Llama shearing causing illness/death?

Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

Wow, this thread got active tonight. I was out because Bill Bryson, the author, was in Des Moines giving a talk. I wanted to see it. I love his books - they always make me laugh. So did his talk.

Wren - regarding sheep color genetics - there is an interesting site here: http://www2.localaccess.com/primolana/page3.htm
She has several pages on it, but limited pictures. It does explain katmoget, gulmoget, moorit, badgerface, and the other various Shetland/Finn/Icelandic colors.

This site is also useful and also has pictures.

Jacksonville, FL(Zone 8b)

Thank you, I may not be able to have sheep and other farm animals but I love to learn about them.

Elbridge, NY(Zone 5a)

Anyone have "Cliff Notes" on this thread...as I breezed I caught ...Loogie..Luggey... camelite...camelot...and something about turkeys talking! wow!!! You have all been busy! ;)

Bend, OR(Zone 5a)

Sometimes these things take on a life of their own and run down the rabbit trails....


Clarkson, KY

Does that make us all Peter Cottontails?


Sapello, NM(Zone 5b)

I wanna be Mopsy!

Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

Then I'm Flopsy!

Sapello, NM(Zone 5b)


hippity, hippity, hoppity...

Lodi, United States

You all are going to get in trouble with Mr. McGregor! I'll fix the chamomile tea.

Clarkson, KY

Cottontail was the other sib...of Peter Rabbit...

Sapello, NM(Zone 5b)

The black rabbit of the family?

Clarkson, KY

Peter Cottontail was his alter ego maybe?

Sapello, NM(Zone 5b)

But what I really want to know is...
did any llama's die from embarrassment?

{{{boing, boing, boing}}}

May I have carrot cake with my chamomile?

Lodi, United States

Only if you are very sorry for all the trouble you have caused. Are causing. Will cause. Amo. Amas. Amot.

Maybe we can get Mythbusters to try shaving llamas as a test of an urban....err, rural, legend?

Sapello, NM(Zone 5b)

Oh... er... of course I'm sorry for aaaaaall the trouble. Nuttin' like starting with a clean slate... {{snicker}} winged, wanged, wunged....

Oh, we could have great fun with mythbusters in C's barnyard... {{giggle}}
townies are always sooooo diverting...


Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

No llamas have died of embarrassment. Of course, they were only barrel cut, not fully sheared....yet....


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