Gardening: Cottage Garden Seed Swap & Chat #31

Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

Here's the new thread... the other one was getting slow

We came from here ......

Star -- I hope all your lil plants are OK with this cold snap and snow. And yes... the snow will help insulate, but I can't see you getting that much of it.

Thumbnail by tcs1366
Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

As for the Piggy Image... i'm only going to use the thumb nail from now on... since we all know what the piggy at the trough looks like... why keep loading the huge image onto Daves for each thread.

Greenville, IN(Zone 6a)

Tubby, I don’t have anything holding mine together they are just hammered together and hold up well, I’ve had them a few years now :)

perenniallyme, thanks for your offer :) I have three kinds of tricyrtis, Fairy said they don’t all produce seeds, mine don’t put them out until late fall and when it snowed this last time I saw all kinds of seeds spilled out on the snow left in their little seed pods from the 'White Towers' and 'Miyazaki' mine are planted together so they will probably cross but if you don’t have the White Towers I’ll save you some next fall, they have been planted for a couple of years now and haven’t seen any crossing yet and I’ve been watching for it. I have the 'Gilty Pleasure' from Fairy’s coop last year but guess they don’t produce seeds, the little flowers just fall off :( This is a great plant but boy do they spread!

Meredith, your journal just amazes me! You have put so much work in to it, you should be proud :) You have Blue Knoll going, I lost my seeds for that one but I have two I’m trying to over winter in the garage in plastic bags, and they still look like they are green from inside lol Thought it was worth a shot they didn’t bloom for me last year guess I was just too late getting them out :(

Well it's March 1st. and the wind is blowing like crazy here today!!! I don't even want to go out and check on my doggie outside lol It's 20 degrees out too! Burrrrrr

Springfield, MA(Zone 6a)

Well, it is trying to snow here . . . March will come in like a lion . . .

Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

I just got an Email that Yvonne, of "Yvonne's Salvias" has passed away at the age of 94.

She passed on Feb 26th, from what the email said. Got it from the Yahoo Groups group.

I hope mine bloom like crazy

Winchester, KY(Zone 6a)

I hope to nurture those babies to their full potential, especially hearing of Y'vonne's passing. I have 8 transplanted and looking good so far, first true leaves are expanding. I found some more seed ansofan had sent me last year and have those sown now too- don't want to take any chances!

Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

I too have a decent supply, and hope to get a ton of seeds to carry on her name. this will be my first year with them, and i currently have 3 tiny seedlings on a southern windowsill.

Menifee, CA(Zone 9a)

Sorry to hear about Yvonne. Always sad to hear of another gardener going to that happy garden in the sky.
I haven't been able to sow much seed. Will end up having to direct sow some of them. I am getting things weeded, and trimmed back, and some of the CA DG'ers sidetracked me with an idea of using a non-functioning water fountain as a succulent planter. Wow!
Then there is the H.bird thread to cheer Mom up. She is recovering and the words of advice many of you have sent have been a real help. Thank you all.
I still have seedling envy, even though some of mine have sprouted. I just don't have the time to plant them.
Oh well, a ltitle today, and more tomorrow. Eventually It will get done.
Thanks for the new thread. I do read them every day, but usually it's very late in the day. I'm goofing off right now. Miss all of you, and do enjoy (despite my envy) reading about your successes. Inspiring it is!

North West, OH(Zone 5b)

I'm back to the Gerbera discussion. I thought I was so smart by doing a little experiment. I tucked a few of Kelly's seeds into a damp paper towel to see if they would sprout...and if so from where. The experiment was a success and I now know what people mean when they say to plant the 'pointy end' down. However I wasn't smart enough to conduct this experiment BEFORE I planted the rest of the seeds and I'm pretty sure I've got them all planted up-side-down. Geesh. So what do I do now? There's no way I can find those little fellows down in the dirt to right them. Should I just kind of swish the soil around at the top and hope for the best?

Meredith - great pics! Have you added them to plantfiles and if not would you consider doing so? Please?

Thumbnail by Lala_Jane
Scottsburg, IN(Zone 6a)

Lala - I've had a couple gardening folk tell me not to lose sleep over planting some seeds "upside down", that they know which way is up and generally get the roots and everything else going in the right direction. I'm hoping that is true....

North West, OH(Zone 5b)

I've heard that too Robin and I hope it's true. That's why I was thinking about "swishing" them a little bit. I planted them so that the top was not really down in the soil, or at least not by much. If the top is where they're supposed to sprout I'm afraid there won't be enough soil contact to make that happen. But I guess as long as I keep them moist they'll sprout standing on their heads whether they're in soil or not.

Ah the joys of gardening, LOL. One thing's for never stop learning!

Western, WI(Zone 4a)

Since I can't plant seeds in the house, no room. so WS everything out side.
Ist picture is of the snow we recd. on thurs. last week. 6" and next picture is of my lily seedlings that I scaled of my purchased lily bulbs last fall. Over half have little sprouts coming out.


Sorry, it will only let me post 1 picture at a time.

Thumbnail by Maxine
Western, WI(Zone 4a)

This is the lily seedlings.


Thumbnail by Maxine
Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

That snow fall sure is pretty though Maxine. I know that by the time Feb/Mar rolls around, we are all sick of snow and ready to dig in the dirt.

Curious... do you have cats? I'm wondering how they do with the lil pots on the window sills.

I've only had a cat 3 mo now, and I'd like to get lil pots going... but i'm afraid he's gonna knock them all on the floor.

Simpsonville, SC(Zone 7b)

:) I've started saran wrapping the sides of my shelving. For some reason the Torenia was apparently tasty, and ended up on my carpet, soil and all! Pretty sure it was just in the wrong place at the wrong time (before dinner, cat-height) Mostly they don't bother them this year under the new lights in my office, but they are much more tempted by shelving in front of the window, since they'd like to be on those shelves looking out too! I had many more messes last year.

Simpsonville, SC(Zone 7b)

Ella, we're getting snow here too! Yippee! First, we got 2 days of constant rain. Haven't seen that much in years. Now it's snow, which is the first of the season for us. Crazy.

Here are my haphazard WS containers. Had to run out in the rain yesterday to rescue them from drowning, so they're scattered everywhere. Have about 50% of them or more up... hope they like the little chilly blanket :) They're saying up to 5"... my DD will be in heaven if it's so!

Thumbnail by klstuart
Western, WI(Zone 4a)

No cats.
Otherwise they wouldn't be sitting there.


Seale, AL(Zone 8b)

Lala. I wouldn't mess with yoru Gerberas, if they was outside blown to the ground they would find their own way of which way to go. They willl do fine. Glad they sprouting for ya. They one of the fussiest to grow. Make sure ya keep them on the dryier side. they get powdery mildew big time bad.

Maxine, postcard lookign pic of snow. : ) and yoru lily seedlings lookign mighty good there. : )

Kl. Has dd seen snow before, they closign most of the schools, church service s and such have all been closed here. Some of thes ekids have never seen snow in their entire lives and are havign a blast in it. Now it dropping to teens tonight and wil be ice mess. In the mornign I gotta remmebr not to race out front door or I be sailign down front steps on my kester.

Simpsonville, SC(Zone 7b)

We've had some sort of snow every year, though the best happened a few years ago when she was out of town with my DH! Last year's snow was kind of pitiful, but they managed to sled in it and make a very grassy snowman. This looks like it's gonna be much more impressive. Have about 2-3" already, and it's supposed to continue for a while yet! Hoping we get enough for them to cancel classes at Clemson, as DH has an hour drive in it if they don't!

Brownstown, IN(Zone 5b)

Maxine You should wallpaper your computer with that scene. It is just gorgeous. I used my barn scene from about a month ago for mine

Thumbnail by Indygardengal
Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

Beautiful Veronica!!

Jamaica Plain, MA(Zone 6a)

LeBug, I took your reply as a "no thanks" but if I was wrong just send me a dmail. May take you up on a few white tower seeds next winter if I have any room left. Thanks.

Menifee, CA(Zone 9a)

Got a funny for you. Tee Hee. I went to Lowe's with DH today, to pick up some supplies.
Guess who had to buy seeds? Nope, it wasn't me. Of course DH was getting things he likes like corn, and tomato's, I talked him into a couple of artichoke plants too, because my across the street neighbors' grew really well. Can't wait to plant them in the ground. Was really funny.
He bought me some plants too. Like a new freesia, umm yummy fragrance, a bush, and a Lavender plant. He also spoiled me by getting me a variety of succulents to plant in my non-working fountain/planter in the middle of the garden. Will send a photo once it is planted.
Now I need to get back to work on sowing my seeds. First, I need to reorganize. Things sort of got moved around when Mom came to stay with us. I'll find 'em and get 'em going. Mom is going to try to help, if she can.
Lovely winter scenes Maxine, and Indynannyof8. Those icicles are awesome.

Mona in Metcalfe, ON(Zone 5a)

the only things that will not grow planted upside down and some manage to make it is bulbs they do prefer to be right side up and far as seeds, what I do to make it easier on myself is I just plant the one that are not round on their side so it really doesnt matter that way roots go dont plant comes up and no worry about which end is which works every time


Winchester, KY(Zone 6a)

My Cobaea (Cup and Saucer vine) seed that was upside down was interesting to watch. It was recommended to me to place the large, flat seeds half in and half out of the potting mix. I couldn't tell top from bottom, but 4 of the 5 seeds were bottom down. The one that was upside down had a large, fuzzy root emerge from the top. Its snaked its way back down to the soil, where it grew for a few days before the cotyledons emerged as usual among the other 4. They were fun to watch!

Mona in Metcalfe, ON(Zone 5a)

that is why I do not really worry about how I plant seeds since they know what to do hahah
small one are all sown on the surface I pat them down and spritz and they grow I have found that impatients and pansies will have visible roots above ground before they ankor
sometimes I will feel sorry for them and take a toothpick and help them out and some just do it on the own

most larger seeds that are long and skinny or oval or round and flat I just lay flat and just cover lighty and they come up good


Winchester, KY(Zone 6a)

My little experiment says soak those Salvia seeds overnight in H2O2 solution. The 2nd sowing of Coral Nymph is yielding many more seedlings, and in only 2 days, after soaking. The other Salvias I soaked and sowed at the same time as the 2nd batch of Coral Nymph are developing roots, so I'm thinking soaking is a good idea for Salvias in general.

Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

Neal -- are these seeds you are sowing in doors?
you wouldn't soak for WS, would you?

Winchester, KY(Zone 6a)

They're seeds I'm sowing indoors under lights. I don't soak any wintersown seeds. Salvias tend to develop slowly for me, so I like to get an early start on them- I want those hummers around as soon as possible :-)

North West, OH(Zone 5b)

I love heariing the encouragement for my acrobatic gerbera seeds. I'm thankful to know that they may have to turn into contortionists but that they should be OK in the long run. My milkweed seeds did the same as you described Neal. They layed sideways for the longest time, but eventually most of them figured out where their dinner was coming from.

Winchester, KY(Zone 6a)

I suppose Mother Nature doesn't take the time to place them all just so, LOL.

Springfield, MA(Zone 6a)

Thanks for the tip for salvia seeds - I will soak mine from now on.

Scottsburg, IN(Zone 6a)

Yep on those salvia seeds - in fact on all the seeds, I'm going to follow Neal and Lea from now on (and Critter and who knows how many others) and soak stuff in H2O2 before planting - I'm not getting nearly as many things sprouting as I had thought I would, and didn't soak very many seeds.....rats..... I never plant every single seed though, so I can get a second round in on the ones that don't come up the first time.

Brownstown, IN(Zone 5b)

For the looking in past forums challenged how much H202 to how much water.

Mona in Metcalfe, ON(Zone 5a)

its like half a tea spoon to a quater gallon of water and that is the one at 3 per cent

Scottsburg, IN(Zone 6a)

hmmmm.......Lea knows this stuff in her sleep.... I just know how to sleep..... I usually put a glug in my pink elephant watering can (pic attached). The glug is about a tablespoon or so, and the pink elephant holds roughly a gallon of water. I only use H2O2 when I know I'll be emptying the elephant, so to speak, as it has a short shelf life once it's out of the bottle. For instances where I know I won't be emptying the elephant I'll nuke 5 cups of water with a chamomile tea bag in it, and put that in the pig and fill the rest with cold water. The result is a nice lukewarm dilute of chamomile, and that usually lasts me a day or so.

edited for stupidity.....

This message was edited Mar 2, 2009 2:46 PM

Scottsburg, IN(Zone 6a)

and now I'll remember the picture of the elephant (my other watering can is a purple dinosaur.....)

Thumbnail by dryad57
Mona in Metcalfe, ON(Zone 5a)

so cute the can fill it in the butt hahahahah I use an old bear pitcher lol it was there and now I like it and your measurement is the same as mine, I use a smaller quantity at a time hahhahahahah

Scottsburg, IN(Zone 6a)

LOL, Mona - I put in a little too much H2O2 one time, and after I watered a tray I could see it bubbling where the dirt was in the tray - what a hoot!

Mona in Metcalfe, ON(Zone 5a)

you do know that to much and it works as an herbacide right it will kill everything

I got a gallon jug of the 35 percent suff and mix it one cup for 2.5 gallons and spray to kill out weeds and destroy the embryo in the weed seeds so be carefull with that stuff

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