Barmera, Australia

Shelly61, you have the wrong idea about the Tea Room Wine, it doesn't register on breathalysers the same as the cake doesn't register calories or whatever they are now. Kilojoules?

se qld, Australia

>I do not wish to talk about the football as I am 'sulking', mostly due to the wrong team winning lol.

Ah, Shelly, I'm sure the BEST team won. I'm pleased to hear you're catching up on the lost work. I don't imagine I'd have been too happy about it either. If it's any consolation, there are only 2 more days until the weekend, and today's mostly done, so you might as well write it off and just call it one day. Oh, and it's a long weekend. Enjoy the extra day of freedom.

It's lovely and sunny here. We were supposed to get a bit of drizzle, but I'm not complaining that it doesn't look like happening. I'm sure there are others who need it more.

Just out of curiosity, has anyone here used tile and laminate paint? If so, how did you find it? We're going to redo the kitchen one day, but in the meantime, I'd dearly love to be rid of our (not so) lovely pink-streaked tiles on the wall. I could simply pry them off and replace them, but to be honest, there are more pressing things at the moment to do with the sort of time it would take me.
Have a great day all.

Barmera, Australia

but to be honest, there are more pressing things at the moment to do with the sort of time it would take me.
G'Day Gardengal.
Of course there is, you haven't been into the cryptics enough lately.

Magnetic Island, Australia(Zone 11)

has anyone here used tile and laminate paint

From an experienced painter (ME) I'd only use the Whites Knight product,makesure you use their primer as well,also it specifies you use a roller or brush.....big mistake....... use the Shelleys Premium Pad Painter and apply very lightly, that way no streaks are seen.......oh ,and Good Luck.........it's well worth the effort.......

HEY Pam, the BEST team did win.........


This message was edited Jun 3, 2009 11:13 PM

Barmera, Australia

I don't know what you are all on about. There was no proper footy on last night or the night before.

Merino, Australia

There is no real football of any sort on anywhere. Football (real football) was great to watch many years ago until the powers that be decided to change things to suit their misguided minds.
The game has deteriorated so much I wouldn't worry if they never played at all.
A very sad older Bombers fan

se qld, Australia

Hi Mya, thanks for the paint tips. If the end product fairly robust?


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