Flowering in April

Merino, Australia

My large Stapelia is also out. So smelly but so pretty. Can anyone give me it's name. ?

Thumbnail by 77sunset
Merino, Australia

My gorgeous babies. . so lovely.

Thumbnail by 77sunset
se qld, Australia

Good morning Jean. Your leopard plant is Ligularia tussilaginea 'Aureomaculata'

Merino, Australia

Thank you gardengal. What a mouthful for a pretty plant.

Barmera, Australia

Have a look at Stapelia gigantea 77sunset and see if that fits.

Merino, Australia

Thanks Brian. I have just been scrolling through hundreds of photos of the stapeliads. I never knew there were so many and all the variations in each type too. I feel the start of a collection coming on. I have 4 different ones so far. After all my looking ,I think the new one above is Stapelia grandiflora..

Coffs Harbour, Australia

Nice Stapelia jean, and Mine is out also. I think I got it from you originally, so it makes sense they are flowering at the same time.
This is Hibiscus mutabilis, (Rose of Sharon) taken in late afternoon. Its a bit of a weed, but lovely none the less.

Thumbnail by weed_woman
Gisborne, New Zealand

Hi Jean, The stapelia is probably " stapeliab gigantea, from South Africa, flowers are up to 45cm across with an enormous bud. I find them fascinating, mine hs been flowering all summer..

Thumbnail by Awchid
Gisborne, New Zealand

Stapelia pulvinata, is from Namaqualand, S Africa dark purple brown flowerswith lighter stripes and purple hairs..

Thumbnail by Awchid
Gisborne, New Zealand

This looks like your one Jean It is a younger flower and is gigantea.

Thumbnail by Awchid
Gisborne, New Zealand

This is one with a beautiful perfume Cattleya "intermedia"

Thumbnail by Awchid
Gisborne, New Zealand

Zygopetalum "intermedia", has 4 beautiful spikes and is sending up 3 more. Perfume similar to a stephanotis and fills the whole yard.

Thumbnail by Awchid
Sydney, Australia

Hey weed woman - When is the best time to sneak across the road for Rose of Sharon cuttings?
We have had 2 raids (we did get owner permission) but each time the cuttings look as though they are going to happen then die. We like this plant.

Merino, Australia

Lesley, I simply must get more Stapelias. I do like the flowers and they are no trouble to grow. I looked up gigantea and all the pictures show it as being a yellowish color. Mine is about 10cm wide and the petals have now curled right back. It does resmble the grandiflora photos I saw.
I do have one labelled as gigantea which is a bigger plant but has not flowered yet. I also have S leendertzae. ( think that spelling is right) It has a burgundy bell flower.
Sue, I think one of the stapelias was from you. not sure which one now though. I would have sent you the Orbea variegata ( syn, stapelia variegata) as it was the only one I had then. .

Coffs Harbour, Australia

Beautiful orchids and Stapelias, lesley. I especially like S. pulvinata and Zygopetalum 'intermedia'. How are you? I haven't dropped into the cafe for some time so I haven't caught up with you. I have looked at my Stapelias, but not seen any flies visiting them. Maybe they are busy elsewhere (over at the horse paddock?)
Steve, Dmail me with a postal address and I'll send you some Hibiscus mutabilis seed when its done. This is the most flowers I've ever seen on it! It sat in running flood water for 2 days, which washed the mulch and soil off, and exposed the roots, so maybe its a bit freaked out! I know it grows from seed because they pop up in the garvel driveway. Infact, if I see another seedling, I'll dig it up for you!
My Stapelia

Thumbnail by weed_woman
Coffs Harbour, Australia

Hi Jean, mmmmm. I might have got the bigger one at the markets then, and probably sent you the bit? Does it look just like my previous pic?
This is my Pink Justicia. I am keen to get a gold one if anyone knows the whereabouts?

Thumbnail by weed_woman
Coffs Harbour, Australia

This is Aechmea calyculatta. So cute!

Thumbnail by weed_woman
Coffs Harbour, Australia

Mexican Sage (salvia Leucantha) It hasn't stopped flowering all year!

Thumbnail by weed_woman
Merino, Australia

Sue, your photo is the same stapelia as mine. I was confused when I saw all the gigantea photos as being a yellowish color. S grandiflora was the nearest I could see to mine.
I like your Justica. Mine don't do so well here in the cold, but they do flower.
I love that salvia leucantha . Mine never stops flowering Salvias seem to like it here.

Inland S.E QLD , Australia


Thumbnail by brical1
Inland S.E QLD , Australia


Thumbnail by brical1
Inland S.E QLD , Australia

Rosa Duchess De Brabant.I have two of these shrubs both over 6ft, they have thrived on neglect ,never get watered only from the rain and yet they still put out beautiful displays and a lovely scent to match. They are such lovely old teas.

Thumbnail by brical1
Inland S.E QLD , Australia

Ribbon bush Hypoestes aristata.

Thumbnail by brical1
Inland S.E QLD , Australia

Tecoma capensis. I can never seem to capture a good clear pic of this but the flowers are a nice shade of apricot/salmon/pink.

Thumbnail by brical1
Inland S.E QLD , Australia

blurred closeup!

Thumbnail by brical1
Christchurch, New Zealand

I splashed out & bought a small pot for my succulents - Mum just gave me two more kinds so I thought I would give them an attractive home.
It was only $5.00 & I think it is intended for bonsai.
I even bought some cactus & succulent mix, these plants are a bit spoiled - normally they have to manage in plain old soil from the garden.
It is too dark now for a photo, have to do that in the morning
It has been dry here - we were supposed to get rain today so I didn't bother with the washing - instead it was another hot dry day.
Had to give my poor plants a nice long drink, you watch it will rain tomorrow...

Coffs Harbour, Australia

Jean, Salvias seem to like it anywhere! At one of my customers, I cut them back every week, and the following week they are hanging over the path and growing taller than my head!
Judy, Your Boug's are beautiful and also the tea rose. I pulled out all my hypoestes this year! Actually, I pulled out almost all of the flower garden. I'm getting it ready to go tropical.!
Dalfyre, I put my succulents in Bonsai pots too! So, do you want rain or not? We've had about 5 days of sunshine now! Its lovely, but the lawn still isn't dry enough to mow! Luckily the grass has slowed down its growth!
Another pic of the Hibiscus mutabilis

Thumbnail by weed_woman
Christchurch, New Zealand

I wouldn't mind some rain, I don't think the watering was enough.
My tazetta narcissus is coming up, even where I dug huge clumps out there are still plenty.
Might make a nicer display without it being a solid mass of them.
My daffs are under a nice blanket of leaves right now & loads more on the drive to rake up.
I'd be happy to have leaf mulch on every bit of the garden - no bare dirt for those weeds to sprout in.
They are so much easier to pull out of a deep layer of leaves.

Gisborne, New Zealand

Hi folks I love the justica Sue, and all the others.. I had a nice surprise this morning my Hibiscus "harry Boris" is out and it is a stunner, what a buzz.. The back of the flower is as beautiful as the front so hope it shows up well..

Thumbnail by Awchid
Gisborne, New Zealand

The open bloom is a mix of red, yellow, pink, apricot, orange and rose pink.. Awesome.. 3 more buds to go!!!

Thumbnail by Awchid
Gisborne, New Zealand

A late daylily

Thumbnail by Awchid
Gisborne, New Zealand

Odontonema strictum

Thumbnail by Awchid
Coffs Harbour, Australia

I agree Dalfyre, nothing like pulling weeds out of mulch, too easy!
Lesley, that hibiscus is gorgeous! the back is way better than the front. he he. I have the same daylily as you, and your fire spike is lovely too.
I've just been out and destroyed a very large Hebe. I'm kinda just going back to a clean slate so i can plan for a tropical garden. Theres a bottle brush that has to go, and a standard Hibiscus that needs to move to a better home, (anyone want it?)
here is a before shot, (taken in march 09)
I've taken out the yellow daisy bush, the ribbon bush that is swallowing the pedestal basin, and all the flowering things on the ground (Verbena, Gerberas, Shasta daisies, Japanese Anenomes and weeds)

Thumbnail by weed_woman
Coffs Harbour, Australia

That wasn't a great shot of the area I'm working on, but I've backed up my photos and taken them off the computer.
This was taken a couple of days ago, but since then I've removed most of the Hebe, and will get hubby to dig out the roots on the weekend. The polypipe is from the biocycle, and needs all the holes cleaned, so I'll make new holes when I put the new plants in, as the old holes were all over the place, and really, just watering weeds!
The curry bush is coming out, but the Azaleas will stay, aswell as the Frangipani (needs shape pruning) and the Justicia will stay, but gone will be the Agapanthus, Hibiscus, rosemary and shastas. I'll move the pink Cannas, as they will still suit a tropical garden, but they'll need to go in with some planning, rather than my usual, 'oh, heres a spot'
Theres also some Nerines and variegated chives that I'll move into the remainder of the flower garden, which I am not touching (for now) he he.
thanks for listening to my plans, I'm tired just thinking about it.

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