Blooming Today

Willis, TX(Zone 8b)

Cat & Evie...I put a handful of Epsom Salts in a one gallon container..shake till dissolved and water around the perimeter of my Clematis...what I do each year is my Alfalfa Tea which contains Epsom Salts and all my plants love this concoction..Jeanne

Delaware, OH

yesterday i went to the feed store and got 150 lbs of small alfalfa pellets (vs the alfalfa cubes). i put the pellets in the area surrounding the clem, then scratched into soil lightly, did no even bury them. watered in well. as of this morning , no harm done. the pellets are easy to handle. i did about 30 clems yesterday as a test. will do the remained today and water in weel. i will be on a business trip for 5 days starting tomorrow, and as we have had 3 hot days was planning to deep water everyone anyway before i left.
i have heard the alfalfa tea is stinky this added no odor. glad i finally started on this to lighten the soil.
everybody look s good today!
picked up 500 lbs of crushed oyster shell too. next weekend will start top dressing with that and pea gravel.

(Zone 4a)

Where do you buy alfalfa pellets? Gardening centre? I have never noticed alfalfa pellets before.

Willis, TX(Zone 8b)

Dawn..Alfalfa pellets are nothing but Cattle feed...go to your local Feed store and ask for alfalfa pellets and they will know what you want...I take a 5 gallon bucket and sit in a sunny area and put in 4 cups of Alfalfa Pellets...fill the bucket with water..stir daily and in about 5-7 days you'll notice that it is starting to stink..add 4 cups of Epsom Salts and stir well...pour about 1cup around each clematis vine and water in well..this also works well on all your's like putting them on steroids...apply every 6 weeks and then stop 6 weeks before your first cold spell is due..I also fill up my spreader with Alfalfa pellets and broadcast on my lawn...your lawn will become gorgeous as these pellets breakdown and feed your grass..remember if you have problems with critters that you might not want to do this as it might invite them into your gardens...Jeanne

Delaware, OH

dawn, in my area they sell alfalfa cubes for horses, these are huge and the alfalfa pellets are small enough to dissolve if you just dig them in to the soil around clem. haven't tried them in a spreader on grass, but may do so.

you also have to make sure you get ones with no vitamin or animal supplement enrichment (they come both ways).
about 12$ for 50 lbs in my area.this is what i have learned so far, as they are new to me too.

Willis, TX(Zone 8b)

Hey Cat..I think I finally figured out your Clematis....I believe it's name is "Alice Fisk"..does that ring a bell?.,..Jeanne

Richmond Hill, GA

Jeanne, I didn't order Alice but it looks like it to me too. Thanks for looking for me.

Willis, TX(Zone 8b)

You are welcome...I kept thinking Gladstone and off to me and then today when I was reading it hit me..LOL..funny how subliminally things stay with you..She's a beauty...My girlfriend in Oklahoma has "Alice"..knew it looked familiar...Jeanne

Richmond Hill, GA

Dr. Ruppel blooming under Sweet Gum tree.

Thumbnail by cattjovi
Richmond Hill, GA

Ville de Lyon is about 9 years on trellis.

Thumbnail by cattjovi
Richmond Hill, GA

another view

Thumbnail by cattjovi
Richmond Hill, GA

Violet Charm

Thumbnail by cattjovi
Richmond Hill, GA


Thumbnail by cattjovi
Richmond Hill, GA

Another of Westerplate.

Thumbnail by cattjovi
Richmond Hill, GA


Thumbnail by cattjovi
(Zone 4a)

Beautiful - I love your Ville de Lyon and the Violet Charm is so sweet looking! Nice colouring!

(Lynn) Paris, TX(Zone 7b)

Well, here is the one I bought as Henryi. Think it's Candida?

Thumbnail by lrwells50
(Lynn) Paris, TX(Zone 7b)

And a close up

Thumbnail by lrwells50
(Lynn) Paris, TX(Zone 7b)

Nelly Moser

Thumbnail by lrwells50
(Lynn) Paris, TX(Zone 7b)

Blue Light

Thumbnail by lrwells50
Baton Rouge, LA

Irwells, your photo of 'Blue Light' is magazine-worthy. Simply gorgeous!

(Lynn) Paris, TX(Zone 7b)

Thanks - pretty good for a "brainless" point and shoot.

Baton Rouge, LA

Haha, so true. My camera snapped one by itself as I fell off my ladder while tying rose branches. I had it hanging around my neck. Here's my camera's view of 'Eden' and 'Climbing Pinkie' as I fell. =P

Baton Rouge, LA

Oops, forgot the photo! I've now added a clem to each side of this support as well, to join the happy mix. =)

Thumbnail by BlissfulGarden
Central, AL(Zone 7b)

Ev, I can envision 'Blue light' climbing up that beautiful light blush pink rose! Whoa!!! I need to stop looking at rose and clematis.

(Lynn) Paris, TX(Zone 7b)

Niobe is finally blooming

Thumbnail by lrwells50
Central, AL(Zone 7b)

Irwells50, Niobe is going to be a Knock Out! Look at those many buds, give it a few days!

Willis, TX(Zone 8b)

Cat and Irwell..Yalls clematis are GORGEOUS!!..Jeanne

South Dennis, NJ(Zone 7b)

catt, could your mystery blue clematis be Ramona? Anyway, all of your photos are so beautiful.

Oh, bliss....what a gorgeous scene with pink roses! Love it!

Richmond Hill, GA

WinterRobin, I think you've solved the mystery. I do believe I ordered Ramona from a co-op 2 years ago. Thanks so much, it looks just like the picture.

South Dennis, NJ(Zone 7b)

Great! I recognized it because Ramona is one of the few clematis I grow. I only have four, but I'm working hard to correct this.......

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