Gardening: Cottage Garden Seed Swap & Chat #31

Scottsburg, IN(Zone 6a)

Yeah - that's why I go for a short glug, rather than a long glug. Wow - a cup per 2.5 gallons - that's strong! I'll have to remember you can spray it for weeds like that - I'd much rather use that than some of those nasty chemicals out there.

OK, a quick question here on the herbicide properties and soaking. How does soaking seeds in H2O2 overnight work in helping them break dormancy, yet too much will kill them? Is it because the overnight soaking is just that, overnight?

Mona in Metcalfe, ON(Zone 5a)

well it works by thinning the shell of the seed so for thick seed it makes it easier for it to absorbe the water which will wake up the embryo but to much and it will kill it, now some people use it stronger and keep an eye on it and then rinse when the shell is thinned out or lower and soak over night

I have found that unless the shell is really thick I just use warm water for two hours and I can see the seed has actually gotten bigger like swollen and then it is ready to sow which the bigger and thicker seeds I just use peat wet in baggy in the fridge till they germinate but I do those in the fall like september or october to germinated early spring since they can take up to six months lol

and when I have no patience I take out the dremelle and sand off some of the coating hahahah that takes only seconds

Scottsburg, IN(Zone 6a)

Yeah, I have some canna seed I have to take the file to......I tried soaking them last year and they just sat there, holding their breath like it was some sort of Olympic event....

On a completely different note - my Fava beans are sprouting - LOL! Noni's Italian, so she loves her broad beans. I just hope I can grow them and not lose them to the squirrels......nasty little buggers...... They're one of the reasons I got some of the Habaneros from Critter's pepper co-op - I want to grow some *hot* peppers for home made pepper spray that will REALLY get their attention.....

Mona in Metcalfe, ON(Zone 5a)

do you nonna (grandmother) do does my DH he is sicilian

Winchester, KY(Zone 6a)

I've seen the ratio for H2O2 solution that several have posted that they use as 1oz (2 tablespoons) per quart of water (1/2 cup per gallon). That's the ratio I use religiously, both for soaking seeds and watering seedlings.

Robin, I love the piggy watering can! Bright colors are a good idea- I wouldn't lose it so easily, LOL. Your mention of fava beans has me thinking of Hannibal Lector.

Mona in Metcalfe, ON(Zone 5a)

so far I have not had a problem with dampening off the plants they are doing good is there another reason for using proxide in the water advantage to it ?????

Winchester, KY(Zone 6a)

Not once case of damping off here since I started using H2O2 :-)

Winchester, KY(Zone 6a)

Happy birthday Tonya!!!

Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

I'll echo that.... Tonya... hope you have the happiest of Birthdays.

Seale, AL(Zone 8b)

Happy Birthday TONYA!!!!!!! Hope it a great one. : )

Mona in Metcalfe, ON(Zone 5a)

Happy Birthday and many many more

New Braunfels, TX(Zone 8b)

Thanks everyone! Y'all are so good to me!


North West, OH(Zone 5b)

And another birthday greeting from me! Hope you have a fabulous day Tonya.

Browns Mills, NJ(Zone 6b)

Lots of Birthdays going around! Have the happiest Birthday Tonya!!! My SIL's was yesterday, my DD's BF is today and my middle DD is tomarrow :-)

Southeastern, NH(Zone 5b)

Hi everyone, I am really behind on the this thread because like a silly I forgot to click on watch for the new thread! I've been checking dave's regularly and wondering why all my piggy friends hadn't been posting - thinking you were all too busy starting your seeds. Thank goodness I finally figured out that you were all in a new thread! Now I have to go catch up! I will be back as soon as I'm done! : )

Southeastern, NH(Zone 5b)

Happy Birthday Tonya!! : D

Lea, thanks for the compliment on my journal! I have a lot of time into it lol, so it made me feel good : ) Do you know if the Blue Knoll are a type that will produce seeds true to parent? I am wondering because I remember reading a link that someone posted here, about a lot of companies selling seeds that must be bought every year. If we can collect seeds from them, between the two of us we should be able to get some for next year too. If yours don't make it through the winter indoors lmk - I saved some from the pack I started.

Lala - I remember you wanting everyone to add pics to the plant files. I would be happy to. At some point I have to go through the stuff I have and see which ones don't already have seedling images. Then I'll add them. What size seedlings do you think the pics should be of? My camera isn't very good at taking pics of them when they are only cotlydons, so I was thinking on adding them of the ones that are in better focus.We need someone with a really good camera to get good pics of cotlydons. : )

Greenville, IN(Zone 6a)

Meredith, I sent seeds out from mine year before last but don't remember who got any :) I have no idea if they come true or not, I have a few of the last seeds but they don't look as good as the seeds I sent out so I'm going to try them, I got mine from Park's. I sure hope these plants make it, come to think of it they are seeds from the plants that I had the year before so if I do get blooms we will know if they come true :)

I soo wish I had the time to do my journal like yours ;-) I just stick to my spreadsheet lol

Neal, while I'm thinking of it, are there any special instructions for the lovely asters you sent me, it will be alright to sow them on top of the soil and under lights won't it :) What temp should I keep them cool or about 70-75? I can't wait to see these blooms either :)

nbgard, Happy Birthday!!! Isn't it great to have a birthday so close to spring :)))

scicciarella, If you think yo have a seedling that has too much water in it you can add some H202 with more peroxide in it to give the roots more oxygen until it dries out more too. I'd say close to half and half ratio. I've never really done it because I try and keep my seedlings on the dry side because of those darn gnats lol If yo have a problem with the gnats in your soil you can water it with H202 to get rid of them too and they say if you spray the top of the soil with H202 you can hear the gnats/eggs popping when they are in there lol I haven't heard it but it does seem to help, Snap crackle and pop! LOL

perenniallyme, I made a note to save you some 'White Tower' seeds :) I have the 'Miyazaki' too but if you have anything different that gets seeds would love some :)

Menifee, CA(Zone 9a)

May your Birthday be full of Blessings, Sunshine and Happiness throughout the coming year!
Walk in Beauty!

New Braunfels, TX(Zone 8b)

Thanks for the continued birthday wishes everyone! It has been a great day so far. I'm getting to hear from a bunch of loved ones by phone all in one day. That's always great.

Lea, it is great to have a sudo spring b-day. Last year I got a front yard full of landscaping for my b-day. This year I'm hoping for a "pergola" over my back patio!


Greenville, IN(Zone 6a)

Tonya, Did they hire someone to come in and landscape for you or did you just get the plants and you got to plant them last year I want details! After that I'm sure someone is going to build you a 'pergola', just let us know when someone tells you :)))) I'm glad it's been such a great day for you, sounds like it can only get better even!

Scottsburg, IN(Zone 6a)

Finally catching up with y'all today. Happy Birthday Tonya! I hope you get that pergola ;-)

I'm banging my head on the desk here, wondering why I can't get my peppers and tomatoes to sprout....sigh....not too much water, *perhaps* not enough but I doubt it - under lights and on a heat mat.....sigh......

I really like the idea of taking pics of the seedlings and posting them - I'll have to see if my camera does a good enough job of closeups like that.

New Braunfels, TX(Zone 8b)

Actually DH dug out and tilled the beds after I "drew" them in, then he hauled in some better dirt to replace our clay. We bought a few items like bi-color iris, and another purple bush whose name escapes me right now. I brought some rose off shoots from my old house along with some salvia, mint, ice plant and mexican petunias. Oh, also brought some irises from my old house that had been handed down to me from my great grandparents, through my grandmother. Those are pretty special to me. Got some other freebies from neighbors and grew coneflowers, daisies, marigolds, moonflowers and mealy cup sage from seeds. Since then I have been adding some plants from swaps and now have so many plants from the piggy swap that I am digging up some of the stuff from last year for a swap I am going to on the 21st! I asked for the pergola this morning and he hasn't said no yet, so we'll see if I can talk him into building it for me!! When I get home I'll try to pull out some before and after pics of the front yard.

Greenville, IN(Zone 6a)

Great I'd love to see some pictures :) I wish I had taken a start off of my grandmother's antique baby roses, they were white with a touch of pink, that bush was about 4' high and smelled heavenly! It's nice I bet to have an iris you can remember them by :) That grandmother didn't garden but my other one did she even grew her own peanuts lol She wasn't so nice though lol Too gripy!

I bet your DH comes home and tells you he will built that pergola :) Goodluck!

Greenville, IN(Zone 6a)

Robin, I remember sweating my peppers and tomatoes last year then by spring I wondered why I grow that many every year lol And I'll do it again this year! How long have you had them planted, I just don't have the patience for seeds that take 2 wks. or more lol

Mona in Metcalfe, ON(Zone 5a)

if seeds are soaked in warm water for two hours then germination is in 3 to 5 days and not two to three weeks so have fun with this

Jamaica Plain, MA(Zone 6a)

Thanks, LeBug. I'll talk to some of my other tricyrtis varieties next fall, and ask them to make some seeds for you this year. Maybe I'd better have a few words with the bees while I'm at it too. I'm hoping to be a much better seed collector this year anyway, so of course, whatever I have will be in the piggy swap (you first on any other tricyrtis) and you can oink all you want!

hi tonya
happy birthday!!

pam sue

New Braunfels, TX(Zone 8b)

Before 2008 b-day present...

Thumbnail by nbgard
New Braunfels, TX(Zone 8b)

After 2008 b-day present...

I'm picturing even more flowers this year! In fact planted out some stock, scabiosa, cleome, red flax, tidy tips, and geranium 'Bill Wallis' today to keep company with the poppies, hollyhocks, 'Happy Returns" daylily and purple hyacinth bean vines that went in the ground last week. So much fun! It was a very enjoyable way to finish off a b-day.

Thumbnail by nbgard
Brownstown, IN(Zone 5b)

Beautiful Tonya
What a difference gardening makes. A great job on your blank slate

Winchester, KY(Zone 6a)

Lea, last year I lightly covered the asters and they germinated quickly at 70-75F, nothing special for them. Geez, March is already here and its time to start so many more things! Lea, you just reminded me about the Asters, now I'm thinking Dahlias probably need to get going too.

Tonya, nice landscaping job, and what a difference it makes! What fun to see it develop and change each year.

Mona in Metcalfe, ON(Zone 5a)

I have to start my asters soon if I want them in the garden this summer lol

Springfield, MA(Zone 6a)

Sorry I missed your birthday, nbgard! I hope it was the very best. . . .

I started Amaranthus "Intense Purple" on Saturday - sprinkled just some of the seeds I received in trade - and they germinatated in two days!

But - I don't know who to thank . . . I don't believe the sender put their name on the package.

Also - someone sent me trumpet lily seeds - These are growing downstairs - but I didn't record the name of the person who sent them (yes, I know that was dumb.. . .)

The oriental lily seeds have made the baby bulbs and are now in cold storage until April, when I will bring them back into warm temperatures and presumably they will start to grow their stalks.

Finally, the lily seeds that were sent as "like Easter lilies" are also growing . . .

Anyway - with luck I will take pictures this weekend to showoff my seedlings.

Simpsonville, SC(Zone 7b)

Happy Belated Birthday Tonya! You're so lucky to have a DH that will build and dig for you. Hope you get your pergola!

I have a question... it appears I may have jumped the gun a little on my geraniums by starting them so early. Though they're not huge, I have some that are sending up flower buds already! So, is there any harm in them blooming so early? Should I remove the flower stalks or let them get started? Crazy things are only about 5" tall... took forever for my geraniums to bloom outside last year... guess they're liking all the intense artificial light!

Ella, though they're not the ones so far along as to be blooming (thank goodness, or I'd really be in trouble), I DO have 4 wonderful starts on 'Splish Splash'... many thanks to you!

Mona in Metcalfe, ON(Zone 5a)

this little guy has been living in my lean-to feeder I built last fall he eats all day and then sleeps in the corner at night he thinks its his wont let others eat lol
but he is cute

Thumbnail by scicciarella
New Braunfels, TX(Zone 8b)

Cute bird Mona, what kind is it, do you know?

Thanks for the added b-day wishes! And thanks for the compliments on the landscaping. I hesitated to post the pics because I know it is nothing compared to many gardens/beds of folks here on DG, but you gotta start somewhere, right? As with all of you, I'm sure, gardening is my therapy. When neighbors comment on how much work it is, I tell them how much I love it! Ok, I don't love it enough to offer to maintain their yards, though!


Mona in Metcalfe, ON(Zone 5a)

its a purple finch
I took the pic from the kitchen so not clear with the glass cant get any other way since its eight feet about ground and if I open the window he takes off

Greenville, IN(Zone 6a)

Tonya, you have a lovely front yard and a nice house, your beds are beautiful! They look perfect now without adding anymore :) Can't wait to see them this summer!

Thanks Neal, I'm getting ready to plant them here pretty soon, I'd say today but Intended on planting them yesterday lol I'd start the dahlias now, I don't have any to start this year but have some nice bulbs for this summer from last year. The last time I started them in the house they were fighting the lights before I got them outside lol It was probably close to this time when I started them.

scicciarella, your little birdie is cute and I like your feeder :) Nice job!

I woke up this morning and my Lisianthus and Begonias were dry as a bone, but just enough that they weren't dead! I freaked out, those lights really dried them out over night!

Southeastern, NH(Zone 5b)

Yes Tonya your beds are beautiful! I especially love your huge salvia! They don't look that nice way up north here. :)

New Braunfels, TX(Zone 8b)

Thanks everyone for your compliments on my yard (and house). I'll post another pic when the piggy swap babies are up and blooming!

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