World Trade Center

Valley Village, CA

Are all our New Yorkers okay, please report in, we care about you. Crasulady

Brooklyn, NY(Zone 7a)

Thank you Crasulady Norma for the query & yr. concern,

Pirate Girl here stuck in NYC w/ no way to get off this [profanity removed] island (won't risk tunnels or bridges), all subways are shut down.

For any one w/ loved ones in NYC pls. note the following:

No subways at all, no buses, sounds like no ground transportation whatsoever.

Pls. note that cell phones here are inoperable. Please be sure to give yr. loved ones time to get to telephones to call you as it's unlikely you'll be able to reach them.

Also only network broadcast TV working from here is CBS as the others had their transmission towers on top of the World Trade Center.

I have made comparable posts at the 'old site' under both Houseplants & C&S.

Washington DC. Anybody out there, pls. check in & advise if you're OK.

Thank you again.

Pirate Girl (aka Karen Sternberg)

Valley Village, CA

Karen, thank you again, I have a granddaughter at NYU
As you said, "Cellphones'
are not working, I'm so glad that you responded. Norma

Sodwana Bay KZN, South Africa

Thanks for letting us know you are ok, Karen. I am horrified by the tragic events, my thoughts are with all you people in the US. Stay safe!

Valley Village, CA

Karen, are you okay, other than the shock?
My granddaughter made it back by subway to Brooklyn. She is also shook up but okay. Her call finally came through. Norma

Brooklyn, NY(Zone 7a)

Glad I could help Norma (especially when there's not much else that can be done). Thx for yr. concern. I stayed in Manhattan last night w/ one of my bosses.

Due to a recent leg injury, I'm wearing a leg brace & using a cane; didn't trust exit routes home to Brooklyn (if they can crash the WTC, they can crash the Bklyn Birdge), wasn't up for evacuation from the subway. Manhattan right now is pretty quiet, am in my office where the only ones here are those who actually live in Manhattan. We are a law firm & all the courts are closed (of course). Think my bosses are here 'cause they don't know what else to do w/ themselves.

(Unfortunately) I have experieenced life & death crises before & know that I become cool, calm & collected. Am sort of a bit dazed, I suppose that is the shock, but mercifully that's all that's wrong w/ me.

MIGHTY GLAD TO BE ALIVE. Thx for all yr. concerns & prayers. Hope yr. family hangs tough.


Valley Village, CA

Karen, my other New York friends have not checked in with me, I'm beside myself. Norma

Ewing, KY(Zone 6a)

Karen glad you ok .Norma glad your GD is ok and hope you hear from everybody eles soon. Hugs and prayers to all.

Brooklyn, NY(Zone 7a)


Am sorry to hear yr. other friends have not checked in yet. Pls. try to stay strongly hopeful. I will hope their delay in calling you is due to difficulties on the phone lines.

As an example, Jeff Harris & I were trying to call each other by phone for HOURS yesterday. New York City to San Diego & vice versa. Nothing was getting thru either way.

Partly it's the phone lines being down in some places & also the various phone companies' offices & switching stations having gone down. It's also a function of the NY area having DOUBLE the volume of telephone traffic as usual.

PLS. DO NOT LOSE HEART NORMA, let's just cross our fingers that it's 'cause of the phone lines & logistical problems & nothing more.

Lean on me Norma, we'll stay strong together. Crossing my fingers.

Pirate Karen

Valley Village, CA

My friends finally checked in. All is okay with them. Crasulady

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