What have you ordered for spring 2009 - Part 6

Lower Hudson Valley, NY(Zone 6b)

Coming from here:


Let's keep it going.

Roses look very nice, Patti.

Thumbnail by victorgardener
Nantucket, MA(Zone 7a)

Better if I posted them correctly. March 3rd and again on March 26th. Patti

Thumbnail by bbrookrd
Denville, NJ(Zone 6b)


Halifax, MA(Zone 6a)

Replies to posts in previous thread:

That beach plum looks nice, Patti. I love all the cedars there.

Anita, I have had luck with yellow corydalis and the lavender ones that are bulbs and bloom in the spring, then the foliage dies back. I tried one called 'Blackberry Wine' that was just yummy looking, but it died over the winter.

Patti, that book sounds great! I will have to get that one. Maybe I could get it from the library. I hear many corydalis do well in the Pacific Northwest, but not so good here.

Those pepper seedlings look great, Sherrie. You will have peppers early this year. I imagine you must have a short season there, though.

Carrie, I think everyone here on DG is certifiable! Gardening people are just nuts all the way around. But they are the best sort of nuts.


Yes peppers do have a mind of their own on starting growth such as tomats. I will not stick them in a closet. There is 300 seedings.

The whole thing is just timing and patience and PATIENCE? Who has that?

This message was edited Mar 29, 2009 2:59 PM

Good greif I ended the bold after seedlings!

Southeastern, NH(Zone 5b)

So what do ya think your going to do with 300? lol Maybe just prick out howmany you need and toss the rest? Ah I know it will be a very painful thing to do. :(

Meredith - I have a GH and sell. This year my plans are for 100 tomato plants and some green peppers., Not 300 - ouch.

Southeastern, NH(Zone 5b)

I hear you...have a hard time tossing seedlings. I have some over crowded ones now and I can't bring myself to thin them lol.

Southeastern, NH(Zone 5b)

I'll post a pic of an example.

This message was edited Mar 29, 2009 3:51 PM

Thumbnail by Meredith79

I have a hard time killing any plant. I hear you. You only have so much space.

Lower Hudson Valley, NY(Zone 6b)

Picture yourself as the little guy saying, 'Thin him! Thin him - not me!'

Whats that movie with the little ones? They ran not to get stepped on. Land of the giants? Shrunk the kids? They were running out on the lawn between weeds.

Lower Hudson Valley, NY(Zone 6b)

Can you believe that with all the JM's I have to plant (18 more), I already have more than enough places picked out?! Seems my garden is beginning to remind me of the 5000 loaves...

Southeastern, NH(Zone 5b)

ROTFL Victor!

Halifax, MA(Zone 6a)

Wow, Victor, where do you find all that space? In 20 or 30 years your place will look like a jungle!

I went to Lowe's today and got a new plant for my garden. They had heurcheras in, 2 varieties, 'Miracle' and 'Caramel'. I got Miracle. Next time I go in I will get 'Caramel'. A new plant for my new shade garden. HD is my next stop this evening.


Pepperell, MA(Zone 6a)

18 JM's? your out of control!!

Southeastern, NH(Zone 5b)

I wish I could get 18 trees of any kind. I'd have no where for my garden if I did.

Lower Hudson Valley, NY(Zone 6b)

Most are dwarf. Others will be kept small. Caramel is very nice, Karen.

Pepperell, MA(Zone 6a)

jm's are small for the most part and slow growing

Thomaston, CT

I have a corydalis that pops up in the rock wall around one of my gardens---it's leaves are very finely divided---I have no idea where it came from---I never ordered one. Sherrie, the peppers look great! I planted tomatoes for the first time in years--they need to be transplanted about now. Hope the job is fun---kind of scary leaving the GH to DH. Loved all the beach plum photos---didn't realize what a huge yield you get from them. Birds don't eat them?

Nantucket, MA(Zone 7a)

Robindog, the birds don't seem to bother the beach plums until they dry up and then they eat them in the winter.

Wha and Victor were a bad influence on me and twisted my arm to buy 14 new Japanese Maples. Here are 7 of the babies waiting to be planted if it ever stops raining and warms up enough for me to work outside. Patti

Thumbnail by bbrookrd
Lower Hudson Valley, NY(Zone 6b)

Nice. Top left looks like Uki.

Nantucket, MA(Zone 7a)

Victor, I will check and give you a star if you are correct. I am embarrassed to say I don't know all their names yet. Bad Mom. Here are some other shots I took in the GH today. It was so lousy outside. Patti

Thumbnail by bbrookrd
South China, ME(Zone 5a)

Those are lovely Patti on this dreary cold rainy day.

Nantucket, MA(Zone 7a)

And some more from the GH today. Patti

Thumbnail by bbrookrd
Lower Hudson Valley, NY(Zone 6b)

Must be wonderful in the GH.

Halifax, MA(Zone 6a)

Nice greenhouse pics, Patti.

I went to HD this evenening and came home with 7 new primulas. 5 of them are doubles, and there was nothing on the tag indicating whether or not they are hardy. Couldn't resist them anyhow. I also got some seeds for amaranth and yarrow.


Nantucket, MA(Zone 7a)

Yes, I love it until we have to move all the plants out for the summer in mid May then back in mid Oct. You can ask your Jade when you get it how it liked its digs. Patti

Pepperell, MA(Zone 6a)

i will be receiving the Komachi hime on Wednesday and post pics. very impressed with the cust. svc, I've had three email communications since i ordered this one tree

they do their own grafting for some trees and having a good source of NE grown, hardy, and large variety at reasonable $$ would be great.

Patti you have turned into the jm monster of nantucket!

Lower Hudson Valley, NY(Zone 6b)

How is the shipping? Do you know how long they've been in business?

Nantucket, MA(Zone 7a)

Victor, I will let you know very soon, as Diana of Topiary Gardens emailed yesterday saying my order has been pulled and is ready to shipped as soon as she gets my check which I mailed on Sat, morning. She seems super organized. She also said my shipping would be less than was estimated via a percentage listed and that she would refund or credit. I said she might as well credit my account, as I doubt this current obsession would stop anytime soon.

Wha, if I am a JMaple monster you and Victor are Jmaple Godzilla's. Patti

Thomaston, CT

Wow---now you need a whole Japanese Garden to go with them, Patti---love the GH photos---I had that purple oxalis growing all over my FL garden. My next door neighbor has a GH that is closed off from her living room by french doors, but it is heated. She has nothing in there---I"m so jealous---I could fill it in a second!

Pepperell, MA(Zone 6a)

happy to be a jmaple godzilla :)

Victor my shipping should be about $8

In biz 10 years with 20 years of production experience in the production side of the nursery trade.

check out the web site http://www.topiary-gardens.com/

and they say they do all their own grafting of trees on site not buying from growers.

Nantucket, MA(Zone 7a)

Robindog, we have no heat in ours other than the waste heat from the wood stove chimney flue which we ran through one end of the GH. So it is cold in there at night low 40's mostly. I can't grow any wimpy plants, but love it. Trying to clear off after more rain, so maybe I will start to dig that Japanese garden today. Patti

Pepperell, MA(Zone 6a)

went out to get some fertiliser at lunch and came back with fertiliser and a rainbow's end spruce that wanted a new home.

This message was edited Mar 30, 2009 3:41 PM

Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

So sorry to hear about your dahlia tubers {{{{Patti}}}

Lower Hudson Valley, NY(Zone 6b)

Looking forward to seeing the photos of the JM's!

Godzilla (who was also Japanese)

Halifax, MA(Zone 6a)

Yesterday I got some raking done in the beds in my front yard. I raked out 5 beds, and my father helped pick up the piles and dispose of them. I took a bunch of pictures in the yard, too. Here are a few I took of the new heuchera 'Miracle' that I got at Lowe's yesterday.


Thumbnail by nutsfordaylily
Salem Cnty, NJ(Zone 7b)

Pretty, Karen.

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