April in Like a Lion Too #3

Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

Happy Birthday, FlipFlops!!

(Zone 5a)

Happy Birthday FlipFlops :-) Hope you have a wonderful day!

Kiska - that's a wonderful birthday photo :-) and thanks :-)

Marylyn - Hi! and thanks! Wow that is a lot of rain! Glad there isn't any flooding except for the cooler full of water ;-)


Isabella, MO(Zone 6b)


I am waaay behind again. Thank you all for the compliments on my gardens. Buddy and I spent the first 18 months we lived in this house preparing those gardens and this year the hard work has paid off. He would be extremely pleased to see the fruits of his labors.

Sharon: HUGE oleanders there. Pea and Prissy make quite a pair!!
Pepper and Cuckoo: sure glad the tornadoes have stayed away from you two.
Celia: I got my echies from Fairy's co-op yesterday. Tomato Soup was one of them--Hooray! I received ten echies in all, although I ordered 14. They were out of the other four which I ordered, but I did get a refund on those. Fairy does a good job with her co-ops. I'm going to have to plant mine in big pots so I can take them with me to my daughter's house.
Rann: Oleanders grow here, too although mine haven't reached the height of Sharon's but they very well could if they aren't kept trimmed back.
Ric: how much longer on the remodel of Robyn's parents' house? Isn't it nice to have a plant that belonged to your Mother? I wish I had some of my mother's plants from her yard.
Kiska: those buildings for the state fair are certainly colorful!
Bernie: Kelli has your work cut out for you--LOL
Kelli: more nice hiking pictures--that's quite a job you found for Bernie! LOL
Marylyn: it sounds as if you are "waterlogged"! We have had a lot of rain this morning, too. I'm glad I live on a small hill. Even so, my backyard is quite soggy right now.

Currently it is 68º and cloudy. Rained for quite a while this morning but stopped before noon. Now it is just overcast but looks like it could rain again at any moment. I hope those of you who need rain will get some soon. Wish I could send some of our rain to you!

Here's a photo of Peach Belle from last year.

Thumbnail by marsue
Rocky Mount, VA(Zone 7a)

Happy Birthday FlipFlops!
Sunny. Bright and warm with a cool breeze - my kind of an afternoon.

Amelia Island, FL(Zone 9a)

We had obedience training tonight. Peanut is starting to come out of her shell around the bigger dogs.
Rann – Thanks! Love the blooms!
Marylyn – Send us some of that rain less the lightening!
Kiska- I see green!
Mau – Beautiful Peach Belle!
Dyson - Glad your weather is getting better!

71.8 °F
Scattered Clouds
Humidity: 61%
Dew Point: 58 °F
Wind: 0.0 mph
Wind Gust: 0.0 mph
Pressure: 30.30 in (Steady)
Heat Index: 76 °F
Visibility: 10.0 miles
UV: 0 out of 16
Clouds: Scattered Clouds 4500 ft
Scattered Clouds 9000 ft
(Above Ground Level)
Elevation: 18 ft

Mostly clear. Patchy fog after midnight. Low 61. East winds 5 to 10 mph.

Prissy and Sylvester barely fit on the chair together. This was a first LOL!

Thumbnail by MySharona
KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

Mostly sunny today and a bit on the cool side. More rain coming in this week.

We had a news crew come today so I was hurrying around trying to get the greenhouse area perfect. It was pretty much all for nothing. LOL. Had a pallet load of hibiscus come in and they left a big mess. Then my boss brought in some more hanging plants so I had to make room for them on top of the deadheading and cleaning that still needed to be done. When I said something this afternoon about it they told me the crew had been there and gone already. LOL. I had them cracking up when I told them how I was running around trying to get everything done. LOL

Springboro, PA(Zone 5a)

43°F and rainy this evening. Our high of 73°F today seemed cool after 4 days of sun and highs ranging from 82°F to 87°F. Way too hot for this time of the year. Mostly sunshine and more seasonable temps in the 10 day forecast.

I've been lurking the past few days and enjoying everyone's photos and posts.

I'm tired. Night,night.

Photo.......... some marsh marigolds growing in a nearby wetland.


Thumbnail by Early_Bloomer
Springboro, PA(Zone 5a)

I was driving and spotted this wooded area full of bright yellow moss. The colors popped despite the extremely poor light.


Thumbnail by Early_Bloomer
Springboro, PA(Zone 5a)

Just one more......


Thumbnail by Early_Bloomer
Amelia Island, FL(Zone 9a)

Pepper – Bummer!
E_B – Beautiful pictures!

Scattered Clouds
Humidity: 75%
Dew Point: 59 °F
Wind: 0.0 mph
Wind Gust: 0.0 mph
Pressure: 30.27 in (Falling)
Visibility: 10.0 miles
UV: 0 out of 16
Clouds: Scattered Clouds 5000 ft
(Above Ground Level)
Elevation: 18 ft

Partly cloudy. High 79. East winds 10 to 15 mph.

Chihuahua "obedience" training last night. There is a 10 minute free for all at the end of class. From back to front Abby (chi/jack russell mix) she's extremely energetic, I don't know this one's name, Pepe (4 months), Lulu Belle (Peanut's BFF). Missing from this pic are Marley and Peanut.

Thumbnail by MySharona
Amelia Island, FL(Zone 9a)

This is Marley. She's the perfect student, already knows all the tricks LOL!

Thumbnail by MySharona
Amelia Island, FL(Zone 9a)

Peanut and Pepe

Thumbnail by MySharona
(Zone 7a)

Thanks for sharing that. That was cute. Pepe looks nervous. LOL

EB, as always, your pics make me want to go there.

Pepper, I hate when that happens. "All dressed up and nowhere to go" type thing.

It's sunny now with clouds maybe moving in later. No rain expected. 65º as the high.

Thumbnail by kwanjin
Isabella, MO(Zone 6b)

Sharon: a first for Prissy and Boo! LOL
Pepper: that's like cleaning house for company and they don't show up!
EB: your weather sounds like ours except for the low of 43º. Great photos! I've never seen marsh marigolds before--very pretty!
Sharon: Pea is so cute. Pepe does seem a bit uncertain about things.
Celia: pretty tulips and your grass is really green!

Cloudy again today with more rain expected. I'm going to buy a new riding lawnmower today--been putting it off but I need that mower--the weeds and grass are getting ahead of me and I can buy one for what it would cost me to pay to have my yard mowed all season (we have a long mowing season here)!

Today Scattered T-Storms
High 77°F
Precip 50%
Wind: SSE 6 mph
Max. Humidity: 78%
UV Index: 6 High
Sunrise: 6:19 AM CT
Avg. High: 76°F
Record High: 88°F (1987)
Tonight Scattered T-Storms
Overnight Low 65°F
Precip 60%
Wind: SSE 7 mph
Max. Humidity: 84%
Sunset: 7:52 PM CT
Avg. Low: 51°F
Record Low: 37°F (1997)

Daisies from seed which I planted last year. The seeds were sent to me by Jan Recchio(grampapa) from New York. Thank you, Jan! I planted them in front of that utility box to hide it.

Thumbnail by marsue
Isabella, MO(Zone 6b)

The first bloom on Gypsy this season.

Thumbnail by marsue
Isabella, MO(Zone 6b)

Here's Friday checking out the Dutch Iris. He had his nose right in the middle of that bloom but I wasn't fast enough to snap the pic before he moved.

Thumbnail by marsue
(Zone 7a)

The grass is so green because of all the rain we've had. Here's Darrell mowing the 2nd time a week ago. This was 2 weeks growth.

Thumbnail by kwanjin
Isabella, MO(Zone 6b)

You must have a different type of grass than what grows down here. We have Bermuda grass and it has finally turned green and started growing but not nearly like yours. Bermuda is a hot weather grass.

KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

Our grass looks just like Celia's. LOL. Except taller in some places.

Cloudy and getting ready to rain.

My truck is still in the shop waiting on the hinges to finally come in. They just called this morning saying that the hinges are backordered. Luckily I still am able to drive my dad's old truck. Tranny hasn't quit working yet!! lol

(Zone 7a)

The grass in the back is taller in places. The border blocks I laid out are under there somewhere.

Glad you have something to drive, Pepper. I had to have the flasher assembly on the front driver's side replaced on my truck. The whole thing was stolen at the mall where I used to work. They cut the wires and pulled it out.

(Zone 5a)

Another windy day here today, rain drizzles now and then but mostly dry. It wouldn't be bad at all if it weren't for the darned wind ....... 49°F.

Sharon - awwww how cute! Did Peanut enjoy the class?

Marsue - pretty rose and cute photo of Friday :-) I forgot to mention earlier that Selma saw the photos of your gardens and thought it looked very pretty!

Pepper - what a bummer, I hate when that happens. Sounds like an exhausting day!

EB - gorgeous photos :-) Do you know what those green leaves sticking out of the moss are?

Celia - wow your grass is growing fast! I won't be getting the lawn mower out until late May, there are perks to this cool climate ;-) lol

Have a great day!


Savannah, MO(Zone 5b)

Rain is back after a couple of days without any. Can't do much outside because it's a wet muddy mess. Rivers are near full and some are out of there banks in river bottom areas.Farmers may have to plant rice!! Many plants are blooming and everything is lush green.

Isabella, MO(Zone 6b)

Rann: please tell Selma thank you for me. It was very sweet of her to comment on my gardens.

Pepper: I'm glad you have an alternate source of transportation until your truck is repaired!

I bought a new riding mower today at HD. Once they have it assembled they will call me and I will go in so they can instruct me on how to use it--LOL--it has been years since I have had to mow a yard--dear Buddy always took care of that. Now it is up to me. I figured that by the time I paid someone to mow my yard every week for the entire season, I could pay for a new mower. It certainly won't hurt me to sit on a riding mower, after all! LOL Not much effort required in that!

Still overcast but it hasn't rained today. The Weather Channel is saying it is 76º outside. I just went out to check the thermometer on my back porch and it agrees with the Weather Channel! (for a change).

This is a current picture of some Hot Lips Salvia and also some bee balm which Sandra(slcdms), another DGer gave me last year. They are both doing great!

Thumbnail by marsue
Cincinnati, OH(Zone 6b)

70° currently after a high of 74° .
Supposed to be rainy and 62° .
We saw a few sprinkles and a lot of sun....... lol!

Took a ton of pictures tonight. Still editing.....



Thumbnail by henryr10
KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

Cloudy then rainy late afternoon and still a few sprinkles. We have had over an inch already just today. More coming tomorrow and tomorrow we will get severe weather. Chance for that all day. Flood warnings were cancelled this afternoon and now they are back up in full force since some rivers came out of their banks again.

Update on truck: Hinges on backorder, should have them in tomorrow and be done tomorrow. Supposedly.

Amelia Island, FL(Zone 9a)

Celia - Pepe was nervous. It was his first class to our 3rd. Peanut is starting to come out of her shell around the other dogs. Your grass looks good!
Mau – Your flowers are gorgeous!
Rann – I think this was the first time Peanut actually had fun in class. She socialized more.
Mau – A riding mower is just the ticket! I would love one. You could put a little cooler on it with some iced tea.
Ric – Cool pic!
Pepper – Good luck with the truck situation!

67.6 °F
Partly Cloudy
Humidity: 74%
Dew Point: 59 °F
Wind: 0.0 mph
Wind Gust: 0.0 mph
Pressure: 30.24 in (Steady)
Visibility: 10.0 miles
UV: 0 out of 16
Clouds: Few 2800 ft
(Above Ground Level)
Elevation: 18 ft

Partly cloudy. High 80. Southeast winds 10 to 15 mph.

A Boo in a box

Thumbnail by MySharona
(Zone 7a)

Sunny and breezy with a high of 66º. Very pretty day and not too hot.

Good luck, Pepper. I know how it is to be w/o your vehicle.

Sharon, I have one like that. ☺

Thumbnail by kwanjin
Isabella, MO(Zone 6b)

Celia and Sharon: cats are so funny! Why do they like those enclosed places?
Ric: great photo--is that a dandelion ready to be blown away?
Pepper: "They" are good at making promises as to when a vehicle will be ready. Hope you get your truck today!

I think we must have had more rain during the night but I slept through it if we did.
The clouds seem to be breaking up and the sun is trying to show itself.
Currently 69º. I could probably mow the yard this afternoon if they would get the lawnmower delivered but that probably won't happen until tomorrow.

Rocky Mount, VA(Zone 7a)

58° & Very overcast. supposed to get to 70° today but I do not think it will make it.

Cincinnati, OH(Zone 6b)

Kitty Condos!

That DL was plucked as soon as I got the shots Mau.

Steady soaking rain now... temps in the low 60's.


Isabella, MO(Zone 6b)

Lucky for you, Ric--that DL won't have a chance to spread! LOL

Currently 74º--no rain--but humid and still overcast. Cloudier now than it was earlier.

The Minnie Pearl Phlox is showing off this morning!

Thumbnail by marsue
Springboro, PA(Zone 5a)

66°F with intermittent rain showers expected through tomorrow. The weekend is supposed to be cloudy but rain free.

Rann.........thanks, I'm still trying to identify those small plants poking up through the moss. It should be easier when they mature.

marsue........your flowers are way ahead of mine, I still have daffodils in prime bloom. The marsh marigolds (Cowslips) really stand out. Sometimes large areas are filled with them.

Instead of staying home yesterday evening and mowing the lawn like I should have I went fishing with my BIL and FIL. We didn't catch many but it was a nice night to be out on the lake.

Photo: A pontoon boat moored on the shore of Pymatuning Lake catches the late evening light. Pymatuning Lake straddles the Pa. Oh. border and at 16 miles long and 70 miles of shoreline is the largest lake in Pa.


Thumbnail by Early_Bloomer
(Zone 3b)

62*F~ sunny and a slight breeze makes it a perfect weather day for me.
Joey had sent some morning glory seeds; the starts were ready to plant so most are now in containers. They wll be on the upper deck, out of the way of nosy, hungry moose. Thanks, Joey.
This link is to the ice classic/guessing game as to when the ice goes out; should be anytime now. The jackpot is $283,723.
marsue~hope the new lawn mower will be fun to use.
MySharona~ cute obedience class photos of the group. Love Boo in a box, too.
kwanjin~ they look so cute when in funny places; nothing like a kitty for entertainment.
pepper~hope your vehicle isn't tied up too long. Sure is inconvenient.
ric~how pretty. The detail is gorgeous.
dyson~even with overcast, the weather looks good there, too.
E_B~that is so nice~what a beautiful scene.
cuckoo~is rice grown there? Is the flooding typical? Sounds beautiful.
This afternoon w/the morning glory started from seeds from Musis2Keep.

Thumbnail by kiska
Cincinnati, OH(Zone 6b)

HEY What happened to all the WHITE! LOL!

The storms are getting ready to move in.
It appears they are about 30 minutes West.

72° currently.

What a gorgeous Phlox Mau! How long will it bloom? Fragrant?

e_b love the light. Serious Eye you have.

Clematis montana 'Reubens'

Thumbnail by henryr10
Savannah, MO(Zone 5b)

Rain moved out and it's simply gorgeous here in this part of the midwest. It's a little cool though( about 60 degrees) this evening with winds picking up. TGIF is almost here!

(Zone 3b)

A more informative link as to the "how they do it" for the ice classic. By cliking on "pictures" , in the body of the info, there are up to date photos of the river/tripod.
ric~ it's gone, gone, gone:)) Snowed and remained on the ground since October 5th...
cuckoo~ funny what a difference one considers cool or warm. 60 here is wonderfully warm and perfect. TGIF is always a favorite day. Tomorrow our 1st grade grandson will be in their end-of-year performance. Can't wait to see it.
A bird landed on the trellis before I could even focus the camera this afternoon. But, I think it was wondering about the new addition to the deck.

Thumbnail by kiska
KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

Still no truck. There wasn't a message on the machine. I'm hoping they call tomorrow. Tomorrow my dad has to take me in and my mom pick me up because the radiator on my dad's Ranger has 2 holes on the top and today it had little streams of steam coming out. So tomorrow he has to put a new one in but is gonna need the truck. Now we are reaching the point of desperation. LOL.

Raining most of the day. Quit for a few hours in the afternoon and got muggy and now it's raining again and cooling off. Tomorrow, rain and high of 52 in the morning and it goes down to the 40s from there. I work 11am-6pm so I will really feel it!!

Grass is over 2 feet tall in some places now and our yard is so wet that we literally sink down. And rain doesn't stop til late next week. UGH!!!!!!

Savannah, MO(Zone 5b)

Pepper you and I should be growing rice this spring!! Wild rice is delicious!

Kiska I prefer the cooler weather but most here would find it somewhat uncomfortable.I really like it especially when working outdoors in the garden or mowing. Also, Kiska I love your pictures and looks so lovely in your neck of the woods.

Henryr10 hope those storms head on through your area without problems. We simply don't need another drop of rain here in Northwest Missouri.


L.A. (Canoga Park), CA(Zone 10a)

Nothing new around here. We put the rain gauge away about a week ago because we won't be needing it for months and it is probably better for it to keep it out of the UV.

Van Nuys, California (Airport)
Updated: 5:51 PM PDT on April 30, 2009
70 °F
Humidity: 44%
Dew Point: 47 °F
Wind: 10 mph from the SE
Pressure: 29.95 in (Steady)
Visibility: 10.0 miles
UV: 2 out of 16
Clouds: Clear -
(Above Ground Level)

amaryllis "Red Pearl" It's huge.

Thumbnail by Kelli
L.A. (Canoga Park), CA(Zone 10a)

amaryllis "Rilona"

Thumbnail by Kelli

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