Seeds for Newbies #4 - Changes afoot!

Merkel, TX

Too cute!
I know I will be starting the seeds a bit late, but as long as I can get some veggies at some point and save some seed for next year for my garden and any others that need them, pay it forward indeed. I have been trying to keep a positive attitude about everything, actually breaking my leg was a good thing, Gods plan, because had I not broken it I would not be back in school. School is amazing, and good for the soul. Just sometimes, like when the wind broke a foot around limb off one of our trees this weekend and it landed on fences and three gates, and then the 4 100 lb pigs worried their gate and got out and got into everything while hubby was at work. Of course the strawberry patch we planted last year that HAD many baby strawberries on it was rooted up, and All I could do was watch out the window at their destruction and wait for someone to get home and put them up. That was hard, then poor hubby, after working all day, had to fix the gate and cut the limb off of everything, while I listened to the chain saw buzz. Crap like that is hard to not focus on, when I need to be focusing on the positive. Yeah, maybe had we had all those strawberries we would have gotten sick because we ate so many. Thats it! Just venting.............Kathy
Just venting, Kathy aka Filaluvr

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Aww, Kathy... sorry about your gate -- and your strawberries! Those pigs better watch their step, LOL, or they'll be bacon sooner rather than later. Hope your leg starts healing faster... I can only imagine your frustration, although it sounds like you're trying hard to find silver linings. School, gardening... both good for the soul! :-)

Merkel, TX

Actually, I made arrangements to get the two larger ones gone this weekend. I love fresh bacon, and so do the greens. I have on the ground right now 18 little babies, plus the 4 growers, as well as the 6 big pigs, largest one is around 1000 lbs and gentle as any kitten. I keep trying to remind myself that things could always be worse. At least we have the pigs, and with the economy as it stands, we may be inviting everyone over for a pig BBQ. Kathy

Portland, OR(Zone 8a)

Kathy, consider this my RSVP to the BBQ. Also, from a marketing standpoint, "strawberry fed" pork might fetch a pretty penny. :-)


Ames, NE(Zone 5b)

Michael & Kathy would you use ketchup, mustard, or Whip cream on that Pork


Portland, OR(Zone 8a)

Tubby, the answer is of course "Yes!" Z :-)

Merkel, TX

You all laugh, but get this. Some people give fish and fish meal to the pigs, and chickens too for that matter, for its protein content. It is recommended to stop all fish products at minimum of 6 weeks prior to processing or your pig will taste and smell like fish. EWWW!! When we were feeding the chickens lots of peppers, research shows their taste buds read hot as sweet, how they know that I dont want to know, but the eggs, after a while, had a noticeable hotness about them. Hubby wants to try a pepper, onion, tomatoe, garlic chicken feed to see if he can get an omlet without the hassle of the veggies. Imagine that for a marketing ploy....Kathy

Cumberland Mtns, TN(Zone 6b)

Hey, has anyone heard from Lorraine lately? Did Maggi surprise her like she hoped to?

My fingers were crossed that she would be back already.

Litchfield, ME(Zone 5a)

Smart Man there let us all know if it works ok!!

I haven't heard from Lorraine.But this might get her antibodies flowing!!I got a box in the mail that I have to just have to tell you all about. Seeds from a newbie donate r. She has only been a memebr since March 22 she hasn't even had her newbie package long enough to see then sprout. It is incredible!! Full of wonderful big plump seeds. She is and angel and you newbies...You are lucky!! Look at it. I'm sure you aren't seeing or getting the same picture that I get having it here in my hands but let me assure you. It is like having a whole bunch of birthday presents all at once.There is a half bushel I kid you not of seeds in there.....
Thank You Lee for sharing. Newbies get out your envelopes you gotta have some of these.
Lorraine...are you there can you see this???? Miss you.

Thumbnail by arejay59
Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

That's great! I hope one day I will have enough seed to do that :)

Litchfield, ME(Zone 5a)

Me too Red!!!!

Merkel, TX

Seeing all those seeds gave me goosebumps :) Sure ya'll arent all REALLY from Texas? Never knew such generosity lurked across the border of my great state ....

Kathy aka Filaluvr in Texas

Ames, NE(Zone 5b)

Kathy Them thar border lines don't separate good ol folk...Just politicians..LOL

Cumberland Mtns, TN(Zone 6b)

Maybe this year I'll have enough to save too.

DG'ers have big hearts, don't they?

Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

They sure do. I feel so lucky to be part of this community :)

Merkel, TX

Seems to be the trend, nice people, pretty plants, (hmmming We Are The World) That does age me, doesnt it. You younguns, google it :) Kathy

Miles City, MT(Zone 3b)

When you enjoy something like I do gardening, you always are looking for ways to make everything go farther, which is why I gather seed. In my small town, there are just so many you can give seeds, and plants to before you run out of people. I was so happy when I found DG that finally I had someone to give seeds to, and not have to throw the excess away. I had just thrown about that many away since they were a couple of years old and I didn't know if they were still viable. I was so happy to get my newbie pkg, I was given seeds that I hadn't tried before. And... since I sent most of the extras to you.... I don't have any to trade this year for anything new. But.....Just you wait until next year!!! I really appreciate this website, and all of you whom I have met. I feel like I have known each and everyone in person and for a long time. Keep up the good work, and garden well. I am glad you can use the seeds. God Bless all.

Caro, MI(Zone 5a)

I received my package of seeds in the mail yesterday and it is just wonderful. Thank you Robin, Lorraine & everyone that contributes. I know I will think of everyone here each time I see one of these flowers nodding in the breeze.

I can't wait to get them planted! Happy Easter everyone.

Mary Ellen

Litchfield, ME(Zone 5a)

You are so welcome Mary Ellen. Keep us posted!!

Merkel, TX

I got my seeds !! WOO HOO. Spent half the nite planting away. One package has tiny little seeds in it but no description, no name, nada. Will wait a few days and start that one too. Will be interesting to see what they are. Thanks soo very much for the generous donations. I wish they were all labeled with the donors DG name so that I could keep them updated on my baby watch emails. You all do that right?? Have a great day Ya'll!! :) Kathy

Litchfield, ME(Zone 5a)

Hi Kathy,
I am glad to hear you are enjoying. I used to wonder the same thing..the packets without names of the donor or maybe not even the name of the seed or maybe the common name and not the botanical name. I have to tell you I understand now. Sometimes there are so many little packages that you get carried away labeling or once you hit I don't now 30 your memory starts to lessen and you start a project one of the kids calls you for something and whoops. What was I doing. When you said tiny little seeds I thought digitalis.
Sometimes the seeds come in bulk too so maybe I left that one off. Everybody likes surprises now and then right??? Oh one other thing I noticed for me having to look things up in the plant files or google has forced me to learn many things about plants and seeds that I had no idea before the newbie games began!!
Keep in touch Kathy,

Cocoa Beach, FL(Zone 10a)

I finish sorting and bagging and gave up on repackaging. I am sending you a shoebox full of seeds. I didn't label with my name. Some I took a few seeds out of and passed on others I just finished gathering. I'll try to get to the post office tomorrow morning.

Clinton, IA

HI Robin-After reading this thread about everyones excitiment about the newbie seeds I was just wondering: Have you received my envie yet? Have you sent my seeds yet? Did you.... huh, did ya....did ya? I feel like a kid at Chirstmas or "are we there yet"?
I feel sorry for my mailman for the next few days....

Litchfield, ME(Zone 5a)

Rtgardens Dmail me with your real name and address I will look at what has gone out this week. Don't post it here. Dmail ok?

Litchfield, ME(Zone 5a)

A shoebox full. Thank You!! Did you hear that newbies????? Do you all want to wait till Mittsy's shoebox gets here?? She has some good stuff!! Between Als and Mittsy and Critters donations there are some great new seeds here.Send those envies!!


Hornell, NY(Zone 5a)

Glad you're having so much fun, Robin!


Merkel, TX

I think I will get my sister to join and shanghi her newbie seeds.......Yeah, thats it (diabolical laughing in the background) More seeds for me Just Kidding, at least about taking my sisters seeds. She does need to join, this seed planting thing is contageous. Kathy

Litchfield, ME(Zone 5a)

Hi Everyone,
Just want to update you. I have several envies waiting for seeds. So if you are wondering if I got your envie...Probably I did. I am packaging as we speak and waiting for Mittsy's box as I think it will be worth the wait. So if you don't have your package it will be there soon.

Litchfield, ME(Zone 5a)

New Thread!!!

Hi Everyone !!
Please don't be scared!! I am certainly not Lorraine nor can I fill her shoes. I will do my best until she is back to 100% and ready to make the envies!!
I have seen so many of the old...I say this very lightly everyone...I have seen all of the ...Old Timers being so helpful in Lorraine's absence. Thank You you are appreciated.
Here is the letter that I send to Newbies as I find them. It should give you the information you need to get your free seeds.
Welcome . I am new to Dave's Garden too. I wanted to let you know,some of the others here at Dave's would like to offer you 10 or more packets of free seeds. Just to say welcome and to "pay it forward" because so many of the DGer's helped them when they first joined.
Here is a link to the thread with instructions for you. Hope to hear from you,we have seeds in the packets just waiting for new owners.
Have fun,
Send your envie to me. Here is the link to the address exchange.

Thumbnail by arejay59
Cocoa Beach, FL(Zone 10a)

Robin, Please let me know when you receive my box of seeds.

Spencer, OK(Zone 7a)

As a newbie beneficiary to a wonderful packet of seeds, I extend my thanks to all who participated in donating and managing the seeds. Very much appreciated and I hope to later be able to donate some things as well.
I have met some really nice and helpful people on Dave's forums.
Thanks everyone!

Washington, IN(Zone 6a)

Look at the post 2 above yours and you will find a link to a new thread and click on it and put your post there.

Hope that you got a good array of seed. Enjoy your gardening !


Litchfield, ME(Zone 5a)

Hi everyone here is the new thread

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