Here we go again!!!

(Arlene) Southold, NY(Zone 7a)

Mine do fine on metal trellises, Teresa.

Central, AL(Zone 7b)

Wow! I'm reconsidering about the ones I've. I may have to add one favorite each from everyone who suggested theirs. LOL.

Here is my 'Earnest Markham' :

Thumbnail by Lily_love
(Arlene) Southold, NY(Zone 7a)

Lovely! Ernest is such a good sport. I don't want him blooming when the azalea flowers turn to that shade of brown, just before they fall off, so I cut him back to 9" in early spring and he blooms in July for me.

Is that Miss Bateman in the background on the left and Nelly Moser more towards the center? Nice trio.

Central, AL(Zone 7b)

Pirl, you're spot-on! That's my very first Mss Bateman's bloom for the season, and Nelly's first flush of blooms is just now faded. New wave is coming though, since I went ahead and deadheaded the spent blooms a few days back. Should I try to prune Earnest back a little once this wave fades out? Appreciate any tips anyone can offer.

Thumbnail by Lily_love
Delaware, OH

if ernest is well established and in good sunlight you can hard prune half the stems (to maybe 2 leaf buds from the ground)as soon as the current blooms start to wane and you should get re growth and later blooms.
remove all remainding blooms when u do this and fertilize immediately. i would not prune it harder than that, as ernest can be stubborn and take awhile to begin growing again. but no harm in trying this. most people wait too long till bloom period is completely over, you need to do it sooner as the blooms wane, becoming smaller and fewer to be on the right side of the seasonal opportunity.

Central, AL(Zone 7b)

Thanks CG, will experiment with this method. Earnest has taken a liken here the last 4-5 years. I have a darker blue one that hasn't bloomed here in this group yet.

Ooooh two new ones, the bicor could be Dr. Ruppel, but the one below it? Anyone recognize it? Very light, bluish pink/lavender.

Thumbnail by Lily_love

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