Need care instructions for azalea

Wilmar, AR(Zone 8a)

Hello! THis is my first post in this part of the community.
My daughter sent me a beautiful potted pink double-bloom azalea for mother's day and there were no care instructions included. It is already in bloom. (don't have a picture to send right now)
Must it stay indoors or can it be planted outside. The summers get awfully hot here in south Arkansas so I worry it wouldn't make it outside but I have cats indoors and they love to dig in and/or eat any flowers I may bring inside.
WOuld it be OK to leave them at my office? There is usually no air running on the weekends
any advice or instructions would be greatly appreciated!
I do not have a green thumb!

(Zone 1)

For me, Azalea's are a landscape plant but I'm sure some folks probably keep them as houseplants though.

I googled and found this information:

and here:

Dublin, CA(Zone 9a)

I've heard that the florist type azaleas like yours don't do as well in the garden as the ones that are bred for garden use, but I've never tried growing them so I don't know if that's true or not. People do grow azaleas in the south, so if you've got an area that's appropriate for it (acidic soil, some morning sun but shaded in the afternoon) then it's worth trying.

(Zone 1)

I always thought the florist azalea was the same as any other, just forced into bloom in a greenhouse, LOL.

I googled and found this info for caring for florist azalea's:

And, lots of info at the Azalea Society page: - check out question #5

Dublin, CA(Zone 9a)

They may be the same--like I said I have no personal experience on it, but I've seen other people post that they often aren't as hardy and generally don't do as well as the ones you would buy at a nursery. But it could just be a coincidence too.

Central, AL(Zone 7b)

I've an Azalea that was made into a bonsai. Instruction given to care for them as if they were outdoor specimen. Bring them in when they in blooms to enjoy but for a short duration. But the indoor environment isn't optimum for it to perform its best. I've had the Azalea in a small pot for 3 years now. It's blooming currently, and I love it.

Central, AL(Zone 7b)

Here is a thread I started on the mentioned Azalea:

Central, AL(Zone 7b)

This is my mentioned 'bonsai' Azalea. The term bonsai in Japan simply means 'Flower in a pot'. ^_^
I hope that helps you CBL51, since our zones are pretty close to each other, I hope this info. helps you some.
I keep this little pot outdoor all year round. In the winter, I bury the pot and all under a layer of pinebark mulch to prevent the freez and thaw action of temp. fluctuation thus protect the pot from cracking as well as protecting the roots from injury.

Thumbnail by Lily_love
Wilmar, AR(Zone 8a)

Thanks everyone for the advice. I'll see what happens and let y'all know!

Powder Springs, GA(Zone 7b)

I've had mine in a pot for years outdoors where it is treated to freezing temps, heat and humidity, and is like any other azalea as far as I can see. It'd probably be better in the ground so it wouldn't dry out as fast. Just make sure it doesn't dry out too much or it could become a goner.

I had a 3 inch bonsai on my kitchen windowsill for a couple of years and I go on a week's vacation leaving all my potted plants to my daughter to water. She forgot that one and it croaked.

It's a good idea to buy these at 1/2 price after the holiday has passed. Just hope there is enough blooms left to know the color though.

Thumbnail by hcmcdole

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