Gardening: Cottage Garden Seed Swap & Chat #33

Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

Very cute Video Karen... thanks for posting. that r e a l l y took some time.

Greenville, IN(Zone 6a)

Meredith, I've got the purple, cinderella and red prairie to start and of course the orange lol That orange seems to get me every year that I plant it, last year I marked the orange wrong and ended up with the annual! I've got two plants of it but I want a bunch I love it! I might try soaking.

I use a chop stick to transplant my seedlings with :)

I want to try some seed balls with the annual milkweeds this year, I just got some more red clay from where they built the storage sheds this summer above our field. I collected some last summer and now I have a recipe so I'm good to go if I can get it done :)

I’m getting ready to transplant my lisianthus it always makes me so nervous because they are so small! They just hug the dirt :)

Southeastern, NH(Zone 5b)

Just in case - I don't think the heat mat is needed for any of those. My tuberosa came up quickly without soaking. The other types I've only winter sown, so I am thinking soaking wouldhelp penetrate their tougher coatings in a similar way? It is worth a shot, maybe I'll do an experimant with someof the extra milkweed seeds I never started. I started a whole flat of the annual type because the mOnarchs seemed to really like them last year. : )

Springfield, MA(Zone 6a)

Thanks, LeBug . . . . that was very helpful. So, I have taken lids off things once they germinate - and I will take them off the mats as well.

LynnWeidman - I used the Deno/envelope method and the dusty miller has sprouted!

Brownstown, IN(Zone 5b)

When should the asclepias tuberosa emerge that was set out last year. I had a few plants that were ws'on and they lived through the summer. I may be way too anxious on a lot of plants. Want them to come up and they are waiting for the right time......

North West, OH(Zone 5b)

LeBug what is a seed ball?

Southeastern, NH(Zone 5b)

Indy minecomeuplate -June.:)

Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

Meredith... is that a new word? guess it's better than, minedidnotcomeupatall. [roflmao]

Seale, AL(Zone 8b)

LOL.. That so funny. I liek them new words. heheheheheh

North West, OH(Zone 5b)

LOL Therese!

Brownstown, IN(Zone 5b)

Thanks Meredith, I never dreamed it would take until June but will try not to dig the area.
You all are so funny ........

Southeastern, NH(Zone 5b)

rotflmao!! : D I forgot to check if my spacebar worked!

Greenville, IN(Zone 6a)

Seandor, I took my lisianthus downstairs with the rest of my ‘few’ plants lol I think the heat off of the lights are going to be enough, I’ll let you know in a couple of days how they are doing they just have their first true leaves haven’t started on the second set yet. If they croak I’ll just die but I think they will be alright lol If those make it they will all make it :)

Veronica the tuberosa won’t start coming up here until last of April maybe middle of May, it has to be warm, hang in there they’ll be here before you know it, I’m sweating some purple ones I planted last year too. I think I forgot to tell you my sedum you sent is doing great, it‘s multiplied like twice it’s size which makes it about 10” around for this year to start I know it’s going to grow more this summer :)

La, here is a link that has other links for seed balls, I’ve been wanting to do it for a few years now and never seem to get them done at least I’ve collected the dirt, I may get them done this year lol From the thread it doesn’t sound like they work all that well, not really sure they are worth the trouble but I still want to try them sometime:

Buckley, WA(Zone 7b)

Seandor, I am glad the Dusty Miller germinated. I haven't started mine yet.

Southeastern, NH(Zone 5b)

Lea the salvia you sent me is forming flowers already! lol

Greenville, IN(Zone 6a)

Meredith, which salvia is it? I need to get mine started too :)

My orange bells are starting to come up from Tuink :)) Those and my lisianthus are going to look so good together!

It's going to be nice outside today I need to get some seed trays going to drain today while I work outside so I can plant them tonite, I onlly need to do about 50 LOL Need to get my salvias and hibiscus to soaking too!

Southeastern, NH(Zone 5b)

The pinapple sage. I wishit was going tobenice here today. Tomorrow issupposedtobe int he 50's. I have lots ofbulbs waking up. But I still have snowin a lot of the beds. I cleaned upmy front walkway garden. It's looking pretty good. I planted 200 crocus in there in fall - so I am excited to see how it looks. :)
I have been trying to find some daylilies to order and my head is spinning with all the choices.

Greenville, IN(Zone 6a)

I had a daylily I wanted to order last year a red one think it was Moses Fire something like that just beautiful, never did order it though. It was kind of high for just one fan maybe when the price goes down a bit or someone has it in the classifieds one day, just don't get into daylilies enough to pay as much for them that they want when they are new :)

I'm just going to wait for my pineapple sage to reseed for this year too many other seeds to sow for me lol Just got a T&M order in, like I really needed one lol Most of those will be sown for next year though. They didn't send me any free seeds this year either must have forgotten, I don't usually use the free seeds anyway they usually go in the swaps so it was no biggie lol

Southeastern, NH(Zone 5b)

I am the same way. I've been trying tochoose ones that are very reasonable prices - like $5 for more than one fan. Did you check out that ensata sight? They had some that were 8.95 for 3 or more fans.Great price!!
I broke down and ordered an Iris called Cheyenne Sky from Schreiners last night.It has the same first and middle name as my dd. :) So I had to have it - it was $45 but when you spend $80on one type there they give you 50% off- so I ordered two andit cost $45 instead of the same price as one. More expensive than I would normally pay for something but I just had t have it! : )
NowI am planning onorderinga daylily I found named 'Shay' which is my other DD's nickname. I don't know why but I am on a kick of finding plants that have the same name as family memebers. Daylilies are the easiest ones to find because there seems to be a zillion of them! : )

Springfield, MA(Zone 6a)

Pixie from NE forum sent me daylily seeds which I germinated last year. These daylilies are just starting to emerge and I am dying to see what the flowers will look like.

I winter sowed some daylily seeds this year - other seeds I have received are keeping cold because we will be away for sooooo long this summer, and I wanted to be here to care for baby daylilies. I will start the daylily seeds I received this year inside in the fall. I was very successful using the envelope method with Pixie's seeds so I will do that again. ^_^

Southeastern, NH(Zone 5b)

Growing daylillies sounds so fun. I was just reading an article about doing it. I'm actually off to check some ones I am interested in to see if there are pictures. It seems to have a lot you can't find with a google search.
Everyone on DG is always suggesting daylillies - and since I've decided not buy anything I can grow from seed. That only leaves named plants to buy. lol I am trying to find ones with special names or pink coral with yellow throats and not toomany ruffles. I kinda prefer the wilder looking ones or spiders, I really like the ones that have the curled back petals, and polychromes. Then adding wether they are dormant - semi evergreen or evergreen to narrow them down. I didn't know any of this stuff a couple weeks ago. NOw I know why some people are addicted to them. Daylililies have enough to keep me busy picking for the rest of my life. Here is my wishlist diary. It has the link to the site I am talking about.

Trenton, MI(Zone 5b)

I've been growing daylilies from seed now for 5 years. If you aren't too picky many of them are just fine to keep. For a while I planted 100 new seedlings each year, then cut it down to 50, then 25, then this fall I managed to only plant 4 lonely seeds and have 3 seedlings to plant this spring. I'm totally out of daylily room! As they bloomed I choose about 5 each year that are the best and give them another year. The rest I have given away or threw away if they looked pretty bad. At first I bought my daylily seed, then as I bought some nicer daylilies, I pollinated and grew my own too. I have 2 that I've kept, just too pretty! A wonderful addiction if you have the room!!

Here is a picture of one of my 'keepers'. Traditional Treasure x Braided Edgings


This message was edited Mar 21, 2009 3:56 PM

Thumbnail by toofewanimals
Trenton, MI(Zone 5b)

Here is a picture of my first 'keeper'. I kept it for many years, then finally gave away the last fan last year. It kept blooming in the leaves. 'Reason for Treason x John Peat'

Thumbnail by toofewanimals
Trenton, MI(Zone 5b)

Here is my other 'keeper' that bloomed 2 years ago. It really came into its own last year. I have it labeled as
Chance Encounter X Bella Sera, but someone mentioned that it doesn't look like either of those daylilies and probably isn't a cross between them. But I don't care ... I love this one. :o)

So out of 400 to 500 daylilies, I've kept 2, still have 5 or 6 more I'm still thinking about. I'm very picky. LOL

I know this isn't a daylily forum, so that is why I only posted the ones I've grown from seed ... and to mention, that if some of you show interest I will cross some of my daylilies for seeds for the piggy swap for next year. I get a kick out of that. silly huh? I did have some daylily seeds posted for the last piggy swap, but I think PamSue was the only one that oinked for them. I'm totally out now.

I went outside today in the 39 degree weather and dug a new garden area, so I can move some flowers from my full sun area to it. Then I will have a place to plant my veggies. It will definitly make my gardens look funny, but who care, we will have fresh veggies this summer!

This message was edited Mar 21, 2009 4:10 PM

Thumbnail by toofewanimals
Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

toofew ... how quickly do lilies grow from seed to where they bloom?

those are very pretty .

Trenton, MI(Zone 5b)

tcs, Remember they are daylilies - Hemerocallis. I plant the seeds inside about November. About 50% bloom the 2nd year, 75% are blooming by the 3rd year, if they haven't bloomed by the 4th year I throw them away. We are about the same zone, so I expect you will get about the same results.

Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

thanks... i was just curious as i know nothing about daylilies, or any lilies for that matter.

Southeastern, NH(Zone 5b)

too few I just finished looking at your list of all your daylilies - they are allso beautiful!! I wrote down my faves. I think anything goes here, that's why we do our thread in the cottage forum - at least that's what suzy told me last yer. : ) But if you have more info you want to share about daylilies post a link I know I'll join in with you. :) I have been spending every free minute I have searching through daylily catalogs on line. : )

Menifee, CA(Zone 9a)

I can't keep up with you all! Bluespiral, I loved the video clip of the sheep. Those guys have way too much time on their hands. However, it's nice that they enjoy their work! LOL!
Hope everyone is well. Things have been hectic here since I last posted. I miss you all, but there are only so many hours in the day, and I'm trying to keep the weeds in check. Right now they are winning.
Hanging in here anyway, and getting ready to do some more planting.

Greenville, IN(Zone 6a)

Toofew, that daylily would fit nicely in my orange garden, the first one you showed :) They are all just beautiful!

I like Meredith’s excuses to spend more on daylilies lol Sounds good to me lol

I got some phlox in a coop last year and I had this weed/groundcover take over this winter and now my phlox and bee balm is trying to come up thru it, it’s hard to tell where the plants are this weed is so thick, I’m just wondering if it’s a weed that will die off when it gets hot since it came in the fall. It was too cold to get out there and take it up then now it’s so thick it’s hard to tell where my plants are suppose to be :(

I have two phlox in my herb garden does anyone know if I could move them now while they are starting to come up? They have never bloomed there and I’ve had them a few years.

I got 15 seed trays ready yesterday to sow today, need to do some more this morning and fill some six packs up and get them ready to work on tonite along with some more seed trays lol I’m finally getting started and some of you have plants blooming lol

Seandor, how are your plants doing, mine are fine in the basement just checked on them and it’s 59 degrees the lights warmed it up a bit :)

Neal, when you transplant your ostrich asters do you put them in 3” pots or the four packs? I have about 15 that germinated and more are on the way, my neighbor has already claimed a few those don't bloom until close to fall right?

Southeastern, NH(Zone 5b)

I think it wouldbefineto move the phlox Lea. Probably better todo it early, so they have more time to re establish themselves. : )
Still trying to figure out exactly where and what I am going to order.
I have to have the one called 'Shay', so I am trying to figure out what else to get from the place that has it, so that I meet the minimum order and the shipping is worth while.

Greenville, IN(Zone 6a)

Thanks Meredith, I was a little leary about moving them, knowing the cold weather isn't over, maybe I'll get them moved today :) Maybe lol

Good hunting on your order!

Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

has anyone used that Mycorrhizae fungus stuff when planting? I'm considering getting some for when it's time to plant out.

North West, OH(Zone 5b)

I have a clump of phlox (ironically also in my herb bed) that I need to move too. I'm going to go with Meredith's advice and try to get it out sometime this week. Phlox is so unpredictable for me. Sometimes I can't get it to live but this crazy clump is taking over the whole bed.

You guys were right on the slow germinating tomatoes. They're's like pulling teeth, but I've had 1/2 dozen more come up. This is like 3 weeks after sowing. Jeesh.

Kelly I want to know your secrets. I saw your beautiful petunias in bloom and I've heard you say repeatedly that you can't believe how fast torenia grows. My petunias (started 1-9) are just starting to get some size to them but won't bloom for weeks. And my torenia (started 1-25) is still about 1/4" tall and about as big around as a pea. LOL. What's your secret?

Star how is your Cerinthe doing? I'm starting to feel a little uneasy. They finally started standing up better but now they're drooping again and some of them are starting to yellow a little at the bottom. I hate this guessing stuff. I swear I haven't changed anything with their care, so why all of a sudden are they unhappy? They might need to be planted up but I don't think that's what's causing their complaining. Argh!

The weather is beautiful outside and I sooo want to get out and work on the beds. But I've let the house go something terrible and I'm trying to make myself stay in and and make a path through here. Any bets on whether or not I actually do it? LOL.

Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

Lala... the way i see it... if the sun is shining and it's a decent temp... I'm outside... all else can wait til the sun goes down.

I'm trying to figure out where i can move a daylily clump to.... i'm hoping my neighbor will take half.

Simpsonville, SC(Zone 7b)

Need to get myself moving and transplant some stuff, clean out last years pots, etc. Don't know what my problem is, it's gorgeous out!

As for the fast growing plants, I don't know. I use a weak fertilizer for seedlings that Park Seed sells every couple waterings. I also hear a lot of people talking about how cold their house is. I've got my shelves on a main floor (no basement here) and the house rarely gets below 68°. Lights are set for 16hrs a day.

Maybe it's a different kind of Torenia? I got it in a swap with rjones8194, and I believe it's
Torenia fournieri, bluewings. Planted 1/10, here's a pic of the biggest one, started blooming a couple days ago. Have a few shorter, and a few that were kitty pruned, but I think they'll live. I just hope all these plants that are blooming inside continue when they finally get outside!

Thumbnail by klstuart
North West, OH(Zone 5b)


I'm not kidding. In fact I think I have to say it again. HOLY COW!!!

I don't know what 'it' is girl, but whatever it is you've certainly got it. I'd post a picture of mine but the macro isn't working on my camera. Hahaha.

Therese I didn't need any encouragement from your corner. LOL Just kidding of course. Nobody's a worse influence on me than me.

Mona in Metcalfe, ON(Zone 5a)

my seedling do not look as nice as yours wow those are amazing

Simpsonville, SC(Zone 7b)

I have to confess, I'm having a bit of trouble keeping up with it all. I just looked at the flat I put in the window a few weeks ago, and apparently I've not looked for a few days. I'm a mimilus murderer :( A couple of my poor mimilus now look like piles of VERY wilted lettuce! I'm soaking them, and cutting off the worst damage... hopefully they'll live, but they're pretty bad. That window gets really hot, have to remember to check every day! I'm about to move my tomatoes out there, because the darn things are too tall for my shelves now... uggh, is it April 15th yet?

Seale, AL(Zone 8b)

Lala. Don't feel bad, mien was good until this mornign and mien aren't lookign to hot either, same problem as your s and some look liek they gonan croak for sure. : (

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