Blooming Today

Richmond Hill, GA

Pistachio first blooms.

Thumbnail by cattjovi
Central, AL(Zone 7b)


Richmond Hill, GA

Belle of Woking.

Thumbnail by cattjovi
Richmond Hill, GA

The President

Thumbnail by cattjovi
Richmond Hill, GA

Snow Queen

Thumbnail by cattjovi
Central, AL(Zone 7b)

Wow, look at your Belle of Woking has an everslight pink tinge. Beautiful double! How old may your BOW be?

Richmond Hill, GA

Miss Bateman

Thumbnail by cattjovi
Richmond Hill, GA

Lily. Planted in March of 2008. I'm loving this one.

Central, AL(Zone 7b)

I planted mine in a half whiskey barrel among other perennials to help shade its roots. It's not doing as well (haven't set bud yet -- are we in a similiar zone?), I've beebalms that share the pot. I'll add, admend some compost to the container and see. Thanks for your response.

Richmond Hill, GA

Bees Jubilee

Thumbnail by cattjovi
Richmond Hill, GA


Thumbnail by cattjovi
Richmond Hill, GA

Montana var. rubens planted last fall. This one snuck up on me. Just noticed the blooms.

Thumbnail by cattjovi
(Zone 4a)

Just gorgeous catt! Thanks for sharing. Love them all....especially your BOW!

Richmond Hill, GA

Opening up today and for the life of me can't find what it is in my journal. Any guesses?

Thumbnail by cattjovi
Willis, TX(Zone 8b)

Cat ..HOW yummy..they are gorgeous..Jeanne

Delaware, OH

looks like a jan pawel II, usually sold n US as pope john paul II. looks like it may be planted in full sun, or close to it in the spring before everything is leafed out?
i am sure this may not be definitive, but is my guess, based on upward curve to sepal, central bar, anther color and my estimate of bloom time in your zone for this clem.
this clem needs partial shade to have full clor, but all the nuances of the blooms are pretty. it can look almost apricot tinged in medium sun if the bloom lingers.
when you are asking for ID, good to send pic of rear of sepals too.
what ever it is , it is a beautiful sight, esp for these winter sore eyes

Richmond Hill, GA

I think you are right. I thought I had ordered John Paul a few years back but didn't have any planting records of it in my journal. I'll take a better picture this week.
Thanks so much,

Delaware, OH

first few years jpII prone to die back after blooming, or when ever it feels like it. but when it feels like a good show it can be very floriferous and very pleasing. not the most reliable clem from that standpoint, but definitely worth the space in the garden!

Richmond Hill, GA

Another one from today that I can't find in my journal.

Thumbnail by cattjovi
Richmond Hill, GA

Haku Ookan first blooms.

Thumbnail by cattjovi
Richmond Hill, GA

H. F. Young

Thumbnail by cattjovi
Richmond Hill, GA

Sugar Candy

Thumbnail by cattjovi
Delaware, OH

love hakuooken and hf young. wish haku bloomed higher, but we are lucky to have it blooming!
hf young a delight,always. very pretty

Richmond Hill, GA

Thanks Guru, I really hate old age. I'm so forgetful anymore. Still can't recall the first picture's name.

Central, AL(Zone 7b)

Cat. Your H.O. and the rest of your collection are marveluous. LOL about the remark about old age. Join the club, and I don't mean the Clematis club. lol.

Richmond Hill, GA

Niobe opened today.

Thumbnail by cattjovi
Baton Rouge, LA

Cattjovi, your clems are beautiful. How long have they been planted?

Ellicott City, MD(Zone 7a)

Cattjovi: Beautiful Clematis! It's especially nice to see the blooms on Belle of Woking because a lot of people report that she can be very tempermental.

Richmond Hill, GA

Bliss, I have some that are going on 8 years old. Shirley, so nice to see you. I need you clem heads expertise and tell me what my clematis picture name is. I can't find an entry in my journal.

Thumbnail by cattjovi
(Lynn) Paris, TX(Zone 7b)

Blue Light opening more

Thumbnail by lrwells50
Central, AL(Zone 7b)

Blue Light and Multi Blue, MB appears to be a shade darker, more purplish than blue?

Thumbnail by Lily_love
Delaware, OH

mutiblue, like all clems varies from clone to clone and garden to garden, but yes should be darker than blue light. i would describe as almost navy at times vs purpleish, but some of this is in the eye of the be holder ..however it is darker, and the boss, or center staminoide area is flatter on a fully open multiblue than a blue light, where it is held a bit more upright. the shape of the blue light of the flower more resembles a josephine or empress than a multiblue.

Richmond Hill, GA

Jeanne, Could this be a single Countess of Lovelace?

Thumbnail by cattjovi
Willis, TX(Zone 8b)

Cat...the anthers seem wrong on it to be "Countess of Lovelace" it would look like the single form if they were more a whitish-yellow instead...I am more curious about the leaves..I see yellow veining in them..have you thought of giving her some epsom salts?..Does she do this each year?...Jeanne

Baton Rouge, LA

Epsom salts? Info, please! =)

Richmond Hill, GA

Jeanne, I thought the leaves were from cold damage from a late freeze we had. Doesn't look like insects to me like I thought at first. I'll try the epson salts. Hoping it's not a virus. Anyone else ever see this? I don't recall the leaves doing this last year.

This message was edited Apr 25, 2009 11:34 AM

Delaware, OH

here is my epson salt recipe, not to be used a lot, or over used, but good tonic for clems peakish and yellowish. i have posted this on another thread before. i bought it on line a few years ago from someone in NZ.
1 can beer
1 cup epsom salts
half cup ammonia
2 cups water
use1 oz of this mixture to 1 gallon water.
i have made a half recipe before , but when i did that i put the whole beer in the mixture , and still used it at 1 oz per gallon.

Baton Rouge, LA

Ah, I've used that recipe without the salts on other plants before. Thanks for the info!

Delaware, OH

i paid 17$ for the recipe on ine, 3 or 4 years ago, so want a lot of you to use it so i can indirectly get return on investment.
it is good to have, i didn't use it last year, but will pull it out when needed!

Montreal, Canada

What beauties you guys have! I would like to plant some this spring and I cannot choose...choice, choice, choice.

I must say I love the white ones. thanks for sharing the pictures

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