April in Like a Lion Too #3

(Zone 7a)

Cute shot of Peanut! LOL No chocolate lily here. I wish!

Thumbnail by kwanjin
Amelia Island, FL(Zone 9a)

She's a nut! Someone has chocolate lily...wish it was me!

(Zone 7a)

Did you ever get a video of Peanut howling?

Amelia Island, FL(Zone 9a)

No. She hasn't done it since at least not that I've heard. I'll be outside most of the day tomorrow so I'll have the camera in tow. That is the funniest sound she makes LOL!

We've decided that she and Prissy are the nosy neighbors. They stand at the diningroom window and bark at the activity outside. The activity includes people walking their dogs, lizards, birds, bugs, wind blowing, etc...

(Zone 5a)

Sharon - I WAS exhausted! lol So glad it's over! The girls did well so they're happy too :-) Peanut is sooo cute! lol

Adina - glad you're OK, 5,3 is quite a hefty tremor!

First results are in and it looks like the results will be historic. The current gov't has a majority and if that will be the end result it's the first time in our history that the left-wing parties have a majority on parliament. The right wing (Independence party) is getting it's worst election ever.

Back to the result show now ;-)


KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

Tornado in Kansas now. Over by Toganoxie, KS.

Cloudy and very windy here.

Peterstown, WV(Zone 6a)

Hellooo! Well I Passed! :D I go Monday afternoon to sign my new contract! :D I was gonna wait until after the test to eat breakfast...LOL Garrett said that I couldn't eat if I didn't pass the test! :D When I got out of testing he had a biscuit waiting on me! :D
Jack is doing great. He was so funny yesterday...I opened the pen & he walked out. Then he was sniffing my hand & all of a sudden he realized that he was 'out'. He looked at me as if to say, "Can I go, huh?, huh?" I waved my hand toward the woods & he was gone in a flash! He was running here, there, & everywhere. LOL Then he was gone for a little while, but I found him chewing on an old bone that he had buried somewhere. He has been so happy! He 'loved' on me for a long time yesterday. I haven't been home much today (planting garden & getting burnt) & he's been a little neglected, but still happy.

Adina, So glad that you are all right & that it wasn't any worse!
Rann...How is the election going? Is the final count finished? Gee, sounds like you had an awfully long time sitting! But am sure that it was well Worth it! :D
Sharon! I think we were hotter than you were today! We got up to 89! And the temp is 75, at present. LOL! at Peanut! :D Nice color nail polish, too.
Pepper, Sorry to hear about the door. :(
Kiska, Sounds as if Mt. Redoubt may be ready to blow his top! I certainly Hope Not! Please keep us posted!
E_B! LOL! What wonder shots! :D He could not be any cuter! :D I think that you may have a 'ham' there! :D
Ric, That is one BIG piece of machinery! The wind turbine (or what ever you call it) was a mess after it went! I hope no one or nothing was close! :-O

Well, I've got to take care of this burn...vinegar for me! LOL! But I'll be brown tomorrow & I'll be a little shtinky for a while.
Have a Great Week End!

(my phlox is going nuts)

Thumbnail by music2keep
L.A. (Canoga Park), CA(Zone 10a)

Yay, Joey!!!!

Adina, 5.3 is enough to get a person's attention. It's been a while since we've had one that strong around here.

Sharon, my parents used to have a lhasa apso and she would howl. Usually it would happen when we got home after being out. She would run to the top of the stairs and howl. It was pretty funny.

If someone has chocolate lily, they probably have the more northern species, rather than "my" species.

Van Nuys, California (Airport)
Updated: 6:51 PM PDT on April 25, 2009
67 °F
Humidity: 25%
Dew Point: 30 °F
Wind: 7 mph from the NW
Pressure: 29.97 in (Steady)
Visibility: 10.0 miles
UV: 0 out of 16
Clouds: Clear -
(Above Ground Level)

Today we went to Red Rock Canyon State Park. That is in the desert.

Thumbnail by Kelli
L.A. (Canoga Park), CA(Zone 10a)

beavertail cactus

Thumbnail by Kelli
L.A. (Canoga Park), CA(Zone 10a)

desert dandelion

Thumbnail by Kelli
L.A. (Canoga Park), CA(Zone 10a)

indigo bush

Thumbnail by Kelli
L.A. (Canoga Park), CA(Zone 10a)


Thumbnail by Kelli
Savannah, MO(Zone 5b)

More yucky weather moving in(N.W. Missouri) because I hear lots of thunder. Pepper I too heard about the bad weather hitting parts of Kansas. More rain coming but we don't need storms. Kelli I love your flower pictures. That Indigo Bush has the neatest looking flowers.

(Zone 3b)

45*F very windy and gray all day.
Congratulations, Joey:) so happy for you. Happy for Jack, too. Good day for you all it seems.
rann~what a day you've had, too. Concert day sounds very interesting; but, tiring.
Adina~glad it's ok there. Frequent here, but ususally not that high.
kelli~nice day for a hike. To have so many wildflowers is great.
Thanks, Dyson.
A drive near Palmer today. Spring is coming~snow's gone from the fields.

Thumbnail by kiska
Balotesti, Romania(Zone 5a)

Thanks for caring, guys! The earthquake has been scaring for the people in Bucharest, most of them are living in tall buildings. No damage or victims though, thank God!
Joey, congratulations! That's a sweet flower!
Sharon, I wish I could hear Pea hawling! And see them both barking at the window!LOL
Kelli, you have such wonderful blooms there! You asked about the internet...yes, I encountered some websites which wouldn't allow me to view videos...not me, but it was especially fo r our country or our region. My guess is something to do with the copyrights.
Rann, I hope things will go better for you after these elections. Are those primulas? Do you have any picture with Hildur Eva singing at the concert?
Celia, wow, lots of green there! What are those you just bought?
Ric, what is that gear box for?
Pepper, take care and stay out of that tornado.
Kiska, wow, what wonderful views!
These are my snapdragon seedlings ready to be plant outside.

Thumbnail by adinamiti
Balotesti, Romania(Zone 5a)

The pansies are ready too!

Thumbnail by adinamiti
(Zone 5a)

Good morning!

The results are in! The current gov't parties that were a minority, got the majority of the vote in yesterday's election, 51% I think. It's the first time in our history that a two party left-wing coalition can be formed. Now we'll just have to wait and see if they can negotiate what to do about the EU. One want's in, the other doesn't ......

Adina - thanks :-) And yes it's Primula 'John Mo'. I bought it last year so this is the first spring flowering for me - it was the first primula to start into flower - very happy with it! :-)

Here's a photo from yesterday - Hildur Eva's recital. She played "Lightly Row", syncronized (i.e. same with both hands).


Thumbnail by rannveig
Lewisville, MN(Zone 4a)

We are finally getting much needed rain, although cold rain. It is only 44º.
Not much on the agenda for today.
Yesterday afternoon, I made up plant markers for a bunch that were getting faded. I ordered EON markers from the co-op. They are so nice. I use one of those cheap label guns & stick them on the sign holders. I had one of the paint pens, but that comes off after a few months!
Also made up spreadsheets of my Hostas, Daylilies, & Iris. Complete with pictures. Used the plant files to get information.
I have about 40 varieties of Iris to list & maybe 50 daylilies left to do. I might do a sheet for Asiatic lilies, too.

Have a Great Sunday!

Amelia Island, FL(Zone 9a)

Joey – CONGRATULATIONS on the test and getting Jack out on the same day! That’s awesome! You must be thrilled. That would be Sally Hansen Nude Shimmer. I usually buy OPI, but saw this and couldn’t pass it up!
Kelli – Nice flowers!
Kiska- Pretty soon you will be surrounded by green
Rann- I take it you like the way the vote went! Hopefully negotiations will begin soon. Hildur Eva is adorable! You must be so proud of your girls.
Bernie – Congrats on the rain! It will be another week before we get a “chance of rain”. Watering the lawn now.

72.5 °F
Mostly Cloudy
Humidity: 59%
Dew Point: 58 °F
Wind: 0.0 mph
Wind Gust: 0.0 mph
Pressure: 30.36 in (Steady)
Heat Index: 76 °F
Visibility: 10.0 miles
UV: 2 out of 16
Clouds: Few 3800 ft
Mostly Cloudy 25000 ft
(Above Ground Level)
Elevation: 18 ft

Rest of Today
Mostly sunny. Breezy. High 84. East winds 15 to 20 mph with gusts to 25 mph.

I've been up since 5:30 - sheesh. I've reframed a picture, watered the lawn, 1/2 painted the kitchen table and done 3 loads of laundry. I need a nap!

Thumbnail by MySharona
KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

Sunny and muggy here. Lots of wind still too.

Tornados and rain skipped us entirely last night but NW MO and KS got hit hard.

(Zone 7a)

Adina, there are 2 viburnums, 2 clematis, a tree peony, a coneflower and a tradescantia still to go in the ground. Well, the coneflower went in late yesterday.

32 °F with only 49º for the high. And more rain.
Humidity: 90%
Dew Point: 35 °F
Wind: 6.7 mph from the West
Wind Gust: 18.4 mph
Pressure: 29.95 in (Falling)
Visibility: 10.0 miles
UV: 1 out of 16
Clouds: Mostly Cloudy 2800 ft
Overcast 3600 ft
(Above Ground Level)

After waiting 4 years, I finally have lilac blooms. Last years flowers got a virus and died.

Thumbnail by kwanjin
(Zone 5a)

Thanks Sharon - yeah, I'm pretty happy with the result ;-) lol They've started negotiations already .... and yes I'm very proud of my girs - they did very well yesterday :-)

Pepper - those tornados are a scary thing! Glad you're OK.

Celia - YAY! on the Lilac blooms! :-) Very pretty!

Forgot the weather earlier, I was in so much hurry, lol. It's mostly cloudy, the sun is shining at the moment, occational rain showers, fairly calm and 49°F. Not bad at all! lol I'm headed outside again. I have a lot of roses to pot up since we're planning some construction work ......

Here's Selma's group, they played in the last concert yesterday.


Thumbnail by rannveig
Savannah, MO(Zone 5b)

Northwest Missouri: Were under a tornado watch with storms breaking out all through roughly the mid section of the country. It's 75 degrees, windy, humid, and just ripe for some icky weather. There finding mushrooms now and hope to hunt for some very soon. Have a nice day everyone.

Isabella, MO(Zone 6b)

Whew: Sharon is right--you miss one day and you are WAAAY behind! LOL
Ric: Sounds like your job is secure--thank goodness! All that talk about gear boxes, etc., leaves my head spinning! LOL My DH and I saw one of the "wings" of a wind turbine being hauled on a very long trailer about a year ago. It was HUGE!! Recently there was an announcement that some company is going to open a plant here in Arkansas that will be making the "wings" or arms or blades or whatever you call them.
Kiska: glad the ice is melting and spring is on the way for you--hope the volcano doesn't cause too much trouble but it doesn't sound so good!
Adina: that's really scary about the earthquake. I'm glad you don't live in one of the tall apartment buildings anymore.
Rann: so glad the election went the way you wanted it to. Your girls are just lovely,--such sweet, pretty faces they have! Yes, sitting through recitals is one of the things parents and grandparents are required to do. I will be attending the band concert next Sunday of my 14 yr. old granddaughter. My 15 yr. old granddaughter is also in band at her school (they both play the clarinet) so I will be attending her band concert, too, but I don't have a date for it yet.
Bernie: glad you got to go out for "dinner" or supper or just out to eat! LOL It sounded good!
Cuckoo and pepper: I hope the storms stayed away from both of you!
Dyson: Did you finish the painting?
Kelli: I always enjoy your photo "tours" Such pretty flowers and scenes!
Joey: congratulations on passing the last portion of the test--I know you are glad that is over! also, congratulations to Jack on his freedom--bless his little canine heart! What kind of phlox is that in your photo? None of my phlox are blooming yet--I'm jealous. Oh, I forgot about the Minnie Pearl--she's blooming.
Celia: pretty lilac blooms. What kind of echinacea did you get? I have several coming from Fairy's coop. They should arrive tomorrow.
Sharon: I like the toenail polish, too. It's that time of year, isn't it? Of course, in Florida it's always time for toenails to be polished! LOL You've certainly been busy today--made me tired just to read about everything you did this morning!!

It's been another lovely, though warm, day. Currently 83º and abundant sunshine. If this keeps up, I'm going to have to turn on the sprinkler!

Here's a link to some photos of my flower beds if anyone is interested:

and if you don't have time to look at the link: here's just one photo--this is Sunsprite

Thumbnail by marsue
(Zone 7a)

Mau, I got the Tomato Soup. I couldn't pass it up.


Isabella, MO(Zone 6b)

mmm--yummy, Celia! I can't even remember right off hand just what I ordered. I could go look it up but I'll just wait till they get here and be surprised! LOL

Lewisville, MN(Zone 4a)

We wasted the day away. Checked out an auction, nothing there. Then picked up my tool box from current job & went to see the guys new place. His DD & SIL stopped there too, so ended killing lots of time there. Somewhere along the way we stopped to eat. The restaurant we stopped at has a Sunday Buffet. Very good! The owner buys watermelons from us. So need to visit once in a while. It is a private owned, non franchise place so food is all homemade. Hard to find food like that around here.
Done raining at the moment, so may go start digging my new pond.

KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

Cuckoo said it best. It's humid, the wind's blowing hard enough to knock you off your feet and we are under a tornado watch and some areas have flood warnings. Looks like it's gonna be a repeat of last night.

L.A. (Canoga Park), CA(Zone 10a)

It's good to see that windmill stuff is being made in the U.S. and not enemy countries.

Van Nuys, California (Airport)
Updated: 2:51 PM PDT on April 26, 2009
69 °F
Partly Cloudy
Humidity: 42%
Dew Point: 45 °F
Wind: 13 mph from the SSE
Pressure: 29.95 in (Falling)
Visibility: 10.0 miles
UV: 8 out of 16
Clouds: Few 7000 ft
(Above Ground Level)

more Red Rock Canyon

Thumbnail by Kelli
KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

Radar indicated tornado was in NW MO a little while ago. Cuckoo wasn't hit. It went northeast of him.

L.A. (Canoga Park), CA(Zone 10a)


Thumbnail by Kelli
L.A. (Canoga Park), CA(Zone 10a)

I don't know what this is.

Thumbnail by Kelli
L.A. (Canoga Park), CA(Zone 10a)

This might be a gilia.

Thumbnail by Kelli
L.A. (Canoga Park), CA(Zone 10a)


Thumbnail by Kelli
(Zone 5a)

Cool desert photos Kelli - looks hot! ;-)

Marsue - your garden is gorgeous! Can't believe you have so much flowering so early - looks like summer to me! lol That pink Iris is spectacular


L.A. (Canoga Park), CA(Zone 10a)

It wasn't hot. It was pretty nice, probably high 60s.

(Zone 5a)

Well, high 60's jus about perfect ;-)

Lewisville, MN(Zone 4a)

It's now 64º & we have a mild thunder boomer. Raining pretty good.
I got some stuff dug up where my new pond will be. Potted up some of it.
I'll sell some, take some to Round Up & replant some.

Cincinnati, OH(Zone 6b)

LONG two days.
75° here currently after the 3rd straight day of Sunny and 85°
One more to go then we get back to the low 70's and rainy.

I'll post on the pics and comments tomorrow.
We did another day in Dayton Saturday.... all the framing and rocking are done.


Cincinnati, OH(Zone 6b)

Whoops picture might help.

Thumbnail by henryr10

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