Harmony report!!!

Jacksonville, FL(Zone 8b)

Hi Harm are you ok? The last cold spell did not get you did it. Let us know what is going on!!!!!

Elbridge, NY(Zone 5a)

I spoke with Harmony briefly. She is busy starting her seeds and hatching pigeons. MANY pigeons. hehehe

Jacksonville, FL(Zone 8b)

Yes I have talked to her also. She is growing a lot of new seeds.
I miss her on here. She was a lot of fun and my enjoyment of this site has gone down with out her here.

Williamsburg, MI(Zone 4b)

Oh, and what are the rest of us? Booring old chopped chicken liver? LOL

Jacksonville, FL(Zone 8b)

No but I hate not hearing from all my Poultry friends and their daily activities. I have lost a few friends lately. Enough said.

(Zone 7b)

Hey people "Yes" i have been very busy with all my animals us "Chicken Heads" never rest!

Got 63 eggs to put in my bater and i just bought 10 blue, black and splash silkie chicks and a dozen Call Duck eggs.
Going to buy me a new bater a genius havo-bater next week and will be setting that as my hens are still laying.
I had 58 pigeons and thinned them out as well as been sexing my 38 doves and pairing them up.
My Budapest have 2 babys and so do my Jacobin's and my Valencia's are working on eggs.
Due to pickup some Chinese Owls in 2 weeks and Talking to someone about some Pheasants and a Turkey.
Been working on my seeds and been plowing my garden hope to be planting lots of vegs this spring.

Everybodys Chickens are looking great didn't have time to check all the threads but wishin yall well

I got to git and collect my eggs while it ain't a rainin everybody take care and keep on hatchin them babys!

Wren don't fret i will always be your friend i'm just a Dmail away♥

Here's my new Budpest

Thumbnail by Harmonyplace
Sapello, NM(Zone 5b)

Ack! Uggy baby's... wow, those are some honkers on those little tykes! LOL How could you not just fall in love with something like that?! Hope you'll post more as they grow. I love the Owl pigeons (yours are the first I've ever seen).


Jacksonville, FL(Zone 8b)

Hi Harmoy Glad you are doing good. I will keep in watching for more pictures.

Bridgewater, ME

Harmonyplace you are lucky to be able to get on the ground and plant seeds and smell the dirt still way to much snow here, 1 below 0 tonight.UGH I hate long winters!!!

Jacksonville, FL(Zone 8b)

It was over 80 down here. Looks like we are going to have a long hot summer.

I over did it. Fixing up a potting bench and moving stepping stone for it to set on.

Sapello, NM(Zone 5b)

It's so easy to do that when the weather turns in the spring, isn't it? It's sort of the dirty version of weekend warrior syndrome. LOL Take it easy, or Andre will have to sit on you....

Jacksonville, FL(Zone 8b)

No he likes to get me out side. Thought he is not sure about all the pictures I am taking. I think this one is his shark imagination

Thumbnail by wren107
Elbridge, NY(Zone 5a)

I got some 50's today!! I am in heaven. Still not as nice as you all have down there!!! hehehe

Sapello, NM(Zone 5b)

Tum-tum, Tum-tum, Tum-tum...

Jacksonville, FL(Zone 8b)

Yes every time he does that I think of Jaws Here is what he is trying to do. Catch his ball LOL

Thumbnail by wren107
Sapello, NM(Zone 5b)

LOL... my dog can't catch balls. I sure wish she did. I think her depth perception is off. River prefers a vigorous game of tug... I had to get expensive Schutzhund tug toys for her, she destroyed everything at PetSmart in a single session. The sound of ripping fake fur drives her into an absolute frenzy! LOL But tug wears us both out... ooof!

Jacksonville, FL(Zone 8b)

Andre misses as much as he catches them. He some times opens his mouth so wide that he can not see the ball. He also rips stuff toys up. I found some that did not have any stuffing in them and he has not ripped them up yet. He has very power full jaws. I was told by a police officer that pound for pound a 50 pound Belgian can hit harder than a hundred pound GSD. Also the local police told me that they all freeze we the Belgians are released. One told me he would much rather be bitten by one of the GSD than a Belgian any day-he had been nailed by both. My first Belgian tervuren was a weird one and would freak out and bite. She one day closed her jaws on my leather gloved hand and broke a bone in it.

Thankful Andre and my second Terv where normal and did not bite.

Here he is learning to "wave" I just could not catch the paw in the right spot

Thumbnail by wren107
Sapello, NM(Zone 5b)

GSDs have really gone downhill, their conformation is no longer functional. The Belgian dogs (Malinois, Tervuran, and what's the third?) are much healthier overall at this point. They're being used quite a bit in Search and Rescue, too, for their strong drive, great intelligence and athleticism.

We crochet hay string into tug toys that hold up well. If I loft it very softly and high, River can manage to snag it. Nope, frisbee dog is out. Tow this car... maybe. LOL

Jacksonville, FL(Zone 8b)

Yes the breeder of my first 2 tervs get out of the GSD because of all the poor conformations but I hear that the German parent club laid down the law and told the American breeders of GSD that they must streighted up and improve or else.

I do not have any hay strings so can not do that. I can not throw a frisbee to save my life but Andre and I play ball a couple times a day. And he does catch it a third of the times-except when he opens that mouth to wide and he can't see it.

Thumbnail by wren107
Sapello, NM(Zone 5b)

I think he's getting used to the picture taking, Wren. In fact, I think he might become a bit of a ham! LOL I had one of those... pull out a camera and he'd pose, big silly grin on his face.

I've seen German dogs with noodle legs, so I'm not sure there's much hope. And I was just watching last years Westminster show and the best of breed Shepherd could barely lift its butt off the ground. Well, the winning Anatolian this year was broken at the ankles, which I would have thrown out, not made best of breed.

How much does Andre weigh (if he'll tell). I've only met Malinois, which are a nice compact size.

Jacksonville, FL(Zone 8b)

Andre is over weight-he steals food!!!! About 70 pounds right now. We are working on the weight problem and the stealing problem. But all that fur makes him look even larger. I need to take him for a long run right now as he is getting in to all kind of trouble. LOL

The GSD's are trained to run like that. I think it looks bad but I have seen worse looking ones at shows.

Sapello, NM(Zone 5b)

Unfortuantely, no, it's not just training. They literally can't stand up. They've been bred for that sloping top line and out behind stance to the point where if they put their hind legs underneath themselves, the whole lower leg is resting on the ground. No strength, just noodles. I watched a GSD struggle to clear a 3' hurdle at a Schutzhund final, while the Rottie's soared over it.

So Andre should be around 60#? So he's about the same size as the Malinois, just fuzzier. =0)

River says it's naptime...

Jacksonville, FL(Zone 8b)

Yes The Malinois can appear in a litter of tervs. They are all just forms of the Belgian Shepard.
I have only seen pictures of the wire haired form .

I took the brat for a 2 mile run so now he has calmed down for a time but I get intrested in reading up on the epis so I missed the nap.

Jacksonville, FL(Zone 8b)

Oh there are some breeders breeding "working" GSDs I saw one a number of years back and boy was he put together. and huge but then his person only stood 4 1/2 feet so that made him look larger. LOL

Sapello, NM(Zone 5b)

I saw a very nice, square GSD at the SAR conference I was at last spring... around 50-60#. Good straight back legs, and a great SAR dog. She's working with others to develop, or re-develop, the smaller level topline GSD, able to work hard all day in the field. I'll bet her dog could soar over a 3' hurdle. =0) Very nice temperament on her dog, too. Sharp, keen, but not aggressive. I wouldn't mind having one of those.

So how're the uggy babies, Har? I wanna see pictures... I'll bet their furring up, er, feathering up already. Come on, show and tell...
=0) Jay

Jacksonville, FL(Zone 8b)

Yes Harmony would love to see picture of the uggy babies

Andre can clear 4 feet-how do I know? I had to raise the height of our 3 foot fence twice up to 5 feet. He cleared the 4 feet from a standing start.

Sapello, NM(Zone 5b)

LOL... and in a heavy fur coat! I had an Irish Setter that leapt to the top of a 6' chain link from a standing start and pulled herself over before I could even get the gate closed. So a GSD struggling to clear 3' is pathetic in the extreme.

Do you think Harm took offense at my saying the uggy babies had big honkers? =o(

Jacksonville, FL(Zone 8b)

No because they do. She is probable busy with here babies.

(Zone 7b)

Jay my ugly babys are indeed ugly and i will have to get some new pics
Still been busy as a bee my incubator is full again i have 50 Bantam eggs and 9 Call Duck eggs in there.
I'm still collecting eggs and hope to have a new incu by next week and will fill that one too.
Due to get 5 pheasants soon for my ground pen i sold my self blue's.

Going tomorrow to buy some more chicks and i'm still pairing up my doves.
Got my Brug seeds soaking and the pots to put them in are ready
Waiting for my ground to dry out so i can plow my herb garden and my flower garden too.
Still need to order my organic seeds "Phew" i got lots to do LOL

Wren i may need some gardening help do you know if it's time to fertilize Brugs mine are coming up?

Will watch for this thread and check in when i can ** Harmony **
For Jay these are white fan tail babys

Thumbnail by Harmonyplace
Ferndale, WA

Yikes!!! They look like Trapazoids. It should be illegal to be that ugly.LOL Just kidding Harm. (I think). Baby chicks are so cute, what happened to pigeons? Hay

(Tia) Norman, OK(Zone 7a)

Hey there Harmony, them babies are truly ugly, I know 1st hand as I have a baby dove and he is just down right ugly. He is a week and 3 days old and his head is bigger than the egg he came out of. Gosh they do grow very fast.

Elbridge, NY(Zone 5a)

Its like the ugly duckling. They do turn out beautiful. LOL

Jacksonville, FL(Zone 8b)

Harmony I do not know but there is a burg forum or later when they or up I will ask those I know who grow them locally when to feed. I only just get two last summer.

Jacksonville, FL(Zone 8b)

Harmony I get the info if you are talking about seedling
mistressgardenr says that she "waited until they were about 6" high and gave them a weak solution of epsom salt/water mix. It helped them along and they grew quickly."

(Zone 7b)

Wren i was refering to my big ones planted in the ground i've never really known when to fertilize them. you can Dmail me the info

I got Ducks today i have 7 little Black "Cayuga's" and they are cute as a Bugs Ear and my Son got him 2 Mallards.
This will be our first experience with Ducks i look forward to watching them grow.
I know one thing they love {{ Water}} they have been in it most of the morning just makeing a mess. ha ha ha ha ^_^

I will be watching for this thread

oh and glad yall enjoyed the ugly babys there will be lots more

Elbridge, NY(Zone 5a)

Oh boy! We all luv ducks. CUTE!!! PICS!

Sapello, NM(Zone 5b)

HOLY COW, those are some uggie babies. The SU just ran screaming from the room! You could post those pics and accuse some corporation of toxic dumping and get folks in a real lather. LOL Who'da thunk that'd ever become something as lovely and cooing as a dove or pigeon {{shaking head}} or a Fantail (those are really cool).

I just can't get over those beaks...

All I can say is I'm glad I didn't look like that when I was a baby or my mother woulda drown me... having one jug ear was enough to drive her nutz... LOL

You are way past the TWT phase. You must be about mainlining coffee or Red Bull. Just reading about your projects wears me out.

Keep the pics coming, can't wait to see 'em ALL!

(Zone 7b)

New Silkie i think it's going to be blue

Thumbnail by Harmonyplace
(Zone 7b)

New Silkie i don't know about this one it's black with a white beard

Thumbnail by Harmonyplace
(Zone 7b)

My eggs in my Bater you can see the big Duck eggs on the left (they don't have any writeing on them)

FYI~ My new little ducks i got yesterday one passed away so i went and had it replaced. Typical me while i was there i got 3 Khaki Campbell ducks so we now have 14.
FYI~ They are very very very very messy and they will be going outside today the little plastic brooder was so messy this morning my son used a whole roll of paper towels.
They play in their water 24/7 LOL ( But they are so cute i will get a pic today if i have time got to finish up my doves and then move some chickens and........)

Thumbnail by Harmonyplace

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