stictocardia seed ID

thanks Frank... i've had those things happen allready.... i have also experimented with nicking the seed coats in different ways using seeds i wasn't to worried about losing..
the photo essay using picasa is a great idea... i'm going to look that up :-)

debra... i don't know but that looks like some kind of legume to me....

two of the four seeds i have sown of the Thai Stictocardia are pushing out a root... i will have to keep an eye on their seedcoats...

(Debra) Derby, KS(Zone 6a)

yes Colin, I just noticed that as well.. *sigh*

Clatskanie, OR(Zone 9b)

Debra, the cotyledons on my stictocardia seedlings from last year were huge. Almost as big as your hand. Frank

(Debra) Derby, KS(Zone 6a)

Frank.. I have some by themselves all properly tagged so will see how they come up in about a week prolly.. I think this is a stray hicynth again..

Link, Sweden(Zone 5b)

I never do so lengthy with my seeds as fchilders.
I put the seeds into water 1-2 days. Then I plant i sowsoil. And into my greenhouse Gro Warm, with heat from the bottom.
I put stictocardia and Ipomoea setosa in water 27 February.
28 February I put in soil an into my Gro Warm. Yesterday sprout setosa and today after two day sprout Stictocardia (the seeds are from 2006 stored in my refrigator) I have NOT NICK the seeds only put in water for one day. After I say this I hope they all will be fresh and grow well. I boil water with an tea bag Camomille, and water the seedling with that, to avoid mould. I hope now that I will succed with this seedling when putting them out here :o)
pic below is Stictocardia first day above soil

Thumbnail by hobbyodlaren
Link, Sweden(Zone 5b)

And this is Ipomoea setosa treated like above in water 27 february, in soil 28 feb. Sprout 1 march day one

Thumbnail by hobbyodlaren
Link, Sweden(Zone 5b)

Ipomoea setosa
Sprout 1 march, ... day two

Thumbnail by hobbyodlaren
Netcong, NJ(Zone 5b)

Bottom heat often stimulates faster and more successful germination...especially in tropical species...

Link, Sweden(Zone 5b)

Yes Ron thats so true, since I´ve bought my greenhouse Gro-Warm I often success even to difficult seeds.

thanks for all the info/advice all....bottom heat certainly worked for the stictocardia from Thailand seeds :-)

soaked overnight... nicked and sown onto kitchen roll, in plastic tub with bottom heat, for a couple of days untill the stem/stalk appeared... then potted up as shown... within the next day or so the're up!... i've had to help a little bit with the other three seedling seedcoats but other than that they've been fine....

i have noticed though that if i pot seedlings up before the stalk appears, the seedcoat touches the soil and starts to fungus up... sometimes taking the seedling with it... if i wait untill the stalk is showing i can pot them up with the seedcoat above the soil... and although the seedcoat may have trouble comming off on it's own it doesn't rot so quickly.... this might just be with the few seedling i've grown... but i thought i'd mention it.

This message was edited Mar 2, 2009 3:34 PM

Thumbnail by ceej1963

nice pics Sylvia... your seedlings are as fast as your postal service... i got those convolvulus cantabricus today... many thanks :-)

could you put a pic up of your stictocardia cotyledons when you can... so i can see if they look like mine...

many thanks

Link, Sweden(Zone 5b)

Hi Colin, I shall take new pics tomorrow of the cotyledons and send to the tread I promise.
I saw this afternoon that even carnea ssp fistulosa is sprout. After only 2 days.

Netcong, NJ(Zone 5b)

Colin - Interesting cotyledon lobes...they seem to have a deeper indentation inbetween the sub-lobes than other related photos...

Argyreia wallichii

Argyreia hookeri

Stictocardia campanulata
This was from large seed that looked like the photo that Debra posted notice the solid cotyledon lobes...although the identity of the seedling posted may be updated if anyone could actually gets this to flower...



Netcong, NJ(Zone 5b)

Argyreia nervosa young plant with cotyledon still attached


is it looking like an Argyria then Ron?

i sort of thinking that it's probably going to be similar to the plant in this thread!

Netcong, NJ(Zone 5b)

Colin - Thanks for locating that thread...Yes, I think that the cotyledons on your seedling look very similar to the lobes on the seedling that Annette posted...the seeds that Annette started with were relatively small sized also,but yours could still turn out to be a different species than what Annette has...

I was posting some Argyreia because they are closely related to the Stictocardia and thought the cotyledon comparisons would be worth checking out...

The differences in any cotyledon shapes and the resultant plants will be interesting to document and to compare...



Link, Sweden(Zone 5b)

Stictocardia cotyledons today

Thumbnail by hobbyodlaren
Link, Sweden(Zone 5b)

Stictocardia cotyledons close up

Thumbnail by hobbyodlaren
Link, Sweden(Zone 5b)

And setosa cotyledons too

Thumbnail by hobbyodlaren
Link, Sweden(Zone 5b)

with close up

Thumbnail by hobbyodlaren

thankyou Sylvia... i hope you had a nice Birthday :-)

the cotyledons in your pic look very similar to mine.... they are also not damaged... i think i may have slightly overdone it messing about removing the seedcoats :-S

Link, Sweden(Zone 5b)

Hi Colin seeds arrive safely today many thank for caudex too. I like caudex.
Your Thai looks like my Stictocardia BUT they are smaller.
We will see when they flower if they are the same.
Yes... I never touch the seedcoats, it´s so easy to damage the cotyledons, I havealso try to help to take avay the seedcoats on big hard seeds before, but I have only destroy the cotelydons and the seedlings have died, so I never do that now. I spray with water on the seedcoats when they come up If they are hard, to help the cotelydons to sprout out.

Netcong, NJ(Zone 5b)

Thanks for posting the cotyledon photos...ideally it would be helpful to post closeup photos of the particular seeds so that we can see the correlation of the cotyledons shape with the seed characteristics....

Argyreia and Stictocardia are both in the tribe Argyreieae

Ipomoea (all species) are in a different tribe Ipomoeeae



Can yew spell the Ipomoea tribe phonetically? Bet it sounds quite interesting LOL.

Netcong, NJ(Zone 5b)

Couldn't say for certain offhand,but likely sounds like a high Renaissance angelic polyphonic motet...

Aren't each of the vowels each pronounced in Latin? So it would be "Ee-poe-moe-eh-ee-ay"? Say that 10 times real fast. Whew!

szarvas, Hungary

I use to pronounce ipomoéa in french MG is ipomée

Clatskanie, OR(Zone 9b)

I pronounce the latin words in a way that helps me remember the spelling.

i always try to find out what each part of the latin name means in english... i find this helps to remember them

here are some Stictocardia Thailand eeds next to Stictocardia macalusoi from a South African source for size comparison... they are much bigger and plumper...

This message was edited Mar 4, 2009 8:49 PM

Thumbnail by ceej1963
Netcong, NJ(Zone 5b)

The round shape seeds indicate that they were likely the only seeds in the pod as compared to the smaller seeds with the flattened sides which indicate that they were pressed up against other seeds in the pods...

Thanks for the photo comparison...



thanks Ron... i've noticed that with some nil and purpurea seeds...

Frank... the Stictocardia tiliifolia seeds came from today

from left to right: Stictocardia from Thailand, Stictocardia tiliifolia from Austrailia and Stictocardia macalusoi from South Africa (source: )

Thumbnail by ceej1963
Link, Sweden(Zone 5b)

Colin these two links au and za interesting, how do you pay when you order. I´m only familiar with paypal.

hello Sylvia... the Austrailian link accepts paypal....
place the order... then send them an email asking if you can pay by paypal...
they will reply with a total and their paypal email...
i have ordered from them once without a problem.

with bid or buy you pay by credit card :-(
there only seems to be one seed seller on Bid or Buy: "Seeds and All"
i have ordered from them without a problem twice...

hope that helps...

Link, Sweden(Zone 5b)

Thanks Colin, then I perhaps can get unusual seed for Plectranthus from Australia I shall look for that.
Yes I saw also one seed per auction, that is very stingy, at least 5 seeds, I would never buy only one seeds. If you buy 5 you´ve got at chance with success, 10 seeds your odds it´s much better.

you bid on as many seeds as you want Sylvia so you can bid for and win 10 if you want... it tells you how many there are left and asks you how many you want... odd but fair... the exchange rate is also very good... for instance the Stictocardia seeds are 2.25 rand each... thats 0.17 Euros or 0.21
USD.... the postage though is EUR 4.12 / USD 5.17... but each additional species is just 1 cent extra...

This message was edited Mar 5, 2009 8:52 PM

This message was edited Mar 5, 2009 9:00 PM

Clatskanie, OR(Zone 9b)

Great info Collin, keep up the good work. Frank

here are the cotyledons of the Thai Stictocardia that was being sold as 'Orange Purpurea' but is now being sold as S.bereviensis on ebay(bottom of the pic) next to the cotyledons of those from South Africa being sold as S.macolusoi on Bid or Buy ...

... i expected the cotyledons to bigger on the S.macolusoi as the seeds are much larger... they will probably expand a little more... and the color difference may even up as the Thai Stictocardias had paler cotyledons when they first germinated and have changed to a blue grey color.

here's a link to a pic the four S,bereviensis from Thailand that i've germinated showing the blue grey color of the cotyledons...

This message was edited Mar 22, 2009 12:38 PM

This message was edited Mar 22, 2009 12:59 PM

Thumbnail by ceej1963

here's a pic of the Operculina turpethum seeds being sold by the same ebay seller in thailand...
and a link to a pic of the seeds being sold as Merremia vitifolia...
....for frank :-)

This message was edited Mar 22, 2009 12:46 PM

This message was edited Mar 24, 2009 3:56 PM

Thumbnail by ceej1963

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