What's Happening in Your neighborhood-visit with friends #15

Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

Here's what it looked like this morning - just like two weeks ago! but the snow had pretty much stopped by 8am and it was already getting a bit slushy by mid day .Sunny almost all day.
We had a nice little Fools gathering - this afternoon, only one person couldnt make it because of an emergency plumbing issue!
Almost all the group are DG members also.
Jo brought a tray of seedlings with her and some others brought seeds to exchange . Good eats and the dogs spent most of the afternoon begging from everybody ( and not getting anything!) Foster Trouper was rather stressed at first as people started coming in ( lst time people have visited since he came to stay with me 2 weeks ago) but his sheltie food genes took over pretty quickly once the food came out!
Hope it will warm up gradually enough that we dont have more flooding!

Thumbnail by fancyvan
Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

It was a great time at Fancyvan's. Now to make room to plant my new seeds. I'm starting to run out of room and I need to transplant my tomatoes.

Victoria Harbour, ON

Guess you tired of the snow and sent me some..drats...not much just ground covered in white..I knew I shouldn't have raked..oh well, let's hope the plants survive...

Major accident on my way in, roads were extremely icing..with all the rain then freezing and covered with snow..had to take alternate exit..managed to get here on time but the girls got here 1/2 hr. late...

Brought some tracing to a teddy bear tea party table and chair set I'm doing..that ought to get me through the morning..lol

How about you all, what's your plans for today?

Thunder Bay Ontario, ON(Zone 3a)

DOUBLE DRATS from Thunder Bay .. seems we are looking at ANOTHER snow storm (or 2) over the next couple of days .. starting Tuesday .. so .. will be sanding ice I can SEE right now before it gets RE covered.

Was out feeding the deer this morning .. went back to the garage thinking they would be trooping out from where they hide in the forest .. when I heard either a Coyote or a Wolf howling .. :-(
The deer have yet to show up .. and it saddens me as the Does are SO pregnant and running (sprinting) through the woods on ice covered snow trying to evade the wolves will be hard on them ... trying NOT to think about it ..

Carol .. the poochies are beautiful .. sounds like all had a great time both days.

Sorry to hear bout yer crummy ride in this morning Betty .. I'll taks snow over ICE anytime ..
Good luck with the tracing.

A sunny day here .. going to be +4 .. so .. must make hay while the sun shines on us ^-^
Off to get some groceries .. then perhaps bake a cake ..


Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

We had a luvly time at Carol's yesterday. Wonderful pics Don and Betty! I think spring was officially cancelled here sigh.

Victoria Harbour, ON

Ending up being not quite a sunshine day, rather cold but the sky is blue..that's half the battle..

Those poor deer, know it's process of nature but still feel badly for them..

Dahlianut, many of you are closeby, how wonderful that you can visit from time to time...

Grand Forks, BC(Zone 5b)

Don't give up Dahlia...it'll come. Sun and cloud here today too. Kinda cool. It think we are all struggling with below average temperatures.

Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

Its not the temps Don its the snow!

Grand Forks, BC(Zone 5b)

Ok, I hear you. I think I'd be pretty darned depressed if we saw any of the "white stuff" again too. This year it appears March came in like a Lion and going out like one too. :(

Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

Oh, it's the temps too. Last night was -12ºC

Thunder Bay Ontario, ON(Zone 3a)

Well .. the woodstove is ablaze .. thought perhaps we could get away with NOT having it on .. WRONG!!
Post 5pm the temps dropped like a rock ..

Spent a good part of my afternoon trying to find a doggie .. our neighbours 'Shitszhu' "China" went missing .. plodded about the bush .. no results .. but .. we do have the Wolf thing happening here .. so .. I think this may NOT have a good outcome .. BUT .. we'll see and keep fingers and toes crossed ..

Awaiting the storm from the southwest .. .. have lotsa sand down so when the run off returns it may not be so icy.
I am really feeling the fall today .. and it happened on Saturday !!

Stay well all


Victoria Harbour, ON

Takes a few days for the aches and pains to reach the mind censors "M"..maybe a day of relaxation is in order...

No snow this morning, calling for spring temps the rest of the week, several days of rain..rains is ok..

Did a walkthrough last night in the 2 gardens I raked, greenery looks as though it will survice..

Spring is here, just taking a long time for her to get her footing..Tomorrow we're into another month, won't be long..thinking of you all with snow and ice..

It's that time,
On the run, will gab with you later

Thunder Bay Ontario, ON(Zone 3a)

I guess March CAME in like a lion .. and OUT like one as well .. Thunder Bay is in the midst of a HUGE snowstorm .. I hasten to say likely the worst this season (meaning winter) .. we have had about 10cm so far and are expecting 15cm more by Wednesdays end .. pretty treacherous driving on the roads ..
Am everso happy I do not have to go anywhere tonight .

I am envious of your garden walkabout Betty .. but .. it must be so nice ... those days will come for Thunder Bay ..

I find it almost miraculous that the solar lights left in the perennial garden .. have weathered the winter and are puttung on quite a show in the evening and early morning ..

Take care all


Victoria Harbour, ON

OMG "M" can't believe you are having a blizzard..although the wind is up the sun was beautiful all day! Sometimes when you know you can stay inside watching a storm from within is actually soothing or is that just me....it certainly has been a long winter..how's your client doing "M"? Have you started any of you seeds yet..too early I would think...

Today I decided to spend the time getting what projects I promised done so that when I can spend all my time outside I'll not mind..

I love painting, doing the finer things in a project but not fond of basecoating...that's what I was up to part of the day, still another day of basecoating then the fun will start..I'm so hoping to get this project out of the way before I go away, only leaves me a week ..

Can't you just see a little girl playing 'tea' with the table and chair set I'm doing.....

Guess I should have a bath, vacuum upstairs and see how much energy I have..maybe I might find something intersting to keep me busy tonight..

Thumbnail by Bettypauze
Victoria Harbour, ON

All together I need between upstairs and downstairs a total of 7 doors...thanks to Mike I have less to pick up..lol

Thumbnail by Bettypauze
Thunder Bay Ontario, ON(Zone 3a)

Quickly sharing some pics .. what a MESS out there !!!!


Thumbnail by MarilynneS
Thunder Bay Ontario, ON(Zone 3a)

My good ol OLD car .. Lolla is safely ensconced in the garage ........


Thumbnail by MarilynneS
Thunder Bay Ontario, ON(Zone 3a)

One more .. a pic looking east ,, windsock blowing ..
The hoses were out to wash cars last week !!!!!!!!!!!!!


Thumbnail by MarilynneS
Victoria Harbour, ON

OMG stay safe...sure do hope it's not headig this way...

Thunder Bay Ontario, ON(Zone 3a)

As opposed to me writing what has happened here .. I copied and pasted an article from our local paper this morning .
TBay is SOCKED in and it is still coming :-(
Snowblowers are running and shovels are blazing ..


Enough already
Wednesday, April 1, 2009

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Skies will be a clear blue today in the Thunder Bay area with temperatures hovering around 20 C . . .
Like a bad April Fool‘s Day joke, that‘s not what Thunder Bay-area residents will wake up to today.
What they will see is the result of an irritating spring blizzard which was expected to dump of more than 30 centimetres of snow overnight.
“Just look out the window,” Environment Canada forecastor Geoff Coulson said during a Tuesday afternoon interview.
“There‘s about a half-kilmetre of visilibity at the airport; the wind is blowing about 50 km/h; and you can expect more of the same overnight,” Coulson said.
Heavy snow was also expected along Lake Superior‘s northwest shore.
“You‘ll be getting snow across Northwestern Ontario but,” he said, “the heaviest amounts will be along the lake.”
Environment Canada issued a snowfall warning Tuesday for the western edge of Lake Superior from Kakabeka Falls to Dorion as a slow moving low pressure system over southern Minnesota continued to push moisture into the region.
Snowfall could reach as much as 30 cm in the area overnight, especially if a stationary snow band persists over Thunder Bay or slightly southward along the Superior shoreline. The snow may also be very wet and heavy as temperatures will hover around the freezing mark or slightly above 0 C at times, says Environment Canada‘s website: www.weatheroffice.gc.ca/warnings.
Several flights to and from Thunder Bay International Airport were cancelled or delayed Tuesday as winds off Lake Superior whipped up the snow and restricted visibility on runways.
Coulson said temperatures in the city will “creep” above 0 C this morning with wet flurries persisting throughout the day.
It will be at least Saturday before Thunder Bay residents get a break from the clouds and return to more normal temperatures – low - 8 C and high 8 C.
But Coulson said spring seekers shouldn‘t be fooled by Saturday‘s above normal temperatures.
As the next work week begins, he said, daytime highs won‘t get much above freezing and the longer term forecast isn‘t much better.
Forecasting models to mid-April show cooler than normal conditions, Coulson said.

Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

That must be the storm we had Sat night! A bit more snow last night too. Hoping that is the end of it - supposed to be a nice weekend which is a good thing as it is the 2 day Hort Society Garden show.

Thunder Bay Ontario, ON(Zone 3a)

Gonna bore you with just a couple more pics .. it's still snowing/raining ..

First pic is of the birds who are jumping about in herds trying to get at the seeds that they KNOW were on the GROUND 2 days ago !!!


Thumbnail by MarilynneS
Thunder Bay Ontario, ON(Zone 3a)

This pic is from our patio to our garage .. if I had taken this pic 2 days ago .. you would have seen a smidge of a snowbank and an expanse of glare ice heading to the garage ..


Thumbnail by MarilynneS
Thunder Bay Ontario, ON(Zone 3a)

LAST ONE .... I walked down the patio to look south across the property and noticed we have a HUGE overhang on the west side of the roof .. as well as some dandy drifts !!!


Thumbnail by MarilynneS
Victoria Harbour, ON

Have to tell you "M" sure is pretty...

Stopped raining, bit of blue sky..
Cathy who I think has adopted me as a 'mom' dropped in yesterday with her mom, took Sailor for a walk and also raked almost the entire back yard...what a girl..

If the wind has died down think I just might put the leaves in the burning pit and have me a fire...maybe I should go buy some marshmallows...

Spend all day basecoating my project..something wasn't quite right..here the artist painting the design and when she did the tracing she transposed it..now making it more difficult to follow shading and highlighting..am sure it will be just as pretty, brain doesn't compute these changes..lol

Other than that, boring day!

Thunder Bay Ontario, ON(Zone 3a)

Well .. we are now MELTING .. hard to keep up I can tell ya .. it's 47F right noe .. still a few flurries passing through off and on .. but they are more like a rain shower.

That huge overhang of snow in the pic above fell off about an hour ago .. scared the devil outta me .. KATHUNK .. right down on top of my Silver Mounds (which I was ALMOST able to see last week)

Boring day here as well Betty .. good luck with your painting :-)


Victoria, BC(Zone 8b)

Boring day here as well. Gray skies, rain and about 7*C. A day for a good book. At least we don't have the winds we've been having.

Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

Sunny and melting here!

Victoria Harbour, ON

High of 13 here, calling for torrential rains tomorrow and part of Saturday..best I find something inside to keep me busy..

Just hoping that Washington D.C. has high temps and no rain for next weekend..

Playing with my project that I'm doing (class tonight) but think I'm 'sc#$ing it up royally..going to put it aside..

Maybe I should just sit and relax...

Ottawa, ON(Zone 5a)

Beautiful, warm and sunny here today. Heavy rain tomorrow. I have some crocuses blooming. Probably just as well that most aren't as they'd get beaten down in the rain.

I have my viola back. It looks wonderful and sounds good too. Am wondering whether my insurance will cover any part of the cost (about $300 - I've emailed the company).

Bummer about the rain tomorrow. DGTwins have their combined birthday party with a magician and 10 friends each.


Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

Another nice day here, lots of melt I expect.

You know I have this 13 year old foster sheltie, Trouper with me. Because of his age it will be a difficult adopt so I expect he will be here a long time. So I have 3 senior, half deaf dogs in my house!

Yesterday a friend who also has shelties stopped by to visit and fell in love with him but she is not in a position to adopt. This morning she called to tell me she would donate the equivalent of his adoption fee to our rescue and pay for his license renewal when it comes up!

There are angels!

Here is Trouper. 2 weeks ago he had 16 teeth pulled and a cyst removed from his side. Stitches out this afternoon. I think he is feeling much better - I am even getting tail wags!

Thumbnail by fancyvan
Victoria Harbour, ON

He's adorable...you are a kind sould to take on such an overwhelming task as 'rescue' my sister does in for American Eskimo dogs...easily adopted when they are young but at 13 not many would take on such a responsibility..about the same age as my border collie 'Sailor' she's really showing her age as well..not looking forward at what is to happen..

And yes, quite a few earthly angels out there!

Thunder Bay Ontario, ON(Zone 3a)

I think everyone on the Canadian Site here at DG is an angel :-)

Carol .. I would SO like to be able to foster or take rescues .. but .. unfortunately .. with Lilly and pusser Smokey .. I think it would be tantamount to having a nuclear bomb go off in the house LoL
You truly are a very special person and I applaud you and your other rescue colleagues ...

I am a titch 'sheepish' today .. I was shopping for groceries .. was meandering down an aisle .. I heard a 'Hello there' .. it was my docs wife .. she is on the Board for Hospice and we are friendly .. she had been watching me and noticed I was having a bit of trouble bending over .. I told her about my fall .. and the fact that I had not been seen .. she flipped her cell out .. called her hubby .. and he saw me in 30 minutes .. and ... I have 2 cracked ribs :-( BUMMER .. nothing really to do about it .. time will heal it .. but .. I will be having a bone density study done .. makes me kind of uneasy as I have taken Calcium with Vit D for years .. almost said no .. but felt I owed him the courtesy of being a 'good patient'.

We are slowly melting .. still have MOUNTAINS of snow .. but nice mild temps ..



Ouch Marilyn! 2 cracked ribs?!?! Couldn't you at least put a brace (ie: large tensor bandage) around your chest?
I remember years back when I cracked just 1 rib - painful just to breathe, so I don't know how you're doing it with 2!!
Please baby yourself, and take care! (Please?!?!)


Thunder Bay Ontario, ON(Zone 3a)

Yes Susan .. I am being as careful as possible .. back in the day .. they would, at times, 'tape' the area the offending ribs were located in .. just for stability. But mine aren't fractured right through .. just cracked. Last night was a bad night .. but I saw it through. Today I am in Court supporting a victim who has to testify .. so .. nothing strenuous will go on there. I'll tell ya what is worst of all !!! SNEEZING !! Lawsie .. when I feel a sneeze coming on I panic !!

Have yet to meander outside .. but I think it's mild ou there .. :-)



Ottawa, ON(Zone 5a)

Marilynne - take care. I hope the pain subsides quickly.

Grand Forks, BC(Zone 5b)

Hope your pain eases soon, Marilynne. Yikes, sneezes would hurt alright. Take care and remember that Bone Density Scans are a good thing.

Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

I have to have a bone density scan every two years - a pre-requisate for one of the osteroporosis drugs I take.

No big deal!

Victoria, BC(Zone 8b)

~M~ keep a pillow handy so you can hold your pillow against those ribs to help then stop from flexing with the sneeze.

I hope Spring shows up soon for all.

Victoria Harbour, ON

Oh my goodness "M" sorry to hear about your ribs, best take advantage of the bad weather and rest up and heal..you tell that Doc's wife we're all appreative that she got you in so quickly, nice to have connections in the right place, these days a doc's office is the right place...

Dreary day today, pouring rain (still better than snow)..no outside work this weekend so I'll just find myself something to do..I'm always able to do that...they are saying that for 3 or 4 more days we could have not only rain but combination of wet snow..won't stay long...

Talk about adopting pets, Cathy (younger neighborhood lady) has adopted me I think..I did 2 1/2 gardens (raking) she's raked in the last 3 days the entire yard..what a sweetheart..only 2 side areas and the front and ALL DONE! Can sure see some green coming up just with leaves off the beds I did on Saturday...

Aline's husband Tom is fabricating a door for washroom closet, when I purchase the run down house lol it had no door, best I could do was to put one of those plastic accordian folding doors..he managed to do the door frame yesterday and with luck he'll bring the door..not a problem if the door isn't here today, more things I can do, but IF it is, I'll do a placement for a faux cupboard design on it...

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