How can you tell???

Sapello, NM(Zone 5b)

sewin, I need more than a bum shot to work with! LOL Unless you feel that really catches Marge's personality. LOL

Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

I remember Swimmy and Uno! I remember their baby pics! So cool to see them all grown up!

Elbridge, NY(Zone 5a)

LOL Jay!!! Bum shot??? What ever do you mean??? LOL
Here is the money shot. It sure looks like a boy to me.

Thumbnail by sewincircle
Elbridge, NY(Zone 5a)

Yes, Swimmy and Uno have grown so much. I think they were born around the same time as your first winter batch! When was your hatch in Jan?? They must be getting big as well. We may need to update them!!!

Sapello, NM(Zone 5b)

OK, keeping with a theme... how 'bout Dame Edna?

I mean, he's been passing for some time now. Or Boy George or ?


Clarkson, KY

Timka and Mardy

Lodi, CA(Zone 9b)

Oh gosh.. I know it's a boy's name.. but who is that boxing coach with the gray hair combed back??? The name is on the tip of my tongue.. come on.. that is who came to mind when I saw Tim's Pic.

I think Chuckie is a girl... LOL She will stay Chuckie unless I honor Haystack by calling her Hesheit.. LMBO

Lodi, CA(Zone 9b)

That last one could be Jimmy.. has a schnoz like Jimmy Durante


Bend, OR(Zone 5a)

Tim does NOT have to have a new name... I used to work for a 65 yr old woman named Keith!

Tim is Tim!!!!

I worked all this week with a guy (not Asian) named Kim.

See ... it's just fine. Tim is already FAMOUS...


Elbridge, NY(Zone 5a)

LOL ZZ Don King!!! LMBO!!!
Dame-Edna hehehe He makes a good women. I love the glasses!
Thanks all for the names. I have a women who wants a silkie roo. We only have one that is not a naked neck. The kids a bummed. We cant keep them all though. so Waffle has a home soon. She wants him to protect her flock (of 4 hens) when they are outside. I never imagined a silkie being much help in an outdoor encounter. Maybe the fluff has me off base. What do you all think.
BTW I LOVE Jimmy Durate
I think I may go with Mardy for Marge though. It is similar to her name now and would be easy to remeber. hehehe Thanks again all!!!

Lodi, CA(Zone 9b)

I suffered with that darn name for hours! Know how it's right there, and you just can't spit it out? That is so funny! That's him!

I have one I was gonna name Liza.. (Liza Minnelli) cause she had such huge eyes, but I changed it quickly to Betty Davis, since my last name is Davis. LOL

This was fun Sewin.. great thread!!!

Sapello, NM(Zone 5b)

Don King! Great name for one of these... goes on the future name list. LOL

Clarkson, KY

I dunno. S'much as I like the name I thought Sewin's babies looked kinda classy...

Sapello, NM(Zone 5b)

Oh not these babies name... some future baby. I agree, this batch is too classy. =0)

I have a list of donkey names... Jeep, Satchmo, Lugnut, Asphalt... when the right baby comes along, I know it. So right now I've got Shenanigans, Trombone, and Calypso. All names I came across in my perambulations and put on my list (which has about 20 names on it) and then the right animal showed up for one of the names.

And sometimes the name just arises... like Two Bit, for whom I paid $25... two bits (sorta).

Anybody else keep a name list?

Lodi, United States

I keep applying hen names to chicks--when they turn into roos, I just wait till the next batch of chicks....I've had three Nigellas so far. Finally a beautiful, voluptuous, Black Australorp/Jersey Giant pullet has won the title.

Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

Ooooh, Calypso. I like that. Might save that for a lamb!

Lodi, United States

I have a golden Sebright named Calypso--and I named another one Circe. It started out as a Sea Nymph theme and then just sort of went Classical.

Moxon--I have been making the custard pie daily. Will I get fat(ter)? If you make it with Splenda (yes I know, nasty stuff) you can add half as much flour. It comes out puffier. DH tried to convince me to make it at 11 last night--but I held out till morning and made it with cocoa powder instead of flour. It works--not as well as with the nutmeg, though, IMHO.


Sapello, NM(Zone 5b)

Where is that recipe? I wanted to give it a try, got the eggs, but forgot the thread.

Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

Too funny! I'm so glad you are enjoying the custard pie! I love it too. Good idea on the splenda thing - I will try that. I recently bought some of the "Truvia" stuff made with Stevia. Have you tried it? Cinnamon...mmmmm.....

So did the cocoa powder make the crust just like the flour usually does? Why can you use less flour if you use splenda? How does the crust get made? Oh, I'm so befuddled...

Lodi, United States

I'm not sure where it is either. I have to drop a couple roos off. If you don't find it, I re-write when I get back:0)

Lodi, United States

Yep, cocoa did the crust. But I think it needs tweaking. I've used Stevia, but not the new stuff....whoops gotta go!

Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

Claire's Custard Pie

Sometimes I alter the recipe below slightly. I have reduced the sugar to 1/2 cup, and I have used 6 small eggs (because some of my hens lay little eggs!) and I also added 1 teaspoon of fresh ground nutmeg and eliminated the turbinado sugar topping, which to me makes it custard pie, rather than crème brûlée pie. Next time I am considering adding a splash of Amaretto...

Catscan has used cocoa instead of flour but says it needs tweaking. She also used Splenda instead of sugar.

Crème Brûlée Pie

Grease and flour a 10-inch, deep-dish pie pan. Preheat oven to 350 degrees F.

Put the following ingredients into a blender and blend on low for about 30 seconds or until all ingredients look well mixed:

2 cups goat milk (can substitute regular milk)
1/2 cup flour
3/4 cup sugar
1 tsp. vanilla
4 eggs

Pour into pie pan. Sprinkle with nutmeg, and gently sprinkle with turbinado sugar. The turbinado sugar will stay crunchy on top of the pie through the baking process and mimics the flame-kissed top of creme brulee. The batter will be quite runny, so take care when placing in the oven. Bake for 40 minutes. A sharp knife inserted into the center of the pie should come out clean, and the sliced area should stay open and not look watery inside.

Sapello, NM(Zone 5b)

Thanks, C! I've put it (and all the variations) into my official recipe notebook, so now I won't loose it again. =0) I can hardly wait to try it.

The Splenda thing... using less flour... probably has something to do with the fact that sucralose is hydrophobic (not attracted to water) whereas sugar is hydrophilic. The official site mentions something about this...

If you go with Calypso, then there's also Rumba, Tango, and Lambada... =0)

Here's my Calypso. She's now in another home.

Thumbnail by Jayryunen
Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

Ah-hah! Yes, a fun dance theme for my lambs, who are bound to dance about the pasture.

Calypso, Rumba, Tango, Lambada, Merengue, Salsa, Cha-Cha, Conga, Flamenco, Fandango, Jitterbug, Jive...

Bend, OR(Zone 5a)

WOW.. she is beautiful.. A leggy thing...


Sapello, NM(Zone 5b)

Thanks. =0) I thought she was pretty flashy, too.

Lodi, United States

Definite yes on the cinnamon. Like rice or bread pudding. That makes 2 in one day....oh dear.

Elbridge, NY(Zone 5a)

Who has a 5+ hour baby shower???? I am so tired from yesterday I could cry.
WOW that recipie looks wonderful. I will have to try it. It sounds pretty easy as well. Catscan, You crack me up! What r u doing with all those pies??? LOL
I love the names everyone. I do indeed bank names I hear and save them for future chickens. I just wait to see what they end up being and unfortunately most get a name change at puberty. I give everyone girl names at the start then have to correct the matter once they start to crow.
Its an over cast day here today. Good for sitting o the coach and reading...if the headache goes away. If not...naptime. hehehe

Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

Maybe I should have called it Claire's Addictive Custard Pie and issued a warning with it?

Sewincircle....I had a baby goat and nobody had a baby shower for me!! LOL!!

Elbridge, NY(Zone 5a)

Really??? We at DG may need to remedy that. Though it would be setting a precedent and we may be committed to showers every week end. Hmmmm what would you get for a goat owner to be?

Bend, OR(Zone 5a)

If you had a baby goat someone should have a TV show for you.....


Sapello, NM(Zone 5b)

Claire on the Mondel show, the Maury Povice show, the Leno show... Woman Has a Real Kid; Are Fertility Drugs To Blame? Who's the Father?

And just think what Ellen would make of it on her show...


Elbridge, NY(Zone 5a)

LMBO...what will the blood test show? No chair throwing! Then we would need Dr.Phil for therapy. Oh the drama.
We can have a virtual shower. hehehe I will make the punch. We need those mints and peanuts too...hmmm streamers, cake, what else???

Sapello, NM(Zone 5b)

Should The Public Pay to Support This Desperate Woman's Kid?!

Stupid games...

Elbridge, NY(Zone 5a)

Oh yes! We need stupid games! Like how many words can you make in one minute with the kids name. (i am good at that one) And baby bingo. We can even have the little sandwhiches.

Sapello, NM(Zone 5b)

I've never played baby bingo. Is that anything like cow bingo?

Haystack gets to wear a diaper on his head....
Oh, oh... kid diapering contests! LOL

Elbridge, NY(Zone 5a)

No cow patties though. just chips on various baby items like bottles, hay,...
Oh I have never diapered a kid. I better practice up before the big day!!!
The shower I went to was guys AND girls!!! My DH would rather slam his hand in the door...over and over again...than go to a shower. LOL

Sapello, NM(Zone 5b)

So would I! I went to one once and it was just tooo wierd. Trying to be aaaall enthusiastic about something I never wanted any part of. But the food was good.


Elbridge, NY(Zone 5a)

Ya, I ate good and took a plate home to my DH so I didnt have to cook supper after. hehehe I make lemonade when delt lemons! LOL DH stayed home and watched the basketball ternament. It looks like he won the board we play too. :) Good day!

Sapello, NM(Zone 5b)

OK, I'll bring the cake. What's the date? Should we start a thread... maybe have a shower for all the March babies?

I could probably manage one shower a month.....
for the right food.


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