Philly Flower Show, anyone going?

Brunswick, MD(Zone 6b)

Yep I got the whole slide show on the TV. When Critter said 425 pics I didn't think we'd get through them before I had to go to class, but we did :) They were amazing! Looks like you and Terry had a great time. And I do know the place your talking about on Rt 40. We got Rick's dad a daddy, momma, and baby deer from there one year long ago.

Brunswick, MD(Zone 6b)

Here they are. Forgot I had a picture of them. Dad was so into gardening and fake animals. He didn't like real ones in his yard. Wish I'd been gardening too before he passed away.

Thumbnail by miatablu
Mount Laurel, NJ(Zone 7a)

Hi, we enjoyed the show...just got home not too long ago! My feet and legs are tired now. My family and I met 'nutmegnana' and her husband. It was nice. I took some photos and will try and unload them tomorrow.

I'm on a 'chocolate' flower and coleus craze these days, so I loved the dark burgundy blooming plants that were used here and there in almost all the garden presentations. And as always, we drooled over the EPHenry backyard, deluxe dream display, with its gorgeous layout, plants, fountains and hi-end BBQ grill & cooking set up.

I bought some great seeds and a Sharry Baby Orchid. Sharry Baby has been on my wish list for years ^_^ Critter, I'm so tired I'll have to look at your photos tomorrow. I'm looking forward to it.

Have a good night,

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

ooh, Sharry Baby has to be the best-smelling orchid ever, and it's got such pretty, dainty blooms!

Glad to hear you & nutmeg were able to meet up!

Adamstown, MD(Zone 6b)

Hi -- It was a fun day -- lots of traffic in the parking lot! We arrived shortly after 12 and it was pretty crowded. Talked to a guy in the parking lot elevator who said it was already better than it had been earlier in the morning. They say the crowds thin out after 4 but when we left -- 7:30 or so, there was still a pretty big crowd although not as bad as in the afternoon. I really enjoyed the variety of plants entered for judging. I've never been all that "into" succulents but there was a fascinating variety of those. And, of course, the orchids. We also caught a couple of interesting speakers including ikebana flower arranging -- seems like a lot of rules and after you learn them all you go "free style" and do whatever you want anyway. Very dynamic lady doing that presentation. She was very well prepared compared to some flower arranging presentations I have seen. Also a beekeeper -- he was talking honeybees and mine are pollinators (at least they will be if they have survived the winter in my fridge) but it was still very interesting. So then we shopped a bit -- violets and orchids, as usual. Missed the New Orleans jazz from last year!

Nice meeting up with Wind, her husband and her mom -- once we managed to overcome the noise and connect on our cell phones!

Just came in from dinner. Ron is prone in the bed, turned on a basketball game and now is snoring. We'll be driving home tomorrow morning.

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