Harmony report!!!

Sapello, NM(Zone 5b)

Maybe they're watching so they can learn something about how animals reproduce and some of the issues that come up when one gets into breeding livestock. A lot of folks raised in the city have had no exposure to how animals are bred and reared. This isn't a church, it's a... well, a virtual barnyard. =0) Sometimes things can get a little randy... just ask Kathleen over on the Farm forum, who got jumped by her heifer in heat (I think it was Kathleen, somebody over there did). And there was my turkey hen who thought I was the one for her. LOL I don't think anyone's gotten out of hand here with their remarks; some are just light-hearted funnin'.

Like Wren said, if this is offensive to someone, perhaps they shouldn't get into breeding animals. And this is a good place to find out if you've got what it takes to get involved... because one often does have to get directly involved.

Birds do it, bees do it...
Jay =0)

Sapello, NM(Zone 5b)

Wren! {{gasp!}} Are you saying you read bodice-rippers?! {oh, flutter, gasp} I need to sit down and put my head between my knees...

Oh my....

Lodi, CA(Zone 9b)

LOL This is just too funny. LOL

Maby cause of my many years working on a thoroughbred breeding farm.. LOL

Jacksonville, FL(Zone 8b)

As we do have young ones on this forum we must remember no diagrams.

I am not a prune but!!! And I understand the facts of life but no diagrams for me. Too old fashion to change. My poor mother had to give us a book to explain the facts of life. "Everything you want to know about sex but where afraid to ask" and even that was a little to much info.

(Zone 7b)

Well okay then now that we have established it's okay to talk about breeding animals can we move on.

I only post on this one thread as i am very busy during this time of year and my free time is limited. Wren and a few others wanted to continue to communicate with me so i post here.
I post pics of my animals and comment on them i don't go to other threads as i don't have time to keep a running dialog.

Sapello, NM(Zone 5b)

I remember that book! LOL My mother's dog breeding was much more informative...

I'm so glad to her you're not a prune butt. LMBO You're a sweetie, Wren. =0)

I do think in a barnyard, you are going to see nature in the raw and in a virtual barnyard it's going to happen too. It's the crass, crude exploitation for the purposes of titillation and monetary gain that I find offensive and no one has even come close to that here.

I worked on a thoroughbred farm too, as the stud handler. So what animals get up to doesn't shock me anymore. I been there, I've handled it, I've mocked the studs. LOL


Jacksonville, FL(Zone 8b)

Yes but lets keep what's "natural" to a few threads and have fun on others. That way we can encourage families to "slowly" get their young ones into it at their own pace. "nature" does not bother me any more but I know some people with young kids that are really strange about it. And I mean STRANG!!!!!!! This is the Southern Bible belt zone---I rest my case.

Lodi, CA(Zone 9b)

That's cool Jay.. I had to fill in as the stud handler a few times and wow.. that was an experience! I mostly took care of the mares & babiez. Hats off to ya for doing that for any amount of time! We had 6 studs... and about 300 mares/babiez..

I think the younguns see a whole lot more than we could ever post on here! Even phone text/pic messages are over my head!

Sorry Harmony, I didn't mean to keep this going. It's an interesting topic. Who started it anyway? LOL

Rankin, IL(Zone 5a)

I think that black silkie with the white beard is very interesting..

The pigeons.. hmm they just aren't my cup of tea.. but I never thought the dove would be either and shes grabbed hold of my heart!

Claires pics didn't offend me.. and she did give warning.. I think that new llama is one handsome guy.. he can do all he wants.. someday I need a claire baby llama

Farm life is an odd life.. grandson had a little poo on his hand this am.. well I am in the middle of feeding.. I can't stop in the middle.. I would be carried away to the compost pile.. so I tell the poor kid, wipe it off in the grass, we'll wash up in just a few minutes...

Is that what I have come to??? Wipe it off in the grass??? OH THE GERMS!! lol

Lodi, CA(Zone 9b)

LOL Well, at least you didn't tell him to use his pant leg! LOL

(Zone 7b)

I stated above i didn't even know about the xxx rated as i only post and look at this thread only. I actually had to go look to see what Jay and Sewin were refering to and i was not offended by it... I just was just speaking of people who look at this forum as anyone from Children to adults can see it IMHO.
I'm very busy most of the time and can only pop in to post pics and comment to the ones who look at this thread.

Thank you fran the silkie with the white beard is my favorite i hope he stays that color.

My Son and Dh both run to the faucet when they get a little poo on them too. LOL

Sapello, NM(Zone 5b)

I think that it is only rarely that 'reproduction' comes up and if left alone dies a natural death as well. LOL And if someone gets really rank, why deahs... we just sweep up our skirts and flounce out of the room, noses held high. =

Rankin, IL(Zone 5a)

Jay you have such a way with words..

ok, so the subject was ugly/sweet pigeons.. maybe we should see what else is being born?

Other than resell.. what do you do with a pigeon? Do you show them? Eat them? Can you eat their eggs?

Jacksonville, FL(Zone 8b)

Let's start a thread where every one can share the pictures of their babies. I would love that and it would be safe to show my mom. LOL

Sapello, NM(Zone 5b)

Waaah... I don't have any babies. =0(
I'll have to 'borrow' some...

(Zone 7b)

Fran pigeons can be eaten, shown, raced, used in bird dog training and can be used for target practice.
I have them as a hobby and sell the excess to help pay for their feed.

My customers really love them i sell more Pigeons & Doves than i do chickens

Jacksonville, FL(Zone 8b)

We could except older animals if they are very,very cute.

On the pet forum I get lots of request for my "cute" demon child. LOL

(Zone 7b)

Well Wren since you are starting a new thread what would you like for us to post ?

I will be here when i can i have alot to do this weekend.

Jacksonville, FL(Zone 8b)

OK lets have a thread where all can show off their babies and young animals or cute or funny older animal . (I included the last because all I have is a funny dog. LOL)

It will be where we can talk baby talk to the little ones if we want and celebrity life.

Any one have some added ideas?

Thumbnail by wren107
Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

Can I show off my new, VERY unexpected baby born today? He arrived sometime this afternoon. We did not know our donkey was pregnant. She was not supposed to have been. She came from the shelter. Blew us away when we went out to the barnyard. It was like "Wait a second, what goat is that? HOLY COW! That's not a goat!!!"

It's a boy, so Kelly gets to name it, and he hasn't come up with the right name yet.

Thumbnail by DrDoolotz
Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

He's pretty cute though, in my opinion!

Thumbnail by DrDoolotz
Sapello, NM(Zone 5b)

Claire! Amazing. I'd name him Milagro... means miracle in Spanish. And if he stays that color, I think he's a pretty rare number. Solid blacks are pretty unusual. How do his teeth meet?

Jacksonville, FL(Zone 8b)

Yes he is very cute in fact he is wonderful LOL Congratulation!!!! Look at those ears!!!!!

Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

Jay, I have no idea about his teeth! Never thought to look. We got our Sicilian donkeys (female and gelded male) from the Animal Rescue League and we don't know much about them really. I will look at his teeth tomorrow in the daylight. I wondered if he would fade to brown in the sun.

Sapello, NM(Zone 5b)

If his teeth meet well and his legs are half way straight, you might have something breedable there.

A black will fade a bit in the sun, but you'll always be able to tell they're not brown. It'll be more like brown highlights; the tips fade. Check out the ADMS site for more on registering, conformation and colors.

And in any case, enjoy the baby! If he's like mine, they come right up to say hi, not stand offish like horses. Regular pests, in fact. LOL

Is he soft like a bunny? I had one baby donk that was... blew me away how soft he was. Of course, he was the ornriest of the bunch. =0)

This message was edited Mar 20, 2009 8:12 PM

Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

He is incredibly soft - but I never felt a baby donkey before, so I thought that was normal....

I will have to look into this some more! Thanks for all the useful info!

Sapello, NM(Zone 5b)

My other two baby donks were about like baby horses, soft but definitely horse hair. Sorta like baby goat hair... which I know you know about now. LOL But the one was as soft as a bunny. I couldn't believe it. Now he has regular donkey hair, so it's just a baby coat, but Oh My!

Your baby may shed his baby coat and become a different color, like steel grey, but he's not going to have any 'points' like the lighter belly or nose hair of most donks. That's a little unusual. =0)

Born on the first day/night of spring... that's gotta be portentious! LOL

Lodi, CA(Zone 9b)

He is sticking his lil tongue out! How cute!!!!!!!!!

Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

Oh, baby donk is waaay softer than baby Luna. She has goat soft hair, but baby donk is more fluffy. I want to call him Espresso. Kelly is considering this.

Unusual is good, considering Kelly and I are both a little unusual too. :-)

Lodi, United States

Yesssssss. Unusual is indeed good. Very good.

Now Moxon, remember that little favour you owe me?

(Cue music appropriate to one of the more frightening Grimm's Fairytales)

Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

Oh Catscan, as soon as this little one is weaned, he is allllll yours!

Lodi, United States

Good. So we understand each other. ZZ's daughter will be by to pick him up:0)

Lodi, CA(Zone 9b)

Oh yeah! Krystal would LOVE that lil baby! I do too.. just too cute.

Lodi, United States

And he would protect the chickens from dogs!

Sapello, NM(Zone 5b)

Boy donks aren't so good at guard duty, from what I've heard. Especially if they're left intact... too many other things on their minds. It's a jenny you want to raise with your birds. At least, that is what is used with sheep.

Then again, once I put a donkey moat around my chicken run I didn't loose anymore to skunks and stray dogs. Donks do like to stomp little things.

Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

Of course, you will let us know if you want him gelded, or if you want that delight yourself...

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