Inside Color!!

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)


I did my goddaughter's room in pink & purple (with a castle), but we're thinking more of a garden theme for the nursery. It's all planned in my mind's eye, and hopefully it won't take as long to come to pass as the living/dining room project! ;-)

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

Ohhhhh I REALLY like THAT idea!!

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

I'm planning to divide the walls with a rolling line, 1/3 to 1/2 way up the wall, green below for grass and blue above for sky. A big tree will be in one corner, with its trunk painted up the corner and branches going out on both walls, green colors sponged around for foliage, might even bring the tree up onto the ceiling, as I intend to hang a swing a few feet out from the corner. (I've got a plastic baby swing for starters, will probably replace that with a belt swing and then maybe one of those hammock-chairs as she gets older... I think that's a feature that will probably stay with the room, since I know I'd have loved it as a kid!)

The crib will be in the opposite corner, and I want to paint a little apple tree on that wall, using the apples as a place for family names & photos. Of course, I'll work in a few flowers, and maybe a pond. Jim wants to include a sun, either rising or setting depending on whether it's on the east or west wall. (Did I mention he's an engineer? LOL)

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

Am I the only one who seems to have missed some newsflash?

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

Oh Sally, Yes you did miss a news flash. I'll let Critter tell you the good news. I think you may have an idea of what is going on, though.
What a about a Peter Rabbit theme. You can add all kinds of garden designs and cute little bunnies. LOL

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

I love Beatrice Potter, but I think I'd find her too "precious" 24/7. I love botanical-style illustrations, but you never know, once I get underway the style could be botanical, or it could turn cartoon-ish. LOL

Sally, there's a "good news" thread here: Long story short, we have an opportunity for a private local adoption, baby girl according to the ultrasound. Due date is August 6, so painting day is September 6, after Maryland's 30 day period. Yippeee!

Falls Church, VA(Zone 7a)

I didn't second Sally's question, but I sure agreed when I saw it last night.

WOW - That is wonderful news Critter!!!!! You must be (cautiously) over the moon. Hugs all around..........Barb

central, NJ(Zone 6b)

That is so exicting!!!

If you need anything my baby girl is turning 3 so I have a ton of stuff just sitting in the attic. Just let me know.

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

I've only got a couple of things on the shopping list... car seat and maybe one of those c-shaped pillows for feeding and just plonking her down into (like I'm going to be putting her down much, hahaha). Before we bring her home, we'll make a quick stop for diapers and formula. She has a few girl cousins, so we're pretty good for handmedowns. :-)

I've had the nursery furniture for a few years... my friend Theresa spotted it at a yard sale, and it's in perfect shape. I don't think the changing table was ever used. There's even a bureau, which we've been using for other storage, but which has now been emptied to make room for baby stuff. The crib is a light maple color, sleigh style, so it will fit in well with a cottage garden sort of theme.

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

Well, I AM the last person in the world to get the news! All appendages crossed until everything is finalized. How wonderful!! Yes you will be out with her in the Snugli smelling flowers ASAP.
Juliette, Julianne-- actually prefer a short one like Joy that was mentioned. Not Judy, I had a neighbor kid named Judy I didn't like. Jenna, too many Ns, unfortunately.

central, NJ(Zone 6b)

Jill, just be careful with the older cribs, the slats should not be spaced wider than 2 3/8.

MD &, VA(Zone 7b)

Jill! Ohmygosh! Congratulations Big Time!!! And big big HUGS! :) :) I'm so happy and excited for you!

As to the "J" names... my whole family are J's too. Guess my mom thought like you... all part of the whole, ;) We've got James, Jerry, Jean, and Jody and of course Jean and James Sr. Not only do we all have j's but we've also all got D's for our middle names. And funnest of all, most of mom and dads grand kids have the same j.d. initials... Jonsy, Josette, Jarek, Jillian and Jamie ;)

Again, super big congrats and hugs!

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

I have a neighbor named Judy now, and she's wonderful! A lot of "J" names are already in use by family & friends, and we don't want to duplicate, if possible. But we're working on selections. :-)

Jen, not to worry, this isn't a vintage crib. And it passes the coke can test. Seems it was purchased for a baby who didn't end up using it (not sure if it was for a grandchild, stepson, or what). It's pretty much new. I love the style but probably would have bought one of the cheaper basic ones from Ikea if I'd been buying new, so the garage sale purchase got us a much nicer set for the cost of a cheap one. :-)

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

I knew as soon as I hit Send that a wonderful Judy would pop up.
And Jody is not Judy, I like Jody too.
There's the old yell it from the porch and see how it sounds theory.
Oh hey, swaddle a sack of taters and get your arms in training- I remember my arms were so tired at first.

hm- Jaycubed

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

My arms got a little practice last month, visiting my new "nephew." I didn't want to put him down much, either.

Jim is now second-guessing the room plan. *sigh* It's been too long I guess since the last time we discussed this. I did find some paint chips that he initialed to show his approval of those colors, so at least I should be good to go with the blue & green shades! LOL

Falls Church, VA(Zone 7a)

Hey Jill,

Here's another idea for the room...good friends of ours did it in their dining room. They painted stars on a blue field around the ceiling light, but the cool thing was that the stars were the constellations for their zodiac signs.

Just a thought! Don't you love having all this "help"? ;-)

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

"All this help" just means that lots of folks are sharing our excitement -- and that's a great thing!

Yah, we're torn between putting clouds or stars on the ceiling... Hmm, maybe clouds done in paint and then glow-in-the-dark stars added also at some point...

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

Clouds around edges or parts, stars in middle. Both! Yeah, kinda what you just said!

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

I have issues with ladders, so I am hoping it might be possible to put a sea-type sponge at the end of a pole, then daub paint on the ceiling for clouds... start with the white ceiling, outline some big white clouds with sponge daubs of blue and light purple, then maybe add a little extra white at the end for highlights...

If that proves too ambitious, I will leave the ceiling its current off-white and declare it to be a "mostly cloudy day" with the blue sky on the walls sufficing. LOL

Mount Bethel, PA(Zone 6a)

Jill, it sure sounds that your life is very colorful right now. We have 7 "grandchildren rooms" in our family and the parents had one idea better than the other. The results of all of them are amazing.

Two of the rooms were done with that "tatouage" help. My kids even talked me into starting some in my house that has all linen white walls which I am in no mood to start painting. Wall hangings and tatouage is doing it for me.

This is the start over my mud room door at the side entrance.

Thumbnail by ROSES_R_RED
Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

That tatouage is nice! I checked for a website, and they have some good butterflies, more realistic than what I could pull off myself with a paintbrush. :-)

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

Hi Jill!! Jasmine envokes nice thoughts! Ric

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Hmm, I do have a little jasmine plant that I could move upstairs to the nursery window... ;-) which reminds me that I need to check the toxicity on some of my houseplants!

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